Metroid: Decay

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[--MISSION FILE 03790--]

In a cold, desolate corner of space, an enormous ship seemed to float...


threatening to become a con rat
[--MISSION FILE 03790--]​

In a cold, desolate corner of space, an enormous ship seemed to float among a cloud of debris. It was dead place, in the middle of an asteroid cloud, close to three gas giants.

On its side was the insignia of Earth's Galactic Federation, and underneath was its name, surrounded by shattered windows.

And right above it, there was the shadow of a much, much smaller ship. The Federation ship drifted aimlessly, larger than a city, before the tiny orange craft hovered above its entrance. It paused, as a light scan covered its entry port. After several seconds of scanning, it turned around to a safe distance, and pounded the entrance with a barrage of missiles.

The doors were blown apart, metal shards flying into space before the ship barged its way inside. It scraped against the walls of the inner tunnels, screaming through with a light orange glow before it reached a larger area. It scanned against the new entry port, and just as it did, there was a low hiss. Suddenly, the doors started to open, and the ship flew inside.

It hovered above the cold metal surface, artificial gravity taking hold as air rushed inside. There was a loud clang as the three supports kept the ship upright, with the suspension making sure it was level.

And then, with that, the top of the ship opened, and a human, clad in orange, heavy armor, rose out of the ship's top.

"...Mission begin." She said calmly, before she did a soaring double leap off of the top of her ship. Her feet slammed into the steel, with her armor causing a slight indent in the flooring. She adjusted her ship's defense systems, adjusted her helmet, and walked forwards. "Currently in main hangar." She said to her recording equipment. "...No life in sight."

She walked, and as she did, she saw bodies, many, many bodies. "Fifteen bodies in main hangar. All human, deceased since fifteen to twenty hours ago." She kept moving. "Survivors unlikely."

Metroid: Decay - Mission Begin
Sector 1

Sector 1
Samus, Master of Human Social Interaction
Protocol isn't an issue...Sector 1 End.
Sector 2

Torturing? Unethical. Desecrating...not so much.
Chloe gets the Moid Protag treatment
This is going to hurt...
It will begin raining in five minutes. Sector 2 End
Sector 3

Chloe and the ship are both a little...shorthanded.
Hello again...Adam.
Not that kind of history.
Three Minutes, Twelve Seconds
Sector 4

For some reason, I expected this.
Platforms and Pirates
...I thought those were extinct.
Ration? What for? Superwoman Samus is on the job.
Sector 4: The Map Room (Sector 4 end)
Sector 5

Sector 5 - Start
Let's Split Up Gang!
Campfire Stories with Chloe and Company
Campfire tales (Or why being Chloe is suffering)
I'll take this shit any day or Campfire stories with Nova and why you should avoid them.
Samus is Back! But she forgot dinner. Chloe confirmed Moid Protag.
Elevator Banter, Metroid Style. End of Sector 5
Sector 6

Sector 6: The Desert
Chloe takes a tumble. 'They don't like the light'
Not the first time...
We just work with them...

NonCanon Omake: Cuddly Chloe

Samus Sketch #1
The thing Samus splatters
Samus Sketch #2 WIP

Samus Sketch #3 WIP
Samus WIP #4
Metroid: Decay - Cover Art Finished

Pvt. Chloe Sullivan
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A/N: Image added. I'll be making it into a painting eventually. But right now? Storytime.

Samus stared into the desolate ship, and walked through the hangar. She entered a security checkpoint...and as soon as she did, she noticed a rather grisly sight.

The person here was torn apart. His torso was torn open, exposing his ribcage and innards, while his arms and legs were held on by mere threads. Bits of his head were hidden beneath a nearby console, his teeth were scattered across the floor, and she could feel his right hand underneath one of her boots. She moved her leg, and picked it up, putting it on a nearby table. "...creature tore him apart." She said, before she scanned the remains. "Died of head trauma, before being torn apart post-mortem." She said. "His death came quickly."

She scanned it once, and her suit went to work, burning through its code as though it were nothing. She smiled a little inside of her suit, as she was able to figure out what happened.

[Last Known Log]​

A face appeared on the screen in front of her. It looked panicked, covered in sweat as the screams of people were heard behind a closed door. The man, presumably the one that was spread throughout the checkpoint, was panicked, panting at the screen.

"Something is here!" He shouted. "Something's here and it wants us dead!" There was a bang from inside the doorway. A scream was suddenly stopped. "It's here! None of us can stop it! Nothing can stop it!" Another bang. Another scream was gone. "O-Oh god..." Tears started streaming down his face. "T-the distress signal's done nothing!" He said. "W-we're stuck with lightspeed-based...!" There was a third, final bang, and bits of steel were sent flying. He turned to face whatever was there...


And static. The video was cut off there. Whatever happened destroyed the camera. "...Creature is unknown. Possibly a space pirate of some sort." She frowned. "...Omega, maybe." She grumbled at the thought. "Though how they would manage that without Phazon is a mystery for another day."


