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The Traverse

The year is 2159, two years after the first contact war when humanity was...
The Beginning

Doomed Wombat

Let's go Darling!
Dancing on wires!
The Traverse

The year is 2159, two years after the first contact war when humanity was violently introduced to the greater galaxy due to laws set down before their people even thought of reaching for the stars.

The effects of this have been staggering and after two years of constant movement, confusion and negotiations the systems Alliance has finally settled down, starting to incorporate technologies gifted by the elder races of the galaxy and integrate into the galactic community, while in the shadows xenophobia and fear rises higher, spurred on by an Illusive Man and a terrorist organisation.

You of course see little of this, as you are preparing a colony to take advantage of the gold rush of the new age.

The Attican Traverse, the gateway to the Terminus Systems.

In this region of space lies some of the most fought over worlds in galactic history, constantly raided by the Terminus Systems for whatever resources maybe found there, with refugees and criminals constantly spilling over from both sides.

A mad bad land where everything can be gained, and then lost in a matter of moments.

There are few colonies here, and even fewer survive more than a few years before being destroyed by one group or another, the resources of the galactic governments too tied up in their Core territories to expand into this no man's land and risk provoking the chaotic beast on the other side.

But, here you are. The Humans.

Boldly going forward into this new age, filled with mystery where you are but, rambunctious, precocious children compared to those that have been here since before your people mastered fire.

But, before anything else who exactly are you, after all you have to fill in many many forms informing people of your intent. Then there are back ground checks and more.

So, who are you and what did you do?

[] Retired Military: You fought on both land and air against the Turians and were among the more successful commanders against the unknown alien force until you were finally captured. While you were defeated you came to respect, if not like, these unknowns. After peace was negotiated you were released with an honourable discharge after decades of decorated service, but you could not let your old life just die and either could many of your old friends. You've all got at least one more fight left in you and on the edge isn't the worst place to die. Martial Start: Begin with experience commanding, favours in the Systems Alliance Military and you get to bring a fairly large core of veteran fighters with you to defend the colony. Have a single contact within the Turian Hierarchy.

[] Successful Diplomat: When the Turians came you were one of the diplomats that tried to unsuccessfully stop them through diplomatic means and when the Citadel came down on them for their actions you were one of the first contact with the Asari and Salarians and managed to explain to them many intricacies of human culture and understanding, even made yourself from very nice friends. Under immense pressure after the negotiations were finally over you retired too much stress for an old buffer like yourself, but after recovering you decided to make use of your talents in other areas and finally call in those little favours that you have been saving up all these years. Diplomacy Start: Begin with several contacts within the wider galactic community, can negotiate with non-humans much easier, many saved up favours in the Systems Alliance

[] Lifetime Spy: Simple enough, you were a spy an intelligence gatherer, employed by the Systems Alliance to gather information upon its allies and enemies and you had been since the day you were conceived. Now they had decided your skills were best served creating an intelligence network in the Traverse. The reasons are numerous, to protect human interests, to keep an eye on this "Hegemony" and "Terminus," to look out for Cerberus, but at the end of the day your job was still pretty much the same as it was when you started decades ago. Intrigue Start: Extremely dangerous and experienced spy, Systems Alliance has their eyes on you. Fulfil their askance and you'll get very nice bonuses.

[] Veteran Administrator: To put it bluntly you were an accountant and a damn good one. You could squeeze every single drop of value from just about any document you were given and while that did make you some enemies, it made you damn wealthy as well, so it evened out. You made a true fortune when you out negotiated some of those Volus people and acquired a very lucrative deals on some rather potent technologies. But, with boredom setting in during your dotage you decided to go all in, on the riskiest deal of your life. Administration Start: Lots and lots of money, a few initial trade deals already set up from the start, colony bound to run smoothly. Enemies in the Alliance and even a few in the Galactic Community.

[] Curious Professor: You were at the cutting edge of your field when the Turians arrived and were for decades pushing humanity towards the stars and, now you're at the bottom of it. A rather curious predicament for one such as you who was sought after by every single major university in the Systems Alliance. Still you did not let it phase you for long, you entered and excelled in the education courses the Citadel offered, and your flame only soured higher as you gazed upon that fascinating construct of dreams. The stars are ancient and hold many many secrets. You want to uncover them all. Learning Start: Old Professor, up to date on galactic understanding of the universe, many contacts with educational institutions back in the Systems Alliance.

You shake your head, clearing it of cob webs, before blinking at the form. You've spent quite a long time on who you are, but your name and gender has actually remained blank...quite foolish of you no? You must be slowing down as the years catch up to you in earnest.



[] Male

[] Female

Typing down the final pieces of information you sigh and lean back in your chair, before pressing the send button.

If this is approved, then your life will never be the same again. You will have more responsibility heaped on your shoulders than you ever believed possible, and if the stories you have heard and read are true your chances of success are slim to none. But, victory. That slim chance of victory is tantalising.

If you succeed, then you will eternally write your name into the stars themselves...if you fail then...well you probably would not be remembered much anyway.

Well I may as well try my hand at this once again.

Welcome to the Traverse, a quest where you will be setting up a colony in...well the Attican Traverse, the new Gold Rush zone of the galaxy, only a few years after the end of the First Contact war.

The area you are colonising will be dangerous, it will have hazards both natural and unnatural and your survival is by no means assured. Survive and you will do more than most. Prosper and you maybe able to influence the galaxy as a whole depending on who or what you choose to support.

The quest for the most part will focus on CKII, with you taking control of the leader of a colony, shaping it's early development and when that leader is removed for reasons ranging from death, to uprising, to good old being voted out of office you will control the next leader...unless everybody's dead in which case you loose.

This first post will select your first character, the second your sponsor (colonies are expensive), the third your planet and finally initial colonisation. Then the quest will begin in earnest.

Good luck y'all :) and most importantly thanks to @PoptartProdigy both for inspiring this quest and giving advice to me while planning.
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Character Sheets
Character Sheets
James Raynor
Age: 87
Martial 17+4=21: You've been fighting for a very long time and spent a lot of that commanding once you were promoted. You are an expert commander and can see off most foes

16: A nack for maths sees you as a skilled logician, and an appreciation for having proper equipment saw you develop it. You are a skilled Administrator

14+3=17: Naturally good with people, dealing with internal military politics saw you become a competent, if blunt politician.

12+3=15: Your preference was always for more direct tactics, but you gained an appreciation for them over your years, especially after you were tricked into defeat. You are a competent, if unsubtle spy

11: You're not dumb sure and respect egg heads, but learning was never your strong suit. You are an unable scientist.
N7 Founder: You were one of the boys who helped found the original N7 programme and oversaw its first intake of graduates and their training. To get that honour you had to be in every level of the military before then and earned a lot of experience and contacts at every level of the Alliance. +4 Martial +3 intrigue, +3 diplomacy

Born long before the discovery of the Prothean relics on Mars James, Jimmy, Raynor started off as an impoverished farmer boy from Texas.

