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Hmmm... thinking about it if we did something that would empower the Jedi to more stuff freely around the Galaxy without having to ask for the Senate's permission for every little detail would that, perhaps, stop Dooku from leaving the Order? If I remember correctly, he left just after Qui-Gon Jinm died so this may be the only turn that we can try to avoid it from happen.

Also: love how this thread has basically become the Senate with everyone discussing what to do for various pages without a vote starting yet :tongue:. The QM must be loving it. :grin:
Was at work just got home here's my idea

[ ]Plan: would you like to know more?

-[ ]The outer rim militia act (minor law)
A tax break for all able bodied sentients who enlist for service lasting no longer than six months active duty off planet but who remain on call for mutual defence when not active

-[ ] better prepared training act (minor law)
A tax break for all able bodied sentients who can prove an ability to meet specifications in armorment, training, and group integration for the purpose of mutual self defense

Make being a militia man something people want to do by giving a round about economic incentive, provide an even greater incentive to do the job well. Better military rating through both quality and quantity. We'll be able to set up a bare bones intelligence service via the men we send to inspect the troops. It's a populist law that helps out the common man and since it's only a tax break for the individual it doesn't help the trade federation who uses droids.

More to the point it puts the republic on a more solid footing for war without needing to piss off the small government types and sets a foundation for further expansion later with a solid nco corps

Thoughts comments concerns? I'll be up for another hour before going to bed

@Magoose these are minor laws right? Just tax breaks for certain actions
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Hmmm... thinking about it if we did something that would empower the Jedi to more stuff freely around the Galaxy without having to ask for the Senate's permission for every little detail would that, perhaps, stop Dooku from leaving the Order? If I remember correctly, he left just after Qui-Gon Jinm died so this may be the only turn that we can try to avoid it from happen.
wait they can't do anything without the senate permiting?
[x] The Criminal Operations Combat Law
-[x] Minor Law
-- [x] It's contents:
Establishes the Interplanetary Security Task Force (ISTF) as a specialized unit tasked with combating organized crime and cartel activity in no more than two Outer Rim sectors at a time in systems identified as hotspots for organized crime.
This task force will operate with full authority under the Republic Security Force.
The ISTF will have the authority to conduct investigations, arrests, and gather intelligence on suspected criminal organizations.
The law will also legalize and regulate the methods for the ISTF to gather intelligence, including collaboration with local planetary security forces, thereby ensuring a comprehensive approach to crime prevention.
--- [x] Political Power Spent: 1000 (500 to propose + 500 to increase the chance of passing the vote).
---- [x] Factions negotiation:
Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions: 500 political power to secure their support, as these regions are heavily affected by crime and cartel activities.
Military Reformists: 500 political power to gain the backing of this faction, as the law aligns with their focus on improving Republic security.
Total Political Power Spent: 2000.
[X]Plan: would you like to know more?

-[X]The militia act
--[X] minor law
---[X] it's contents:
Provides A tax break for all able bodied sentients who enlist for service lasting no longer than six months active duty off planet but who remain on call for mutual defence when not active

----[X] political power spent: 500 to propose

-----[X] faction negotiation: 500 for outer rim and agrarian factions

-[X] better prepared training act
--[X] minor law
---[X] it's contents:
A tax break for all able bodied sentients who can prove an ability to meet specifications in armorment, training, and group integration for the purpose of mutual self defense

----[X] political power spent: 500 to propose

-----[X] faction negotiation: 500 to outer rim and agrarian factions

Total political power spent: 2000

This is something three out of 4 factions should want. The Republican constitutionalists will like the added power the systems will get from a decentralized military structure, military reformists will like the added manpower and militarism for future reform. And the agriculture and outer rim should like the double tax break that also helps the defend themselves. Being in effect two minor tax breaks that most people like it should be easy to pass both
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[X]The Criminal Operations Combat Law
[X]Plan: would you like to know more?
[X] Plan Building the Tools to Build the Tools
[X] Plan: Prevent another Naboo

Edit: It's near midnight for me, so I might do it tomorrow if can think of something.
Edit:Edit: I guess I'm voting for every plan again? I mean, all these Laws are really good!
Well the C-SPIN Act isn't as good as the others, but it's still really good!
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[X]Plan: would you like to know more?

Recording of Senator Jhonson's office by an unnamed party: ...don't give a damn what the Core thinks! Folks out on the Rim live in fear of bandits, mercenaries, and those Trade Federation bastards; giving a tax break to self defense militias is the Force damn minimum we could do! The fucking Alderaan peacniks have never faced a slave raid or a Hutt cartel; they don't know what it's like to live in fear! I am gonna whip those votes for the Chancellor, by the Force!
if we want to go with multiple minor laws under our belt, I have a couple of ideas-

[X] the Fair Accommodations within the Rotunda, or the FAR Act
-[X] Minor Law
--[X]A refurbishment of current Senate pods and legislative procedures to provide holo-emitters and advanced protocol droids to every delegation, so that instead of having to be proactively fluent in Basic, Sentients who naturally communicate in pheromones and sonar emissions and infrared skin-colors can more fully participate in Senate proceedings, and can still participate even on lengthy Outer Rim constituency business or when back in their underwater or human-poisonous home. (And also making it completely transparent whenever a Senator is absent without leave and is ducking a vote call)
---[X] 500 Political Power Points
----[X] Outer Rim Interests, Corporatists, Federalists

[X] the Archival Audit and Assessment Act, or the Triple-A Act
-[X] Minor Law
--[X] A new senatorial sub-commitee and special ministerial commission granted full access to inspect, review, and condense the multifarious precedents and minor technicalities of Senate business and actually assemble in one digestible form the exact number of delegations in the Senate, the exact ways in which every delegation is appointed and/or elected, and what's actually on the books of ancient decrees and what's simply customary manners. All under a gloss of preparing to streamline Senatorial traditions and start getting rid of countless governmental inefficiencies and useless laws against deadsteel duels between Senators and such (and with the larger aspirations of making the Senate more business-like and lobbying dependent, more centralized, or more democratic, left up to the imagination)
---[X] 500 PPP
----[X] Federalists, Constitutionalists, Corporatists

[X] the Civic-Senatorial Programming and Info-feed Network Act, or the C-SPIN Act
-[X] Minor Law
--[X] In conjunction with the FAR Act, build up a public HoloNet service broadcasting all open hearings and Senate business, as well as Supreme Court proceedings, normal pubic announcements, and edu-tainment programs on how to petition your local Senator and how the Galactic Constitution was historically developed with the Four Sages of Dwarti and the Ruusan Reformation and so on. General feel good measure that everyone can join in on (and can give Jar Jar his later chance to create his own Fireside Chat Holocasts)
---[X] 500 PPP
----[X] Federalists, Constitutionalists, Corporatists, Outer Rim Interests
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