She walked through the hallways, frowning as she did. She looked...before she noticed something on the ground...a Galactic Federation chestplate.

She picked it up, noticing that it was covered in blood. She scanned it once, before she dropped it upon the ground... "07 Platoon." She murmured. "...It's like a ghost from the past." She stared at the plate for an extra second, before her eyes widened. Without a second thought, she turned as quickly as she could, ice beam ready. She didn't say a single word as she held her cannon up, scanning around as she quietly stalked the halls.

She shifted her visors, between the thermal visor and finally the x-ray visor, before she realized that indeed, somebody was close by.

A bipedal.

"I know you're there." Samus said, sternly. "I am not above using force to draw you out."

"What, so you can get one of your fed fuckheads to get me, too?!" The voice shouted. It was a woman's voice, young, high-pitched.

"I am not affiliated with the federation. I have worked with them in the past, but I am independent."

"Yeah, bullshit!" She said.

"I will have you know that despite my past cooperation, my connection with the Federation is tenuous at best." Samus frowned behind her visor. "But what I am noting is that-" She started to walk forwards. Her each and every step had a loud thud against the ground. Her armor made a slight whir as the pieces shifted against each other. "-you are a survivor among a team. Is anyone left?"

"How the fuck should I know?!" The person said. "I-I'm just-!"

Suddenly, Samus' fingers clanged against the wall. The person froze as soon as she heard the sound, before Samus' glowing visor slowly rounded the corner. A green light flooded the room, and the person, cowering in a corner, just stared at the enormous, walking suit. "You're affiliated with the federation." Samus said, as her visor scanned her quickly. There wasn't a sign of any kind of radiation sickness. No sign that the air here was unhealthy. Despite the damage, the air conditioning was still fully intact.

"W-what are you!?" The woman screamed. "Y-you-!"

"My name is Samus Aran." She looked down. "...And I'm honestly surprised. Most who are in the federation know my name."

"What, are you that self-!"

"It's just an observation, ma'am." Samus said, before she tapped something on her helmet, before moving to her chestpiece. She let out a relaxed breath, as her uniform dissolved, and she stepped forwards. Even without the suit, she was imposing; her steps still made a loud thud against the ground, and she towered above the poor woman. Her hair, reaching down past her waist, was tied into a perfect ponytail, and her arms were toned and thick. She was built, with thick muscle and definition, courtesy of her many years of service. "...I am not that selfish. I have just been at my job for a rather lengthy amount of time."

The woman stared at her, before she just gulped. "...W-what the..."

"Chozo technology." Samus said, before she tapped her suit again. It covered her quickly. "But that's beside the point. I'm putting you in my gunship."

"What? Why?"

"Simple. I want to ensure as little loss of life as possible." Samus said. "You're going into my ship. If something goes wrong, you can set it to return to Earth."

She stared at Samus, before she frowned and shook her head. "No. Nonono-"

"This is non-negotiable."

"Well, how about this!" She said. "I-I could just be one of a few! What if a friend of mine survived?"

"Unless you can grab some armor, that's incredibly ill-advised." Samus said. "...Though there should be a suiting station nearby. If you are so insistent as to follow me, I guess I cannot stop you without using force." She turned.

"Uh...wait, what? I thought that was non-negotiable."

"Well, I use that term as a form of intimidation. It obviously didn't work against you." Samus said.

"G-good, then." The woman said. "Uh...wait, you're really not going to stop me?" Despite her moment of bravado, Samus could tell that she was still terrified out of her wits.

"Why would I? I could potentially become a fugitive if I harm a Federation employee." Samus said. "...When on Federation property...and if said employee was important."


"I'd rather not take that chance."


"Let's just keep moving."
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" you're...uh..."

"A bounty hunter." Samus finished the woman's question. "If you are wondering, yes, I do kill and capture other sentient beings for monetary gain. No, I don't have a problem with it." Samus turned her head back to face the poor guard.

"I was gonna ask if you were 'independent', not if you had no problems with shooting and killing things."

"Well, yes to the first, no to the second." Samus said, quickly. "Now...let's ask about you." She said. "How long have you been a security guard on this vessel, Mrs. Sullivan?"

The woman stared. "How did you-"

"My visor scanned your personal computer." Samus said, and the woman immediately looked at the small device that was hooked to her belt. "Though the fact that you're a guard that isn't completely familiar with the GF here tells me you weren't supposed to be here for too long."

The woman took a breath. "...I started shift here three weeks ago. I was supposed to get off three months from now."

"Wrong time, wrong place." Samus said. "...You're lucky. Most of the time, when I run into ships like these, the crew is either dead, missing, or spread around the cabin."

The woman gulped. " many ships?"

"One in orbit around Zebes, one pirate station orbiting Tallon IV, one station on Aether, one surrounded by a cloud of Metroids, which have since been extinguished..." Samus sighed. "One close to the fringes of the Sol system, attacked by a particular ambitious pirate group. Also near-destroyed. I managed to destroy the pirates' ship, but had to land on Earth to recover. That's the most recent incident."

