Metroid: Zero Missions At All

High heeled footwear that doubles as jumpjet boots have nothing wrong to them by themselves. It's when they start looking like stiletto heels and make you doubt there is a leg inside... Then you start running into problems.
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He apparently didn't like my post and decided to express that dislike in a manner more suited for a second grader than a productive member of the forum community.
Yeah I'm not gonna deny it, I only really used that image because I found it funny. If I'd thought about it more I'd have probably just used a gif of someone shaking their head, but eh. Its done.

But seriously though you completely missed the point of what Moid was complaining about. Like, wow.

Hint: The proportions aren't his only issue with canon Samus. Nor are the high heels.

High heeled footwear that doubles as jumpjet boots have nothing wrong to them by themselves. It's when they start looking like stiletto heels and make you doubt there is a leg inside that you start running into problems.
Yeah, definitely agree with this. The jet boots are an awesome idea. Making them high heels? Not so awesome.
Honestly, if they absolutely HAD to have jump boots and not have then be actual boots, the high heel design actually makes a little sense. Since her style is so heavily kick based, having the jump boots be as light as possible made sense when she didn't have the rest of the armor to balance her out.

That being said, they did a terrible job designing the legs that were attached to the semi-reasonable design. I mean holy shit, where are her carpels? I really wish they had kept the regular armored boots she had in her actual Varia suit. I somewhat understand slimming down on the weight for her acrobatic style, but the collective problems with her design make me unable to forgive it.
I didn't understand what all the hate was about.
Then I took a closer look at how Samus's waist was bending in that screenshot with Luigi.
Nintendo, do you even anatomy?
I didn't understand what all the hate was about.
Then I took a closer look at how Samus's waist was bending in that screenshot with Luigi.
Nintendo, do you even anatomy?

Well, considering we have characters with oversized heads, stubby legs, anthropomorphic talking animals AND fungi...

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Personally I imagined Samus to look like a kinda-buff gymnast.

That's my interpretation as well.

You know, those clearly fit yet very shapely figures you see in those YouTube Fitness videos that stars female exercisers with skin-tight exercise wear and trying so damn hard to make revealing poses to attract horny thirteen year olds...

Fuck this. Zero Missions at All is now on indefinite hiatus. I used to have fun with it. Had fun drawing for it and all that shit.

Now, just looking at the thread is pissing me off.

Thanks, guys. Protip for the future: know when to shut your fucking mouth.
Maybe taking up over a page of the thread with arguments over samus and her body type mighta been a bad idea. You know, when its a fanfic thread and not a metroid general thread.
Well, your use of the phrases "Fuck this" and "just looking at the thread is pissing me off" suggest an somewhat disproportionate level of rage.
or maybe the posters could have gone, 'huh this is a hot button for moid. lets lay off of it.' but then they didn't.
Well considering that he was contributing to the discussion and most of the posters were on his side of the argument, they probably figured it wasn't that big a deal for him.
I mean, really if he didn't want to talk about it, he's the OP. He could just not have joined the discussion and instead told everyone to stop talking about it.
Maybe he thought you wouldn't take up over a page before thinking "Maybe we shouldn't clog up the thread with this"
Just stop, you're only going to make this worse.
Well considering that he was contributing to the discussion and most of the posters were on his side of the argument, they probably figured it wasn't that big a deal for him.
I mean, really if he didn't want to talk about it, he's the OP. He could just not have joined the discussion and instead told everyone to stop talking about it.

You aren't very bright, are you?

You know, there may, may have been a legitimate argument for getting rid of some of the effect because, hey, maybe I overdid the muscle a little.

But then again-

This is a techwank excuse for a design choice by Nintendo, which is basically just for completely unnecessary sex appeal, and-

Yeah. This fucking thing.

Now I'm not gonna fucking budge.

Anyway, writing a post.

EDIT: Nnnnnnnnnnnnope. Fuck this and fuck you.


In the end, it's still the same. I ain't updating. Too fucking bad. Boo-fucking-hoo.
Or because he's posted his own fucking art of it, he has in his mind what samus looks like and everytime it's (samus' appearance) has come up he has mocked what nintendo has done to it.

That's generally a pretty clear reason to not push the button anymore dont ya think?
Maybe he thought you wouldn't take up over a page before thinking "Maybe we shouldn't clog up the thread with this"
Just stop, you're only going to make this worse.
This struck me as a fairly short and civil discussion, save for the odd bouts of rage interjected by Moid.
You aren't very bright, are you?

It sounds like you don't want to talk about it, but you never say anything about not letting others have the discussion. You only ever say that you're going to stop talking about it, not for others to stop the derail.

And you have yet to address why the hell this pisses you off so much. You say something, most of the people in the thread agree with you on it, one or two people say something stupid, everyone else corrects them on it, and then you just kinda lose it. Why?
Well, it was fun while it lasted, and I am kinda angry and ashamed of myself to partially contribute to the argument at the end of it.

Sorry guys. :(
cb, do you have some sort of illness that causes you unbearable pain if you don't get the last word on fucking everything?

Jesus Christ, dude.
This struck me as a fairly short and civil discussion, save for the odd bouts of rage interjected by Moid.
It sounds like you don't want to talk about it, but you never say anything about not letting others have the discussion. You only ever say that you're going to stop talking about it, not for others to stop the derail.

Actually, it's more like you want the argument to continue, and just can't accept that you're a fucking idiot.

By the way, you're a fucking idiot.

And you have yet to address why the hell this pisses you off so much. You say something, most of the people in the thread agree with you on it, one or two people say something stupid, everyone else corrects them on it, and then you just kinda lose it. Why?
...Motherfucker, did you even read the past two pages?

And no, replying isn't going to help your point. It's just going to make you look like more of a moron. Which is amazing, considering how much you already look like a moron.
I'm simply curious what exactly it was that caused him to lose it over a fairly civil discussion like this, considering he never exercised his power to just shit the conversation down. Considering he's a councilor I'd say it bears asking.

Actually, it's more like you want the argument to continue, and just can't accept that you're a fucking idiot.

By the way, you're a fucking idiot.

...Motherfucker, did you even read the past two pages?

And no, replying isn't going to help your point. It's just going to make you look like more of a moron. Which is amazing, considering how much you already look like a moron.
Like, seriously.
This is not how a councilor should handle this sort of situation.