Magical Girl Home Base Quest

I'm getting a distinctly 'adventurer' read on Magical Girls, they got shitloads of loot basically all the time, and its pretty much sparkly trash to them because the hard part is getting someone who can flip it into something actually useful for their continued survival, theres no stable supply because its all looted off gribblies and criminals, so you can't establish any kind of regular rate, so if someone is willing to take twenty bear asses for a chainmail bikini they'd take the deal.
We offer accommodations, food, buy their loot, sell equipment, soon will have a job board...

Holy shit, we're an adventurers' guild in the making.
Sitting down at your workbench was a relaxing experience. Nothing but you, arcane knoweldges trying to murder you, and the ever-present smell of cheap liquor that served as the eau d' vie of your projects, as sourced by Goodyear. God bless that man, wherever the hell he was. Either way, it was time to build a wand.

Technically speaking, a wand had four parts. The core, rod, focus, and binder. Alcohol, while physically solvent, was an excellent simulation of duct tape in more esoteric rituals like this. Pouring a fifth of Captain Morgan into a mixing bowl with some salt and flour quickly got you a heavy paste, which you shelved for now as you worked on the core and rod.
I love these creation scenes, I'm going to miss these if we upgrade out of hobo crafting.

[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)

[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)

[X] No, you want to improve your workshop instead.

Would it be possible to cut a deal with one of the girls? Get a price cut on the wand if they look out for the newbie while she's finding her feet?
Ouch. The main reason we built the wand was for Trompdoy to have one, but of course she has the stuff we need least, as we want variety.

I always like the mystery options, so I like the blind boy.

What does improving our workshop do?

Edit: At least Trompdoy is still injured and probably won't need a wand for a while.
Actually we use mundane for upkeep and it can be used for crafting, so if we make level 1 wands we can use mundane so grabbing more of that always works. Also we are down to 2 mundane so may as well stock that up to make sure we do not run out since we consumer 1 a week on upkeep.

[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

Going with Homer in hopes that he can help out around the place, maybe give us an extra action because if we can ever get to the point where we can get more room space and build an item each week we will be a lot better off.
The magical trash-crafting scenes are a work of art.

[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] No, you want to improve your workshop instead.

We need to make it so we're not treading water on action economy. Hiring Homer and improving the workshop are both gambles that may help us with that. (Also, I'm curious as to what workshop improvements we might end up with if we use Witchy Stuff.)
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The magical trash-crafting scenes are a work of art.

[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
I would point out that unless we get more mundane next week we run out as we use it for upkeep as well as crafting
[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
No wand, no work.

[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
An employee would be exceedingly helpful.

[X] No, you want to improve your workshop instead.
We are never going to have enough rooms. But D10 * 2 weeks would let us get ahead of the item durability curve.
[x] Eowyn (6 Gubbins, 2 Demon Stuff, 6 Holy Stuff)

Take on a new boarder
[x] Take in Mistletoe (Female, magical girl with no equipment, experience, or training, but full of hope and power)

Build a Tool
[x] No, you want to work on your building instead
Wand Sale!
[x] Eowyn (6 Gubbins, 2 Demon Stuff, 6 Holy Stuff)

Take on a new boarder
[x] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)

Build a Tool
[x] No, you want to work on your building instead
We have the cash to stay solvent for 2 more weeks, assuming no mundane expenditures at all, which is one heck of an assumption. Also, the exchange rate for turning other resources into mundanes is terrible. Running out of money is really costly in resources.

[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)

I could go either way on the new person.

[X] Take in Mistletoe (Female, magical girl with no equipment, experience, or training, but full of hope and power)

I honestly really want to make more wands and trinkets, as some of the local MGs might need those to survive. But I'm getting the impression that the girls will never have enough equipment at our current rate of production. Getting more durability rating will at least allow us to get MGs in the green for longer, which will allow us to supply more of them. I just hope nobody dies while we play the macro game here.

[X] No, you want to improve your workshop instead.
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

Gotta take the mundane to try and get ahead of the curve.
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

Switched to Mundanes, if we're doing work on our building we're probably spending a chunk more than the base upkeep to get stuff.
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

We'll need a room for the kid.

How did we learn magic? Fixing stuff is easy, but knowing that beer bottles can be turned into arson wands?
no idea
Ten minutes later we were in a McDonalds, you had a plate of America's perfered form of national suicide in front of me
behind on it's heroic quota for the quarter.

"Hey." One of them said, trying not to get the goop in her mud. "We heard you had a shower?"

"Yeah." You said, trying not to puke. "It's in the back. Follow me."

"Got a lundry?" the other asked.
goop in her mud?
moving out to the front to cram in a brown paper bag of leaf litter into the firebox. "
too many 'in's.
"Not like I don't appreciate the clear working area, but I figure you're cold.
missing end quote
nothing more than a brain in a jar that spends it's time screaming to lull the
No gear, no training, no hope- a poison to survival."

