We survived on our own for a while, so we must have some hunting skills. Hunting involves large amounts of guns, right? That's what Yellow showed us.
We missed a very good opportunity.

[Too late] Blue didn't know that Pink was into that sort of thing? How odd. Everyone loves cats. "Of course she's into that sort of thing," you say with a superior expression on your face.
[X] Wake up in the middle of the night.
Your little purple cat eyes light up the night.
Time to hunt.

[X] Look around. Maybe there's leftover tuna on your bowl or something.
Madoka left an open can next to the chair.
You hop down and quickly nom it.
Tuna tasty.

[X] Find water if thirsty.
You quietly pad out of the room, heading downstairs. You're thirsty.
You're too small to leap up onto the counter.
You stare helplessly at the tall counter, before it hits you, you don't need to jump.
You transform, climb onto the counter, turn on the water a little, then turn back.
Leaning out over the sink, you lick the tiny little waterfall.
Aaah, refreshing.

-[X] Meet Junko-mama. Gulp.
The lights suddenly click on, and you freeze, turning to face the stairway.
Pink girl's mother is standing next to the light switch, blinking blearily at you.

"...It's a kitten," she mumbles groggily.

"Mew," you stare at her, sitting back on your haunches.

"...A kitten...," she repeats.
You just go back to drinking water.

-[X] Quick explanations and demonstrations in combination with a half-asleep Madoka mollify Junko-mama.
She just mutters, "I must still be drunk."
Walking over, she pets you softly, smiling sleepily.
"Soft..." she mumbles.
You don't mind.

"Ah, mama!" Madoka starts, having just came down the stairs, "Uh, I can explain!"

-[X]... Except she seems to think that you are a cat-spirit, instead of a time-traveling magical kitten. Like a runaway from an abusive nekomata family, or something.
"Madoka, it's a little cat spirit," pink girl's mother mumbles, "It's taking shelter here from its abusive cat family..."
She stumbles off, mumbling something.

"Homura-chan," Madoka scolds you, "Don't wander off!"

[] Write in...
[x] Go back to sleep
-[x] Use Pink as a pillow
[x] In the morning hunt something to give to Pink as a gift
...I thought she was drunk, not high.

[x] Go back to sleep
-[x] Use Pink as a pillow
[x] In the morning hunt something to give to Pink as a gift

Madoka eats Grief Seeds, right? :p
[x] Go back to sleep
-[x] Use Pink as a pillow
[x] In the morning hunt something to give to Pink as a gift
Out of curiousity, where is Amy Percival Venticus Akemi keeping her soul gem, anyway? Half the time she doesn't have hands, so a ring wouldn't work. Is it on a collar or something?
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[x] Go back to sleep
-[x] Use Pink as a pillow
[x] In the morning hunt something to give to Pink as a gift.
-[X] Hunt from this fridge thing, you can use hands now!
[x] Go back to sleep
-[x] Use Pink as a pillow
[x] In the morning hunt something to give to Pink as a gift

We cat. Sleep is important for Kitty. Go sleep more.
[x] Go back to bed
-[x] Use Pink as a pillow
[x] Once she's asleep, get up. Leave a note "Will be back. Hunting White Rats."
[x] Go kill Kyubey as much as possible. It's good hunting practice. See how he tastes.
[x] In the morning, hunt Madoka something good. Not Kyubey. Maybe something from this "fridge" place. We have HANDS!
[] Once she's asleep, get up. Leave a note "Will be back. Hunting White Rats."
[] Go kill Kyubey as much as possible. It's good hunting practice. See how he tastes.
And... why would Homura do this? She doesn't have OOC knowledge, so all that she knows is that he brought Madoka back to life. Well, that and that Kyubey is "wrong," but she'd probably leave him alone, since he "saved" her.
And... why would Homura do this? She doesn't have OOC knowledge, so all that she knows is that he brought Madoka back to life. Well, that and that Kyubey is "wrong," but she'd probably leave him alone, since he "saved" her.
Our first option after time traveling was: "Find bunnycat. Punish." He's a small creature that scampers around and can't protect himself: I.e. Prey.