Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

*headtilt* What? That's... *rubs bridge of nose again* Where did you even come up with that?

The two primary suspects for plotting coups are plotting coups (to take out the other if nothing else, and I sincerely doubt that there is nothing else), frankly any accusations leveled at us is basically as eye raising as I'm being at you right now.

Also the Royal Guard says high, they would like to point out that they are still relevant as per WoG.
Do recall that regardless of intent and purpose, what matters here is what other people think of Yui.

And what insidious insinuations people can spread.
Where are the fluffy tails we were promised? T_T

Anyway, its funny how we just gave up the Vicerine powers while it looks like the Empire is in a state that having those powers would be supremely useful.

That said, the choice here (that affects all the smaller choices other than Yui's education) is the overall stance we want to take:

Do we think the Empire can be saved and try to do so? Or are we giving up and pulling up to form a more stable smaller state?

EDIT: IMO, the Empire CAN be saved and we should try. That means breaking up the 13th fleet to reinforce and taking a smaller taskforce in order to avoid stepping on toes.

As well as seeing what can be done to keep the Houses allied. You don't need everyone to be perfectly happy, just a majority of the Houses supporting the idea of the Empire will keep the rest in line along with the Empire's reduced fleet.
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Do recall that regardless of intent and purpose, what matters here is what other people think of Yui.

And what insidious insinuations people can spread.
Except we're not just nobility, we're Royalty. Anyone trying to do that is either backing us in a civil war (not happening since we don't want the throne) or is committing political suicide.

So... no.
I would go for Disband 13th Fleet.
You have exploited these skills within your fleet: you may not be the greatest military mind of your era, but your fleet is loyal to you and their morale is unbreakable.
Do remember all those individual ship captains are loyal to us regardless of what admiral they're working under plus they would be our eyes and ears from the Outer to Inner Rim relaying valuable info to O'Farrell, pretty much an effective web of mobile intelligence network that would allow us to influence bits and pieces of the area they're in on the quiet side while following the said admiral's patrol orders.

Also apart from patrolling in groups, I highly doubt the admirals would risk losing heavy firepower by sending them on solo run though we do need to make sure we can repair them as they're effective hammers.
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Except we're not just nobility, we're Royalty. Anyone trying to do that is either backing us in a civil war (not happening since we don't want the throne) or is committing political suicide.

So... no.
Right. The whole since you are royalty you are above suspicion angle.

Okay. If you believe it is so, then sure why not.
Yeah, so any advice from his needs to be treated as suspect at best and outright hurtful at worst unfortunately.
There's an argumen obe made that just simply letting the empire fall apart is a failure state, which neither Yonatan, not Yui, nor other loyal Imperial officers will accept.

Certainly from your perspective here it seems like balkanisation is inevitable, but I want to make it clear that I'm not railroading anything: there is indeed a chance o keep everything together.

So yes, @Zaealix , trying to keep the empire together is not a futile cause. It's just going to be very, very diffucult. (And that's befpoe we get into the quesion of "do we want to keep the empire as is, or reform it?" )

Edit: bt for he love of god dont listen to yonatans marriage advice, he just wants to see your love life crash and burn while he keks in the background
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Right. The whole since you are royalty you are above suspicion angle.

Okay. If you believe it is so, then sure why not.
No. We are Royalty, leveling against an accusation against us is basically leveling an accusation against the throne. That combined with being "Politics SSR-Rank" means that no, politically attacking us isn't stupid and suicidal because we're above suspicion, it's because we're that high of a rank and that good at the game.
Also i feel i need to remind everyone that by 28th May, ie when you get back from Egon, you don't have command of 13th Fleet anyway because you've been relieved.
Also i feel i need to remind everyone that by 28th May, ie when you get back from Egon, you don't have command of 13th Fleet anyway because you've been relieved.
... Honestly I'm not sure that changes anything really. Depends on who is in charge of it I suppose, but if it's one of our subordinates then it basically remains the same as we've been discussing.
No. We are Royalty, leveling against an accusation against us is basically leveling an accusation against the throne. That combined with being "Politics SSR-Rank" means that no, politically attacking us isn't stupid and suicidal because we're above suspicion, it's because we're that high of a rank and that good at the game.
There are also people with also Politics SSR. I feel i should put that out and tip my hand somewhat.

No matter which PC one chooses, there is always going to be [Redacted] with Politics SSR: they exist to provide another angle of challenge to the PC. The different levels of politics skill make [Redacted] a varying challenge level; they get to utterly run around Yonatan's A-rank politics, make life difficult for Alastor's S-rank politics, and draw evenly with Yui, which means that because they're so even, it's easy to tip the scales one way or another.

