Voting is open
[X] the Archival Audit and Assessment Act, or the Triple-A
[X] Plan: Prevent another Naboo
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[X] Plan: Prevent another Naboo
-[X] Right to Request Investigation Law
--[X] Minor
---[X] Gives systems the right to directly request the Republic Office of Criminal Investigation (ROCI) and/or the Jedi Order send representatives to officially investigate breaches of Republic Law within their space. The request can be issued by either the systems' legislative body, Head of State. or Senatorial Representative. Any investigation request can only countermanded by the majority vote of the Senate.
----[X]Political Power Spent: 1000 (500 to propose, 500 for Faction negotiation).
-----[X]Factions negotiation: Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions
-[X] Starfighter Reaction Force program
--[X] Minor
---[X] Start a naval program for awarding a defense contract for the design and procurement of a new Starfighter design. The starfighter must be hyperdrive equipped, and possess shields and sufficient armament.
---[X] Setup a volunteer recruitment and training program for the creation of several starfighter squadrons under the Republic Security Force, that will serve as QRFs in response to attempts by criminals groups to attack, blockade, or extort member planets of the Galactic Republic.
----[X]Political Power Spent: 1000 (500 to propose, 500 for Faction negotiation).
-----[X]Factions negotiation: Military Reformists (Republican Security)

The goal is basically to prevent a repeat of the Invasion of Naboo, something that is In-Character for JarJar, Poltically Relevant, and will hopefully help improve the republic's ability to actually uphold its own laws. The Right to Request Investigation Law will address the stupidest part of the whole fisco, that the Republic somehow couldn't send someone to look into Naboo and go 'Yep, that's illegal', and instead had the group accused of said invasion propose a commission to tie things up. So, now planets can just request the republic to investigate directly instead of having to go through the Senate. Simple and understandable as a minor reform to prevent the mistakes of Valorum. Will hopefully be popular with the Outer Rim Faction, since it makes it easier by neglected system to now request help from the republic.
Starfighter Reaction Force is an expansion of that, by actually giving said investigation some teeth, and allow Judical Forces to be able to contest a similar invasion without overly militarizing, which will hopefully prevent too much opposition from the Constitutionalists while gaining support from the Military Reformists.

Edit: WAIT, do we propose Laws separately, and the ones with the highest votes within our budget win, or do we do by-plan?
[X] Plan Building the Tools to Build the Tools
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oh damn let me reformat mine then

[X] Plan Building the Tools to Build the Tools
-[X] the Fair Accommodations within the Rotunda, or the FAR Act
--[X] Minor Law
---[X]A refurbishment of current Senate pods and legislative procedures to provide holo-emitters and advanced protocol droids to every delegation, so that instead of having to be proactively fluent in Basic, Sentients who naturally communicate in pheromones and sonar emissions and infrared skin-colors can more fully participate in Senate proceedings, and can still participate even on lengthy Outer Rim constituency business or when back in their underwater or human-poisonous home. (And also making it completely transparent whenever a Senator is absent without leave and is ducking a vote call)
----[X] 500 Political Power Points
-[X] the Archival Audit and Assessment Act, or the Triple-A Act
--[X] Minor Law
---[X] A new senatorial sub-commitee and special ministerial commission granted full access to inspect, review, and condense the multifarious precedents and minor technicalities of Senate business and actually assemble in one digestible form the exact number of delegations in the Senate, the exact ways in which every delegation is appointed and/or elected, and what's actually on the books of ancient decrees and what's simply customary manners. All under a gloss of preparing to streamline Senatorial traditions and start getting rid of countless governmental inefficiencies and useless laws against deadsteel duels between Senators and such (and with the larger aspirations of making the Senate more business-like and lobbying dependent, more centralized, or more democratic, left up to the imagination)
----[X] 500 PPP
-[X] the Civic-Senatorial Programming and Info-feed Network Act, or the C-SPIN Act
--[X] Minor Law
---[X] In conjunction with the FAR Act, build up a public HoloNet service broadcasting all open hearings and Senate business, as well as Supreme Court proceedings, normal pubic announcements, and edu-tainment programs on how to petition your local Senator and how the Galactic Constitution was historically developed with the Four Sages of Dwarti and the Ruusan Reformation and so on. General feel good measure that everyone can join in on (and can give Jar Jar his later chance to create his own Fireside Chat Holocasts)
----[X] 500 PPP
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[X] Plan: Prevent another Naboo
-[X] the FAR Act
-[X] Starfighter Reaction Force program
-[X]the C-SPIN Act
[X]Plan: would you like to know more?
[X] Plan Building the Tools to Build the Tools

I like this it is practical and practicable for Jar Jar's first attempt at passing laws.

//Edit: Because I don't like the idea of Jar Jar biting off more than he can chew... again.
[X] Plan: Prevent another Naboo
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Also, just to double check. Are we just making laws to be voted on later?

Becaus I'm confused whether or not we're making plans.
How to propose a law (Format):

[]The Law name
-[]What type of law is it (Minor, Major, Reform)
--[]It's contents (Please note, the more detailed it is, the less likely it can get changed.
---[]Political Power Spent (read Above for the points needed.)
----[]Factions negotiation (choose the major faction or factions you want to help co-author, and hope you put down enough political power to get them on your side. Note: Optional, but recommended.)
I have this thing here... exactly for this reason.

I have this thing here... exactly for this reason.
Oh, I know the law format thing. I was just wondering if there was going to be a second vote where we make plans using the laws that people has formatted. My confusion is that there's some people just voting for individual laws while others are making plans of what laws the want to put forward.
Oh, I know the law format thing. I was just wondering if there was going to be a second vote where we make plans using the laws that people has formatted. My confusion is that there's some people just voting for individual laws while others are making plans of what laws the want to put forward.
If you have more then one law,

add a -[] under the first vote so that it will all stay together.

Though I may change it if it gets to hard or things get strange
So infrastructure on a singular planet is still a minor act, right? So hypothetically… we could create the infrastructure (read: shipyard/facilities) necessary to create ships specifically for the Judicial Forces/any future Republic Navy. Such as… starfighters equipped with shields and a hypderdrive that I noticed one of the planned acts someone made called for. Designing an entirely new starfighter, however, is not necessary. The Republic already possess a tried and tested starfighter with such capabilities, that has already seen war and is known to be effective: The Aurek-class tactical strikefighter (A starfighter that saw use in the Old Republic's Navy). We could simply fund the creation of a small shipyard complex, tooled specifically to making modernised Aureks—and then take those Aureks, and use them in conjunction with the second phase of the proposed Starfighter Reaction Force program Act, giving us a reliable and consistent source of starfighters, that isn't reliant on other interests that can be used as a Quick Reaction Force. Alternatively— we could sell the Aureks manufactured by the shipyards to Planetary Defense Forces in order to better equip them against threats (ahem: piracy/corporations) and give us funds to work with)— with possibly a discount towards systems in the Outer Rim that can't afford preexisting options/with the knowledge that they need the starfighters more than anywhere else.
[X]The Criminal Operations Combat Law
[X]Plan: would you like to know more?
[X] Plan Building the Tools to Build the Tools
[X] Plan: Prevent another Naboo
Voting is open