Falling into crime at a young age due in part to recklessness, desperation and bad influences, Raynor was arrested sent to the military to try and straighten him out, a task which it at least partially excelled in, turning him into a highly competent soldier. When the Systems Alliance was founded in 2149 Raynor was recruited into its military.

His decades of experience meant that he was selected to help train the first groups of N7 soldiers.
He finally decided it was time to retire after being defeated on Shanxi by Tiberius Martem, commander of the Blackwatch forces present with the fleet.

Despite being captured and the general sentiments of humans around the Turians at the time he and Tiberius connected due to their shared skill, with Tiberius introducing him to Talshiran, Turian Chess.

The two parted on friendly, if awkward terms.

After recovering and finally being discharged, Raynor has gathered several of his old colleagues in order to make a permanent mark on the galaxy.
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Information Codex
Location: Milkey Way/Attican Traverse/Numan Confluence/Aiur System/Third Planet

First surveyed in 696CE the planet of Perkwunos was prepped for colonisation by the Krogan, but the Krogan rebellions which started only four years later prompted the planet to fall from recollections, aside from being the occasional lair of pirates, or some adventurous Terminus miners.

The planet's most striking characteristic from orbit is the eternal thunder storm raging in its orbit which made habitation daunting even to the Krogan, with only the discovery of the planet's underground tunnel system ensuring that colonisation would go forward.

The underground tunnels that cross the entire planet are theorised to either have been built artificially, or to have been created by active eezo being pulled from the planet by lightning. Either way these tunnels are where life thrives on Perkwunos.

On the surface there is very little life, mostly giant trees that subsist on the lightning strikes, and other creatures of immense fortitude or with special adaptations to survive out there.

In the caverns, life can be divided into three general biomes.

Around the equator is the aqueous zone. This is a giant underground ocean and a constant chorus of flashing biotics as the under-sea creatures fight for survival and triumph. Breif scans of this zone indicate that there are large amounts of minerals in this area but mining them will be very difficult.

Second are the "jungle" zones. These form around hot spots and are where plants adapted for humidity reside. These areas are where the plants reign supreme as constant heat and water sends them into overdrive, the undergrowth constantly competing with the over growth, both by proximity and in some cases literally as well. These zones are in a constant cycle of decay and rebirth, as they will burn themselves out, rot and then start all over again.

Finally, are the "alpine" zones. These zones are colder than average and make up most of the space between the other zones. These areas are characterised by pine like "trees" that root deep into the rock. However, here is also where one finds the most animals.

These can generally be divided into two categories, those that bulldoze their way through the trees in some fashion, and those that work with and slink through them, both being dangerous in their own way.

Of course, there are variations within these biomes.

More detailed information will be added to the codex as the colony develops and explores its new environs.

There are 4 other colony worlds currently surviving in your cluster, with you making the fifth and only human one.

Roquibian- is a primarily Salarian world, although originally slated for Asari development. A world of striking natural beauty it was colonised, by a Salarian tourism mega corporation. While it is not rich in resources, it already has a stream of tourists, artists and dreamers going to it in order to get away from Citadel, or even Terminus systems. Initial contact with them was friendly, but you get the feeling that they were a bit quick on giving you tourism brochures.

Olmatsi- a joint Asari and Walking Jellyfish Hanar colony and currently the most important one in the cluster due to the presence of valuable prothean ruins. As such it receives large amounts of attention from both the Citadel and from Terminus. While you were welcomed with open arms (and tentacles) there are apparently significant issues in the colony due to tensions between the Asari researchers and the religious Hanar. They are the ones buying your small amount of animal bits.

Kappa Su- The previous youngest colony in your area, Kappa Su was founded by an Elcor Food Giant and apparently has been bubbling along ever since. According to the Matron there's some buzz about them as the colony is one of the first Elcor colonies so far from their space. Apparently they have opened up migration with the Systems Alliance already. The general reception you received was sleepy, if courteous.

Hogranis- The smallest world Hogranis is little more than a multi species research colony. Full scale colonisation is currently forbidden under council law, due to the world being a "young" world. Life is in its prehistoric stages and the whole world is a unique opportunity to study its emergence. Your reception here was quiet, but polite.

Kadris- Founded after Perkwunuous by the Batarian Hegemony Kadris is best summed up as a frozen ice block, but a frozen ice block rich in Helium 3, hence the extensive mining and extraction operations that take place there. To fund this rapid expansion the Hegemony sent hundreds of thousands of slaves there despite the colony not having the facilities to safely house them. Currently produces a significant amount of high quality Helium 3.
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Colony Status

Current State of the Colony Turn 9





126,92 currently. (3500 of those so far are Batarian escapees)
300 Asari Immigrants
150 assorted other immigrants
1402 Biotic Children
Pop growth: 3.5% per year.
Single city, close to large eezo deposit.
Three additional mining towns-Defiance, Forgebound and Glimmering.

Reserves: 4620
Income: 26,460 per turn
Maintenance: 16,150 per turn.

Markedly positive.

2 corvettes
1 frigate
7,500 professional soldiers.
Strong defences on city.
Wide Scale Competent Militia.

Decent Housing
Good Hydroponics.
Good medical system
Colony command and control
Fortified Command post
Orbital trade port.
Aqua Extractors.
Orbital Mines
Ground Based Mines
Fantastic police force.
Good exotic animal parts trade.
Strong shock tourism trade.
Extremely good orbital defences
Hanhe Kanar factories
Decent electrical grid
Education until 18
Five Constantinople defence platforms four Harmony Class defence platforms.

Food situation, Moderate surplus

Diplomatic information close to home: Know the general information about all worlds and are generally friendly with them.
Nal'vatanis: Very happy to have you on board as one of their first big areas. Hopeful for a very successful partnership.
Overall Prominence: 40/100
Helping the economy of the cluster and getting ready to help your neighbours has given you a good reputation. Now the ruins have made you somewhat more important.

Diplomatic information Wider galaxy: SAI is irritated with you, but SAM approves of your progress. Currently expected to expand into a ship yard in exchange for assistance in helping with the rail road.
Overall Prominence 40/100
Ancient precursor ruins get people to pay attention.
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Who Owns Your Soul
Who Owns Your Soul?

You were fast asleep when the ping came from your terminal informing you of a message and so you rose yourself groaning and walked over too it, the pain from your leg spiking as you suppressed it with barely a second thought.

You slouched your way over to the console blinking blearily at it, before seeing the words up on the screen before grinning. Your application had been a success, nothing too suspicious in your back ground, hell you were as loyal as the came and they knew it.

