Also, the empress is 16, which means that by giving up the Vicereine post, we run the risk of having someone manipulative be named as Viceroy\Vicereine, who will try to manipulate the empress for whatever reasons they might have, and that is not a good thing.
I really wanted to show not tell this in the next update, but I guess I might as well briefly talk about this as a teaser for the infodump on the HM Government.
The position of Imperial Viceroy is an ad hoc position, filled by appointment as and when needed; the Viceroy serves at the pleasure of the Monarch and is appointed by decree. It's a position outside the government; the Vicereine is appointed by the Empress and reports directly to her.
It is neither mandatory nor required that there be an Imperial Vicereine - in fact the position has been dormant for the last few reign eras, because when you are the only game in town and things are mostly at peace you don't really need a roving troubleshooter on Her Majesty's business.
So, this is why the appointment of an Imperial Viceroy (any Imperial Viceroy, these issues would also apply with Alastor and Yonatan) is tilting the Regency Council:
- Ahri appoints Yui out of nowhere, which is very

and ????? and has the Regency Council going "wait what, nani the fuck?"
- The Regency Council is also tilted because while technically the Empress may appoint a Viceroy by decree, Ahri is a fucking minor who is supposed to be listening to the regency council, consulting with them before she does shit, and most importantly she's supposed to spend the next 2 years learning up while the Regency Council maintains the status quo and keeps the Empire from setting itself on fire. This is part of what Yui was talking about earlier, when she was talking about how Ahri can't just bypass the Regency Council in appointing a Vicereine. Now, if she'd appointed a Viceroy 2 years later, after her majority and coronation, no one would really bat an eye.
Now that Yui's going to be sitting on the Regency Council, everyone can pretend that officially the Empress' derp never happened, things are going to the status quo, and while the Regency Council is still generally

and ??? when looking at Ahri, this allows Yui to smooth over the ruffled tails. And no, nobody's going to let Ahri appoint another Vicereine; the Regency Council won't stand for it, and Yui's going to placate Ahri by being her unofficial quiet-quiet settle person who gets shit done.
Of course, Yui's going to have to juggle that with Regency Council business and giving Ahri a crash course in How To Empress 101. Alas, it's not like she can just throw Ahri to an Drill Sergant to get PT'd and yelled at.