Meguca Micro Empire Quest (PMMM)

What should I do regarding a change in system?

  • Notgreat's proposed simplification of hunting, leave rest intact.

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Chapter system vastly simplifying everything.

    Votes: 4 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Do you really think "Allow Mami's grade of enchanting to be carried by all girls," will actually increase our combat or expansion ability? Why would we be using enchanted objects when we could just summon temporary objects instead? This research has significant long-term utility, but I think getting the immediate benefits of expansion is much better- it gives us additional sustainable GCs and recruits more girls.

Think about it. We enchant our shields for example for say... a year? These shields now reduce the rate from -2% to -4% or more.

Enchantments are a good thing. Long term usability is what we want!
Do you really think "Allow Mami's grade of enchanting to be carried by all girls," will actually increase our combat or expansion ability? Why would we be using enchanted objects when we could just summon temporary objects instead?
To clarify this, the way I'm playing enchanting is that the strength of the girl that charges it up impacts the strength of the effect. Whereas the veterans were getting around 2x durability from enchanting, Mami is getting around 3x.

Summoning temporary objects is only possible at current for stuff that's inherently part of your transformation. Your unique weapon and your magical girl outfit. You can't just decide you want something and magic it into existence. Hence why you purchased shields and distributed them.

Though you are right in that research is meant to be a long term proposition in this game, and isn't too great on short term benefit.
All right then. Given further clarification I can see that this research has more immediate benefits than I realized. I'd still prefer to scout more but oh well.

[x] Elder Haman
-[x] Remove restrictions on income earners
Turn 10
Turn 10

This month Mami decides to skip a collective meeting and meet with the girls in smaller groups as she assigns out the various tasks and distributes their allowance. (-$1200)

She calls together the two newest Greens that they picked up a couple months ago and one of the veterans less interested in combat and explains how now that the grief cube situation is more stable she'd like to increase the group's income a bit with some more girls finding jobs. The two new greens express some curiosity at this, and on discovering they wouldn't have to fight any demons as long as they were working and they'd simply be given their grief cubes in exchange for their earnings are quite sold on the idea. Being more middle class than the rest of the girls they haven't ever really had to work before but are quite fond of the idea of not having to put their lives on the line all the time. The veteran has been in the general roster for months now so didn't have as much concern for safety, but accepts the idea of using an illusion to try to find a job more easily.

It comes as somewhat a surprise to Mami that it is the two new greens that find jobs quite easily without any need for magic. They had just excused themselves to the hall to make a phonecall and came back minutes later saying they both managed to get jobs. The power of nepotism is strong with these ones. Mami mentally pushed their family status up a notch given the ease they had done it with. The veteran didn't manage to find a job, apparently she needs more practice with acting older as she couldn't quite pull it off. The lack of documentation for that identity didn't help.

Mami isn't really sure what the new girls' job actually consists of if they're actually doing anything at all. They claimed they got positions as internal mail sorters at their parents company or some such. They hand in their pay in exchange for grief seeds though so she supposes it doesn't make too much difference. The other girls mostly do their jobs as normal, but the rather unfortunate Hainako who wrecked her bike a few months ago managed to repeat the feat in spectacular fashion. You really aren't sure how the bike ended up in that tree, you looked at the scene yourself and aren't quite sure how you could manage it even on purpose; the bicycle was still hanging there and one wheel spinning despondently. Supposedly a tow truck was involved somehow. She stayed out of work for much of a week to avoid showing up with a suspicious lack of injuries again. ($7200 -$400 docked pay for bicycle and absence)

Mami also assigns a green and one of the more organized veterans to compose a more rigorous system for tracking demon abilities, resistances, and distributions. Once they setup the various forms and spreadsheets it proves relatively easy to run off some copies and keep track of how the demon situation is in a more numerical way with some quick reports from each of the hunting teams on their return. This is the beginning of paperwork for your tiny group, but it conveys a significant advantage. You can now much more accurately gauge the strength of the demons in your territory. (Demon Strength Numerical Meter gained)

The enchanting research that was underway nearly half a year ago before your grief cube crunch is dusted off and started up again this month. Their efforts are still relatively blind. They try all sorts of materials for testing and get inconsistent results on discharge time. They toss around theories about what affects enchantment decay rates from crystallinity to connection to various metaphysics systems in history to naturalness.

They do manage to come up with a technique that they manage to teach to the other girls for holding onto an enchantment cast by another, it works by sort of wrapping it up with a field of your own magic outside it so it can't leak away. This at least lets Mami charge up another girl's shield and the other girl can maintain the superior strength as long as she holds it. Mami found it rather interesting as she started seeing the girls' shields before they went out how they've all decorated them in various colors and patterns.

