Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

[ ] Political Etiquette
Is what she need right now

I think we should disband the 13 if the other need the ships more and the Empire need good news with deafed of the bandits and other pirates after the death of the Royal family

our princess is more an overwhelming force type and not the best Strategist so
... I'm not sure what this is supposed to be implying? At first it sounded like the Outer Rims could take care of themselves without the Throne and might be able to set up small rebellion(s), but then it kind of wandered into sounding like our Navies could buy unofficial upgrades there which is fine when we're being hamstrung already (we could stop sending them "official" materials from the core and just throw them their funding which will probably be more effective), and then I had to wonder if you meant to be implying that our navy commanders might be setting up unofficial fiefs out there.

So no, your post gave me exactly zero paranoia, just confusion at what the hell you were trying to imply.
It's past midnight, which either leads to me shitposting, flaming people, or going crazy. Like Uncle Johnny I'm an old ossan. :V

Basically: All imperial worlds have a baseline level of self sufficiency for food and industry - you're not getting the Star Wars nonsense where a world does only one thing. Even the poorest world on the Outer Rim has a standard of living equivalent to Malaysia in 2018. What keeps each system from building up a warfleet of their own, beyond corvette-class vessels, is that 1) nobody cared about corvettes until very recently, and 2) the IN, IRG and the taxmen are supposed mount regular inspection patrols to make sure that nobody is building ships they're not supposed to. This can work in the Core because for the longest time that's where the IN had a constant presence.

Now though, the IN is shifting its focus to the Inner Rim and the Outer Rim, while still being pretty short on ships, and the problem is that the further out you are from the core, the longer it is between inspection visits, and especially if you're on the Rim, oversight is really really poor. Which means that any outer rim system that wants can, with the right patrons and connections, bootstrap itself up and start a military buildup of its own as preparation to brexit.

So, theoretically, an Admiral out on the Rim might might well say, "You know what, I can't afford to waste months of transit time to send my ships back coreward for refit, I'm going to build up this sector's infrastructure to support my fleet here." But out so far in space, away from oversight, what's stopping him from tipping over from "buildup this sector to support Imperial Navy operations" to "buildup this sector to support my quest warlordism"?

Not much.

Also, the Empress and 9chan were right. I'm kind of scared how much more often that's going to happen now.
i know right
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Even more reason to not disband the 13th. Splitting them around won't exactly give us much of a heads-up if someone is doing that, but it'll tank our ability to respond to it.

Bandits, pirates, and the like will always be an issue. That's not going to suddenly change because we stretch our fleet thin trying to reinforce 12(? not sure how many our guys would reinforce) other fleets.
Points at Yamato Slaps roof of Yamato

"You can fit so much dakka in this thing"
Even more reason to not disband the 13th. Splitting them around won't exactly give us much of a heads-up if someone is doing that, but it'll tank our ability to respond to it.

Bandits, pirates, and the like will always be an issue. That's not going to suddenly change because we stretch our fleet thin trying to reinforce 12(? not sure how many our guys would reinforce) other fleets.

The point yonatan would argue would be "excuse me who is commander fleet operations you or me? Hello you are reassigned from fleet stay in your lane"

"Walau my student trying to teach me isit"

"Hello maybe trust me can or not"


Also infodumping will happen in the future but i feel i should point out that even if the entire IN ceded the Core to the Great Houses, the Imperial Throne is not powerless. The Imperial Royal Guard has a legit srsface fleet protecting jinko-sei, along with other fleets patrolling the royal family's direct holdings. The RAGTF combines a formidable naval task force with troop transports and dropships to be able to drop an overstregth combined arms battalion on any planet in imperial space, for the purpose of either rescuing the empress, or capturing the empresses' foes.

Edit: theres an element of gambling in this. Yonatans reasoning is that he needs to reinforce navy commanders who're loyal and getting shit done, because if you dont reinforce them when they're begging for ahips.... well, he doesn't want to give them an excuse to fuck off and go warlord.
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I now go to bed in trepidation of the alerts i will wake ip to, lol
Carriers and space fighters are not a thing in this verse, alas. Sorry.

Gah, i hate not having flexible top cover

still, that said i can work around it, i just have to think like a big gun Admiral. Do we have a breakdown of the 13th fleet, if so i could probably work up a decent scattering of what to send where and still keep enough of a hammer to wave at people and accomplish things without having to beg the IRG.