"Uh...oh." Sullivan nodded. "...Oh! Is that a suiting station?"

Samus turned her head. "Oh, so you can read." She said.

She looked offended. "No need to be snarky."

"I wasn't being snarky." Samus said.


"But that does seem to be a suiting station." Samus adjusted her visor, and the woman just looked offended. She scanned the opening lock, and without hesitation, the thing popped open. She slid the door,and as soon as it she did, the room inside lit up with a flicker.

"Five bodies." Samus said. "...There were a lot of humans on this ship."

"I don't even know what they were doing." Sullivan said. "...But...uh..."

"Here." Samus cut her off, and held up a chestpiece. "This is one of the more advanced suits. I hacked it so that it could be worn by you."


"I linked your Personal Computer to the suit here, so that when you place it on your chest, will fit your size perfectly, fitting you like a glove. It will transform seamlessly over your body, thanks to the digital link, and will be made for your specifications perfectly. It will take approximately 2.502 seconds for the transformation to be complete, and will also allow you access to a piece of weapon-"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Sullivan said, before she yanked the chestpiece out of Samus' left hand. "I don't need that bullshithogwash nonsense."

"It doesn't hurt to explain its function and process."

"Yes it does. It hurts my soul."

Samus looked confused. "The metaphysical human soul doesn't exist-"

"You get what I meant."

"No, I really don't."

The woman just glared back at Samus. "...You really don't understand how this 'proper human interaction' thing works, do you?"

"It involves words and talking."

"...That's about the extent of your knowledge, am I right?"

"It also involves frivolous social cues."

"...Yeah, that's really the extent of your knowledge."

"I have interacted with other people many times."

"Yeah okay whatever you say."


Several minutes later, the pair was back to the hallway. The guard had herself a plasma rifle, and Samus cradled her gun close by, always on the ready, with her plasma beam on. As a bonus, it lit the room up in front of them with a slight orange glow. "There should be a door close by." Samus said. "Fifteen meters."

The woman nodded, before she quietly took out a small key, before Samus interrupted the thought with a blast of her power beam. The field over the door faded away, and the door itself quickly slid open. Samus stepped through, followed closely by the woman, before they both heard an echoing tap.

"...did you hear that?" Sullivan asked. Her voice wavered a little, and her legs started to shake. She held her gun to her chest, while Samus silently nodded.

"I did." Samus said, before she switched her cannon's modes. First wave, then ice, then plasma. She adjusted her sights to X-Ray, before she paused. "...Get down."

"Wha-" She didn't have to to react as Samus shoved her down, before a large creature, much bigger than the both of them combined, slammed a claw into Samus. She took the hit without hesitation, but quickly noticed that a full energy tank had been used by the impact.

Whatever it was, it hit with the force of a truck, and sent her hurtling across the ground. Sullivan stood up, dazed, before she quickly pulled up her gun and started firing at the creature's back.

Samus was quickly pinned down by the monster, and she immediately caught a glimpse of it in the dim light. Its abdomen was thick, armored and heavy, with hairs lined up upon its back. Its front two legs had only one claw each on their ends, and its single back leg bent unnaturally, making sure that its movement was kept light and fast. Its front end was covered entirely with sharp, uneven teeth, all around a circular mouth, with its blink, yellow eyes lining the "neck" as though they were blisters. Samus raised her cannon, aiming right for its "Blind spot" in the center of the mouth, before it roared, revealing a larger, human-like eye. Samus's eyes widened, before she shoved her grapple beam right into its pupil.

The creature screamed in newfound agony, before Samus yanked its eye out of its mouth, The thing hung on a stalk, stretching horribly as Samus stomped on it. The creature quickly yanked its eye back, pulling the thing back into its mouth, before it quickly turned its head to look over at Samus. The eyes glared at her, glowing a blank yellow, before it turned its third leg, right in the center of its rear, towards her in an attempted swipe.

Samus dodged it, the claw scraping against her suit before she quickly fired a missile at its hide. It was deflected, exploding against a nearby doorway with a shower of debris. The creature turned towards Samus again, the hairs on its back standing on edge as it let out another scream.

She charged towards it, grapple beam ready again, before she fired at the teeth with a charged plasma shot. The creature howled in pain, absent-mindedly opening its mouth, before she grabbed it with her grapple and pulled. The central eye was pulled out again, but this time, Samus had already charged her plasma beam.

With bright flash of red light, the entire room grew several degrees hotter. The creature's eye was blown open, and the brain underneath was cooked to a fine crisp. The creature let out a dying cry, before its functions ceased, and it slumped onto the ground, dead.

Samus panted, her cannon still smoking from the shot. She checked her missile count, before she grimaced. "...Two-fifty left." She said. "If I keep making shots like that, I could run out of missiles very quickly."

"What the fuck." Sullivan stared at Samus, then at the creature lying dead on the ground. "...What the fuck-"

"I believe that this is the creature that killed your teammates." Samus said. "...Though it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep exploring the facility."