They also discovered that it seems like layering different materials can slow the discharge rate somewhat. Wrapping a charged item in other materials noticeably lengthened the time period over which it lost strength, whereas changing the size of the object hadn't had much effect. (-3 grief cubes, -$500, shields go to -3%)

Mami also dispatches a veteran to scout out the area to the west. The territory only supports three grief cubes worth of hunting due to the less dense population, and two greens are fighting over it quite intensely. She has her doubts that recruiting them both is very possible, though recruiting one and pushing the other out would likely be rather easy. (+10% to diplomacy)

Hunting this month goes smoothly. Your squadron of vets is a well oiled machine at this point and there was very little danger to any of them. Mami doesn't even get herself buried in demons for once. You even collected a little bit more than expected. (+24 grief cubes)

There were two grief spirals this month and they each took 2 grief cubes to resolve. Aiko finally found the courage to confess her feelings to Daisuke. He didn't reciprocate. It took a Cube just to get her to explain things, and another to open her ears long enough for Haruko to confess her feelings. Sora's class was assigned research projects in History class. She had the misfortune of selecting the Battle of Okinawa. Those nightmares in particular took a couple Cubes to calm. (-4 grief cubes)

This month the last of the girls you started with made veteran, she is the last of the four you assigned to take jobs to begin with, and never had much combat time. (-1 Green +1 Veteran)


  • 4 Green Meguca, 19 Veteran Meguca, 1 Elite Meguca (Mami)
    • Upkeep: 7 Veteran, 3 Green
      • demon finding training (+20% grief cubes)
      • on pack tactics (-4% pack hunting)
      • Dispatch service (+30% grief cubes, -1% hunting casualties)
      • 4 veterans and 2 greens working jobs (+$7200)
  • Grief Cubes 28
  • Money: $9700
    • $400 upkeep on cellphones (-2% solo hunting)
    • $200 upkeep on cable
    • $3000 upkeep on apartments
  • Morale: [Medium] Morale edged up a bit more this month, the girls you picked up seem to have fully joined the group and though there were a couple spirals it wasn't too bad and there wasn't much danger on the hunt this month.
  • Assets
    • Tiny household shrine: Somewhat reduces losses to morale from deaths.
    • Shields: -3% Casualties
    • Basic General Combat Training: -2% Casualties (May decay with losses or recruitment).
    • Basic Solo Combat Training: -1% Pack Hunting, -3% Solo Hunting (May decay with losses or recruitment).
    • Cramped Apartments
    • Mami's Apartment (HQ of sorts) (Can be traded for $1200 per turn)
  • Territory
    • Demon Status: Strong +18
    • Sustainable Harvest: 27

Turn 11 Options
[] Dispersed Hunting: Magical Girl will individually hunt demons throughout your territory and gather the grief cubes for the central supply. This can be dangerous.
Cost: Variable, specify number of Meguca dedicated; Reward: 2 grief cubes per Meguca assigned. 20% base casualty (significant injury or death) chance.

[] Pack Hunting: Magical Girls will hunt in groups vastly reducing the danger, but because they are not covering as much area their efficiency is reduced. Death is significantly less likely.
Cost: Variable, specify number of Meguca dedicated; Reward 1.25 Grief Cubes per Meguca assigned; 10% base casualty chance

[] Optional addon, Rotating Tactics: You could have your meguca rotate their ability use week by week in order to reduce the level of adaptation the demons develop. While it would result in an immediate increase in casualty rate due to loss of effectiveness compared to the current approach, it would reduce the ability of the demons to adapt.
Cost: +5% casualty rate; Reward: Reduction in rate of demon strength increase from overhunting, exact value unknown
[] Gather money, illegally: Magical Girls assigned to this role will commit crime to gather mundane currency which can be used to improve living conditions, using powers to commit simple burglaries or cheat in games of chance. Your Magical Girls have joined in search of a better life they are unlikely to much enjoy this and wish to avoid harsher crimes. You also lack connections with the criminal underworld, so the take is not all that good. There might also be complications with other criminals or the law.
Cost: Variable, specify number of Meguca dedicated; Reward: ~$3,000 per month per Meguca assigned, but it is highly variable

[] Gather money, legally: There are not a great number of jobs that will take young girls as workers: working as a bike courier, waitress, or maid are likely options. This project benefits from regularity, and discontinuous execution may have negative side effects. Chance of success 25% per Meguca, following up on a previous month's success brings the chance to 100%.
Cost: Variable, specify number of Meguca dedicated; Reward: $1,000 per month per Meguca assigned.
[] Improve Housing: More Apartments: Currently the girls are packed in around 5 to an apartment. You could get some more apartments and reduce the crowding.
Cost: $6,000 and 1 Veteran Meguca; Reward Normal Apartment minimum housing level (for up to 25 Meguca), ongoing cost +3000$ per month or you get kicked out. Payable at the begining of the month. (not repeatable)