Also infodumping will happen in the future but i feel i should point out that even if the entire IN ceded the Core to the Great Houses, the Imperial Throne is not powerless. The Imperial Royal Guard has a legit srsface fleet protecting jinko-sei, along with other fleets patrolling the royal family's direct holdings. The RAGTF combines a formidable naval task force with troop transports and dropships to be able to drop an overstregth combined arms battalion on any planet in imperial space, for the purpose of either rescuing the empress, or capturing the empresses' foes

problem is that this can only be in one spot at any given time, which since its primary duty is the protection of the empress makes it rather inflexible in its deployment ability.
The point yonatan would argue would be "excuse me who is commander fleet operations you or me? Hello you are reassigned from fleet stay in your lane"

"Walau my student trying to teach me isit"

"Hello maybe trust me can or not"


Also infodumping will happen in the future but i feel i should point out that even if the entire IN ceded the Core to the Great Houses, the Imperial Throne is not powerless. The Imperial Royal Guard has a legit srsface fleet protecting jinko-sei, along with other fleets patrolling the royal family's direct holdings. The RAGTF combines a formidable naval task force with troop transports and dropships to be able to drop an overstregth combined arms battalion on any planet in imperial space, for the purpose of either rescuing the empress, or capturing the empresses' foes.

Edit: theres an element of gambling in this. Yonatans reasoning is that he needs to reinforce navy commanders who're loyal and getting shit done, because if you dont reinforce them when they're begging for ahips.... well, he doesn't want to give them an excuse to fuck off and go warlord.
From all the chips on the table things will be falling apart. It's not a matter of if at this point, just when.

So the real question is what assets do we want, where do we want them, and what do we want kept safe.

I get what's being said, but it feels like it's being said from a position of "we can still save this" rather than "okay, what do I want to save?"

And our MC literally built the 13th basically, or a very large chunk of it, out of her own money. "K, thx for the shit, get fucked, bye."

If we need to keep the loyal and trusted commanders loyal to us then just reroute some of that funding to them. And again, getting funding from elsewhere thanks to having the ear of the Empress and being on the council.
Btw to put thing into some perspective, releasing 13FLTs's CAs and CLs (no DDs for this fleet!) frees up some 7 dozen ships for patrol duty.

Gah, i hate not having flexible top cover

still, that said i can work around it, i just have to think like a big gun Admiral. Do we have a breakdown of the 13th fleet, if so i could probably work up a decent scattering of what to send where and still keep enough of a hammer to wave at people and accomplish things without having to beg the IRG.

problem is that this can only be in one spot at any given time, which since its primary duty is the protection of the empress makes it rather inflexible in its deployment ability.
I have my notes but if i keepmthings vague I can fudge somewhat lol

Maybe tomorrow i post it

Also like Yonatan did mention there are 5 RAGTFs, y'know....

From all the chips on the table things will be falling apart. It's not a matter of if at this point, just when.

So the real question is what assets do we want, where do we want them, and what do we want kept safe.

I get what's being said, but it feels like it's being said from a position of "we can still save this" rather than "okay, what do I want to save?"

And our MC literally built the 13th basically, or a very large chunk of it, out of her own money. "K, thx for the shit, get fucked, bye."

If we need to keep the loyal and trusted commanders loyal to us then just reroute some of that funding to them. And again, getting funding from elsewhere thanks to having the ear of the Empress and being on the council.
She didn't actually build 13th fleet, she was assigned it as is, and proceeded to win the loyalty of her fleet because thats the sort of person yui is.

And yes, because we're playing Yui route, Yonatan's POV is very much "we can still save this."

If we were playing Yonatan route, every other update you'd need to vote for his mental,state, between "we can still save the empire" and "THE EMPIRE IS DISEASED ROTTEN TO THE CORE WE NEED TO BURN IT BY THE ROOTS" :V

(Everyone of the MCs is somewhat different based on which route you choose)
She didn't actually build 13th fleet, she was assigned it as is, and proceeded to win the loyalty of her fleet because thats the sort of person yui is.