"It just kept killing people, and you just...!" The woman shook her head. "...Jesus."

"I did say that I have been doing my job for a good number of years." Samus said. "Let's keep exploring the facility. Again, we should be able to find some more people...and maybe more monsters."

"What, you're saying that there's more?!"

"I'd rather not take chances, ma'am."


In a distant part of the ship, an officer in a Galactic Federation uniform stared at his screen. He kept tapping it fruitlessly, trying to get something out of it, while another man was sorting through the nearby wires. "I can't get shit outta this. Lightspeed comms are dead for good, sir."

"That's the end of that." The man murmured. "...Do we have any access to outside of this room? Communications-wise, that is."

"As far as we're concerned? We're trapped in the middle of black nothingness." The other man said.

The officer frowned, as a woman beside him lit up a cigarette. " long 'til we die?"

"We aren't going to die, Nova." The man said.

"Kinda hard to say otherwise." Another man said, towering above the group at seven feet. "We have about a month's worth of rations. If nothing gets through that door-"

"Don't say 'if'." The officer said. "Nothing will get through that door."

"Dude, you got the team optimist to say we're all gonna die." The man stopped fiddling with the wires. "...At least we can have a fun last few weeks. Who wants to play Monopoly?"


A/N: Nobody wants to play Monopoly. Monopoly is shit. Everything is shit. Video games are shit. I fucking hate video games.
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"" Sullivan gulped. "...My first name's Chloe."

"I already knew this." Samus said, as she adjusted her scan visor. She looked over the wildlife, before she paused, scanned one unfamiliar creature, and then kept moving after she realized she scanned a small rabbit. "I scanned your PC."

" could just call me by my name."

"There's no need." Samus said. "I will not know you that well after this particular mission is completed."

Chloe frowned. "Oh. Well, fuck you too."

Samus kept shifting her arm cannon around, all the while muttering to herself, before she saw a group of bipedal creatures, all huddled around something. They were eating messily, with the sound of cracking flesh echoing in the forest as the two women moved.

Suddenly, one of their heads shot up, before it quickly turned to see Samus. It froze for a second, before it clenched its teeth. "THE HUNTER."

Samus heard the sound through her suit's translator, while Chloe just took a bewildered step back. "W-What does it want?!"

"THE HUNTER IS HERE!" The standing one screeched, as it stood to its full height. It was eight feet tall, standing a fair amount above Samus's already impressive height, towering over the two women. It screeched, holding its two arms out as it ground its fists together.

"Space Pirate." Samus said. "...I don't think it's happy with what I did to Mother Brain."

The others turned their heads, revealing that their mouths were caked in red blood. They stood up, revealing that they had been feasting on a human body, as they slowly stood up. There were seven of them...and behind them, many, many more pirates appeared. Some were clad in armor, some had broken, ruined jet packs on their backs, and some were near death, while others were fully living.

And one-by-one, they murmured. "The hunter!" One said. "Why is she here?!" Another growled, as they all slowly lumbered forwards. Samus's scan visor flicked across all of them, as she made a slow count.

"Two-hundred and fifteen." Samus murmured. "...The GF has kept more than two hundred of them."

The seven in front of them stood ten feet away from Samus, before one of them charged. Without effort, Samus side-stepped out of its way, before she blew a hole in its chest, leaving the rest of it to crumble and collapse onto the ground.

The creatures' mouths clenched tightly, before one of them screamed in fury. It, too, charged, followed by the sounds of two-hundred footsteps. The pirates all rushed towards Samus, as she simply did a sweep with her missiles. Five of them rushed out of her cannon, nailing five pirates, before she obliterated another chunk of them with a supermissile. She grabbed one of their chestpieces with her grapplebeam, before she threw him around her head, as though he was a flail. She finished by slamming him against the ground, crushing his skull, before she shifted into a morphball and detonated a powerbomb among the swarm.

Chloe stood aside the swarm, staring in silent horror as Samus was swarmed, quietly cradling her gun as Samus tore through the group. A laser shotgun blasted itself across Samus's armor, the energy field barely keeping a hold of it as part of her suit was damaged. Samus quickly shifted her weapons again, turning to her ice beam before she blew apart more pirates with a shot of her ice spreader. The creatures froze beside her, with fifteen of them near death, before she blew them apart with a missile shot.

There wasn't so much a fight as there was a blur, as pirates and pieces of pirates were sent flying with every shot. Sullivan couldn't help but watch...before one pirate stood right in front of her.

It murmured something to her in a strange, eldritch language, as Chloe just shivered in fear. She turned her gun towards it as it moved to her, before it just let out a laugh. It aimed its gun at her, speaking once again in a bizarre language, before it slowly grasped her shoulder, and pointed her gun towards the ground.

It laughed lowly, stalking closer to her with each and every step, before it unhinged its jaw.


A/N: pirates r 2 sp00ky
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The pirate's jaw opened wide, while Samus ripped those that were behind him to shreds with a combination of grapple and charged plasma beams. Scorched pieces of pirate came screaming through the air, as Sullivan gulped in terror. She pulled her gun back up, and shot at the creature's face.

