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[X] Plan Getting a Clue
-[X]Meeting with Senator Palpatine
-[X]A Budget: DC: ???
--[X]Ask Jenson to see if the Government can survive the type of deficit that it requires to fund these projects.
-[X]The Federalists and You: DC: 40
-[X]The Constitutionlsts and you: DC: 40
-[X]The New Pilots: You will oversee what Tarkin has planned for the new starfighter corps that he wants. DC: 40
-[X]The Data Center: DC: 40
-[X]Simple Talk: Isard looks down… maybe you can talk to him in a personal, non professional manner, to see what is wrong. DC:???

The first two are mandatory, both literally and figuratively, for letting our government continue functioning. Chose deficit instead of raising taxes, since JarJar still lacks enough popular support to actually get away with that without opposition.
Chose Federalists and Constitutionists because knowing what your supporters and opposition actually want is key to actually managing to do things.
Data Center to improve intelligence. I actually initially wanted to do a New Crop, to get rid of corruption; but then I remembered that Israd, who just happened to instantly find a bunch of corrupt and incompetent officers that need to be replaced right away, was Handpicked by Palpatine. Hence why the last action is to talk to him, to hopefully gain enough trust or loyalty from him to not have him screw us over when reforming the the Republic's Intelligence.
New Pilots is just to follow up with the Starfighter Law. That's it.
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[] Plan: Getting our affairs in order

We really should take the isard/tarkin personal actions next turn, but for now we shall conduct business.

[X] Plan Getting a Clue
Nevermind, I like this plan more
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The Chart New
The Chart​

As the various advisors to the new Supreme Chancellor filed into the meeting room, each of them was only barely keeping a civil expression on their faces. This was marred by the blatant curiosity in their eyes. Bail looked around, and being the diplomat decided to be the one to actually say something.

"So the Supreme Chancellor called us all here for an important meeting. Yet he isn't here himself?"

"Dat's because me' was haven to take more timen to getsa presentateon ready!" Said individual's voice sounded from behind them. Turning, they spotted the Gungan pushing some sort of wheeled display covered by a cloth into the room. Taking a moment to catch his breath, Binks gave them all a shockingly serious look.

"Wesa all seem to besa doen our most good to pullen in our ownen directions. Dat's not goen to worken." The Gungan was speaking in a tone that not many had ever heard him use. The alien sounded... irate. "So yousa're all goen to sit, and listenen. And to maken sure," he turned to look at the Senate guard that had been escorting him. "Guarden pleasen locken da door." The guard saluted, and with a "click" that somehow seemed to resonate through the room, all of them were now locked inside.

Tarkin blew out a sigh of longsuffering through his nose. "Very well Supreme Chancellor. Let's get these dramatics out of the way." The others sat as well, choosing to hold their silence for the moment.

Jar-Jar looked resigned for a moment, before taking hold of the cloth and pulling it off of the display. Underneath was a large clearly labeled venn-diagram showing how each of their positions overlapped and connected to the others.

"So da most big problem dat each of yousa focusen on yous ownen specialty. Me realize dat dat's what yousa're hair to do, but yousa're also failen to do da una then dat will maken disa a success. Yousa're all not looken at da more large whole, just yous piece of it." The Gungan pointed at Wilhuf.

"Tarkin, if yousa were to getsa da budget per da starfighters, where would yousa getsa it from? How would yousa justify da raisen in taxes so dat people wouldn't simply starten rioting? How do yousa know who most good to trusten per da builden and testen of these new fighters and who simply goen to take da mula and give us sometten liken a cockpit wit wings and a wangzapper?" Tarkin's jaw began to work as he realized the Gungan's plan of attack. Worse, he realized that the Supreme Chancellor was right. The Gungan turned his attention to Isard next.

"Me see yousa sarken, Isard. How yousa goen to getsa yous ownen people hired and facilities updated without a positive cashflow? How yousa goen to ensure dat these people getsa da trainen daysa needen? And how yousa goen to getsa people to accepten dat yousa're intenden to revive and reconfigure an entity dat was known per getten berry involved in da people's business even when it wasn't actually related tada oversight dat daysa had been given. If yousa have someone gos rogue, how yousa goen to bren themsa in?" Each time he brought up a point, Jar-Jar tapped the relevant overlap between the fields overseen by the other councilors. Isard gave a short nod as he took in the analysis. It was actually fairly accurate, he could at least admit that much to himself.