And yes, because we're playing Yui route, Yonatan's POV is very much "we can still save this."
Yeah, so any advice from his needs to be treated as suspect at best and outright hurtful at worst unfortunately.
If we do disband the fleet can we suggest we send a significant amount of them to Shiki he really needs them and Alastor can handle any situation he will encounter in the Rim on his own. We should also send some feelers to Alastor to see he what he wants to keep his loyalty to us and prevent other Houses from giving him better offers.
So here's what I've been thinking.
Our current play has been 'be the biggest hound, so nobody else can smack us down.' Problem is we're no longer 'big enough hound to smack EVERYBODY down.'
That said, we don't necessarily NEED to be the latter.
One could even argue we don't need to even be the biggest hound by our lonesome. All we need is one or two houses to be in our corner and suddenly our problems of personal power go away.
But lemme go look back over the options:

Teaching newbie:
[] Political Etiquette
[ ] Constitutional Law
[ ] Crisis Management
[ ] Governance

Etiquette-probably the most useful bit because I'm thinking all we need is our vassals properly in line and obeying us and we can be almost as much of a paper tiger as we like- changing the game from 'knock over the Emperor' to 'knock over the Emperor+2-3 provinces' will make anyone thinking about it shut up unless they're REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY killy. Like Harzivan levels of killy versus everyone else, and that still nearly went wrong for the others.
Etiquette will keep the kid from gaffing and doing a stupid that makes her allies nervous and her enemies gleeful.

Law...Hrum. I'd say Law is on a back-burner. Not that it's not useful to know that but She's Da Empress. She MAKES Da Law. So knowing the law is simply to prevent her from gaffing in the direction of 'we already do that ma'am.' Low priority.

Crisis Management-probably 2nd in the priority queue I think, because if we screw up little Ahri being able to save our fluff wuffy tails would do ALOT to prove she's a strong Empress. I'm almost tempted to have ourselves get in a bit of a public pickle before she swoops in and clears the issue except we're her hammer and that'd probably spook people if she had another hammer's worth of power, in essence, or something like that.

Governance- later but does need to be done at some point. We miiight also be able to get away with defaulting this to the Council as it's kind of their jobs to make sure she can do this.

On to the next point!

[ ] Disband 13th Fleet.
[ ] Keep 13th Fleet.
[ ] Reduce 13th Fleet.

Okay. So Saltmeister loggie-man (never tell him I'm referring to him like this btw-there's casual and then there's insulting, and I think this crosses the line to the latter.) Wants to strip the fleet for parts to reinforce other fleets, because atm it's just sitting there telling the Nobility to sit down and shut up.
Reduce does not sound wise- it's basically paper-tigering in exchange for limited additional 'we can hold this' reinforcement. Maybe if we could dip into that a little bit before we get to recall our fleet and turn around to hammer them it'd be a good play but I'm not liking it otherwise.
Disbanding the fleet versus keeping it! Keeping sounds like if we need it the hammer will be availible versus having to shut-up and get in the queue like everyone else. I'd LIKE to do the latter frankly, trust in the system is how it gets buoy'd past hard times? But if everything falls apart anyway we're going to regret not keeping our hammer. So lemme get back to this after I look over other options elsewhere.

  • "If I marry him, Hoou's scion will immediately revolt," you grumble. "Taihou's had her eye on him since forever and Kanda's been fleeing her grasp since forever. And no, I don't think of him that way."
Taking a brief moment to indulge in this- I can't help but imagine Taihou chasing Kanada around before Kanada leaps into Yui's arms saying 'SAVE ME!' which is hilarious. Thank you Saltmeister loggie-man!

[] Small Task Force
[ ] Medium Force
[ ] Heavy Task Force

It's Sumeragi, our SWORN RIVALS! I'm not inclined to try and get the drop on them since it sounds like even freaking civvy conspiracy types know enough to say they're up to no good-we're probably going to catch them red-handed.
So I'm inclined to go Heavy and make absolutely sure when we confiscate their crap we have enough guns to do it with.
...Except that last sentence says by implication what the benefits of going sneaky will do- if we catch them red-handed we can hit them with full force of the law and swipe their crap and use it to hold the Empire together a while longer, versus expensive civil war that starts everything falling apart.
After that bit of thinking it over, I want to go SMALL, weird as it sounds-if we vanish into thin air Sumeragi gets the fun of being the guy who bumped off the Empress's Hand. You don't do that unless you're about to rebel and cause trouble. If they're the troublemakers, it boils down to this: Do you want an aggressive polity like that as your neighbor should the Empire arrangement collapse? No? Then you go with the Empress and help beat the stuffing out of them! In THEORY they could use their guns to say 'you don't want a piece of this' but I feel like a Gazette publication or something simmilar where we basically say 'hey Sumeragi why are you arming up for war? Going to send more dudes to help us?' where we put the spotlight on them but offer them an out in the form of handing over their troops to us/pointed towards actual imperial needs.
[ ] Political Etiquette

Most immediately useful. She's SUPPOSED to be a figurehead at the moment, and that means not pissing more people off than she has to.
It would also bore her out of her wits. I have my doubts about how long she actually stays on task here.

