Didn't Madoka ask to be catted?
Yes, and we should let MadokaMom know this because we need to appear mature otherwise... well, it'll range from slightly bad to very bad. Given that this is a fluffy kitten quest, it probably be at the slightly bad end, but there's still no reason not to point it out.
[X] "No!"
-[X] "Do you want to try it?"
--[X] if yes, catgirl her.
-[x]Can we get breakfast?
--[x]And if Pink Girl is going to keep sleeping, we should get her a bigger blanket

For some reason, the notion of catting Junko has great appeal.
[X] "No."
-[X] MadokaMom's Question has been answered, proceed to eat food
--[X] Eat more food
---[X] Watch MadokaMom for any interesting behaviour
----[X] If occurs, participate in interesting behaviour. Behaviour enjoyment of MadokaMom has been increased with BestCat added.
[X] [Tile head, cutely, as you always do]
-[X] Why? Pinkgirl Madoka asked what being cat was like. Best Cat suggested catting and Pinkgirl Madoka said yes... Then we fell asleep.
[x]Ah! Auntie Junko
-[x]We asked her if she wanted to be catted
--[x]It's perfectly reversible, so you shouldn't worry
-[x]Can we get breakfast?
--[x]And if Pink Girl is going to keep sleeping, we should get her a bigger blanket
[x]Ah! Auntie Junko
-[x] She wanted to be catted
--[x] Pink Girl can't give pets when cat.
-[x]Can we get breakfast?
--[x]And if Pink Girl is going to keep sleeping, we should get her a bigger blanket
[X] "No!"
-[X] "Do you want to try it?"
--[X] if yes, catgirl her.
-[x]Can we get breakfast?
--[x]And if Pink Girl is going to keep sleeping, we should get her a bigger blanket
[x]Ah! Auntie Junko
-[x]We asked her if she wanted to be catted
--[x]It's perfectly reversible, so you shouldn't worry
-[x]Can we get breakfast?
--[x]And if Pink Girl is going to keep sleeping, we shouldget her a bigger blanket
[x]Ah! Auntie Junko
-[x]We asked her if she wanted to be catted
--[x]It's perfectly reversible, so you shouldn't worry
-[x]Can we get breakfast?
--[x]And if Pink Girl is going to keep sleeping, we should get her a bigger blanket
Back from Australia I am, funny how disconnected I feel from SV after being gone a week add 3 more days.

[X] "No!"
-[X] "Do you want to try in?"
--[X] if yes, catgirl her.
-[x]Can we get breakfast?
--[x]And if Pink Girl is going to keep sleeping, we should get her a bigger blanket
I think clarifying we had consent is important.

[x]Ah! Auntie Junko
-[x]We asked her if she wanted to be catted
--[x]It's perfectly reversible, so you shouldn't worry
-[x]Can we get breakfast?
--[x]And if Pink Girl is going to keep sleeping, we should get her a bigger blanket

Not happy about the third line, seems a bit too "big wordy" for Amura, but this is the vote that I feel covers everything.
[x]Try to sound more humanish.
[x]"Nope. Anyone can become a cat if they ask, but Yellow Girl made me promise to ask first...and to undo it if they want."
-[x]"Want ears?"
[x]Do so if she accepts.
[x]Kitten eyes.
[x]Try to sound more humanish.
[x]"Nope. Anyone can become a cat if they ask, but Yellow Girl made me promise to ask first...and to undo it if they want."
-[x]"Want ears?"
[x]Do so if she accepts.
[x]Kitten eyes.
[x]Try to sound more humanish.
[x]"Nope. Anyone can become a cat if they ask, but Yellow Girl made me promise to ask first...and to undo it if they want."
-[x]"Want ears?"
[x]Do so if she accepts.
[x]Kitten eyes.