Bail and Jensen weren't spared their own pointed commentary about how they needed to be able to have effective forces to allow for unrestricted trade and to ensure that any promises made had actual effect rather than being castles built in the clouds.

At the end of the lecture, which had lasted an hour as Jar-Jar took questions from each of the councilors about where their influence stopped and the other's began, as well as how much they could exert their own power, Jar-Jar looked ready to tear his hair out, if he'd had any. But he kept his voice level as he finished.

"Yousa're all supposed to besa adults, and experts in yous fields. If yousa can't just talken to una another politely and asken per permisseon or an explanation, den me suggesten yousa getsa over yourselves, or handen in yous resignations. Wesa've got mui of worken to do, and me'm not goen to let yous egos sabotage it. And so me'm goen to besa leaven disa tup in da meeten room per da foreseeable future, just as a reminder." He whacked the diagram with the pointer he'd been using. His cabinet could do little more than nod mutely, having been given a rather frank look at how their Supreme Chancellor viewed the Republic and all of their places in it.


@Magoose here you go.
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[X] Plan Nearly Paralyzed By Too Many Choices
[X] Plan Lots To Do
[X] Plan: Getting our affairs in order
[X] Plan Getting a Clue
[X] plan political power
Or, in other words.
[X] Vote all the Plans

... I should probably just use [] Vote all the Plans instead of posting and editing my post shouldn't I?
Edit: Yeah, I probably should just use [] Vote all the Plans next time... though before I do I should check with @Magoose if its cool with him.
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[X] Plan Getting a Clue

Getting info on the deficit situation seems pretty important, like is there even a deficit? would that basically be printing money (betting on economic growth) or like borrowing it from some dubious group of oligarchs?

Also, like wheres all the tax money go? Theres no real military industrial complex to soak it up like RL and social investment seems the be pretty weak, it cant all go to corruption can it?
The Chart​

As the various advisors to the new Supreme Chancellor filed into the meeting room, each of them was only barely keeping a civil expression on their faces. This was marred by the blatant curiosity in their eyes. Bail looked around, and being the diplomat decided to be the one to actually say something.

"So the Supreme Chancellor called us all here for an important meeting. Yet he isn't here himself?"

"Dat's because me' was haven to take more timen to getsa presentateon ready!" Said individual's voice sounded from behind them. Turning, they spotted the Gungan pushing some sort of wheeled display covered by a cloth into the room. Taking a moment to catch his breath, Binks gave them all a shockingly serious look.

"Wesa all seem to besa doen our most good to pullen in our ownen directions. Dat's not goen to worken." The Gungan was speaking in a tone that not many had ever heard him use. The alien sounded... irate. "So yousa're all goen to sit, and listenen. And to maken sure," he turned to look at the Senate guard that had been escorting him. "Guarden pleasen locken da door." The guard saluted, and with a "click" that somehow seemed to resonate through the room, all of them were now locked inside.

Tarkin blew out a sigh of longsuffering through his nose. "Very well Supreme Chancellor. Let's get these dramatics out of the way." The others sat as well, choosing to hold their silence for the moment.

Jar-Jar looked resigned for a moment, before taking hold of the cloth and pulling it off of the display. Underneath was a large clearly labeled venn-diagram showing how each of their positions overlapped and connected to the others.

"So da most big problem dat each of yousa focusen on yous ownen specialty. Me realize dat dat's what yousa're hair to do, but yousa're also failen to do da una then dat will maken disa a success. Yousa're all not looken at da more large whole, just yous piece of it." The Gungan pointed at Wilhuf.

"Tarkin, if yousa were to getsa da budget per da starfighters, where would yousa getsa it from? How would yousa justify da raisen in taxes so dat people wouldn't simply starten rioting? How do yousa know who most good to trusten per da builden and testen of these new fighters and who simply goen to take da mula and give us sometten liken a cockpit wit wings and a wangzapper?" Tarkin's jaw began to work as he realized the Gungan's plan of attack. Worse, he realized that the Supreme Chancellor was right. The Gungan turned his attention to Isard next.

"Me see yousa sarken, Isard. How yousa goen to getsa yous ownen people hired and facilities updated without a positive cashflow? How yousa goen to ensure dat these people getsa da trainen daysa needen? And how yousa goen to getsa people to accepten dat yousa're intenden to revive and reconfigure an entity dat was known per getten berry involved in da people's business even when it wasn't actually related tada oversight dat daysa had been given. If yousa have someone gos rogue, how yousa goen to bren themsa in?" Each time he brought up a point, Jar-Jar tapped the relevant overlap between the fields overseen by the other councilors. Isard gave a short nod as he took in the analysis. It was actually fairly accurate, he could at least admit that much to himself.