[] Improve Housing: Small house: Instead of a dinky apartment you could pool your resources for a small house, giving everyone a bit more room. Will still be quite a few people per bedroom, but gives more of a feeling of home.
Cost: $10,000 and 3 Veteran Meguca; Reward Cramped Small House instead of homeless as minimum housing level (for up to 25 Meguca), ongoing cost 5000$ per month or you get kicked out. Payable at the begining of the month. (not repeatable)

[] Stipend: Giving your magical girls a small amount of money to spend on themselves. At their current level of lifestyle this no longer really further boosts their morale, but will help prevent its decay.
Cost: $50 per Meguca; Reward: Maintained morale. Chance of success: 100%

[] Increased Stipend: Giving the girls more money will further improve their morale a little bit.
Cost: $100 per Meguca; Reward: Increased morale. Chance of success: 100%

[] Purchase Bicycles: While getting bicycles for everyone is quite expensive given you have so many people and so little income; it would make your girls somewhat more mobile. You could of course have them share bicycles as well, since it's likely that you won't need them all at the same time much.
Cost: $150 per bicycle, specify amount; Reward: More mobility

[] Makeshift skateboards: It also occurs to you that you could probably get by with just whipping up some basic skateboards by hand. It would save a lot of money but cost a little labor, it's also not something anyone has experience with doing, so success is chancy.
Cost: $1000, 2 Meguca; Chance of success 50% (only part of monetary cost lost on failure); Reward: Makeshift skateboards for everyone, more mobility

[] Start your own business: It will take more than a bit of creativity to start a real business, and some significant startup funds. You'd likely also need some help from Kyuubey to cover up the details with some false identies. It would provide a much greater ability to rotate girls through the roles though and more flexibility in how much to provide each month as well though.
Cost: $20,000, 4 grief cubes, 3 Veteran Meguca; Reward: Your own business, more ability to rotate roles, slowly increasing income starting below the current legal income but able to go higher. Chance of Success: 60% (future attempts build on this and are only ¼ the resource cost)
[]Training, Raise Veteran: Raise one of the Green Girls to be a veteran
Cost: 3 Meguca, 1 Veteran Meguca; Reward: Raises one Green Meguca to veteran status.
[] Group sports day: You'll take the time to organize a full group outing to have some fun in a park and play some games, it will have to be fully mundane though as going out to somewhere secluded likely would take too much time.
Cost: 1 Veteran Meguca (representative of one day for everyone essentially, since you are now mostly vets); Reward: Increase to morale (group cohesion)

[] Fun with magic: It's kind of a sad statement about magical girl life that you don't really get to play with your magic, it's too costly to use it much beyond what you need to use to get grief cubes. You might be able to afford to ease up on such restrictions and let people have fun with magic for once.
Cost: +0.1 grief cube to upkeep cost per girl; Reward: Increase to morale, you actually get to play with magic a little rather than just use it to fight, possible other effects

[] Enchanting, Secondary Properties: Further investigate the secondary properties that individual materials exhibit. Including buying some simple tools to test more properties.
Cost:2 months of: 2 Veteran Meguca, 1 Grief Cube, $1000; Reward: Information on deeper effects of enchanting.

[] Enchanting, Duration: Your budding researchers picked up a sort of effect similar to layered insulation holding in heat longer. They would like more resources to investigate this. They might be able to make enchantments last longer after a magical girl lets go of them this way, though they don't have much immediate idea as to the usefulness of that.
Cost:2 months of: 2 Veteran Meguca, 2 Grief Cube, $1000; Reward: Step towards long term enchantments.

[] Scout Area X: You can deploy a veteran to scout out one of the territories around you stealthily. They should be able to gauge the demon strength there and the magical girls status there without tipping them off, hopefully.
Cost: 1 Veteran; Chance of success: 70%; Reward: information on demon strength, support capacity of the territory, and status of current magical girls in the territory, bonus to diplomatic efforts.

[] Expand territory X, by force: The demons in Mitakihara have grown strong, but you could try to take over adjacent territories where they aren't as strong. The magical girls in those areas probably won't take kindly to this.
Cost: PvP combat; Reward: New territory with weaker demons

[] Expand territory X, by diplomacy: If you can convince them to join your group you may be able to safely incorporate others' territories. (Replaces normal recruitment option)
Cost: 1 Green, 1 Veteran; Reward: Meguca from territory recruited, new territory; Chance of Success: 30% (Mami bonus applicable)

-[] Addon, Bribery: Giving the girls some money might help them realize just how good for them cooperation could be.
Cost: $150 per girl in the territory; Reward: +1d10% success chance

-[] Addon, Intimidate: Bring additional Veterans to intimidate the other girls into accepting if they know what is good for them
Cost 1 extra Veteran, -morale of new girls if successfully recruited; Reward: +5% chance of success. Can be chosen repeatedly.