This called for a celebratory drink, as you instinctively reached for the bottle...only to stop yourself. You needed to be on the top of your game for now, when everything was fully settled, then you could have a drink…not now.

Going back to the form, you started to look through it in detail, which at the end of the day boiled down to no, reasons why you could not organise a colony after all you had the skills., just so long as you could prove that you had resources and people to actually make it happen.

Falling back into your chair you thought on what you had signed your soul away too and prayed that it would actually pay off. If it didn't then this entire operation was dead before it even hit the ground, and even then, it may come back to bite you in the ass and then you'd get a lot of good people killed.

Still you couldn't go wrong with

[] Corporate Sponsoring: after all it's been legal for citadel companies to pay for colonies to develop for years, and they make sure to provide all the necessary equipment for just about any situation and more. Selkur and Selkur, the largest mining corporation in the System's Alliance maybe a bunch of a moral gits, but at least they're competent a moral gits. You just hope that the mining rights will be enough to buy your colony out of effective wage serfdom quickly. Corporate start: Start with high quality starting equipment, with a focus on resource gathering quickly. Initial colonists will include more workers, mining experts and bureaucrats. In massive debt to mega corporation.

[] The System's Alliance Military:
Saying Military is a bit vague, but that's effectively what it is in this case. No one exact branch approved this, but all the boys in brass generally agree that sponsoring you and getting a military base set up in the Traverse is good for everyone, and with your experience you're likely to get it done. They don't have the budget to give you the best stuff of course, but they can give you some old surplus ships and a bit of priority on defence details. Military start: Begin with medium to low quality equipment, albeit with good defences. Also start with surplus Alliance ships and a priority for reinforcements if attacked. Initial colonists will include more military folk. Expected to become a military hard spot.

[] SAI:
The Intelligence Branch of the Alliance is somewhat underfunded compared to military, but recent events are giving it more power and resources than ever, including enough to do this. The spooks will be able to give you a lot of tools that will make sneaky stuff a lot easier, including basing a group of commandos on your world as soon as you have the facilities to support them, but you'll also have to network for them in various ways. Intrigue start: Begin with medium quality equipment everything that will make creating effective anti-crime forces easier and cheaper, in addition to establishing some kind of intelligence gathering mechanism. Additional support when the colony is more established. Initial colonists will include SAI personnel in larger numbers. Expected to provide intelligence to the Alliance and assist in its intelligence gathering.

[] A University:
Specifically, the University of Oxbridge, the combined Oxford and Cambridge. The two merged fully in 2071 and are still one of the top human universities to this day and they want to cash in on the potential scientific opportunities offered by the expanse. They have gone all in on getting you the best equipment they can, although that does mean that there's not much of it, so your colony will be much smaller. They'll also cut off funding if you can't provide results. Research start: Begin with high quality equipment, but in smaller amounts compared to other starts resulting in a smaller research colony. Start with scientific equipment already. Will be able to get discoveries into wider galaxy quicker. Initial colonists will be scientists. Expected to submit scientific discoveries.

[] The Council:
Now this was an interesting offer. In order to better integrate humanity into the galactic community the Council offered to sponsor a colony, which comes with its own benefits and problems. On the one hand they will be footing the bill with the best equipment they can put together and the colony will be getting alien experts, but the eyes of the galaxy will likely be on you to a greater extent. Certainly, the eyes of earth and the colonies, though the Council's reputation may protect you from those who've been active in the galaxy for longer. Diplomacy start: Begin with best quality equipment in large quantities. Start with a population of Asari, Salarians and Turians (Dextro food will be covered by the equipment). More connections with the wider galaxy. Initial colonists will be more Xenophilic. Expected to promote Xenophlia.

[] Nobody:
You organised everything, got the people together yourself and through hard work and effort scraped together the cash needed to get this off the ground. Your equipment maybe bad, but you have determination, you'll tough it out and thrive right? Neutral start: Begin with poor quality equipment setting up will be much harder. Not beholden to any one group or faction.

In addition to whatever you pick here, choosing the ex-military background means that you get numerous military veterans as part of the initial colonists for free. These are Raynor's old friends and comrades, very skilled, but getting on in years like he is. They come with their own equipment and will make things like setting up a militia much easier as well as defend the colony from attack.

Now we get to something very important.

Consider this carefully, as it will greatly impact the future of the quest.

I am ready to answer questions that might be asked.

Raynor's sheet is up on the front page.
A Whole New World!
A Whole New World!

With everything else settled with SAM, your equipment beginning to be piled together and your colonists being contacted en mass you looked towards the survey data you had received and worked over for months at the world you had proposed to colonise.

Your new home, a shining Gem in the void of space.

Here is what to consider here initially.

You start with 2 points, these can be used to purchase positive modifiers. You can gain more points by purchasing negative traits. While there is currently no cap on how many you can pick, please…be reasonable. Some traits are both negative and positive. Traits can interact to enhance their effects. Pick Eezo rich with dangerous X and your wildlife will be more dangerous as they can use Eezo.

Unless stated other wise you may pick a positive trait twice so long as you can afford the point cost i.e. Rich Resources x2

If a trait does not have a number next to it, then it is a modifying trait. These do not cost points but do fundamentally alter the nature of the planet in ways that can be both positive and negative.

At the end of this process I will generate a habitability rating, this indicates how hospitable the world is to human life. A high habitability rating will decrease costs for things like maintenance, a low one will increase them.

Planet Types-this determines the dominant biomes of the world.
You can select three or select one biome more than one. For example, a full ocean world, Oceanic x3.

Savanna: Hot, grassland

Arid: Hot dry

Desert: Hot, dry, sand

Alpine: Relatively cold

Boreal: Cold, subartic

Artic: Frozen, dry desert

Jungle: Wet, humid.

Oceanic: Very wet.

Atoll: Ring shaped coral reef

Monsoon: Extremely heavy rain

Mediterranean: Hot, humid

Garden-4: Perfect for life, large boost to habitability. (This biome costs points.)

System modifiers
This changes how the world will function on a somewhat fundamental level. They do not cost anything but consider the consequences.

Moon of a Gas Giant: What it says on the tin, planet will be a moon in orbit of a gas giant, one of potentially several. Will decrease the size of your planet, but will make exploitation of the giant easier, if there's something there.

Multiple star system: Write in how many, but keep in mind the consequences of having too many.

Titanic Geoform: The dominant feature of this world is a gigantic geological feature. It could be a ravine so large it splits the planet, it could be a mountain that towers into orbit.

Supersized: Several Species of Flora and Fauna on this world are gigantic. While not necessarily aggressive, their sheer size presents great issues, and if they are aggressive…

Pre-Sapient Species: Survey data has shown that a major species on this world is on the cusp of gaining sapience. While colonisation is allowed, there are several watch dog groups (council and not) that will be keeping a close eye on your colony.