Bail and Jensen weren't spared their own pointed commentary about how they needed to be able to have effective forces to allow for unrestricted trade and to ensure that any promises made had actual effect rather than being castles built in the clouds.

At the end of the lecture, which had lasted an hour as Jar-Jar took questions from each of the councilors about where their influence stopped and the other's began, as well as how much they could exert their own power, Jar-Jar looked ready to tear his hair out, if he'd had any. But he kept his voice level as he finished.

"Yousa're all supposed to besa adults, and experts in yous fields. If yousa can't just talken to una another politely and asken per permisseon or an explanation, den me suggesten yousa getsa over yourselves, or handen in yous resignations. Wesa've got mui of worken to do, and me'm not goen to let yous egos sabotage it. And so me'm goen to besa leaven disa tup in da meeten room per da foreseeable future, just as a reminder." He whacked the diagram with the pointer he'd been using. His cabinet could do little more than nod mutely, having been given a rather frank look at how their Supreme Chancellor viewed the Republic and all of their places in it.


@Magoose here you go.
When Jar Jar Binks is the most sensible and adult person in a room, you know that fan long since been covered in enough shit to make a dump smell great in comparison.
What? Oh yeah, the fanatic.
*Ahem, getting into character*
Once more, Jar Jar Binks shows his amazing ability to cut through to the point! Reminding each of his ministers how all their roles are connected and that trying to secure more resources and power for just themselves is short-sighted foolishness! Showing that while he may be kind, he's perfectly capable of being brutally honest and tearing down their pride, and at the same time proving he's smart enough to show those few foolish enough to doubt his capabilities in his cabinet just how scarcely intelligent he is!
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[X] Plan Nearly Paralyzed By Too Many Choices
What? Oh yeah, the fanatic.
*Ahem, getting into character*
Once more, Jar Jar Binks shows his amazing to cut through to the point! Reminding each of his ministers how all their roles are connected and that trying to secure more resources and power for just themselves is short-sighted foolishness! Showing that while he may be kind, he's perfectly capable of being brutally honest and tearing down their pride, and at the same time proving he's smart enough to show those few foolish enough to doubt his capabilities in his cabinet just how scarcely intelligent he is!

Pretty sure that was a closed door meeting. You would have to look at him passing the laws for public stuff to comment on.
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[X] Plan Getting a Clue

I like the idea of using a deficit. Ideally we can outgrow the interest in the short term long enough to pay it off. Raising the taxes at this point will only strengthen the black market or the criminal element, white collar or otherwise.

Keep in mind my goal for next turn is to start allowing for a national militia. If we have the political chutzpah I wanna reform property tax into a land value tax making the core worlds and mid rim worlds pay more to incentivise migration to rim worlds while also improving the economy via more efficient circulation of credits. Lowering core world political meddling is an added bonus.

I hope I'm making it clear my philosophy is Austrian economics and setting up a system of incentives for the people of the Republic and lower governments to better be able to handle their own problems.

An entity as large as the Republic is just too massive to effectively micro manage via burocracy. Takes too much to get it going and too much to change it's direction.
[X] Plan Nearly Paralyzed By Too Many Choices

Pretty sure that was a closed door meeting. You would have to look at him passing the laws for public stuff to comment on.
The Fanatic's a crazy droid who works in the Senatorial Archives, you really think he hasn't hacked every room's camera and set up listening devices using mouse droids?
Because he might have, probably.
Look, I may have made him but not even I know how the hell he thinks, he's crazy!
[X] Plan Getting a Clue
I like the cut of this jib. I'd like it if we could get a few different actions done (like figuring out the laws, schmoozing with the Outer Rim and nailing Nute Gunray to the wall (I'm willing to accept 'metaphorically' as a compromise)) but I recognize that we need to do things in a certain order.

Also, IIRC the Naboo Crisis was kicked off because the previous administration wanted to revoke the tax exemption of megacorporations after decades of investment in the Outer Rim now that they were no longer needed to be profitable. What's the status of that? My understanding was that the act was passed and the blockade was in part a protest against it, seeking the exemptions' return.
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