[] Recruitment, via Kyuubey: Ask Kyuubey to tell other Magical Girls in the area about you. He'll want something in return though, and he makes no promises of the efficacy.
Cost: 2 grief cubes; Reward: 1-3 girls; Chance of success: 50%

Average hunting rolls are 62 this month. Though at least you had a couple grief spirals. It amazes me how few deaths from those you guys have had. 1 in 4 grief spirals should be lethal at your current level of investment, yet you've only had 2 deaths to grief spirals in 10 turns.

Roll on job seeking was hilarious, the veteran with the bonus rolls bad, the greens roll really high. Also that same courier rolling bad. She and Akeno pretty much average out in general.

Extensive research probably isn't all that effective at your current size of operation, I'm trying to think about it in a logical way so that you don't reach dyson spheres by the time you control the Tokyo area. Which means that a couple of girls shouldn't be that effective at it. You can really only scratch the surface with your level of resources.
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Nice turn. Ahh... the power of nepotism. We definitely need to explore getting those girl's parents involved in starting up our business.

Hmmm... we actually can afford the house on the next turn, but only if we give up the apartments. Hmmm... Maybe we keep Mami's apartment, get the house, and assign new recruits to live with Mami for a couple months? Maybe get an Onee-sama bonus to morale for the new girls we recruit?

Alternate choice is to just get more apartments...

I'm interested to here others thoughts.

On the expansion, the bonuses are such that we need Mami to get 50% to the West, and 40% to the northeast. I think if we take sides in the fight to the west we should get a bonus (or so the GM is hinting), one of he girls. I think we should go that route, and specify we pick the girl we feel will integrate easily with the group.

The other new areas to the northwest and north are likely rural areas that will have low number of demons, and perhaps other penalties.

I figure next turn we go after the girls in the Northeast, while scouting the new urban area to the southwest. Maybe we should scout the Northeast again and see if anything has changed. (It's been 2-3 months, one of the girls might have died, or a new girl recruited).

Hmmm... without Mami hunting we can choose between 9 Vets hunt = approx. 25 Grief Cubes, or 10 Vet = approx. 28 Grief Cubes (which will increase Demon Strength). Our Grief Cube stockpile is such that we can take the lower choice I think. Unless we get bad rolls.

[X] Upkeep (Curious, if 2 greens are now working, how is our upkeep 7 vets and 1 green? Shouldn't it be 7 Vets and 3 Greens?)

[X] Pack Hunting: Magical Girls will hunt in groups vastly reducing the danger, but because they are not covering as much area their efficiency is reduced. Death is significantly less likely. 9 Veterans = expected Grief Cubes ~25
Cost: Variable, specify number of Meguca dedicated; Reward 1.25 Grief Cubes per Meguca assigned; 10% base casualty chance

[X] Stipend: Giving your magical girls a small amount of money to spend on themselves. At their current level of lifestyle this no longer really further boosts their morale, but will help prevent its decay.
Cost: $50 per Meguca; Reward: Maintained morale. Chance of success: 100%
-[X] When delivering the Stipend, Mami takes time to compliment each girl on how well she has been doing at her assigned task each month. Tease Hainako a bit about how hard she is on bikes. Give Akeno some admiration for how fast she is. Talk to Yuma-chan how her life has been lately. Ask these two new girls that got jobs so easily about their family and what their parents do for a living.

Time to do some glad handing. We'll make a politician of Mami yet!

[X] Group sports day: You'll take the time to organize a full group outing to have some fun in a park and play some games, it will have to be fully mundane though as going out to somewhere secluded likely would take too much time.
Cost: 1 Veteran Meguca (representative of one day for everyone essentially, since you are now mostly vets); Reward: Increase to morale (group cohesion)

[X] Expand territory West, by diplomacy: If you can convince them to join your group you may be able to safely incorporate others' territories. (Replaces normal recruitment option). 1 Green and 1 Mami, they consider the two girls and pick the one they feel fits best into the current team. They offer to side with her in the conflict with the other girl. 30% +10% = 10% (Mami) + ?? bonus from taking sides.
- [X] Addon, Bribery: Giving the girls some money might help them realize just how good for them cooperation could be.
Cost: $150 per girl in the territory; Reward: +1d10% success chance. Bribe the one girl we are taking sides with.

That leaves us with 2 Veterans left. We could either scout, hunt jobs, or do some research.

I'm very open to other people's suggestions on this one, and willing to change my vote.

For now:

[X] Gather money, legally: There are not a great number of jobs that will take young girls as workers: working as a bike courier, waitress, or maid are likely options. This project benefits from regularity, and discontinuous execution may have negative side effects. Chance of success 25% per Meguca, following up on a previous month's success brings the chance to 100%. 1 Vet, if at first you don't succeed, try try again.
Cost: Variable, specify number of Meguca dedicated; Reward: $1,000 per month per Meguca assigned.
-[X] Mami encourages the Veteran who failed last time to try again. Gives her some tips on acting older. (Mami's got some experience with that, what with her whole sempai onee-san routine.). I don't really expect a bonus (aside from the Vets original bonus) from this, but it's some nice story fluff.

