Yes, and we should let MadokaMom know this because we need to appear mature otherwise... well, it'll range from slightly bad to very bad. Given that this is a fluffy kitten quest, it probably be at the slightly bad end, but there's still no reason not to point it out.
"It's perfec.... prefec.... rev.... rever....resver...... I can undo!"Not happy about the third line, seems a bit too "big wordy" for Amura, but this is the vote that I feel covers everything.
*looks at new avatar* Tenryuu is kitty and Desdiv 6 is a mouse. Cannot unsee."It's perfec.... prefec.... rev.... rever....resver...... I can undo!"
Amura in 20 years, with New Best Kitty.
"You're not doing that right."
I should not find that funny, so why am I laughing?
Because Amura totally does that, but with time travel jumps and Walpurgnast instead of a table?