They are stuck in hospital for physical and mental therapy.
Jesus. 🤔
Mental Asylum
Aunt May can't help but sigh. Ever since all the craziness that various news channels are calling "The Event" things have been rapidly going wrong for the Parkers. The great news is that the old coot, her husband, Ben is back. Thank the lord. It was quite the happy occasion. Enough so that it earned a Party. Though he seems to be constantly wearing some form of combat gear when he leaves the house.
When she asked him about it he replied, "I have died countless times to some form of thugs. Sometimes one guy, other times multiple. I'm not taking any chances May. Only God knows how many times I scarred poor Peter with my death. I'm not going to have a repeat." Oh how could she possibly forget. She had cried at his funeral countless times. She just wanted to put it behind her. Like a bad dream for a child. Or a particular bad day at work.
Sigh. She even saw Ben bring Ol' Reliable out from the attic once. She should have questioned why he needed his shotgun to grab groceries, but.....She couldn't bring herself to argue with her husband. Oh Lord forgive her. She just didn't want to see her love in the ground again.
Oh, where was she? Ah yes, "The Bad News". Peter. Our poor boy. A few days after The Event occurred he started screaming and hollering. Thrashing, Bashing, and Destroying damn near everything in sight. Screaming about "Mephisto, Dumb War, Stupid Hateable/Lovable Billionaires, Zombies, Supervillains, Superheroes, Mary Jane, Gwen, Osborn Bastards, Uncle Ben and Aunt May." And many more things she can't remember off the top of her head. But they sounded bad based on Peter fervent angry and manic tone.
She and Ben had to do their best to reign him in. It helped that they too had the same gifts Peter had, making them Spider People. Yet he was Younger, Stronger. It was like trying to tame a Raging Bull that saw red. They were thrown clear through the house and onto the street. It was a great thing that Peter had some conciousness left to see that what he was doing is wrong. He just dropped to his knees like a puppet with his strings cut. Kneeling there, saying that "He's Sorry" over and over again while crying a waterfall.
She and Ben closed in hugging the poor boy for all he's worth. Which to them, was a whole megaton. They then brought him to a mental hospital to see what was wrong. When the doctor brought the news we were devastated.
"I'm sorry Sir, Mam. I'm afraid your Nephew/Son is suffering from severe forms of PTSD, Depression, and Suicidal Thoughts. The fact he's still going amazes me. From what he has told me about himself and the things he deals with on the daily for both his Super Persona and Regular Life. If it was any other man, they'd be dead right now. From killing themselves on the spot. It sure was a good thing that you got to him when you could, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation."
"Tell it to me straight Doc. Will Pete be okay?" Ben asked. Looking for some good news in bad. The doctor looked unsure. Apparently a case like this is a first for him. He said he would try his best. "Hopefully, Medication, Meditation, Some time with family and friends, and Stress Relieving activities will do the trick. But, you two must understand...." The doctor looked at them expectantly.
Ben sighed "We know your not a miracle worker doc. We'll hope for the best and we won't blame you." The doctor sighed. He was glad. They were then given forms to sign and called it a day. The doctor bringing Peter into the Mental Ward.
"Will Peter really be okay Ben?" May asked. "We can only hope, May. We can only hope." Ben answered.
Which brings us to now, with both of them onto their daily visit to make sure he was okay. And the new normal of Ben being strapped with combat gear put in a mental locker in the depths of May's head. Forgotten for now, she has a boy to worry about. They got in and was wrung up to Peter's room. Surprisingly guarded by the goons of Shield. Nick thought he was being clever when he treated Peter like a threat. Sadly, he wasn't clever enough to dodge the Right Hook of Ben or think that if anything did happen some guards aren't going to cut it. Pete can be quite resourceful after all. Also, Spider Strength, Agility, and Sense.
Ben nodded to the goons and knocked on the door. "Pete. We're here to visit again." A "come in" was all that replied. And they did, it broke their heart every time. Peter has been trying his best to stay sane. Actively participating in whatever the doctor ordered. But, it just didn't seem to be enough. His eyes kept flitting about every which way, his hair unkempt by the constant scratching he does, then there are the doodles. The art he plastered on the walls. Depicting whatever was on his mind to try and organize his memories. That just seemed to relapse him into a screaming mess though. She and Ben tried to get him to stop, but Peter can be quite stubborn. When he thinks he has a solution he would try his best at it. She just wished it didn't result in a rambling madman.
"We brought goodies Peter. We know hospital food can be quite bland at times." She said. "Aw thanks Aunt May! Your sweets are the best!" Pete said with a, for a moment, genuine smile. She hiccuped. She nearly cried. Ben took a hold of her shoulder being a mountain to leave her back too.
"Heya Sport, Why don't we go for a ride on the town when you are given the "okay" by the doctor. It'll be fun." He offered with a smile. Peter smiled back, but his reply left much to be desired. "That sounds great Uncle Ben! Hope you can wait a few years. I....still don't feel so hot up here." Ben gave a great smile at that. His enthusiasm not being deterred. "Don't worry Sport, I can wait."
After a few more small talk and making sure Pete ate all the baked goods they left on their way. Hopefully, it wouldn't actually be a few years. They can hope.