"Does Homer
Yes hope, not no hope.
[X] Take in Mistletoe (Female, magical girl with no equipment, experience, or training, but full of hope and power)
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

Switching my vote to Mundane as well, currency is important, especially when right now we really need mundane resources to make our little halfway house less shit.
Before I consider changing my vote to Trompdoy for Mundanes, what happens to Calypso if we don't replace her wand? Trissa managed to find a new place to live, but I'm not sure that things will turn out so well again. We also won't have another wand ready next week for her to buy so she might be without a wand for 2 weeks. (I think her wand had 1 week left before the last update, but the spreadsheet still shows 1 week. It might not have been updated yet.)
One thing to keep in mind is that we do want to be paid in magical goods, not just money. We have a much easier time exchanging magic items for mundane cash than most MGs do, so it's good if we don't overvalue mundane money when choosing who to trade our items with. (Also, I think we can use magical resources to improve our workshop and building, not just mundane resources.)
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[x] Eowyn (6 Gubbins, 2 Demon Stuff, 6 Holy Stuff)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
Alcohol, while physically solvent, was an excellent simulation of duct tape in more esoteric rituals like this.
I don't even want to begin to unpack the lore behind this sentence.
I'd guess alcohol is associated with bringing things (people) together, albeit in a different way. :)
Besides, even physically, solvent and adhesive are symmetric concepts in ways that let them substitute for each other sometimes. Compare a rigid attachment with a flexible one like a joint, which relies on smooth surfaces to avoid abrasion.

edit: That said, this system kind of reminds me of Discworld, where the ancient mystic rite to summon Death himself can, in an emergency, be performed with "a simple incantation, three small bits of wood and 4cc of mouse blood." Though he may be a bit cross if you leave out the candles and robes and ceremonial pomp; it's a sign of disrespect. (To the mages as well, of course. It's like admitting you can't afford to do it properly.)

edit: To the author, does this system outright run on metaphor as a physical layer, in the sense that a different species would have a different set of magic, or are the rules of magic independent of human perspective?
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One thing to keep in mind is that we do want to be paid in magical goods, not just money. We have a much easier time exchanging magic items for mundane cash than most MGs do, so it's good if we don't overvalue mundane money when choosing who to trade our items with. (Also, I think we can use magical resources to improve our workshop and building, not just mundane resources.)

Uh... how can we exchange magical goods for mundane money? Because if that is easy for us to do, then I wouldn't vote for mundane cash.

I'm voting for cash right now because it seems to me that that is our immediate restraint.
[X] Take in Mistletoe (Female, magical girl with no equipment, experience, or training, but full of hope and power)
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
Uh... how can we exchange magical goods for mundane money? Because if that is easy for us to do, then I wouldn't vote for mundane cash.

I'm voting for cash right now because it seems to me that that is our immediate restraint.
It can be done once per turn automatically.
The player character can automatically liquidate one random resource per turn to aquire more Mundanes if they run out.
Aw shit, I forgot theme music for this update.

I'm getting a distinctly 'adventurer' read on Magical Girls, they got shitloads of loot basically all the time, and its pretty much sparkly trash to them because the hard part is getting someone who can flip it into something actually useful for their continued survival, theres no stable supply because its all looted off gribblies and criminals, so you can't establish any kind of regular rate, so if someone is willing to take twenty bear asses for a chainmail bikini they'd take the deal.

They can use the chainmail bikini.
Yeah, pretty much. Magical Girls can't play the flea like you can, so converting bear asses to tools is hard as shit. When you 'convert resources' to make upkeep, it takes up your Friday and Saturday to get that inventory moved at the flea.
Flour is between grains and bread, so makes a classic offering thingy.
No, flour just keeps the alcohol in one spot and doesn't really have a mystic effect. It gets burned off fairly early in the final cook too.
I love these creation scenes, I'm going to miss these if we upgrade out of hobo crafting.
Nah, you're always going to have item creation go like this. The only thing upgrades do is add extra steps.
How did we learn magic? Fixing stuff is easy, but knowing that beer bottles can be turned into arson wands?
Magic is the expression of the light of the soul, and this actually touches at something plot-releveant around Week 20-30, so I'm not going to answer this question. Safe to say, though, you're a Gnome, Harry.
(I think her wand had 1 week left before the last update, but the spreadsheet still shows 1 week. It might not have been updated yet.)
Fixed, thank you.
Uh... how can we exchange magical goods for mundane money? Because if that is easy for us to do, then I wouldn't vote for mundane cash.
You knock them together into doodads and sell them at the flea market. It converts one not-mundane into one mundane, and eats a massive portion of your time. It also is horrible for your mental state because hawking shit at the flea for ten hours a day two to three days a week is exhausting and unrewarding.
Uh... how can we exchange magical goods for mundane money? Because if that is easy for us to do, then I wouldn't vote for mundane cash.

I'm voting for cash right now because it seems to me that that is our immediate restraint.

Just found the quote:

Note money, food, and other goods avalible on the civil market are Mundanes. The player character can automatically liquidate one random resource per turn to aquire more Mundanes if they run out. Current operation of the Lodge requires 1 Mundane per turn.

We probably need a mechanics post with this and other info.

In that case, numbers are in favor of witchy stuff:

[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead