Magical Girl Home Base Quest

Wait, you mean that one day getting to write an alien space ship filled with the spirits of magical girls screaming in to save our collective asses isn't interesting for you?

Alternatively it just straight-up doesn't work, and now we have a haunted jar.
Or if you want spirits, it could be so that, while they left to go "wander the stars" or whatever, they still have a link/tether to their remains? and we could summon them back or something? I dunno, man, the mechanics of the magic isn't really defined.
Just for that I'm writing the scene where you have to fill the canoptic jar with bones. Both boring and depressing at once!
Shouldn't magically-enhanced cremation at least get them crumbly enough to fall apart and mix up with the rest of the ash?

I know we can't expect our cremation process to reduce all the carbon to a diamond (or the carbon and calcium to some other gem) without some kind of upgrade, but reducing the body to the ash everyone pictures as the result of cremation seems like the least it should do.
It's almost like dealing with a dead body is a gruesome and difficult process that doesn't have simple and clean results.
Knew I should have changed my vote to the boat option. Unfortunate.

Honestly, from the outset cremation seemed like the safest bet given the sort of genre we are in. Way too damn many fiction and stories where even the honored dead can be twisted against their friends by necromancers or some other fucks.

Would have been more willing to risk it if I had any hint towards this not being merely how we send off the girls and would have some sort of benefit down the line.

Oh well, you win some you lose some.
Shouldn't magically-enhanced cremation at least get them crumbly enough to fall apart and mix up with the rest of the ash?

No, because you're thinking magically enhanced material dispatche disposal. Bones are bones, and unless you're willing to crush them down- and I'm really not since doing it with animal bones is annoying enough- then they remain intact through the process.

So we can get them to drop meteors on our enemies. Nice.
I'm not sure what part of "solar artillery batteries" isn't rad as shit, but I guess that's just me.

Because "solar artillery battery" isn't how it works on the field. I said more fireball, not exclusively fireball!

Oh. So we can't get wraith ghost magical girls coming out of their urns to save the day?

No, the Last Post of the Dead was for entombment. Also if you triggered it things would have gone hideously wrong.
Edit: y'all went for the most boring option for burial and I'm endlessly disappointed that I will not get to one day write the Ship of the Dead screaming in to save your collective asses and I'm sad now.
But now you can write how the hotel started becoming holy grounds for MG's, and gives all a bonus to sanity, rest and mp regeneration!
Bones are bones, and unless you're willing to crush them down- and I'm really not since doing it with animal bones is annoying enough- then they remain intact through the process.
Bone fragments at least - Googling for information about cremation keeps referring to the leftovers in need of grinding as fragments or bits of bone, not complete bones. Some chunks would be big enough that you could figure out whether they came from something flat-ish like the skull/shoulderblade/ilium or from one of the long bones, but either way, you'd be able to handle them with chopsticks:
Though a scoop or dustpan would likely be more efficient.
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Dice have been rolled.

So regulars roll death saves on natural ones, newbies on ones and twos. And we lost another two newbies.

Interesting that we got a crafting roll despite doing a workshop upgrade. Dunno if that was a mistake or intentional.

Intel is solidly above average.
Oof. 2 more new girls dead. And one of the old girls almost died.

Hopefully with the upgraded workshop we can research the healing item safely and help cut down on casualties.
I'm betting it's what perk or discovery the workshop upgrade supports. So a low roll could be 'better' depending on what it offers.
And it was still a 2!

But it seems less like a quality thing and more what type of thing it was, so that's more mysterious and interesting.
Looks like we didn't see any new MGs generate this week. Which was very unlikely. There's only a 2.7% chance that we'd get no new MGs at all. Our intel result was similarly unlikely. There's a 96.88% chance to roll less than a 66 on ten d10s.

Unfortunately, the rolls that really counted were the death saves, and we didn't do well there at all.
Looks like we didn't see any new MGs generate this week. Which was very unlikely. There's only a 2.7% chance that we'd get no new MGs at all. Our intel result was similarly unlikely. There's a 96.88% chance to roll less than a 66 on ten d10s.

Unfortunately, the rolls that really counted were the death saves, and we didn't do well there at all.
Well, on the positive side, these unlikely rolls actually lessened our housing shortage!

More seriously, I hope the assault went well, because otherwise morale is going to plummet.
I wonder if there'll be a bittersweet scene where the MC makes a jar for the ashes, or where someone buys a suitable urn (or a sufficiently decorative flour or rice jar) for them...