I favor Etiquette for the first lesson, or "How to avoid stepping on tails when you didn't mean to". This could change if someone has evidence of skulduggery in the regency council that the empress needs to be able to spot.
The fleet vote is a bit more painful. Splitting the 13th up is a good idea from the standpoint of keeping the rim in good order, but it shows we're making ourselves busy with the state of the rim and fleet. This could lead to a Great House deciding now is a good time to start shit with their fleets, on the other hand this could lead to said Great House going off half-cocked and getting their face stomped when Vice Admiral The Princess Yui charges in with a makeshift fleet (We should still have assets to activate/recall in an emergency).
Reducing keeps a section of our loyal beatstick intact. However, if I were Yonatan I would strip out all the CLs and CAs first, leaving a handful of BBs and BCs with an excuse about tonnage. This would dramatically improve the hypothetical makeshift fleet scenario, but I expect it would give enough caution that an uprising would reliably defeat our fleet. A benefit is that if the laid-up ships are reactivated we can get 13th up to its formidable full size quicker, should the Navy get the support for such an initiative.
Keeping the 13th makes things easier in the core systems. Yonatan's judgement is that it's also an investment in trouble for the outer systems. We'd be getting a pause button on the worst core events in exchange for things going worse when the issue gets re-examined. My gut says that our +Intel guy plus Yui's politics means we can get enough warning about core system troubles that this is a bad exchange.
Task Force size-wise I'd like to roll in in style with a large force. More people with ideas to use, more eyes to check the orbits and history, more demonstration of the Imperial Navy...
DDs are for poor people who cannot afford CLs. DDs like Fubuki are smol ships good only for dying.
U Wot M8? DDs fulfill the grandest mission of the Navy by being able to afford bravery. These brave vessels risk themselves so that the capital ships can perform to their utmost. (i.e. They are good at dying so the good ships don't

I get the impression that Yonatan Chew likes pulling Yui's tail. That 'why aren't you married yet' speech just seemed to escalate to keep ahead of our protests.