Metroid: Decay

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[--MISSION FILE 03790--]

In a cold, desolate corner of space, an enormous ship seemed to float...


threatening to become a con rat
[--MISSION FILE 03790--]​

In a cold, desolate corner of space, an enormous ship seemed to float among a cloud of debris. It was dead place, in the middle of an asteroid cloud, close to three gas giants.

On its side was the insignia of Earth's Galactic Federation, and underneath was its name, surrounded by shattered windows.

And right above it, there was the shadow of a much, much smaller ship. The Federation ship drifted aimlessly, larger than a city, before the tiny orange craft hovered above its entrance. It paused, as a light scan covered its entry port. After several seconds of scanning, it turned around to a safe distance, and pounded the entrance with a barrage of missiles.

The doors were blown apart, metal shards flying into space before the ship barged its way inside. It scraped against the walls of the inner tunnels, screaming through with a light orange glow before it reached a larger area. It scanned against the new entry port, and just as it did, there was a low hiss. Suddenly, the doors started to open, and the ship flew inside.

It hovered above the cold metal surface, artificial gravity taking hold as air rushed inside. There was a loud clang as the three supports kept the ship upright, with the suspension making sure it was level.

And then, with that, the top of the ship opened, and a human, clad in orange, heavy armor, rose out of the ship's top.

"...Mission begin." She said calmly, before she did a soaring double leap off of the top of her ship. Her feet slammed into the steel, with her armor causing a slight indent in the flooring. She adjusted her ship's defense systems, adjusted her helmet, and walked forwards. "Currently in main hangar." She said to her recording equipment. "...No life in sight."

She walked, and as she did, she saw bodies, many, many bodies. "Fifteen bodies in main hangar. All human, deceased since fifteen to twenty hours ago." She kept moving. "Survivors unlikely."

Metroid: Decay - Mission Begin
Sector 1

Sector 1
Samus, Master of Human Social Interaction
Protocol isn't an issue...Sector 1 End.
Sector 2

Torturing? Unethical. Desecrating...not so much.
Chloe gets the Moid Protag treatment
This is going to hurt...
It will begin raining in five minutes. Sector 2 End
Sector 3

Chloe and the ship are both a little...shorthanded.
Hello again...Adam.
Not that kind of history.
Three Minutes, Twelve Seconds
Sector 4

For some reason, I expected this.
Platforms and Pirates
...I thought those were extinct.
Ration? What for? Superwoman Samus is on the job.
Sector 4: The Map Room (Sector 4 end)
Sector 5

Sector 5 - Start
Let's Split Up Gang!
Campfire Stories with Chloe and Company
Campfire tales (Or why being Chloe is suffering)
I'll take this shit any day or Campfire stories with Nova and why you should avoid them.
Samus is Back! But she forgot dinner. Chloe confirmed Moid Protag.
Elevator Banter, Metroid Style. End of Sector 5
Sector 6

Sector 6: The Desert
Chloe takes a tumble. 'They don't like the light'
Not the first time...
We just work with them...

NonCanon Omake: Cuddly Chloe

Samus Sketch #1
The thing Samus splatters
Samus Sketch #2 WIP

Samus Sketch #3 WIP
Samus WIP #4
Metroid: Decay - Cover Art Finished

Pvt. Chloe Sullivan
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Edit: Wait, what do you mean, "Fills the same shoes"? I held off on buying Other M to get a better price, then canceled the decision altogether when the hate started flowing, so I have only the vaguest possible ideas of what it was actually trying to do.
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Even if you only made another chapter it would still be better than the crap that was Other M. Watched and I hope you can get a grove working on this.
A/N: Image added. I'll be making it into a painting eventually. But right now? Storytime.

Samus stared into the desolate ship, and walked through the hangar. She entered a security checkpoint...and as soon as she did, she noticed a rather grisly sight.

The person here was torn apart. His torso was torn open, exposing his ribcage and innards, while his arms and legs were held on by mere threads. Bits of his head were hidden beneath a nearby console, his teeth were scattered across the floor, and she could feel his right hand underneath one of her boots. She moved her leg, and picked it up, putting it on a nearby table. "...creature tore him apart." She said, before she scanned the remains. "Died of head trauma, before being torn apart post-mortem." She said. "His death came quickly."

