Metroid: Zero Missions At All

I'm sorry for the musclesamus.

I know better now. I should be more in line with canon.




EDIT: Why yes this shit pisses me off, why do you fucking ask?!
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You know, there may, may have been a legitimate argument for getting rid of some of the effect because, hey, maybe I overdid the muscle a little.

But then again-
Samus is blessed with Chozo DNA- this is part of why she is so tall, I believe. She also has... basically nothing but muscle on a tall lean frame; and her muscle mass is not very bulky (I would imagine this is in part beecause she does not fight things with her own body but while making use of the Power Suit).

This is a techwank excuse for a design choice by Nintendo, which is basically just for completely unnecessary sex appeal, and-

Hey, not her fault Chozo have bullshit biotech and know what a good body looks like.:p:ogles::p

Yeah. This fucking thing.

Now I'm not gonna fucking budge.

Anyway, writing a post.

EDIT: Nnnnnnnnnnnnope. Fuck this and fuck you.
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Meh, Samus has always been sexualized.

Not an excuse.

Because hey, at least those look like people, and Super Metroid Samus actually has muscle and her body actually looks like it has organs in it.

Not so for this shit.

Fucking look at this garbage.

Look at it.

It's like Rob Liefeld all up in this motherfucker. Also, heels.
Hey, not her fault Chozo have bullshit biotech and know what a good body looks like.:p:ogles::p
Heh. Heheh. Hehehehehehehehee!

I'm sorry, but I've never seen someone just... jeez good sir or madam, you! You have made my day.

Not an excuse.

Because hey, at least those look like people, and Super Metroid Samus actually has muscle and her body actually looks like it has organs in it.

Not so for this shit.

Fucking look at this garbage.

Look at it.

It's like Rob Liefeld all up in this motherfucker. Also, heels.
I'm not that bothered with the heels, because I love anything that has rockets on them, but I see why the animation bothers you. To be fair it could be partly that its harder to animate with muscles, but that's only like... 12%.

89% of that was trying to turn her into a barbie doll.
not enough pouches, but why does she have heels?
Supposedly because Rockets, but it's really because it's 5sexy, guyyyyyyys.

It's made worse because honestly, it looks like jam pudding was smushed into the vague shape of feet in those heels, rather than, you know, actual feet.

Also, good god that color looks ugly.
At least if it was pink it would match with the rest of the suit's non-blue parts.

And you're not really being fair Moid, you can't expect realistic anatomy from Smash Brothers, realistic anatomy is an absolute pain to animate, so they don't really bother.
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At least if it was pink it would match with the rest of the suit's non-blue parts.

And you're not really being fair Moid, you can't expect realistic anatomy from Smash Brothers, realistic anatomy is an absolute pain to animate, so they don't really bother.
So... what did Captain Falcon pay Nintendo under the table for the most realistic anatomy?

Kiddimg, kidding.

On second thought, fuck writing a post. Not in the mood for it. Maybe later when I'm less pissed at the thread.
And now I'm sad.
My question is why are you even bothering to use the SSB Zero Suit model? It's not actually canon in the Metroid universe.

If you're going to use a model, why not use the one from Corruptions. The Proportions are way better, also, no heels.

On a related note:
I'm looking forward to Samus and her rocket heels. Her jump will be even higher and she could probably kick people and blast them away with rocket power.

My favourite Samus design is still Metroid Fusion, BTW (with Corruption and Zero Mission tied at a close second).
The sidearm in there looks kinda nice. Maybe. Everything else is just... :jackiechan:. Especially the animation.

Why the hell would you make a (more or less) anatomically correct human character look like they have some bracelets, anklets and a layer of body paint on for wardrobe and then give them an animation set firmly in the Uncanny Valley territory? It kinda defeats the purpose.


As for fanservice itself, I am firmly against the 'layer of body paint pretending to be clothes' trend that seems to permeate everything nowadays.

I dunno, maybe I am being a prude, but I prefer to watch my porn separately from things I watch or play for fun. Considering what I saw of marketing and art design over the years and continue seeing now, that is apparently an unpopular idea.

I'm just not seeing why anyone would do that. 'Sex sells'? Eh, if your creation took off in the masses, all that pornification is gonna fill all those h-doujinshi, fanart, fan games, flash movies, cosplay, etc, etc on its own even if the amount of sex appeal in the original work was tending to zero. And if it doesn't , then you ain't gonna find any Rule 34 material on it regardless of how much fetish fuel you pumped it with.

I suppose I am grumbling for the sake of grumbling. Really, I should be happy that Metroid doesn't have any loli appeal going in it yet.
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