Positive traits
Good Magnetic Field-1: This planet's magnetic field lets computers and the like function very smoothly.

Eezo rich-2: This planet has large deposits of the most valuable resource in the galaxy

Resource rich-1 This planet has large deposits of valuable minerals

H3 rich gas giant-2 A gas giant in the system has large deposits of the fuel most of the galaxy uses for travel, power generation and more.

Beautiful-1: Something about this world is simply breath taking.

Never ending Aurora-1 This system's unique solar activity blesses the world with a permanent aurora creating one of the most fascinating sights in the known galaxy.

Natural Wonder-2: A single thing on this world is enough to make it an icon to the galaxy of the potential for natural beauty to blossom.

Other worldly colours: The colours of this world are strange. They're not necessarily beautiful, but they are odd. Perhaps they are in line with the colour spectrum, maybe they seem to follow a pattern. Whatever is going on, it is certainly strange.

Fertile-2: This world's soil is well suited to producing large quantities of crops.

Exotic food-1 Spices, fruits, meats that have a certain something to them are all produced by this world. Chefs and Gourmets will soon want to acquire them.

Friendly wildlife-1: The creatures of this world are naturally friendly and will approach colonists with open curiosity rather than fear.

Antanov Ring-1: A ring of frozen ice and asteroids surround the world, making for easy birthing's and a decent base for orbital moorings.

Dense Atmosphere-1: This world's atmosphere is dense in various gases that are very useful for plant life.

Komalite Volcano-2: A volcano that constantly spews forth a stream of valuable minerals direct from the planet's molten core.

Cavern Systems-1: The planet is honey combed with caverns that can easily be converted to living space.

Underground eco system-2: A complex cavern dwelling eco system exists upon this world, offering a fascinating glimpse into species that evolved under very unique conditions.

High Energy Plasmasphere-2: Due to the energy, out put of the world's star its plasmasphere is highly charged and very different compared to the norm, providing potentially valuable data.

Hadopelagic Life-2: Life on this world evolved from the dark places of the world and only recently came into the light. Their adaptations are terrifying, but also very interesting.

Silicon life forms-3: Silicon based life has been a long established Sci Fi trope on earth, but was not thought to be real until recently. However, they do exist, on this world. They hold many secrets.

Remnant of Krogan Rebellions-1: The Krogan spread themselves across the galaxy and hundreds of their colonies were destroyed in their rebellion. However, bits survived. (If picked I will roll to see what piece of infrastructure survived (unless a good suggestion is made), which will save you time and money setting it up yourself, though you will have to restore and upgrade it. Think Krogan Anti Orbital guns you reactivate in ME3 for an idea.)

Prothean Ruins (can't be taken x2)-4: The rarest and most sought after ruins in the galaxy, these advanced precursor ruins are almost certain to house something valuable.

Unknown ruins-1: Unknown ruins left behind by a different species. What is within is a mystery, maybe good, maybe bad…potentially useless as well.

Life baring world-2: There is another planet in the system that can also bare life and can be colonised at a later date.

Ship Graveyard -2: A massive fleet action took place over this world and many wreaks lie upon its surface. While most are only useful as salvage, others may be restored.

Friendly neighbours-2: There are other colonies within your cluster that are friendly to you.

Relay hub-3: Your system is the terminus for several minor relays, ensuring that trade will pass through your system.

Negative Modifiers

Poor Soil+1: Self explanatory, this world is not good for growing food.

Locust Swarm +1: A major species on this world just loves to eat crop plants and reproduces like crazy.

Simple organisms +1: Life on this world isn't very advanced, or interesting.

Thin Ozone layer +1: A thin atmosphere means that more solar radiation than is healthy is getting through the atmosphere.

Unusual seasons +2: The seasons of this world are highly unpredictable, due to quirks in orbital rotation. Sometimes summer and winter can last for decades, other times a few days.

Global thunderstorms +3: The entire planet is wrapped in cataclysmic thunder storms. Zeus is not happy about something.

Lacking in Minerals+1: The planet just doesn't have much mineral wealth, maybe it was mined by some other power, maybe it's just a quirk of fate.

Shattered Crust +2: A massive meteorite crashed into the world, shattering its continental plates into fragments that drift and bob on convection currents. Expect constant earthquakes, lots of magma and uncertain ground.

Constant day+1: The planet does not rotate, half is in shadow, the other in light. Half is always hot, the other always cold…its somewhat maddening.

Acidic seas +2: The seas of the world are filled with sulphur and nitrous oxides to a rather terrifying extent. Contact with the water will cause terrifying burns and the rain can melt through metal.

Kessler Syndrome+1: Thousands of tiny asteroids, possibly from some mega asteroid or destroyed moon, orbit this world and are falling. While not enough to cause major damage to the world itself, they will a lot of damage if they hit something.

Dumping ground +2: Someone in the past dumped a large amount of toxic waste on this world. It's poisoned everything.

Lingering pollution +1: Pollution inline with primitive industrial processes lies heavy on this world.

Irridated+3: Radiation and radioactive substances are highly common. Do not go out without extensive countermeasures.

High Gravity+2: Gravity is very heavy here, making everything harder to do in general.

Violent Weather+2: Random tornadoes, sudden forest fires and more.

Aggressive Fauna+1: The animals on this world really don't like you. (Cannot be taken x2)

Aggressive Flora+1: The Plants on this world don't like you as well. (Cannot be taken x2)

Giant Spiders +2: This should be self-explanatory. (MUST NOT be taken x2)

Fast Growing Plants +2: The natural plants of this world grow so fast that constantly setting them on fire with a flamethrower barely holds them back.

Super Volcano+2: There is a volcano large enough to be an extinction event close to eruption on this planet.

Unfriendly Neighbours+2: You have neighbours, but they do not like you…at all.

Pirate Lair near by +1: A band of pirates set up near the colony, and you will be a prime target for their raiding.

This is the most important vote.

Please vote like this

World: Name
World Biome(s)
System Modifier (if any)
Positive traits
Negative traits

And then a description of the world. Good descriptions get bonuses. It can also set things, for example where precisely you are in the Traverse, and influence things about trait picks (i.e. if the good neighbour trait is picked you can write about how they are good neighbours.)

There is to be a mortarium on voting for at least a few hours.

You may suggest additional traits. Simply poke me and I will decide whether they work. If they do I will add them to the update.

Does this all make sense?
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A Buried Nest-Canon
A Buried Nest

406 After The Fall of Nashar 352,321 BCE - Refuge
A'vil, shivered as the earth trembled. The sounds in the distance were so loud that they shook her beak and rattled her bones. The voices had been shouting for what felt like eternity, the desperation clear and mounting, but all she felt was a bleak sort of twisted euphoria intermixed with the instinctual fear that has permeated her existence for the past year. The exhaustion from living with this terror was unbearable, especially for a people who held freedom from misery as the highest of virtues.