The shot passed by his head harmlessly, as the creature rehinged his jaw and laughed darkly. In a quicker motion, it grabbed her arm and bit into it with a loud, sickening crunch of armor and flesh. Sullivan screamed in abject agony, as she tried to yank her right arm out of its jaw, before it simply yanked its head to the side.

The force ripped into her arm, pulling out chunks of flesh and skin, letting pieces of armor clang against the ground. It laughed again and again, before it started digging into her arm with one of its arms.

She shot at it wildly in the midst of panic, shots fired wildly as the pirate ripped into her arm. Her hand went limp as the blood flow stopped, before the pirate started digging into her helmet. Sullivan screamed louder and louder, both in terror and in agony, as the pirate came closer and closer to digging into her helmet.

And then, suddenly, there was a flash of heat, and the pirate suddenly fell limp. Sullivan kept screaming, tears streaming from her face as she started to crawl back, before she noticed that the pirate had the top half of its head burnt away. Smoke rose from what remained of its skull, and she saw that its head had metal implants in it, with a few wires and motors sprawled about wildly.

She stood up, in a daze, with her arm ruined and limp. She stumbled a little as her arm dangled uselessly, and she already started feeling a bit light-headed, and as her vision slowly came into focus, she saw what happened in front of her.

In the middle of a group of pirate corpses, Samus stood up while covered in green, blue and red blood. She turned her cannon towards the remaining three, before they all ran the other way, one of them grasping at a missing left arm. Samus nodded once, before she turned to face Sullivan. And immediately, her eyes widened behind her visor. Samus ran towards her, and quickly caught her. "You're bleeding."

"No f-f-fuckin'..." Sullivan coughed a little. "...fuck."

"You're losing blood too quickly." Samus said. Her voice didn't raise too much, but she was in a panic. "I'm going to need the cauterize the wound."

"What the fuck doessssssit-" Her vision started to turn black. "Doesn't matter..." She trailed off. "...fuck."

"You're going to lose your arm." Samus charged her plasma beam, as she yanked the woman's armor off of her arm. "This is going to hurt."

"W-what are-" Suddenly, she felt a rush of heat in her arm. Her bone, muscle and skin holding her arm to her body was vaporized, and her eyes widened in sudden surprise.

Her scream echoed throughout the forest.


"Do you have access to the cameras, yet?" The officer asked.

"Not yet, Mal. Not yet." The man murmured.

"Well, fuck. I guess if something big and nasty comes up to the door we're just boned, then." Nova shrugged.

"Well, it can't possibly be worse than it is now." The big man said.

"There's the Higgs I know." Nova laughed, before the captain just sighed.

"...Hold up." The man underneath the desk said. "I found it!" He said, before he adjusted a few more wires. "Here we go!" And with that, several monitors flickered to life as multiple cameras were put back online. Most were blackened out, destroyed by the wildlife, but some of them showed off the various sectors of the ship.

And immediately, the officer noticed a certain set of orange armor. " that...?"

"Hm? What?" Higgs moved forward.

And as he said that, he noticed the armored suit moving around, making sure that the person cradled on her lap was comfortable. Suddenly, her armor disappeared, and the officer's eyes widened. "...Well, I'll be damned."

Higgs blinked. "...Is that who I think it is?"

"Is what? Is what who you what?" Nova popped up behind them."

"...It is." The officer said. "...Samus Aran."


A/N: Waddatweest
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She turned to a panel to her right, and immediately scanned it.


"Whoa, what?" A man right behind the console stared at the screen, as it proceeded to flicker.

"What is it?" The officer said.

"The goddamn door controls are going haywire!" He said.

The officer stared at the console, then turned to look at the monitor. "...Oh...oh."


"Standard GF high-security clearance." Samus said, simply. "It'll take about two extra seconds." Suddenly, the doors in front of her groaned. "Finished."


The group inside of the bunker heard the heavy, loud doors right outside of their room groaning as they were hacked. The man behind the console just stared in silent horror, while the officer just sighed.

"...This is how she infiltrated so much of the pirate bases, isn't it?" He asked.


"How did you...?"

"I can communicate with the computers instantly." Samus said, before she tapped her helmet. "My scan visor doubles as a brain-to-OS me, it is as though time freezes."

"...Okay, I don't need more of an explanation."

Samus shrugged, as the doors clanged, now fully-open. "...I can now access this particular bunker. Maybe we'll find some survivors." They walked through the door, before Samus glanced at a similar panel on the other side. With that, the doors started to close, locking them inside.


"She's here." The officer murmured, as he stood up. "Alright, we're going to give her a nice introduction."

"Damn right." Higgs said, standing up to his full height. "...A salute."

"What, for the crazy technoarmor guy who just busted in our bunker?" The guy behind the console asked. "She fucking broke in! We're all in danger-!"

"Well, if you mean that the whole station could explode, then yes." The officer said. "I suppose that is a danger. If you get on her bad side. Make sure not to do that."