[ ] Constitutional Law

This is most useful if she wants to pull legal authority off the Council and into her hands...which she's also not ready for.
Its also useful if the Council goes for a powergrab, but based on the naval situation, if they really went for a powergrab they'd have ships behind them, not just the law.
And its boring on top.

[ ] Crisis Management

Most useful for letting her spout off wise soundbytes and the way the Empire is going she's going to need this sooner than later. This basically sets her as a tiebreaker for council decisions on a crisis and paves the way for taking control sooner.
Its probably the least boring at least?

[ ] Governance

How to actually rule. Council's got this, and while we want her to do this before her majority it can otherwise wait.

My suggestion is Crisis Management first to keep her interested, then Etiquette, then Law, then Governance. This lets her sound less like a young idiot whose only utility is her name sooner, and keeps her interested in the process.

[ ] Reduce 13th Fleet.

We need SOME teeth in the Crown, if we disband it...someone will take a swing sooner. If we reduce it they got a guessing game regarding whether they're hard enough.

[ ] Small Task Force

Subtlety is more in our interests. I think going hot at this juncture is something our dear empress is horribly unready for...and I think we got a chance of swinging some of the council to throw their personal forces at the problem as well to boost their prestige?
My personal preferences are:
- Political etiquette
- Reduce 13th Fleet
- Medium Task Force.

Because I like everything in moderation. Disbanding the 13th leaves too much of a gap I'm not willing to take. Big TF too ostentatious, small TF too, well, small in case something goes wrong.
[ ] Reduce 13th Fleet.

We need SOME teeth in the Crown, if we disband it...someone will take a swing sooner. If we reduce it they got a guessing game regarding whether they're hard enough.
Except compromise is for when you can expect the party to also accept said compromise (here the other party is the Houses). Reducing doesn't do shit except make it so the 13th isn't a beatstick we can use if we need it anymore and the reinforcements sent out are basically just token, which all the other fleets will know and might just be more pissed about than actually not getting anything.

In this case, compromising is about the single worst action available.
Except compromise is for when you can expect the party to also accept said compromise (here the other party is the Houses). Reducing doesn't do shit except make it so the 13th isn't a beatstick we can use if we need it anymore and the reinforcements sent out are basically just token, which all the other fleets will know and might just be more pissed about than actually not getting anything.

In this case, compromising is about the single worst action available.

normally i would agree with you, you either disband it completely or don't there is no halfsies, however, outer fleets need reinforcement and we still need at least a semblance of a beat stick at hand to use against anyone who gets uppity, though now knowing that there are 5 of the RAGTF's available to use means that we are more capable of disbanding it
I gotta ask if there are any foreign threats out there or if everything is internal...
Hmm. So the situation is... not good. That said, it doesn't seem to me to be irrecoverably disastrous just yet. Despite all the rumblings, it doesn't seem like anyone's been brave enough to openly defy Imperial authority or secede just yet, and at least Yonatan didn't drop any names of fleets/admirals that are unreliable or in the pocket of one or another of the Great Houses. The problem is that the Navy's not strong enough at the moment to keep a lid on the Outer Rim and smack down all the Great Houses at the same time, but it seems like it could probably do either of those, or take care of a smaller one-House rebellion without totally abandoning the rims. (Of course that's only true if we can rely on the various Fleets to stay on-side.)

[ ] Political Etiquette
[ ] Constitutional Law
[ ] Crisis Management
[ ] Governance

I don't necessarily disagree with the current consensus for Political Etiquette, but I'd like to put in a word for Constitutional Law as another possibility. The discussion with Ahri about what she did and why pretty clearly showed that she has no real idea of what her role and powers are. Political Etiquette will help a lot with keeping her out of trouble, but so will knowing what will get her in trouble and what she can get away with doing.

[ ] Disband 13th Fleet.
[ ] Keep 13th Fleet.
[ ] Reduce 13th Fleet.

Ugh I hate this choice, as I'm really torn. On the one hand, it sucks to give up the "big guns" this character choice came with, and Yui's not wrong that having a big, loyal beatstick in reserve to smack down whoever gets uppity is really useful. Splitting it up could lead to effective defeat in detail, or in the worst case scenario having part of it come back at us under a rebel admiral. On the other, Yonatan's not wrong either, and stiffening the resolve of the other Fleets by a) showing we care about them, and b) sprinkling a bunch of loyal captains in big ships across them could help keep those admirals reliable themselves.