[X] Re-Scout Area Northeast: You can deploy a veteran to scout out one of the territories around you stealthily. They should be able to gauge the demon strength there and the magical girls status there without tipping them off, hopefully.
Cost: 1 Veteran; Chance of success: 70%; Reward: information on demon strength, support capacity of the territory, and status of current magical girls in the territory, bonus to diplomatic efforts.

I figure we get a bonus to success on re-scouting, but only a small chance that things have changed? Maybe 10% chance per a month since we last scouted? Something like that.
I think if we take sides in the fight to the west we should get a bonus (or so the GM is hinting), one of he girls. I think we should go that route, and specify we pick the girl we feel will integrate easily with the group.
Spot on. +40% if you target only one. There will be a small morale loss for pushing the other girl out of the area though in exchange.

(Curious, if 2 greens are now working, how is our upkeep 7 vets and 1 green? Shouldn't it be 7 Vets and 3 Greens?)
Yeah fixed now.

Time to do some glad handing. We'll make a politician of Mami yet!
Glad to see you taking advantage of my open offer of write-in stuff :) I do feel like it's nice to get some more input on direction to take things.

I figure we get a bonus to success on re-scouting, but only a small chance that things have changed? Maybe 10% chance per a month since we last scouted? Something like that.
When it's Greens involved I'm going to assess something like a 25% chance of change per month (if you don't act on the information the next month). With veterans 10% sounds right. Though you're right that odds are mostly that rescouting won't give you any real benefit.
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Spot on. +40% if you target only one. There will be a small morale loss for pushing the other girl out of the area though in exchange.

Glad to see you taking advantage of my open offer of write-in stuff :) I do feel like it's nice to get some more input on direction to take things.

Good to know. We're getting a bit full on girls for our current housing. I was thinking Mami could start rotating 3 girls into her apartment every week or so. Kind of like an extended sleep over. Mami gets to know the girls, the girls get to know Mami. Start with the 3 new girls (the vet from the northeast, and the 2 greens from the peninsula).

I would love to see the new greens start calling Mami "Onee-sama" (their apparent upper-middle class background makes that in character for them). Seeing Mami's reaction will be fun. It might even start spreading to the other girls. Mami is everyone's "Onee-sama." Legends start spreading about "the Onee-sama of Mitakihara." When we finally meet up with Kyouko, and one of our girls calls us Onee-sama in her presence - I figure Kyouko's response will be hilarious.

When it's Greens involved I'm going to assess something like a 25% chance of change per month (if you don't act on the information the next month). With veterans 10% sounds right. Though you're right that odds are mostly that rescouting won't give you any real benefit.

Sounds good.

Oh, another idea I had. You mentioned that the girls had been personalizing their shields. It made me wonder if personalization has an impact on how magic effects things. Magical girl outfits are so personalized that maybe this is part of incorporating mundane items into their personal repertoire. Might be a research option.
Good to know. We're getting a bit full on girls for our current housing. I was thinking Mami could start rotating 3 girls into her apartment every week or so. Kind of like an extended sleep over. Mami gets to know the girls, the girls get to know Mami. Start with the 3 new girls (the vet from the northeast, and the 2 greens from the peninsula).
For simplicity sake I'm not intending to mechanically track who has to live in your apartments and who doesn't (I figure that on average just having X population require each tier of housing is sufficient), but from a fluff standpoint the two new girls are still living at home, though a sleepover is reasonable.

I would love to see the new greens start calling Mami "Onee-sama" (their apparent upper-middle class background makes that in character for them). Seeing Mami's reaction will be fun. It might even start spreading to the other girls. Mami is everyone's "Onee-sama." Legends start spreading about "the Onee-sama of Mitakihara." When we finally meet up with Kyouko, and one of our girls calls us Onee-sama in her presence - I figure Kyouko's response will be hilarious.
This just makes me think of organized crime somehow, lol.

Oh, another idea I had. You mentioned that the girls had been personalizing their shields. It made me wonder if personalization has an impact on how magic effects things. Magical girl outfits are so personalized that maybe this is part of incorporating mundane items into their personal repertoire. Might be a research option.
Hmm that's an interesting idea I hadn't thought of. I had just been thinking if you give any adolescent girl a plain item and say it's theirs to keep, it's going to end up decorated sooner or later. I'll think about adding that as a research option.
Personalization is a thing with soldiers too I believe, at least where their regulations allow. It helps divert from the stress of combat and improves morale.