"Wait, what?" Suddenly, the door in front of them shifted open, and the newer members of the squad all aimed their guns right at the intruder.

Right as they did, Samus raised her cannon, and aimed it right at them. Ice covered her cannon, and the room immediately felt several degrees colder. "...Wait, the fuck kind of gun is that?!" Nova growled.

"An ice beam." Higgs said. "...Chozo tech."


"At ease." The officer said, as he took a step forwards. "...I'll handle contact here."

Samus turned to look at the officer, and immediately aimed her gun at him. She stared down the barrel for several seconds, before realization stepped in. She dropped her cannon just by a few inches. "...Adam?"

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" He said. "...Lady?"

Samus's eyes narrowed. Her suit dissolved, as she slowly walked towards him. She stared into his eyes, quietly muttering to herself. She walked towards him, and it was then that Adam realized that Samus was easily two inches taller than he was.

And it was then that Samus Aran decked him in the face.


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"So I trust that you have been here for only a small amount of time?" Samus asked.

"The past twenty hours." Adam said back as he stood up. "We were called here when the blood started flowing."

"Is FTL communication still possible?"

Adam laughed a little. "If it was, we wouldn't be stuck here relying on your help."

Samus narrowed her eyes. "...And what of any other survivors?"

"I wish I knew." Adam said. "I had one contact with some people in a sector they called the 'Pyrosphere', but that was before one of those creatures impaled and ate half of my team."

"...Did it have multiple eyes around a mouth, which covered yet another eye?" Samus asked.

Adam paused. "...Yes."

Chloe's jaw dropped slightly as Samus dismissively stared at him. "...Your team needs work, Adam."

Adam paused. "You killed it, didn't you?"

Samus tapped her helmet neck, and a visor appeared in front of her face. She tapped it once, and a flurry of information formed in front of her face. "It took me precisely three minutes and twelve seconds."

"You always were an efficient killer." Adam smiled.

"I don't need your praise, Malkovich." Samus turned

"I wasn't trying to shower it on you. Just stating a simple fact."

Samus grimaced. "If you are honestly trying to regain my favor just to make up for-"

"I swear to you that isn't the purpose, Lady." Malkovich said, simply.

Samus glared at him again. "Then tell me why I don't believe you?"

Adam paused. He looked at the ceiling, then at her. "...Because...because..."

"How disappointing." She frowned. "...Now a decision from the rest of the team. Do you want to stay in here, or would you rather attempt to scout the rest of the station? I am not responsible for the loss of life, though if you come, I will do my best to protect you."

The people inside of the bunker paused, before Higgs stepped forwards. "I'm willing to volunteer."

Samus glanced at him. "...Alright. That's one."

Nova looked between the both of them, before she moved. "Same."

Charles looked at them all, then stepped back. "...Fuuuuuuuuck that."

Chloe stepped forwards, and noticed Samus looking at her.

"Are you sure?" Samus asked.

"I...yes." She nodded. "I am."

Samus clenched her teeth. "Sullivan, I hope you realize that having you around, as you are right now, is more likely to endanger the team unless we find you a proper medical station, right?"

She nodded. "

Adam looked between them, before he shook his head. "I'll stay behind and provide orders."

"Orders?" Samus raised an eyebrow. "I am not part of the Federation, Malkovich."

"It isn't for you, Samus." He said. "...I still have eyes over much of the station. I can provide info over the comm."

"And I'll try getting more of it online." Charles said. "Yeah! That's my plan! And shit."

Samus shrugged. "Then it's settled. I will be looking over these two." Samus said.

"Wait, two?" Chloe asked.

"You aren't coming with us." Samus said. "I am going to drop you at my ship. If something goes wrong, you can just fly to the nearest GF-controlled planet."

Chloe clenched her teeth. "What?!"

"As for the rest of you..." Samus grabbed Chloe by the shoulder, and pulled a paralyzer gun out of her suit. "I will cover you as well as I can, but you are still responsible for your own lives." She clicked once on her chest, then once on her head, and her suit and helmet reformed over her body. "First move is that we put Chloe back in a safe location. Second move is that we continue forwards."

"Got it." Anthony said. "Let's move."


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The group walked out of the bunker as the doors closed. Samus adjusted her helmet, scanning the area as they started moving back to the forest.

"First thing's first. My ship is past the forest and the first few security checkpoints."

"Distance?" Nova asked.

"Five kilometers." Samus said. "This ship is astonishingly large for a Federation vessel."

"No fuckin' kidding." Nova muttered.

"I suspect your team was woefully unprepared for the onslaught?"

"We're a rescue team, not a fucking chest-thumping warmongering nutgroup." Nova said. "We have the necessary equipment to help get people in and out of small stations. This was one particular mission where we just weren't supposed to be."

"Wrong station, wrong place, wrong time." Higgs said. "That creature you killed? It was tearing through the place. Ripping people apart left and right." He turned. "You saw how much damage it did, right?"