The earth shook again and the falling dust reminded her of another fact of her new miserable existence. Living underground has always been viewed with disgust by her species, the only one that truly thrived underground were the Mi'thraili and those no-beaked hermits could barely scrape together a civilization to present to their overlords. The underground has always been the domain of the foolish and the weak. She guessed that is an apt description of the last of her people now... foolish and weak.

She jumped as the doors to her room were thrown open and her mate stormed in. "A'vil, A'vil, grab your things. we have to move!" his eyes were wild, shifting from one corner of the room to the other as he shakily held on to the frame. Heh, a manual door, such an archaic thing, but the elders were so afraid that their last hiding spot would be found that anything civilian that wasn't shielded against scans were ripped of their electronic parts. it did not achieve anything of course, except that now they died sweaty and tired. Another crash reverberated throughout the bunker, this time much closer and K'ira grabbed her wrist and began to drag her out towards the hallways.

"We have to get to the shuttles, I've hidden the ship nearby, we'll get there in minutes and then ... and then..." he was panting now, his formerly black feathers now a raggedy grey. when she finally saw the exiting maw of the shelter and the beautiful mountain in the distance, she reached out to the pillar and halted, poor K'ira was so weak and slim from stress that he couldn't even budge her, almost falling onto his back from the sudden stop. "what are you doing? why are we stopping? have you forgotten something? don't worry we could ju-"

"-Where are we going to go, K'ira?" Her voice was even, oddly lacking in emotion as her sluggish mind had not yet found out how to feel. K'ira froze at her question, completely still in stark contrast to his previous attitude, He did not even move as the light of a nuclear explosion washed over them from the opening. He did not know how to answer that, no matter how desperately he tried to rake his mind for a solution, he could not find one and she knew it as well. There was no other place left to go. The Bringers have scoured them all, cleansed them of life and replaced them with puppets of flesh and technology, cages for their people's souls to suffer in eternally. This was the end.

She slowly unraveled his hand from hers and moved on to a a better spot to look out onto the sky. K'ira meekly followed, head bowed and beak slackened.

She could see them from here, the Bringers. Their tormentors. Their end. Their claw-like forms twisting and turning at impossible angles and impossible speeds. their inky black flesh radiating a bleak miasma of death and hunger. They grappled with Pinion-Ships, tearing them out of the skies and sending them crashing towards the surface. beams of baleful red ripping star ships apart when they hit and digging trenches of molten metal when they missed. From time to time a nuclear missile would hit and wound one of the Bringers or one of her people's ships would stab the Enemy with their vessels, the explosions sending shock waves that shook the ground underneath her feet and sent an awful sound echoing through her ears.

She could see it too, one of the Arch-Bringers. like a towering talon pointed towards Refuge, as if it were poised to rip out the hear of the planet itself. A ship so impossibly large that it dwarfed it's smaller brethren.

The mountain was quivering, growling, roaring. Lava was running down it's side as if it were Refuge's own blood. The end was nearing, her senses told her.

She felt K'ira's wings wrap around her, his beak resting on her shoulder and his hands resting on her midriff. She let her eyes shut and leaned back into his embrace, trying to feel what remained of his warmth for one last time. She thought of the future they'd planned, of what they've been through to get to where they were. Tears ran down her cheeks as she thought of all the ones lost and the one yet to live, the one conceived in a dismal time, the one that would not see the light of he stars, the one that would not feel the wind in her wings or the feeling of the love her parents would shroud her in, and she wept.

That unholy sound of the Arch-Bringer, a maleficent horn that evoked the tortured screams of civilizations drew her attention back to the night sky. It was hovering there, closer than ever. It's eye shining a sinister red as it readied itself to unleash evil onto their world.

"I love you 'ira." She felt him tighten his grip in response to her shaky statement. "I love you too 'vil"

And then night turned to dusk as the Enemy's beam smote the mountainside and kept drilling until it stopped. and just as the blood in her ears began to ease and her eyes stopped watering the earth heaved and thundered and it was as if the world itself was screaming in pain from the blow dealt to her. A wall of embers spewed out of the now devastated volcano, pressurized magma spraying themselves in kilometers long arcs, vaporizing entire forests and covering vast swaths of land in glowing molten blood.

She could barely breath as she though of the end. She did not know wether to feel relief at the coming catharsis or panic at the sight of her inevitable demise. It did not matter though, as the storm billowed through the opening and swallowed her and her lover in burning ash before she could even come to her conclusion, turning her and the others of her kind into still, lifeless statues. The rest doomed to die a slow death beneath the ruined surface.

Present Day - Perkwunos
"Governor Raynor, I'd like to ask if the passageway has been cleared for travel yet?" that scratchy voice rang out with the smoothness of rusted iron on chalkboard, asking the same question for the umpteenth time. and Jim was getting annoyed, the scientist teams had been getting more and more jittery by the minute and they were bugging him constantly about the situation. they acted like goddamn children, pestering him constantly on when they could move in to the ruins and set up their goddamn toys.

"As I've said before Doctor, we'd be ready when the experts tell us we're ready." he managed to grit out. god, he needed a smoke after this. the headache alone would bug him all day and slow down his work speed.

one of the nearby privates moved towards him "Mr Jones says everything is green sir." he briskly said after snapping off a salute. the scientist besides him who was no doubt going to ask the same damn question again visibly perked up and began to animatedly chat with his fellow loathsome colleagues.

"hallelujah son" he immediately began moving through the dug out tunnel, doing anything he could to get away from those pests as quickly as he could. After about a few minutes of walking he emerged into a giant chasm illuminated by carefully placed spotlights with a few more archaeologists hanging around, poking at the buildings and the same bipedal statues found on the outside perimeter, although these ones were much more well preserved.

"good, now that I've made sure that you have all reached your intended destination, I have fulfilled my end of the bargain." he said to the same annoying scientist from before. "try not to cause a cave-in, it'd be a shame to lose all of this expensive equipment" he made sure that the guy felt his glare this time as he turned around. But just as he was about to leave, he caught sight of an odd pair of statues near the entryway, he'd passed them by before without really noticing, but the pair were oddly well preserved, the rough shapes of their bodies not being warped by the heat of the catastrophe and not much of their forms having crumbled or broken by the passage of time. The way they were placed were also strange as while the rest of them were cowering, hiding or taking cover, these two must have been standing in what must have been the open courtyard. standing straight and close, looking out towards the now hollowed out mountain.

He grunted and tore his eyes away as he began to crawl through the tunnel back towards his ship. He had places to be, people to protect, homes to defend, standing here and wondering about some long lost civilization isn't going to help that. He had more important things to do, and he'd scoff at the idea of this ever being something important.


