Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

So I'm not allowed to argue in favor of something unless I voted for it? In that case, thank you for your time ckk185. I will be speaking with the person who doesn't think anybody should participate in quests unless they were there day one.

Don't call me, I'll call you.

I'm not saying Kanda's wrong in calling BS on we sent an invasion force without telling him. It's what both sides know happened. But as Kanda's so anxious about all the time... he doesn't know what we know, just as we don't know what he knows. And it's why I think Obfuscate's a bad idea. What we know from the preliminary investigation takes this from 'firing squad' to 'fuck's sake, don't do this shit again'.
For someone who's calling someone else salty, you sure are being particularly defensive when someone informs you that you are wrong, be it the author or someone else.
Y'know what, another ten minutes won't really make a difference IMO. We're doing this live.

Voting is now open for the next week, and will close at 2PM GMT+8 on Monday 30th December, or 0600 GMT (because the Christmas Season will be over and I'll be back at work by then).

Like wahliao i gotta do christmas deco in church this afternoon, christmas eve service, christmas church service, boxing day gotta go outstation for funeral some more, come back for more christmas things going on...
It's funny. I thought I had voted, and for the heavy if that. But then I checked and couldn't find myself voting for anything. Hrm.
Anyhow...Yeah we most certainly need to disclose here I think.
Like as I see it, kicking it up the ladder kicks it to someone who's a greenhorn and who everyone now knows is prone to silly gaffs, Ahri. Yui's hanging close to Ahri as I understand it is how we're going to be making up for that deficit. But if Yui can't be trusted to be competent, then suddenly Ahri gets yeeted to some cold professional who isn't going to get opened up to, and Yui is much less in-play to help the Empire do anything but explode due to political gridlock.
[X] Disclose

All I can think is how badly Kanda is going to be embarrassed there's on one hand the explanation he is going to have to give for why no one in his command noticed anything wrong going on in Egon before the 13th showed up. Then having to explain how his ships which are on record from previous documents he has giving not being in good shape are in better shape then is documented and showed up within 10 days of the 13th's arrival to Egon. When the fastest that been estimated for the 4th's forces to arrive was two days latter.

yes technically we're getting some egg on our face cause of our actions but Kanda is going to have to explain why he has been keeping information on the actual state of the 4th fleet from HighCom and it's inablilty to realize how much a problem was going on in Egon.
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Empress had concerns, we went out to take a look, and we found stuff to be concerned about.
Also we wa ted to do a one last group thing before the fleet gets split up.
[X] Disclose

For once in this quest I would like to prove to someone that Yui isn't planning to coup the Empress. Obfuscating would look suspicious as hell and send Kanda's paranoia through the roof, basically guaranteeing him as our enemy. On the other hand, Disclosing reveals...that Yui likes overwhelming firepower? That Ahri is kind of in over her head? That Yui and Ahri are very close? That's all stuff that a close observer with a brain could figure out anyway.
because the US is pay to win and uses what other nations call flagships as escorts
This made me laugh. :)
Pay to win pretty well covers it, yeah.
(Also because the USN kinda forgot to build lighter combatants for a few decades. What is a balanced fleet mix for 200 dollars, Alex. :V)
"What is an LCS?"
Fuck, those things are stupidly expensive and useless. We've forgotten how to build cheap mass-production DDs or FFGs.


[X] Disclose

Definitely try to arrange a personal meeting with Ahri when possible for him. We could really use him on-side if he's already making Batman-plans for every contingency.
"What is an LCS?"
Fuck, those things are stupidly expensive and useless. We've forgotten how to build cheap mass-production DDs or FFGs.
It will pain you to realise, if you look at the warships infodump post, that the Imperial Navy has abandoned building cheap mass production FFs :V (that said sidestory involving a frigate full of cadets is in the works...)

This is a line that would also trigger me on a long LCS rant, but since it's christmas eve and this thread is supposed to be about foxthots, I'll just note that LCS, inflation adjusted, is cheaper than the Oliver Hazard Perry-class FFG (which, reading GAO reports, was the FFG of its day), and it's a sound concept with fumbled execution: everyone who isn't as pay to win as the US is building their own LCS-type ships. :V Also that just goes back to my point - the US doesn't know how to do lighter ships because the USN abandoned light ships for decades :V

... Whiskey Golf writing Batman is a mental image I can never erase.
I have no intentions to write Batman.


It was pointed out to me that Anakin canonically went for the oneesan route, since Padme's older than her. Now, when they first met, he was a shota and she was a JC so her oneesan power wasn't very strong. But push it back ten years?

You are now imagining Attack of the Clones remix, with Padme remixed as an ara ara Oneesan with step power. Voiced by Shizuka Itou.

I need to write this.

"Ara-ara, Anakin-kun~"
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I have no intentions to write Batman.
Oh thank god, I can brain-bleach the images of Batman's rogues gallery being wa-
It was pointed out to me that Anakin canonically went for the oneesan route, since Padme's older than her. Now, when they first met, he was a shota and she was a JC so her oneesan power wasn't very strong. But push it back ten years?

You are now imagining Attack of the Clones remix, with Padme remixed as an ara ara Oneesan with step power. Voiced by Shizuka Itou.

I need to write this.

"Ara-ara, Anakin-kun~"
... oh god, that is so much worse. The woman who voiced Loco Koko, Meiko Shiraki, Sailor Venus, and Akeno Himejima? Forget the fucking step-sister crap, Anakin is going to fall by the second movie because he's been corrupted by The Lewd! Palpatine won't have to lift a finger!
While I'm here, I'll just note that I've edited the weapons and warships post, and I'll confirm that torpedoes are a thing in this verse.

missile = LRASM, NSM
countermissile = RAM
torpedo = Granit