"It took down one of my tanks with a single hit" Samus said. "I suspect that Federation technology doesn't have the resilience that my suit does?"

"No. It doesn't." Higgs said. "You have the best suit in the galaxy. We're stuck with grunt armor." Suddenly, they all heard a loud groaning sound within the forest. The group froze as it echoed across the area, the sound making the ground shudder as they walked.

"...That c-can't be a good thing." Chloe said, quietly.

Samus stared forwards...before she started taking steps backwards. "Turn back." Samus said.

"What?" The others asked.

"We're turning back."

"What? Why?" Nova asked.

Suddenly, something reached around the very fringes of the forest sector. A long, twisting arm, stretching miles across, pierced into the section. The group felt the entire sector lurch as they struggled to hold on. "What the fuck is that?!" Chloe screamed as Higgs and Nova tried to shoot at the arm.

"Move!" Samus shouted. "We're moving back!" The group scrambled back up as the entire sector behind them started to crumble. The air behind them started to rush out as the artificial gravity really started kicking in, keeping the group barely level as they reached the door. Samus shot it open, and they all scrambled in.

Sullivan panted as she rolled onto her back, with Samus, Higgs and Nova staring over at the now-closed door.

"...So, any idea where to go now?" Higgs asked as they all stared at the now-useless door in front of them.

"Not a single idea." Samus said. "Though now? Now it would be prudent to find a map station of some description." She clenched her teeth. "I sincerely hope my ship is still in a usable condition." She muttered. She moved her hand to her helmet, and immediately looked over to her ship's condition. "It's currently not FTL-worthy. Whatever happened was enough to damage its FTL-drives to the point of near-uselessness."

Sullivan turned to her. "W-wait, you're stuck here, too?"

"My ship will fix itself in a few days. It's got enough propulsion power to keep close to this station, though without the FTL, it's a gigantic orange target even with all of its firepower."

Chloe nodded slowly, before she looked down at the ground.

"Map station is two doors north." Charles said over the comm. "Though that's what I can tell from the signs that say 'map station' through these super-broken cameras."

"So your supposedly useful information could be, at best, flawed and, at worst, utterly wrong?"


Samus sighed. "For some reason, I expected this." She turned to the others. "Follow me."


A/N: I can't let it be that easy. That'd be cheating.
The group kept close to Samus as they wandered the halls.

"Did you see that?" Nova asked.

"Yup." Charles said back. "Tough luck there. Didn't see that particular thing coming."

"I wasn't able to get a good scan." Samus said. "Though it looks like a previous foe...but larger." Samus turned. "Much, much larger."

"Uh...huh." Chloe nodded a little, before they all started walking through the remaining hallway. They kept moving through the halls, and after several minutes of travel, they reached the first set of doors. Samus shot the door once, opening it after several seconds of waiting, before they all walked through. Higgs had to duck a little, while the others passed uninhibited.

And it was then that Samus paused. "...That isn't just one door, Charles."

"It looked like it to me! There was a door then another door! Where are you right now?"

"Well..." Samus muttered. "I'm at this Sector..." The world around them rippled with a fiery energy, heat roaring around them as they stared. Suddenly, a number appeared in her visor, followed by a quickly-filled progress bar, and a name. "...The pyrosphere."

Machines, covered in roiling lava, groaned as they pumped molten rock through the complex. Creatures, enormous and partially covered in the magma, poked their heads out of the surface to glare at the newcomers, as Samus swapped her arm cannon to the ice beam.

Gullaggs, burstbats and other monsters screamed in fury and confusion as the group behind her turned up their heatshields.

"...Can your suits survive lava flows?" Samus asked.

"Uh...for a few seconds." Higgs said. "Yours?"


Nova glared at her. "How the fuck did you get all the nice toys?"

"I was raised by extremely advanced alien birds." Samus said, flatly.

Nova just glared back. "...That wasn't funny."

"I wasn't joking."

Nova tried to spit, only to wind up spitting in her own helmet. She yelped, before she groaned. "Fuck!"

"Good job, Nova!" Charles laughed over the comm. "You did a good job!"

"Fuck off, Charles."

He laughed even harder. "Same to you, cupcake."

The group collected themselves, and started their way through the lava wasteland. Samus looked around with her visor, scanning multiple animals. "...Strange creatures...I haven't even seen some of them before." Just as she said it, a single animal roared, and rushed above the surface of the lava. It soared over their heads, dripping lava onto the pathway as it did, before Samus quickly shot the path.

Sullivan was the first to react, shaking as soon as the creature splashed back into the lava before she stared at the now-cooled rock. "W-what-"

Samus scanned it. "...Juko III creature. The planet it hails from is so heated that carbon-based life simply isn't possible on it." She nodded. "Interesting."

The others just stared at Samus as she walked forwards. The leaping creature pulled a smaller one, this time much like a thicker, beefier fish, before it crushed it, with white fluid pouring out of its body as it chewed. The group kept moving, before suddenly, they all heard a loud crashing sound. The group froze.

"...The hell was that?" Higgs murmured.