Well, my plan probably isn't gonna win, but here's an omake anyways. I had this whole thing planned out but midway through the first paragraph I completely changed mind and let my muse dictate my words... like I always do *sigh* and I had some thoughts about mortality on my mind so this kinda... popped out. I had some epic battles all planned out and everything *grumble*. hopefully someone enjoys this steaming pile of undirected mess I've cobbled together on my phone. there's probably a boatload of errors I've missed and am too tired to correct... I'm especially not happy with the "current time" part but it's getting very late and I've been very busy today, so I can't bring myself to care too much about that for now
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Say Hello to Your New Home!
Say Hello to Your New Home!

Message begins

I'll be frank with you Jimmy, now that I'm here this place is more than a hellhole, and I mean that in the worst possible sense.

Lightning + Eezo rich
Eezo rich + aggressive Flora and Fauna
High gravity + Aggressive Flora and Fauna
Mineral rich + Aggressive Flora and Fauna
Dense Atmosphere + Fast Growing Plants

If you hadn't gotten us these ships, then I dunno if we'd ever be able to clear a place for landing. There's just too much crap down there. Sure, it's got the Egg Heads all fired up and stuff, but for a colony? I must have been really, really drunk to agree to this!

I mean have you seen the critters down here!? We're talking things the size of a Grizzly running around in the caverns at frankly unfair speeds and they have too…cause these bloody plants are the real issue here!

Atmosphere's full of good stuff and the plant's have learned to take advantage of it, so they're growing at frankly ludicrous speeds. Fast enough that you can watch it in real time, which when combined with the metals they take in for toughness, and the fact that they're "biotic" means entire sections of the caverns can quickly become uninhabitable.

Thankfully the egg heads think that when they reach critical mass they kinda implode on themselves, which is why there's a biosphere here at all…though how they implode seems to be by breaching the caverns and being lightening to death and burning backwards through vast portions of cavern.

Bah, I went on a bit of a tangent, didn't I?

Here's the long and short of it Jimmy, we can't colonise the surface, I know that, you know that. It's a mess, active Eezo is everywhere due to the lightning and it's a compounded issue as it causes more lightening, which in turn keeps the Eezo active and so on. At the same time any critters that can survive on the surface are almost certainly too badass for us to deal with anyway and let's not even get started on the oceans.

Only way we're surviving this is if we set up in the Caverns, where at least mothafucking Zeus isn't going to be trying to ram some lightening up our asses…so there's that.

On the other hand, we're going to have our asses full dealing with the natives, but at least we'll have easy access to a motherload of minerals Jimmy. If we can make this work we're gonna be rich.

Speaking of which, I've taken the liberty of…requisitioning a few flame throwers. We're gonna need them.

Eh, still we're waiting on your word Jimmy, get your ass over here and we can see if this shindig works…if not…well I got to admit, dying on this death ball to these badass sons of bitches wouldn't be too bad a way to go.

Final Habitability
Surface: Base=85:+5 (Dense atmosphere)-40 (Lightning Storms and Eezo)-20 (animals and plants)-15 (high gravity)=10% habitability. UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION
Underground: Base=85 + 10 (Caverns) +5 (dense atmosphere) -20 (animals and plants)-15 (High gravity) =65%. Manageable, but unpleasant.


Docking with the Belgrand you move towards the situation room, taking in the bustle and hubbub of the active ship. An oldy, but a goody, the frigate was the largest ship you had, the rest being simple corvettes.

Still, she had plenty of fire left in her, as you greeted old friends and made jokes until you got to your destination and heard the familiar cry of "Jimmy boy!"

Your old pal, Tychas gives you a smack on the back that sent you staggering forwards before grinning up at him.

"So old, buddy how have things been over here, while I took the fight to pencil pushers?"

He looks at you with a raised eye brow. "You miss the message I sent ya Jimmy? Loosin it a little in your dotage?"

A light punch in the arm sees him theatrically staggering into a wall, as you shake your head. "I meant since that message you idiot? Anything important?"

Tychas stands, growing serious now, the way he shifts his massive bulk giving it away. "Yeah, couple of more established colonies in the area sent some people over to say hi…also to tell us that if we needed help that they'd be happy to provide but given that we're the first people since the Krogan to even try to colonise this rock I get the feeling we're not likely to get much for free."

You nodded and stepped into the room, gazing at the people who'd be organising the various parts of your colony. After all, without them, this probably wouldn't work, you sure as hell didn't have the ability to manage it all on your own.

Each and everyone one of them have fought and bled alongside you for decades and now you'll be doing it once again.

"Alright fellas let's stop sitting around here."

"Let's get to work."

This is the final stage of the introduction then we get down to the grind

First things first is to select your initial colonisation site

[] Site PK2: Situated in an area which has only recently burnt itself out, the growth has yet to reclaim this area and as such it will likely be easier to set up shop on it, especially due to the rather fertile soil in the area. However, due to the burn out, the area has more large wildlife and isn't as close to mineral deposits as some other sites. Likely cheaper to get an actual colony set up, but not on top of minerals initially. Fertile soil.
[] Site PK3:
Right on top of a mother load of Platium and Iridium, this colony will need to be cleared by orbital bombardment in order for a colony to be built quickly, and the plantlife will put up a strong fight to stop this. However, it will give access to the minerals. Hard site, on top of minerals.
[] Site PK4:
Very close to a large stockpile of active element zero. As such the plant life and wildlife avoid it, but your technology should let you survive right? Reduced threat from wildlife, increased threat from Eezo exposure.

After the colony is established you will need to do an awful lot of work, however you can prioritise certain things.

While the essentials like food production will always be a priority you may prioritise other things as well.
[] Milita Development: All your people need to know how to carry a gun, shoot and survive.
[] System Defences: You're going to need them.
[] Planetary Exploration: You've plenty of data, but even so there's plenty of mysteries.
[] Mining Minerals: Valuable, and easier to get.
[] Mining Eezo: It's the most valuable resource in the galaxy.
[] Antanov Ring Establishment: Setting up facilities in the ring would be very beneficial, for water, minerals and setting up infrastructure.
[] Wildlife Exploitation: The Flora and Fauna of this world is monstrous, but also potentially beneficial.
[] Research (Your learning is too low): You got egg heads, but you're pretty sure you're not in a position to get them doing stuff at this stage. Better they focus on keeping organs inside bodies.
[] Reach out to colonies in the area: They're your neighbours. Helping them helps you.
[] Reach out to Alliance: They might be able to help you, but they may also be too busy.
[] Reach out to Corporations: They maybe willing to help you, they may also try to screw you over.
[] Ensure Healthcare: Between the fauna, flora and eezo you're probably going to need it.
[] Ensure Education: You didn't get the best education. Your people deserve better.
[] Reach out to Universities: You've got quite a few researchable things out here, and maybe some universities will be willing to come set up research posts.
[] Establish Police: Law makes man a man, and the law is most certainly needed in this part of the galaxy.
[] Write in- If you have other priorities that maybe needed
For plans Pick 5 and rank your votes like this
[Z] Plan something wicked this way
[1] establish police force
[2] Reach out to colonies
[3] Ensure healthcare.
This will show how much you prioritise, one thing vs another.