Might make it a better focus for their magic if they use images emotionally significant to them. Probably not TOO personal to avoid taking risks to save a beloved hat though. Might help to have some girls exercise their arts and crafts hobbies as well for the group if that works
None of our girls probably have enough experience to really have any expertise on the matter, but it couldn't hurt to have a brainstorming session on the problems of trying to balance Meguca life with a working relationship, and thoughts on how to minimize those problems ahead of time. Those that get together with other magical girls are helpful in terms of both sides understanding the issues but also promotes infectious grief spirals.

Maybe the two rich girls would be able to talk their parents into helping them start a small company. If so, then that should drastically decrease the cost for doing so since there wouldn't need to be nearly as many forgeries to deal with inconvenient questions about liscencing and stuff like that.

Freelance internet-based work may not take advantage of PM advantages but it's a lot easier to avoid the age issues with.

Encouraging our girls to look out for eachother and help eachother through tough times would help with our nascent policy for dealing with Grief Spirals.
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Only one vote today is quite disappointing.

Also for starting your own company it would be nice if people could come up with ideas on jobs that you could leverage PM advantages to help with. Though you're right that internet work just to avoid age issues is a decent choice as well, but you still run into issues with actually making money that way.
I'm thinking we try and get both, because the area still provides enough GC to make us able to have both.

We just gotta bring in a few friends to show them it's all about friendship.

And organizations.
Isn't a pizza delivery service viable? I know they're reasonably cheap to start up, and there are some places, at least in the U.S., that ONLY do delivery. Same essential idea as the courier service, only more deliveries. I think that's one of the few jobs often taken by teenagers and it can pay well. Very dependent on advertising and marketing, of course, but the fact the delivery girls are all teenage girls helps enormously there.

I know Japan has different foods and such, but my impression was that delivery food is still a big business.
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Bye Bye Beautiful - After a hard days' work, poor Arisa-chan was cornered by a few thugs. She came home to drop off her wages, hug her sister, and then vanish into thin air. Whatever had happened, someone was going to pay.
Gimme Gimme Never Gets - Kasumi was caught stealing Cubes the other day, when the steadily-recovering Izumi inexplicably suffered from a fatal spiral. One Cube lost to Kasumi's sticky hands, two had gone to Izumi-chan, and one more, for your own use, after you were forced to euthanize the thief.
Joining You - Kohaku passed on last night, cut atwain by her Spiraling lover, Matoko.
An Empty Plate - Shinobu, while ecstatic about an actual roof over her head, Despaired over all the money brought in. "You can't eat money!" she complained. All the other girls looked sheepish, having forgotten to buy food. While Akeno raced off to the grocery store, Shinobu made her point by literally eating a Grief Cube.
A Full Plate - Quiet Satomi-chan broke down the other night, roaring about how unfair it was that she had a roof and food, when her family had starved to see her eighth birthday. All that could calm her, were words of how proud her parents would have been to see her making friends. And a forcefully applied Grief Cube.
A Failure at Succeeding - Shinobu had a panic attack the other day, when she realized that, in her excitement over hunting successes, she'd missed the chance to hand in four major assignments. A Grief Cube, and a promise to help her with makeup assignments, brought her out of it.
Nom - Yui was walking home again, when a car started speeding. She ducked into an alleyway, resolved to take the long way 'round, and witnessed a man answer his door, and receive his ordered shotgun sandwich. She spent the next two nights cradling a Cube to sleep, having developed the intuition to use them even while unconscious.
Dinkleburg! - Anzu, one of the newer girls, could not catch a break. Her friends blamed her for every loud noise, her teachers for every disruption, and her parents for every splotch on the wall. One Cube intercepted her dipping mood, while the other healed her sister's crumpled, guilty form.
Hail Mary - Hitomi returned the other day, bloodied but satisfied. She'd joined up, hoping to get strong enough to kill the Demon that had taken her father's life, and recently, throwing around absurd amounts of Magic, she succeeded. Half-crazed from the sheer anger she felt at it, and heavily injured, this cost the group two Cubes.
I'll Never Regret Saving You - Yuri came home from school one day, sobbing about a pack of vicious bullies. Funny, you remember saving at least three of those boys not a month ago. By way of apology, you gave her a Cube for each of the brats.
Doctor's Tender Mercies - Tsubaki got into a fight the other day. It's a habit of hers. Unfortunately, her opponent walked home with a gimp leg, and was hit by a bus. Luckily, she's a healer, and with the liberal application of Magic - two Cubes' worth, one for her nerves - the young man was right as rain.
Spear - Ayase, on a routine Demon hunt, was speared by Tsubaki's stray attack. The Demon itself died pitifully, but their ensuing battle cost two Cubes. The follow-up skirmish cost another, and your efforts to separate and mediate burned another Cube.
Grief Cake - Akane came back from a hunting expedition visibly unsettled. When prodded, noting how dark her Soul Gem was, she explained that she was sick of slaughtering faceless images, tired of all the violence and pain, and scared of slipping up. In times like this, Mama Tomoe always said that Cake Solves Everything. Mama hasn't been wrong yet. Your secret ingredient? Grief Cubes. So many Cubes.
And She Dances - Shinobu was a pedantic girl, prone to fits of anxiety and anger at the slightest thing. But she proved, today, that she was one of your finest Magical Girls, when she arrived on-scene. Tsubaki and Yui lay in halves, surrounded by no less than seven strong Demons. Three civilians cowered on the sidelines, already lightly burned. Flecks of gold sparked in her Gem, but before you could so much as blink, she was healing Yui, frantically applying Cube after Cube to stabilize her patients. It was a costly day, but Shinobu's relieved whisper summed it up. "Just this once...Everyone lives!"