Nova pulled up her gun as Samus simply clicked her cannon into place. "Hostile, probably."

"Fucked if I know." Nova flicked her sights up as Sullivan pulled up her pistol. "Probably ugly."

"I-I just want to leave." Sullivan murmured. "Th-the sooner we find that map, the sooner we find a way out, right?"

"That's the hope." Samus said. "...Though I suspect that the further we get-" Just as she started, she accidentally kicked over the severed head of a GF soldier. She glanced at it once, before she tapped it again, preventing it from falling into the lava. "...The further we get, the more dangerous the creatures will become. At least, that is what experience has taught me."

Higgs raised an eyebrow. "Well, that would be interesting. If it weren't liable to get us brutally killed in a variety of horrifying ways." He swapped his cannon's ammo box for a different one, and stared at the little counter on the side. The number "84" flickered onto the screen, before he slammed it in, and the counter appeared on top of the gun instead. "Alright, I got some ice ammo. Hopefully it'll help some things."

"It should." Samus said before she switched her cannon. "It means you're more than dead weight."


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The lava boiled as the group kept moving, with the heat licking against their suits. Samus' own energy started draining by a single point after several minutes of travel, as the heat roiled up.

"...So we have about fifteen minutes until we're dead?" Nova muttered.

"The door shouldn't be too far from here." Samus said, quickly. "Worst comes to worse, I will place you behind the first door so that the convection isn't as harmful."

"Thank fuck." Sullivan murmured. "...I think I'm getting light-headed."

"You're an arm down." Higgs said. "I think you're kinda past the point of just being light-headed."

"We're also inside of our suits." Samus said. "I think you're getting psychologically fatigued." She frowned a little. "...I am sorry."

" it's not that." Sullivan said. "...I just did something dumb and could have just shot him..." She said, quietly. "I lost m-my arm because I didn't shoot him when I should have."

Samus took a deep breath and looked away, and the rest of the team kept moving through the hallway.

Several seconds later, a person's body fell into the lava from a higher platform, and it immediately bubbled and boiled, sending bits of lava soaring up into the air as steam rose from the molten rock. It was followed quickly by a flurry of smaller creatures, all of them leaping up to gasp at the steam that was now rising from the corpse.

The group looked at the bubbles in the lava, before turning to look up at the platform. "...That's our way out." Samus said. "See that door?"

"Yeah. We do." Higgs murmured. "...We can't quite jump up there, though."

Samus looked confused. "You can't?"

"The suits have a maximum standard jumping height of five feet. Good for super-parkour, but...yeah, that kind of height is nuts." Charles said over the comm.

Samus blinked. "...You require assistance to jump with the suits?"

"The suits are fucking heavy." Nova groaned. "Like, this shit?" She moved part of her armor's covering around to show off the joint. "I need to have this shit help me move it because of how goddamn heavy it is."

"To put it in a less vulgar way..." Higgs pushed Nova out of the way. "The suits act as motorized exoskeletons. If it ran out of power, it'd lock us down and basically turn us into paperweights."

Samus furrowed her eyebrows. "I had forgotten about that. Give me a moment." She turned away and did a soaring leap upwards. She jumped up to one platform, then another, and another, before she looked around with her scan visor. Immediately, she noticed a panel, and scanned it as quickly as she could. Within seconds, she was able to get the platforms to move slowly, just fast enough to let the group travel but slow enough that it was still manageable. "The platforms can now be traversed." She said. "Just travel up them. In the meantime..." She shot the door once. She seemed a bit annoyed at the appearance of yet more molten rock and machinery, but she didn't say anything. "...We have more of this specific location to scout."

"...Oh. Great." Nova shouted up as the group's platform slowly slid upwards.

"I do wish our map station didn't take fifty billion years to get to." Higgs muttered as Sullivan followed close behind. Samus slid out through the door and out to the other side, before she fell twenty meters into a nearby pit. She blinked once in mild surprise, and landed on her feet perfectly as the ground beneath her feet stood firm.

This particular hole in the ground was large, and at the end of it was an enormous creature. The exoskeleton was a dark red, and its eight eyes all seemed closed.

Samus paused, before she held up her gun in preparation. She moved slowly towards it, cannon raised and arms locked. "...You look familiar." Samus muttered as she held her gun up. "Like something I killed just a few months ago..."

Just as she said that, it suddenly jerked its head to the side, and opened up a single eye. It glared at her once, as the others opened up with their own bioluminescent glows. The jaw dropped open as it let out a low whine, followed quickly by a much higher-pitched shriek. The jaw trembled as the scream echoed across the walls.


The others stood outside of the door, and immediately heard the scream from the other side. Sullivan's eyes widened, before she tapped the door once with a key and rushed in. Immediately, the group saw Samus, and right across from her was a bizarre, multi-limbed monstrosity. Four legs unfolded from its underbelly, as two arms, heavily armored and lined with a red exoskeleton, dragged themselves across the ground. The creature shrieked again, as Samus prepared her ice beam.


A/N: fuckin' monsters n' shet.