Like... did you really think Yui was the only one with Politics SSR?

... Honestly I'm not sure that changes anything really. Depends on who is in charge of it I suppose, but if it's one of our subordinates then it basically remains the same as we've been discussing.
Best case for you is that one of 13th Fleets sub-unit commanders is promoted to command the fleet, but you can't guarantee that will happen.
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13th Fleet Composition and Imperial Navy fleet strength
Also anyway since it was asked: 13th Fleet's composition:

BB: 16
BC: 24
CA: 36
CL: 48

Total 124 warships, of which 40 are capital ships (BB, BC). CL is faster than CA/BC, which are faster than BB. People have not seen the need to make fast battleships in this verse (which more than a few commanders reeee about). Yes, you read that right, 13th fleet doesn't have DDs, it uses its CLs as screen.

Imperial Navy Fleet strength:

Note that all figures have been rounded down to the nearest hundred, and I cannot into BBcode tables. >.<

In case the image goes away:

BB: 350 total. 140 Mothball, 70 Deployed, 70 Working Up, 70 Refit.
BC: 500~ total. 200~ Mothball, 100~ deployed, 100~ Working Up, 100~ Refit.
CA/CL/DD: 4200~ total. 1800 Mothball, 800~ deployed, 800~ Working Up, 800~ Refit.

The ratio of CA to CL to DD is roughly 1 : 1.5 : 2.5.
Yes, you read that right, 13th fleet doesn't have DDs, it uses its CLs as screen
I guess if it works?

Waggles hands in a so-so manner.
Tin cans would have a higher top end at the expense of lighter weapons and armor which means things like destroyers can outrun and harass the 13th with near impunity. However, in a space force situation using destroyers against the 13th would be like sending wet navy PT boats after a heavy cruiser. Yeah they might get lucky, but they are mostly going to get dead if the fleet lands a blow.

The Admiral is bitching that 1 to two fifths of his fleet is in mothballs while another two fifths is undeployable, and the final fifth is deployed, but short on parts. I feel his pain
I feel like we should also consider that our composition is Heavy. If the loyal commanders can trust the Capital ships, that makes things a bit easier.


ok then


I guess if it works?

DDs are for poor people who cannot afford CLs. DDs like Fubuki are smol ships good only for dying. :V

Yonatan: "u wot m8 come here i cut you good nobody talks smack about my waifu cheebai say that to my face FITE ME":mad::mob::rage:
The Admiral is bitching that 1 to two fifths of his fleet is in mothballs while another two fifths is undeployable, and the final fifth is deployed, but short on parts. I feel his pain
Yeah. There's a reason the 1:1:1 Deployed/Work Up/Refit cycle is a thing.

Theoretically in a time of crisis, the ships working up can be surged to join the deployed warships, but then that means that next you'll have 2/3rds in refit cycle and 1/3rd has to rush through the workup cycle and deploy in a hurry. Consider the invasion of Iraq in 2003: the USN surged carriers and had 5 carriers running airstrikes into Iraq. After the heavy combat phase of OIF1 died down, the USN pulled those 5 CVNs off the line and sent them home for refit...

And relieved them with 1 carrier.

This is what happens when your peace dividend lasts for centuries and people dont see a need to give money to the navy that they can ise on local social/infra programs.
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This quest doesn't run on statlines and dice rolls
You guys have to note that there isn't any... stat line or dice rolls for this quest.

What those stats affect is what IC knowledge and options you will have access to off the bat rather than if a option is more likely to succeed or not.

You really need to read and think about the implications of each and every option given.
You really need to read and think about the implications of each and every option given.

Well, so one thing that hasn't been brought up that I've noticed in the discussion is that at least in the narrative we aren't actually deciding whether the 13th Fleet gets broken up. We're writing up a memo with our recommendation to Yonatan. Yui's relationship with him is pretty solid, but it may still be worth analyzing from the perspective of how our choice looks to him. (And the likelihood of him listening to our advice: asking to keep the 13th intact may result in it being reduced, for instance.)
Well, so one thing that hasn't been brought up that I've noticed in the discussion is that at least in the narrative we aren't actually deciding whether the 13th Fleet gets broken up. We're writing up a memo with our recommendation to Yonatan. Yui's relationship with him is pretty solid, but it may still be worth analyzing from the perspective of how our choice looks to him. (And the likelihood of him listening to our advice: asking to keep the 13th intact may result in it being reduced, for instance.)
Eh. It will be kept intact. Just not under Yui's command. Note that regardless of what happens you don't get to command the 13th fleet.


