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[X] Plan I am Iron Man


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[x] Plan: The Dragon of the Republic
- [x] [] Erlang Loong
- [x] [] An crimson humanoid Chinese dragon with two long whisker on his face, wearing a gold and white kimono
- [x] [] Opportunistic Diplomat
[x] I Definatly didn't Ask for this!
- [x] A'dama Jensen
- [x]
- [x] The Calculating Technocrat
Not as damaged as it would be after 10 years of Palpatine undermining it from a position of Leadership. We can still turn this around. Won't be easy, though.
No the republic as it is was already dying all the signs are there it is only just standing by sheet inertia and the jedi duc tape and we see the republic just befor the splintering as the Separatist crisis Shows it is a legitimate movement and if it wasnt hijacked from the get go would have probaly resonated with more worlds so yes we are in the waning days of the Republic as hard as it may Sound palps reform into the empire was the only vesible solution to not fracuter the republic into Mini states as the sith Set the Board exactly for this if you cant control it let it die under its own weight and crave ypur own empire from it.So yea i like jarjar binks he could stumble into a miracle here.
All I will say is that: YEs The Republic is on the down turn.

But the things is, this is not the worst shape the Republic has been in...

It only became worse and fell because of Papa Palps doing everything in his power, to fuck everything over, and destroy the republic.

Which he did masterfully by the way.
Probably a hot take, but I never found myself liking Jar Jar that much.

He's funny, but he's really one-note and generally makes a situation worse before making one better from what I've seen.

As far as I can tell, he's only popular because of his memes of being a Sith Lord, though I could be completely wrong on that.
Coldest take in all of Star Wars, actually. Liking him, like I do, is the actual Hot Take.
Ah okay. It's just that I've seen a bunch of people liking him on the internet and thought it was the general consensus.

Also, iirc, we should be around the point of Phantom Menace in the movies, so Anakin is around which we should probably do something about.
Um this is right after Phantom Menace.

Palagious is dead, maul is dead... ish.

and this time, Papa Palps will not be the most powerful politician in the galaxy.

Also, Anakin will be with the Jedi order.

In fact, I am going to say this...

Balancing the Jedi orders wants and needs, is one of the actual key factors in keeping your government legitimate but they are also very useful for solving crisis from getting worse.

Because Jedi are great.

But the people don't like them that much.
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Ah okay. It's just that I've seen a bunch of people liking him on the internet and thought it was the general consensus.

Also, iirc, we should be around the point of Phantom Menace in the movies, so Anakin is around which we should probably do something about.
We are a politican what intrestes us one jedi if other plans win who dont have a personal connection to him ?
Papa Palps is Furious. New
Palpatine, still in his guise as a kindly, manipulative Senator of Naboo, had been meeting with his Sith master, Darth Plagueis, discussing the grand plans for their eventual rise to ultimate power. As fate would have it, during this critical meeting, Palpatine needed to ensure his absence from the Senate would not cause suspicion. So, on a whim, he appointed Jar Jar Binks, a well-meaning yet clumsy Gungan representative from Naboo, to serve as a temporary representative in his place.

When the Senate gathered for their session, several senators, noting Palpatine's absence, inquired whether more assistance or authority was needed to help Naboo or aid Palpatine directly. In classic fashion, Jar Jar, while fumbling over his words, tried to downplay the situation but in doing so made a heartfelt, if somewhat confusing plea. "No, no... Meesa don't think Palpy needsa help... But meesa... meesa tink the Republic needsa help, da worlds, dey needsa help!" His words, delivered with unintentional sincerity, struck a chord with many Senators.

Jar Jar was seen as a harmless, easily controlled figure—a naïve and sincere individual with no real political agenda of his own. For many Senators, this made him the perfect candidate for Chancellor. They saw him as a puppet that wouldn't rock the boat, a figurehead that could be manipulated to push their own agendas without real resistance. Thus, support for Jar Jar began to grow rapidly among the Senators who believed they could use him to maintain stability or further their own causes without interference.

What started as a joke quickly gained momentum. Senators from across the galaxy—some amused, others calculating—threw their support behind him, seeing Jar Jar as the ideal stooge. They underestimated him, and more importantly, they underestimated the true masterminds behind his rise.

In a shocking turn of events, Jar Jar Binks was voted into office by a landslide. His "aw-shucks" attitude and non-threatening persona had convinced the entire Senate that he was the best possible choice to fill the Chancellor's seat.

Palpatine was furious when he realized the consequences of his hasty decision to appoint Jar Jar Binks as a temporary representative for Naboo. What had been a simple, whimsical move to cover his absence while he met with Darth Plagueis unexpectedly backfired in ways even he couldn't have predicted. Palpatine, ever the master planner, had foreseen countless scenarios in his pursuit of galactic domination, but this—Jar Jar ascending to the position of Supreme Chancellor—was something he hadn't seen coming from a mile away.

As reports poured in of Jar Jar's increasing popularity among the Senators, Palpatine seethed in private. His pawn had unintentionally captured the hearts of the Republic with his clumsy sincerity and innocent charm, traits that many senators saw as a refreshing change in the murky waters of political scheming. Worse still, because Jar Jar was seen as harmless and easily manipulated, the other senators, blinded by their own hubris, rushed to support his candidacy.

Palpatine had intended for Jar Jar to simply fill the gap, remain unnoticed, and keep Naboo represented in the Senate. But instead, the bumbling Gungan had somehow managed to secure widespread support as the ultimate compromise candidate—a stooge who would neither push a dangerous agenda nor hinder anyone's political maneuvers. And now, to Palpatine's growing horror, Jar Jar had won the Chancellorship by a landslide, catapulting him into one of the most powerful positions in the galaxy.

Though his face remained calm and composed in public, Palpatine's mind raced furiously. How could his carefully laid plans be derailed by such a ridiculous turn of events? How had his whimsical choice of Jar Jar—a puppet who should have been easily controlled—spiraled into this disaster? He had miscalculated, and that realization burned him deeply.

But Palpatine was nothing if not adaptable. Though enraged, he knew he had to regain control. Jar Jar might have accidentally slipped into the Chancellor's seat, but Palpatine would make sure the Gungan remained a puppet—one whose strings he would tighten from behind the scenes, ensuring that his ultimate vision for the Republic would still come to pass, no matter how unpredictable this setback had been.
[X] Plan I am Iron Man
-[X] Antony Stark
-[X] It's Robert Downey Jr.
-[X] The Calculating Technocrat

Would have added a picture, but I have no internet right now

Edit: Fun fact, there is a Stark family in Star Wars. Unfortunately, Iaco Stark was the pirate lord responsible for the relatively recent Stark Hyperspace War.
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