[] Name of world
[] Name of first city

As @Pensive-Nerves didn't include a planet name, unless it was ecosystem/underworld?

As before, detailed descriptions of things, for example first colony site, will net bonuses, as will animals, plantlife, interesting geo forms and more.

If you have questions please ask.

Oh and Moratorium is in Effect So you can plan this properly.
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The First Six Months
The First Six Months
Plan Zero
Site PK4
Initial landing:D100=40
Initial settlement:d100=100
Getting food together:D100=82
[1] Milita Development: D100=84+20=104
[2] Ensure Healthcare: D100=50
[3] Mining Eezo: D100=37
[4] Antanov Ring Establishment: D100=70
[5] Reach out to Corporations (these rolls are not representative of how good the offer was only how large the corp was): Interest SA D100=82
Citadel D100=47
It made you feel kinda sick thinking this, but thank god for the Eezo accidents! If those hadn't happened, you had the feeling your colony would be in significantly worse shape than it currently is. As it stood because of them, all pioneer equipment had to come with filters and suits to reduce the impact that Eezo would have on colonists. It wasn't enough at all, but it was enough to reduce the casualties while you set up additional medical facilities for the vast number of ill and wounded people that this venture had produced already. And yet somehow this was significantly better than what you anticipated.

Scratching a new scar you cast your mind back to the start of this madness. The initial dive towards the landing site had been fraught with difficulties, mostly due to the lightening focusing on the Eezo which was somewhat more exposed than initial survey's had indicated.

You lost a lot of good people making it down to the surface alone.

That being said, while the initial landing was a nightmare, setting up defences and shelter went off like a charm.

Safe underground, it seemed like only a handful of animals actually came near you, and the nearby species of plants didn't like the Eezo enough to try their luck. This undisturbed period is probably what saved you so much trouble, and let you get going on various other projects like all essential food.

With defences and housing set up, building the more fragile hydroponics was much easier than you anticipated. In fact with the deaths on landing instead of having a simple equilibrium of food produced, instead you have a minor surplus. You maybe able to take your people off rations if things keep up.

Still you were well aware of how dangerous this world was, even with your good luck. The few animals that had come close, were extremely dangerous especially since you weren't used to these biotics, which seemed like bloody space magic, and because folks were having a hard time adjusting to the new gravity.

So, in part to both keep people occupied and productive, you started a milita. It went…well it went really well.

They're not as good as professional soldiers by any stretch of the imagination, but they can work together in squads, maintain their weapons, exercise properly and hit their targets constantly. If they were to go full time they'd easily become good fighters, but they're not.

What does surprise you is that the milita is surprisingly popular, even among the non-military types. Apparently it provides both a sense of comfort and a way to blow off stress in rather stressful conditions.

Still its good this went well, because your efforts to set up proper healthcare…well they went well, but they didn't go as well as you would have liked. The problem is that much of the problems you packed for are for trauma.

Cuts, bruises, torn limb, burns and shocks that kind of thing. You are very well set up to deal with them due to both institutional experience and the kit provided by SAM. But, apparently the kind of malignant cancers produced by Eezo exposure is much more difficult to deal with, both on a medical front and on an equipment front, especially since your mining operations didn't go to plan.

The problem with eezo is that in a raw state it is highly volatile and refining it is a very expensive process that requires large equipment you just don't have and cannot afford. While the lightening does do a bit of refining for you, the fact remains that you don't gather much that's really sellable and many of your people breath in eezo dust, which when combined with your lacking facilities in that regard…it wasn't pretty to watch.

You made the most of it though. Eezo is very valuable to just about everyone in the galactic community, and you did make some which you can sell.

You're also painfully aware of how hard it is to get to the planet, your landing proved that. So you need a different way to move goods around.

The antanov ring around Perkwunos as perfect for this, large numbers of asteroids waiting to be hollowed out and filled with life sustaining equipment. It wasn't much as there's a lot of potential up here, but military issue melters started to create life sustaining water for Thunderbolt while there is a basic space port, so stuff can be stored and moved to and from Arrakis without having to make too many trips through the atmosphere.

Still, if there was one thing this whole situation proved to you it was that you'd need some help if you wanted to get set up and take advantage of the situation in a reasonable frame of time. So you held your nose and sent out feelers into the galaxy to see if anyone wanted to set up shop on an Eezo rich world even one where the colony was not yet fully established.

To your surprise you got two major responses, much more than you were expecting as it was your lowest priority and you've no idea if your colony is even going to be here next year.

The first came from Heavy Metals Exomining of China (HMEC), an obviously human company, state owned by China.

The other came from Nal'vatanis Extractions an Asari based start-up that sees you as their first big strike.

Both are trying to find their feet in the galaxy, although they both have very different offers and have very different circumstances.

Putting your head in your hands you sighed as a new requisition order for replacement filters came in. As much as you hated to say this, you were in way over your head.

Report Card: Not too bad actually.
You lost a large number of landers and people getting to the planet's surface. However, when you did finally arrive you nat 100'd meaning that you set up in relative peace from the wildlife. You don't know why, maybe it was a migration season. In addition, you set up plenty of hydroponics and have lots of food, though that is in part due to the loss of so many people in the initial landing.

Your milita proved to be a roaring success and your colonists will be able to repulse the average pirate on their own. Better still they're not complaining about being forced to do this kind of soldier work.

Healthcare was a little less successful. While you can deal with most trauma based injuries, the more esoteric eezo based cancers are proving stubborn and hard to deal with, not to mention expensive.

Eezo mining was a bit of a flop. You've got some to sell, but it wasn't the best start to this.

Antanov Ring wasn't much to talk about, but you did create a basic trade port and set up some water makers, so you won't be running out of fresh water.

Corporations: This was the odd one out, as it was lowest priority I didn't expect much here. However, you rolled surprisingly well attracting the interests of two corps, one human one citadel.

Decisions decisions
You have Eezo, everyone wants Eezo, but you do have several markets on which to sell said Eezo, if you choose to sell at all.

You currently have 50 units of low-medium grade eezo

Going rate in SA general markets is 200 credits per unit sold

Going rate in Citadel markets is 150 per unit sold, however all units can be sold to purchase a surplus Turian Corvette + 2000 credits (Turian Corvette will be superior to your current ones.)

Going rate in Terminus markets is too chaotic. You could get gold, you could get unwanted attention.