That's my understanding of the update.
I favor Etiquette for the first lesson, or "How to avoid stepping on tails when you didn't mean to". This could change if someone has evidence of skulduggery in the regency council that the empress needs to be able to spot.

The fleet vote is a bit more painful. Splitting the 13th up is a good idea from the standpoint of keeping the rim in good order, but it shows we're making ourselves busy with the state of the rim and fleet. This could lead to a Great House deciding now is a good time to start shit with their fleets, on the other hand this could lead to said Great House going off half-cocked and getting their face stomped when Vice Admiral The Princess Yui charges in with a makeshift fleet (We should still have assets to activate/recall in an emergency).

Reducing keeps a section of our loyal beatstick intact. However, if I were Yonatan I would strip out all the CLs and CAs first, leaving a handful of BBs and BCs with an excuse about tonnage. This would dramatically improve the hypothetical makeshift fleet scenario, but I expect it would give enough caution that an uprising would reliably defeat our fleet. A benefit is that if the laid-up ships are reactivated we can get 13th up to its formidable full size quicker, should the Navy get the support for such an initiative.

Keeping the 13th makes things easier in the core systems. Yonatan's judgement is that it's also an investment in trouble for the outer systems. We'd be getting a pause button on the worst core events in exchange for things going worse when the issue gets re-examined. My gut says that our +Intel guy plus Yui's politics means we can get enough warning about core system troubles that this is a bad exchange.

Task Force size-wise I'd like to roll in in style with a large force. More people with ideas to use, more eyes to check the orbits and history, more demonstration of the Imperial Navy...

DDs are for poor people who cannot afford CLs. DDs like Fubuki are smol ships good only for dying. :V
U Wot M8? DDs fulfill the grandest mission of the Navy by being able to afford bravery. These brave vessels risk themselves so that the capital ships can perform to their utmost. (i.e. They are good at dying so the good ships don't :V)

I get the impression that Yonatan Chew likes pulling Yui's tail. That 'why aren't you married yet' speech just seemed to escalate to keep ahead of our protests.
In hindsight maybe I should have done those infodump posts on the IN and IRG.

Do y'all want me to extend the voting moratorium until after i put out the infodumps? Which may only happen later in the week.
It has occured to me that it is actually super unfair for you all to be voting on and discussing what task force to bring for the egon factfinding without actually knowing what the intel brief said.

Vote moratorium is extended until i produce Daniel's intel brief.

*headtilt* What? That's... *rubs bridge of nose again* Where did you even come up with that?

The two primary suspects for plotting coups are plotting coups (to take out the other if nothing else, and I sincerely doubt that there is nothing else), frankly any accusations leveled at us is basically as eye raising as I'm being at you right now.

Also the Royal Guard says high, they would like to point out that they are still relevant as per WoG.
I utterly missed this earlier, but if you want to take this course of action... well, royals have done coups with far, far less IRL. It's totally a legit path to walk! As the OP notes, your position gives you great responsibilities, and great opportunities. That includes couping the Empress, should you choose to do so.
Or if it's chosen for you, but well, y'know what they say: some people choose to coup, some people fall into coups, and some people have coups thrust upon them.

I get the impression that Yonatan Chew likes pulling Yui's tail. That 'why aren't you married yet' speech just seemed to escalate to keep ahead of our protests.
From the age of 1-16, Yonatan Chew was Yui's Uncle Johnny, her dad's best friend who's stay over at their house from time to time, help him do guy stuff, argue with her mom about weird things such as "yuri is superior to yaoi" and the Uncle who always teased her mercillessly.

Then she's 17, she enters the Navy as a Lieutenant, going through a truncated OCS course and skipping Ensign and Sub-Lieutenant, is assigned as Admiral Yonatan Chew's Flag Lieutenant, and has a massive culture shock that nearly gives her a heart attack.

(It turns out that while Uncle Johnny is sweet like lemon-lime soda, Admiral Yonatan Chew is a pillar of salt.)
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Then she's 17, she enters the Navy as a Lieutenant, going through a truncated OCS course and skipping Ensign and Sub-Lieutenant, is assigned as Admiral Yonatan Chew's Flag Lieutenant, and has a massive culture shock that nearly gives her a heart attack.
Okay, wow. That's *very* abbreviated.

That also explains a lot.