Not many new entries this time. Again, I do requests.
Grief Spiral

Haruka's parents weren't accepting of their daughter's sexuality. The aftermath cost two Grief Cubes. One to help Haruka deal with being disowned, and another to keep Aiko calm enough not to do anything drastic.
@Elder Haman
If we're going to make a push for morale, maybe we could do the 'play with magic' rather than the group sports day? It seems like it has a better chance of leading to something interesting, and although it costs us a few grief cubes it also frees up a Veteran. That would let us drop the scouting mission to the northeast, (kinda superfluous at this point), and do the 'research enchanting secondary properties' thing with the two Veterans.

This costs us a few extra grief cubes, but I think it's well worth it to push on with the research.
Finally got home... so tired....

Isn't a pizza delivery service viable? I know they're reasonably cheap to start up, and there are some places, at least in the U.S., that ONLY do delivery. Same essential idea as the courier service, only more deliveries. I think that's one of the few jobs often taken by teenagers and it can pay well. Very dependent on advertising and marketing, of course, but the fact the delivery girls are all teenage girls helps enormously there.

I know Japan has different foods and such, but my impression was that delivery food is still a big business.

True, food delivery is a great choice. If we still had our magical chief with cooking wish magic it would be even better. Unfortunately she died. Another is straight up option is a courier service. It's something we have girls with a reputation for, and with our speed we can probably become dominant. It would probably attract attention though.

Another choice, one that would cost grief cubes but for which we could charge a premium, would be for our healers to cure diseases. We'd want a false front, like miracle "health food" or something.

@Elder Haman
If we're going to make a push for morale, maybe we could do the 'play with magic' rather than the group sports day? It seems like it has a better chance of leading to something interesting, and although it costs us a few grief cubes it also frees up a Veteran. That would let us drop the scouting mission to the northeast, (kinda superfluous at this point), and do the 'research enchanting secondary properties' thing with the two Veterans.

This costs us a few extra grief cubes, but I think it's well worth it to push on with the research.

Well, that will cost us about 3 grief cubes. and another grief cube for the research, so we will be at an expected -31 grief cubes, with expected 25 coming in. We'll drop down below the 24 stockpile limit, which will hurt our morale. We just don't have the grief cube income yet to do what we want, hence the drive to expand.

I'm certainly willing to reassign the veteran if you think it would be better to scout one of the other more rural areas. I could even be talked into dropping the sport day and the scouting and go for the 1 Grief Cube research task. Although I'm leery of cutting into our grief cube stockpile.

@LightMage - What would your plan be to try and get both girls? If we are just going to roll the dice, then I think I'd rather go after the three vets in the northeast.

@mastigos - @veekie - @Mecrazyfang - @Chimeraguard - It's great that everyone is reading and commenting... is there a reason why none of you are voting?
Eh I guess we should try another intel mission to figure out why they're fighting so hard? It might be a reason to side with one of them or the other.

If it's over something far more mundane like they just don't like each other, we can recruit them and put em on separate assignments.
That sounds more like something were Mami would go into and try and do diplomacy, but if she fails, she comes away with a better understanding of the issue, allowing for a better attempt at diplomacy in the future?
[X] Elder Haman

Alright, I can't say my concerns haven't been answered. I'd like to keep a steady pace with the research, but it's undeniable that morale is a big piece of things too. It'd be nice if we had enough grief cubes and money to do whatever we want, but we just don't.
Does demon strength +18 mean that any gathering actions have a +18% of dying? Can we have the equation of how our hunting rate affects demon strength?

I like Elder Haman's plan except, rather than scouting NW again, why not scout the other areas? I'm doing that with 2 people since more territory is really important. We're at the point where if we can get our demon strength down to ~0 then solo-hunting becomes both safe and profitable. It might be worthwhile to do Rotating Tactics, but the unknown value of reduction makes me think that it won't be worth it (since the Demons will still be adapting to fight MGs rather than each other)
For the record we've done:
7-NW: taken T8
7-Eastern Peninsula: taken T8
7-NE: +0%
10-W: +10% (soon-to-be taken)
Is the map on page 1 updated? If so, we have not yet scouted NW and N.