So who do you sell too?
[] Systems Alliance
[] Citadel
[] Terminus
[] Don't sell

The two corps are both offering very different things

HMEC: is a known company to you and is renowned for scummy business practises, only surpassed by the legendary Eldfell-Ashland. They've used pretty much every cost saving tactic in the book and on a few occasions were prosecuted before the SA. However, like most Systems Alliance companies they are scrambling to try and not get crushed under the larger Citadel Companies so they may not be able to afford controversy like that at the moment.

The terms they are offering are somewhat exploitative, but they'll set up quicker.

Terms: Will set up facilities and employ your citizens to run them, however workers will be under contract to not talk about their work in the facility and it will be overseen by HMEC personnel. Refineries will come online within two years and will operate under total HMEC control for ten years. During this time HMEC will take half of any profits.

Basically, in exchange for setting up quickly they're asking you to trust them not to screw your people over.

Nal'vatanis by comparison is a small Asari based company. The terms they're offering by comparison are much better, in five years they will have set up a refinery, they will employ your citizens to help work the plant and mine the eezo as well as give joint oversite of the plant to ensure that everything is above board. They will provide superior eezo resistant equipment before that point. The contract will be for twenty years and they will take only 40% of profits generated when the plant becomes operational.

Longer start up time, longer time spent with the company, but better terms.

Make your choices.

[] Nal'vatanis
[] Neither

There will be a short mortarium, but it will be extended if needed.
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Turn 1
Turn 1

Your first time meetin an Asari in the flesh and you had to say it was kinda strange.

"There, I think that should be everything accounted for except for the Mark 4 filters, which are unfortunately rather hard to track down due to being in very high demand."

Matron Nal'vatanis, is the founder and currently main owner of the company that shares her name, which according to her means she gets to do things "her way," no matter if its not the most profit efficient.

Looking at her over the top of the invoice she gave you, are somewhat perturbed. Not because she looks human, frankly you just couldn't see it. I mean you weren't the most educated of folks, but anyone who could look at someone who has blue and kinda tentacles for hair and see a human needs to have their eyes checked…then again if you were a young man you certainly see the appeal, oh very much so.

The two of you are in the only relatively well-appointed place within your little trade port, with the supplies that the Matriach brought you, stacked neatly in the main hanger, waiting your word to be transported down to the surface and installed. Hopefully you won't loose anyone this time.

Scrolling through the rather elegant data pad again you point at a section that you don't recognise right at the very very bottom.

"Question darlin, what's this 'molecular suspension field?' I don't recall it being part of the original list you sent me for approval."

She frowns and takes the pad from you enlarging that section before nodding. "Ah, I should have told you about my windfall before I arrived, but everything's been rather rushed I'm afraid."

She sits down on the couch in the room and lets out a rather tired breath, one that you can very much appreciate.

"I reached out to a few friends in the Republics and convinced them to help me with some of the industrial equipment, to set up quicker."

She gives a small smile, before shaking her head. "If I'm correct, then they must have slipped the suspension field onto the list as a way to surprise me, but its industrial equipment not for protecting colonies."

She looks up at you, "With your permission governor I'll take it off the list for now to have it checked first, though hopefully it will mean my people can get started sooner than anticipated."

You scratch your forehead and nod, on the one hand grateful that it wasn't something serious, but equally irritated that she hadn't confided that information with you either. Still it wasn't a serious issue.

"Right then, with that done let's get this show on the road!"

At that she looks puzzled before nodding, still confused.

"It means let's get going…" Were the translators working properly?

At that she breathed in understanding standing up to follow you out, back towards paper work and decision making.

"Sorry about that, the translators usually need a while to handle turns of phrases."

Due to Matron Nal'vatanis's diplomatic success the time for completion of the facility has been reduced.

: You have a foot hold, but it is teneuous. Thankfully your people are not dying constantly of cancers and the wildlife seems to be sticking away for now, but you are going to need to move further afield if you want access to minerals and the like.
However, you badly need to get access to your local cluster or you'll find yourself isolated.
These are the main problems at the moment, but they are far from the only ones.

I am trailing something a little different to the traditional CKII formula, based on the previous voting section.

It will be similar to where you had a pool of actions and could take as many as you wanted, which I hope will be able to accurately represent the smaller scale you are currently working on.

Pick 6
[] Milita Development:
All your people need to know how to carry a gun, shoot and survive. -100 credits
[] System Defences: You're going to need them. -200 credits
[] An Interesting Offer: A message came recently from a man you are very familiar with Zaeed Massani. He's apparently founded his own PMC out here and is looking for clients interested in protection. -0 credits
[] Planetary Exploration: You've plenty of data, but even so there's plenty of mysteries. -100 credits
[] Mining Minerals: Valuable, and easier to get (must take Planetary Exploration to be useful)- 300 credits
[] Build additional Hydroponics: While you will be setting these up as they become needed, building more than you need will probably boost moral and give people's diets more variations. -150 credits.
[] Antanov Ring Establishment: Setting up facilities in the ring would be very beneficial, for water, minerals and setting up infrastructure. -200 credits.
[] Wildlife Exploitation: The Flora and Fauna of this world is monstrous, but also potentially beneficial. And figuring out why you haven't been targeted yet is pretty important. -250 credits.
[] Research (Your learning is too low): You got egg heads, but you're pretty sure you're not in a position to get them doing stuff at this stage. Better they focus on keeping organs inside bodies and adapting the equipment the Asari gave you.
[] Reach out to colonies in the area: They're your neighbours. Helping them helps you. -10 credits.
[] Reach out to Alliance: They might be able to help you, but they may also be too busy. -10 credits
[] Open for Migration: Now that you are set up, maybe more people would be interested in migrating to your colony? Probably, not. -20 credits
[] Reach out to Corporations: They maybe willing to help you, they may also try to screw you over. -5 credits.
[] Ensure Healthcare: Between the fauna, flora and eezo you need it and while it may be decent now, it will need expanding. -400 credits
[] Ensure Education: You didn't get the best education. Your people deserve better. -100 credits
[] Reach out to Universities: You've got quite a few researchable things out here, and maybe some universities will be willing to come set up research posts. -10 credits
[] Establish Police: Law makes man a man, and the law is most certainly needed in this part of the galaxy. -50 credits.
[] Hunters?: The Matriarch mentioned that a company named Rodam Expeditions when you talked briefly about your wildlife. Apparently, it is constantly looking for good hunting spots with the biggest most impressive creatures…maybe they'd be interested? -10 credits.
[] Write in

Essentially it is similar to before, only now there's money involved ect.

Now first


Hopefully it won't be missed this time.

The intent for the Mortarium is for you to

A. Be able to discuss plans rather than band wagon


B. To come up with write ins. For example stuff I may have missed, ect.

Write ins can also be stuff you want Raynor to do in his off time, though @ me when you write them so I can give the yay or nay!

With all that out of the way have fun :)