She scanned it once, and her suit went to work, burning through its code as though it were nothing. She smiled a little inside of her suit, as she was able to figure out what happened.

[Last Known Log]​

A face appeared on the screen in front of her. It looked panicked, covered in sweat as the screams of people were heard behind a closed door. The man, presumably the one that was spread throughout the checkpoint, was panicked, panting at the screen.

"Something is here!" He shouted. "Something's here and it wants us dead!" There was a bang from inside the doorway. A scream was suddenly stopped. "It's here! None of us can stop it! Nothing can stop it!" Another bang. Another scream was gone. "O-Oh god..." Tears started streaming down his face. "T-the distress signal's done nothing!" He said. "W-we're stuck with lightspeed-based...!" There was a third, final bang, and bits of steel were sent flying. He turned to face whatever was there...


And static. The video was cut off there. Whatever happened destroyed the camera. "...Creature is unknown. Possibly a space pirate of some sort." She frowned. "...Omega, maybe." She grumbled at the thought. "Though how they would manage that without Phazon is a mystery for another day."


She walked through the hallways, frowning as she did. She looked...before she noticed something on the ground...a Galactic Federation chestplate.

She picked it up, noticing that it was covered in blood. She scanned it once, before she dropped it upon the ground... "07 Platoon." She murmured. "...It's like a ghost from the past." She stared at the plate for an extra second, before her eyes widened. Without a second thought, she turned as quickly as she could, ice beam ready. She didn't say a single word as she held her cannon up, scanning around as she quietly stalked the halls.

She shifted her visors, between the thermal visor and finally the x-ray visor, before she realized that indeed, somebody was close by.

A bipedal.

"I know you're there." Samus said, sternly. "I am not above using force to draw you out."

"What, so you can get one of your fed fuckheads to get me, too?!" The voice shouted. It was a woman's voice, young, high-pitched.

"I am not affiliated with the federation. I have worked with them in the past, but I am independent."

"Yeah, bullshit!" She said.

"I will have you know that despite my past cooperation, my connection with the Federation is tenuous at best." Samus frowned behind her visor. "But what I am noting is that-" She started to walk forwards. Her each and every step had a loud thud against the ground. Her armor made a slight whir as the pieces shifted against each other. "-you are a survivor among a team. Is anyone left?"

"How the fuck should I know?!" The person said. "I-I'm just-!"

Suddenly, Samus' fingers clanged against the wall. The person froze as soon as she heard the sound, before Samus' glowing visor slowly rounded the corner. A green light flooded the room, and the person, cowering in a corner, just stared at the enormous, walking suit. "You're affiliated with the federation." Samus said, as her visor scanned her quickly. There wasn't a sign of any kind of radiation sickness. No sign that the air here was unhealthy. Despite the damage, the air conditioning was still fully intact.

"W-what are you!?" The woman screamed. "Y-you-!"

"My name is Samus Aran." She looked down. "...And I'm honestly surprised. Most who are in the federation know my name."

"What, are you that self-!"

"It's just an observation, ma'am." Samus said, before she tapped something on her helmet, before moving to her chestpiece. She let out a relaxed breath, as her uniform dissolved, and she stepped forwards. Even without the suit, she was imposing; her steps still made a loud thud against the ground, and she towered above the poor woman. Her hair, reaching down past her waist, was tied into a perfect ponytail, and her arms were toned and thick. She was built, with thick muscle and definition, courtesy of her many years of service. "...I am not that selfish. I have just been at my job for a rather lengthy amount of time."

The woman stared at her, before she just gulped. "...W-what the..."

"Chozo technology." Samus said, before she tapped her suit again. It covered her quickly. "But that's beside the point. I'm putting you in my gunship."

"What? Why?"

"Simple. I want to ensure as little loss of life as possible." Samus said. "You're going into my ship. If something goes wrong, you can set it to return to Earth."

She stared at Samus, before she frowned and shook her head. "No. Nonono-"

"This is non-negotiable."

"Well, how about this!" She said. "I-I could just be one of a few! What if a friend of mine survived?"

"Unless you can grab some armor, that's incredibly ill-advised." Samus said. "...Though there should be a suiting station nearby. If you are so insistent as to follow me, I guess I cannot stop you without using force." She turned.