I also updated the probability of diplomacy from inverted_helix's answers.

[X] Upkeep (7 Vets and 3 Greens)

[X] Pack Hunting: Magical Girls will hunt in groups vastly reducing the danger, but because they are not covering as much area their efficiency is reduced. Death is significantly less likely. 9 Veterans = expected Grief Cubes ~25
Cost: Variable, specify number of Meguca dedicated; Reward 1.25 Grief Cubes per Meguca assigned; 10% base casualty chance

[X] Stipend: Giving your magical girls a small amount of money to spend on themselves. At their current level of lifestyle this no longer really further boosts their morale, but will help prevent its decay.
Cost: $50 per Meguca; Reward: Maintained morale. Chance of success: 100%
-[X] When delivering the Stipend, Mami takes time to compliment each girl on how well she has been doing at her assigned task each month. Tease Hainako a bit about how hard she is on bikes. Give Akeno some admiration for how fast she is. Talk to Yuma-chan how her life has been lately. Ask these two new girls that got jobs so easily about their family and what their parents do for a living.

Time to do some glad handing. We'll make a politician of Mami yet!

[X] Group sports day: You'll take the time to organize a full group outing to have some fun in a park and play some games, it will have to be fully mundane though as going out to somewhere secluded likely would take too much time.
Cost: 1 Veteran Meguca (representative of one day for everyone essentially, since you are now mostly vets); Reward: Increase to morale (group cohesion)

[X] Expand territory West, by diplomacy: If you can convince them to join your group you may be able to safely incorporate others' territories. (Replaces normal recruitment option). 1 Green and 1 Mami, they consider the two girls and pick the one they feel fits best into the current team. They offer to side with her in the conflict with the other girl. 30% +40% +10% (Mami) = 80%
- [X] Addon, Bribery: Giving the girls some money might help them realize just how good for them cooperation could be.
Cost: $150 per girl in the territory; Reward: +1d10% success chance. Bribe the one girl we are taking sides with.

average 85.5% chance of success.

[X] Scout Areas Northwest, North: You can deploy a veteran to scout out one of the territories around you stealthily. They should be able to gauge the demon strength there and the magical girls status there without tipping them off, hopefully.
Cost: 1 Veteran (x2); Chance of success: 70%; Reward: information on demon strength, support capacity of the territory, and status of current magical girls in the territory, bonus to diplomatic efforts.

On a side note, if those two girls we picked up have really good parents, we might be able to get a loan so that we can start up that business. Though I'd really prefer to get more territory first, since right now we are net negative if we try to harvest sustainably (+2/turn but ~-3 from spirals)
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Does demon strength +18 mean that any gathering actions have a +18% of dying? Can we have the equation of how our hunting rate affects demon strength?
+18% chance of casualty, not death. Most casualties are just injury.

Is the map on page 1 updated? If so, we have not yet scouted NE and N.
You have east and west confused I think. It is up to date though.

[X] Upkeep (Curious, if 2 greens are now working, how is our upkeep 7 vets and 1 green? Shouldn't it be 7 Vets and 3 Greens?)
Seriously I fixed this like 5 minutes after originally posting.
+18% chance of casualty, not death. Most casualties are just injury.

You have east and west confused I think. It is up to date though.

Seriously I fixed this like 5 minutes after originally posting.
1) Got it, thanks. I guess we'll have to figure out the equation manually.
2) What am I doing wrong then? Standard is clockwise NESW, which would make East to the right. Did I get my scouting record incorrect? We have scouted and not taken NW and W going by the updates.
On that note, have you considered having separate maps for each update (or whenever our territory changes)? That way we'd see our territory expanding, which I think could be kinda neat.
3) Oops, sorry. That's what I get for copy&paste without looking closely.
1) Got it, thanks. I guess we'll have to figure out the equation manually.
I can give you the equation if you want but it's rather pointlessly convoluted.

[X] Scout Areas Northeast, North:
We have scouted and not taken NW and W going by the updates.
You are missing NW and N, but that's not what you put in your original post.

On that note, have you considered having separate maps for each update (or whenever our territory changes)? That way we'd see our territory expanding, which I think could be kinda neat.
That would lead to too many maps I think.
I can give you the equation if you want but it's rather pointlessly convoluted.

You are missing NW and N, but that's not what you put in your original post.

That would lead to too many maps I think.
1) It's rather useful information for figuring out the optimal hunting strategy- oscillations vs constant, that sort of thing
2) Wow... I have no idea how that happened. Thanks. Fix'd (EDIT: wait no. We've scouted W and NW. We are not taking NW because it has +0%.)
3) Post the maps with the update, and have the one on P1 be the most recent/updated. That was what I was thinking at least.
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