Sadly, swarm of catgirls in boxes was deemed too over the line for this forum.
I expected that you would PM me and I will respond, without polluting the thread.

Have a werewolf kitty in addition.
Now, with naked catgirls in boxes behind us, I can safely deliver more sane catgirl images.

Catgirls, combining best bits of girls and cats.

And finally:
Sorry for no update on Friday. I was spending time with a childhood friend. Updates resume this week. Mew.
[x] Curl up with Pink Girl.
Pink Girl soft. Pink Girl kind. You curl up in Pink Girl's hands. She'll make everything better.

[x] Hug Pink Girl.
You try to hug Pink Girl with your little kitty legs. Not long enough. You cling to her shirt as she pets you soothingly.
You feel better already.

[x] Pet me, please?
Pink Girl doesn't need any prompting, she already is petting you!
You push your little head into her hand, letting you know that you like it. Even if you don't speak, you can let her know plenty of things, like this.
You hurt a bit. Pink Girl will make you better.

After a while, you notice that she's carried you inside and you're in her classroom now. Ah, okay.
She sets you down on her desk and kind of hides you with her notebook while petting you.

[] Break cover. Get attention!
[] Be good quiet kitty. Hide.
[X] Be good quiet kitty. Hide.
We are best cat, so we into'd school without even realising it.