"Uh...wait, what? I thought that was non-negotiable."

"Well, I use that term as a form of intimidation. It obviously didn't work against you." Samus said.

"G-good, then." The woman said. "Uh...wait, you're really not going to stop me?" Despite her moment of bravado, Samus could tell that she was still terrified out of her wits.

"Why would I? I could potentially become a fugitive if I harm a Federation employee." Samus said. "...When on Federation property...and if said employee was important."


"I'd rather not take that chance."


"Let's just keep moving."
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Good chapter. It sets up a tense atmosphere that leaves me both anticipating and dreading what's to come. Something killed this ship and everyone on it, though not quickly if the message about the distress beacon is any indication. That means the killer took its time to hunt, which is all sorts of terrifying. So kudos to you for that. It really helps set the mood.
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Your music choices are spot on. The Downed Frigate actually kinda lends weight to the conversation here. (Which is silly because there wasn't any speaking lines on the frigate in Prime)
Loving the atmosphere so far, very chilling. Was just looking for a Metroid fic that wasn't crap, so you just made my day!

Is this Samus going to raid the fridge for leftover ice-cream? :D
Loving the atmosphere so far, very chilling. Was just looking for a Metroid fic that wasn't crap, so you just made my day!

Is this Samus going to raid the fridge for leftover ice-cream? :D
Zero Mission(s)...At All is probably gonna be the cracky bits that come into moids head, this will be more serious hopefully.
Oh, hey. Neat. I'd been intending to do a bit more branching out in my consumption of fanfiction.
Samus x Ridley
Samus x Baby Metroid
Samus x Mother Brain
Samus x her hand
Samus x Captain Falcon
Samus x Solid Snaek
Samus x just about any other SSB character
Samus x Dark Samus
I remember one "good" story about Samus stranded on deserted planet, fighting off the mutated inhabitants and unraveling a government conspiracy.

And then it turns out her suit is alive and it becomes Samus x Zero Suit.
I remember one "good" story about Samus stranded on deserted planet, fighting off the mutated inhabitants and unraveling a government conspiracy.

And then it turns out her suit is alive and it becomes Samus x Zero Suit.
What story was this? And I saw the quotes around good dammit. If it sucked then say it sucked. Or at least tell us what was wrong with it.
What story was this? And I saw the quotes around good dammit. If it sucked then say it sucked. Or at least tell us what was wrong with it.
What dragonx99 said, it started out well written and had some amazing fight scenes but living Zero Suit came out of goddamn nowhere. No build-up at all, or if there was I didn't see it.

This was years ago, when I was young and foolish, searching for Metroid fiction on any site I could find.
Says how horrible Samus has been portrayed when you can't find a single image of Samus out of her suit that isn't moe or porn of the big-boobed sex object Nintendo has been pushing on us.

If only there was more art of Samus like that guy KYHU draws of Korra. Yeah, he sometimes draws stuff I personally don't approve of, but he really has the "strong, fit, athletic woman" image down.

People need to see more of THAT Samus. The one we know can perform physical feats that put Olympic athletes to shame. The woman that has single-handedly destroyed entire armies and hunted a species of genetically-engineered super weapons to extinction. The hired gun that never fails a mission, returned from a lethal shadow dimension, survived being poisoned by magic space rocks and infected by a shapeshifting super-virus, and has escaped exploding planets more than once.

For endeavoring to show us the REAL Samus, I salute you Moid.
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Says how horrible Samus has been portrayed when you can't find a single image of Samus out of her suit that isn't moe or porn of the big-boobed submissive sex object Nintendo has been pushing for the last decade.

If only there was more art of Samus like that guy KYHU draws of Korra. Yeah, he sometimes draws stuff I personally don't approve of, but he really has the "strong, fit, athletic woman" image down.

People need to see more of THAT Samus. The one we know can perform physical feats that put Olympic athletes to shame. The woman that has single-handedly destroyed entire armies and hunted a species of genetically-engineered super weapons to extinction. The hired gun that never fails a mission, returned from a lethal shadow dimension, survived being poisoned by magic space rocks and infected by a shapeshifting super-virus, and has escaped exploding planets more than once.

For endeavoring to show us the REAL Samus, I salute you Moid.

Not so much "real". More like I prefer Samus the character rather than Samus the sex object.
