Still need to look into this.
Okay total charm production is a bit iffy in some cases since teleport charms for tokyo were generated on an as needed basis by assigned crew.
Improve duration/spell anchoring project: Constructing a holder to keep charms in the correct orientation when stored inside a thermos, dipping the charms in polyurethane before placing them in the thermos. Layering thermoses. Placing the thermos inside a large cooler. Purchase a lab dewer and determine how much longer storing them inside adds to the long term storage life (goal is at least 24 hours) - note to test using non-destructive spells (like healing).
Cost: 1 Vet, $1000 (to purchase two special 5L lab dewars able to hold an estimated 100 charms each, plus additional materials).
Create Charms: (x33 tandem charms): (0.5 vet, 0.2 cubes) The girls already trained in tandem casting go along to the nomadic area to create tandem cast charms. Create and store 17 tandem barrier charms, and 16 tandem healing charms.
Cost: 0.2 cubes and 0.5 vets (of specific specialty) per 100 normal charms, x3 for tandem charms
These charms were all used up that month, sent with Kyouko on Nagoya's culling expedition that month.
Create Charms: (x100 tandem barrier charms):
Create Charms: (x67 tandem healing charms):
Create Charms: (x100 elite illusion charms):
T33 (note there wasn't production here)
Charms (initial deployment):
100 tandem barrier charms (distribute 3x to each non barrier girl = 75, and 2x to each barrier girl = 14, with 11 left to distribute to those needing replacements).
67 tandem healing charms (2x to each non-healer = 30, 1x to each healer = 2, with 5 left for replacements)
14 elite illusion charms (1 to 6 designated vet support group leads and second leads, 2 for Mami, and 2 for Serena, 1 to each teleporter)
86 elite stealth charms (3x to non-stealth girls = 84, 1x to each vet stealth girl = 2, 1 to Kyouko)
Production (1 Vets, 0.4 cubes):
67 Tandem Barrier charms for 1 meguca (barrier vets) + .4 GCU
Most of the charms in T33 would have been used up in the engagements you used your vet support team for. Particularly the ones where you were trying for surprise attacks and so used a lot of stealth.
Many more would have been used in the grinding hunting patterns of T34 where you played cat and mouse with teleporting Youma while trying to hunt normal demons.
Standardizing to now, I'm going to say most of your charms have been depleted. Basically what you have left is say 50 healing charms because you don't actually take injuries most of the time, favoring strategies that minimize your risk as much as possible.
The ironic thing about it is that the reason I got let go is because I manage the manual team, and they are shifting to an automation team instead. The automation effort was my baby that I pushed for when no one else wanted to spend resources on it, and three years ago I gave up headcount to create the automation team that is now replacing me...
So I basically obsoleted myself. Which I figure is evidence that I'm just that good!
That seems like you did a very silly thing. If no one else wanted automation, then it's not like you were forced to do it.
Anyway, the job market has been pretty hot were I am. And my company had been very good to me throughout the years, so I got enough saved up to comfortably last me three years even if I just sat around all day.
I going to spend this weekend with my family who are in town and then consider what to do next week.
Quite an impressive savings. Definitely seems like no need to worry for you then.
Well honestly this thread sat dormant for quite a while with no real vote. I found it a bit odd, just seemed like interest in the quest was done.