Metroid: Zero Missions At All


Sorry, @TheOneMoiderah
Last image. Because it just feels compatible with your art.

Holy beefcake biceps, batman! She looks like she can break a bad guy into bits with her bare hands, and beat them down with those bombastic boots!

Which is probably canon. Samus, after all. Supersoldier and all. So the pic fits.
The only coherent thing I can think about is that she must fit armor on these thighs - and they touch as is.
I have to agree those thighs are way too thick.

On an unrelated note, people are aware that there is an ignore button, which can be quite useful because some people you shouldn't bother with, right?

Now back to the likely dead story...
"Wait, haven't you even done Earth-bound bounties before?!" The man behind the desk shouted. "You don't just dump them on my desk! What if they escape-!"

"They won't be escaping." Samus said, flatly. "I made sure of that."

Just as she said that, one of the people on the desk let out a quiet sob, while the other slumped off and banged his head against the floor.

"...What the fuck did you even do."

"They may be relatively low-level, but they're still ultimately criminals that need hunting." Samus said. "I wish you a good day."

What DID she do to those guys :confused:

So now we know that on "down" time Aran gets drunk, eats Rocky Roads Ice Cream and terrifies the hell out of petty criminals 'cause "why not?"... and this is all part of my headcanon now... just like Other M actually being an in-canon fanfiction about famous bounty-hunter Samus.
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Heh, using what little is known from public records, and copious amounts of (somewhat disturbing) imagination for the rest of it! I like that as a headcanon. I also like the idea that said fanfiction was panned almost as badly as Other M itself, once it got some attention, and is now either of the Galactic Federation version of the internet under SoBadIt'sHorrible, and will be held up as an example of what not to do.

EDIT: Wow, Sturgeon's Law must be a bitch with a galactic-spanning civilisation.
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