The compromise option seems worst of both worlds here, though. I'm inclined to go with disbanding it, and hope to use this as a sign "the Empress" is taking the threat of Outer Rim piracy and secession seriously, and try to use that as a lever to pry loose some funding to start rebuilding the Navy without looking like a direct threat to the Great Houses.

[ ] Small Task Force
[ ] Medium Force
[ ] Heavy Task Force

Sumeragi is obviously looking for an excuse to start something, so some subtlety is called for here. We particularly don't want to look like we're acting as Vicerine-in-all-but-name (even though we are). That said, if we're only going to be there for two days there's a limit to how subtle we can be while still accomplishing something. I think we can probably get away with a medium-sized force here, particularly since we can spin it as something of a farewell cruise? If feel like if we actually need the heavy force, things are probably already too far gone to salvage.

So, I dunno, my plan might be:
- Constitutional Law
- Disband 13th Fleet
- Medium Force
[ ] Political Etiquette
I think they most important is to make the empress stop rocking the boat so to speak.

[ ] Disband 13th Fleet.
The other fleets need the ships and the compromise option seems really sketchy. Just keeping it intact will make the Great Houses less of a threat but the Rim might slip out of our control. I think it is easier to keep the Great houses in check than to keep all the hundreds of potential secessionists in the empire.

[ ] Heavy Task Force
A last farewell cruise with the entire fleet in all its glory.
Trusted and Competent Personal.

And we'll be more easily tracked by whoever has their fingers in whoever ends up ferrying us around.

We've been flat out told Alaster won't listen to any of our guys, which to me says they're more likely to die in some stupid maneuver.

Shiki is... well honestly he's kind of up shit creek either way. He gets reinforcements to his fleet so he can comfortably hold for the reinforcements from the navy should the two Houses he's on the border of start fighting, but because the 13th is disbanded it's suddenly going to take anyone a hell of a lot longer to actually get together and get there to reinforce him.

If I'm reading his situation right anyway. Not to mention a House won't start a war like that, on purpose, unless they're in a position in which the navy can't do shit to stop them anyway.

I"m mostly surprised people are just deciding to go: "You know what, we don't need to be able to move around freely under our own power. Who needs to do that when we're the unofficial hand of the Empress?"

Sorry if that comes off as a bit condescending, but it's like... *waves hands at point* Obvious? Important?

*Sighs and rubs bridge of nose* I'll just stop now, I'm not getting anywhere with my thoughts.
From all the chips on the table things will be falling apart. It's not a matter of if at this point, just when.

So the real question is what assets do we want, where do we want them, and what do we want kept safe.

I get what's being said, but it feels like it's being said from a position of "we can still save this" rather than "okay, what do I want to save?"

And our MC literally built the 13th basically, or a very large chunk of it, out of her own money. "K, thx for the shit, get fucked, bye."

If we need to keep the loyal and trusted commanders loyal to us then just reroute some of that funding to them. And again, getting funding from elsewhere thanks to having the ear of the Empress and being on the council.
Yea good idea.

Except that such a thing could be misconstrued as plotting a coup.
Yea good idea.

Except that such a thing could be misconstrued as plotting a coup.
*headtilt* What? That's... *rubs bridge of nose again* Where did you even come up with that?

The two primary suspects for plotting coups are plotting coups (to take out the other if nothing else, and I sincerely doubt that there is nothing else), frankly any accusations leveled at us is basically as eye raising as I'm being at you right now.

Also the Royal Guard says high, they would like to point out that they are still relevant as per WoG.
I'll fully admit I don't have ShadowAngel's perspective on all this. My hope is basically this: We can't stop the Empire coming apart with guns/military might on it's lonesome. What I'm vaguely thinking we CAN do is utilize political games to keep the likes of Sumeragi off-balance and unwilling to act until we've gotten our crap together and can once again provide a strong threat to keep the Empire in line.
My goal is NOT to try and become the Byzantines to the Roman Empire, and basically carve out a smaller, more stable kingdom from the Empire's death throes, but to actually pull the unstable Empire together and re-solidify it once again- so that does mean being less overt and swinging my power around, and more trying to use our power in 'soft' forms as much as 'hard' forms.