Magical Girl Home Base Quest

In that case, numbers are in favor of witchy stuff:
Numbers are, but this here
When you 'convert resources' to make upkeep, it takes up your Friday and Saturday to get that inventory moved at the flea.
and eats a massive portion of your time. It also is horrible for your mental state because hawking shit at the flea for ten hours a day two to three days a week is exhausting and unrewarding.
Makes it feel like a better idea to stay with mundane stuff.

[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)

I have no other preferences at the moment, though.
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
Oh Lawd, we're gonna need a plan for when we work that Moonstone or these girls are gonna wreck our home!

[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
It's more like... That was a mundane wand and the MG's all seriously wanted the thing. If that had been the Moonstone wand well, that could have resulted in words being said that aren't easily taken back!
Would it actually be generally better, since the item level would still be the same if we only used Moonstone, or would it create a wand that would otherwise be just the same as one made of mundane, but it would be more effective against things weak to holy stuff?
I'm really torn. I can't find it in the Info post, but I'm pretty sure someone said that upkeep takes 1 Mundane per week. We've got 2 Mundane right now, we'll need 1 for upkeep, and we might need 1 for working on the building. That means we'll have no Mundane by the end of the week, and we need another week to have something to sell. We also will have to use some form of magical materials instead of Mundane materials to tinker with.

On the other hand, if Calypso doesn't get a wand now, she might not have a wand for 2 weeks if she doesn't have another source. Also, Mistletoe should pay rent in some form. I'm not sure about Homer.

Sorry, Calypso, but I'm worried that if we miss the chance to get Mundane now, we'll end up regretting it later. I'm changing my vote.

[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

Good news, folks. Because my other IPs for sale (A Century Turns, Night over the Bosporus; links in my sig) are producing terrible cash flow because of shenanigans with my publisher, I need more money. Three months with no pay is intolerable. To that end, I'm going to be trying a small monitization scheme with this quest.

Updates are free. Let me say that right now. At least every week and possibly twice a week you'll get around 2k words of the base quest.

Sidestories are $1/200 words, commissioner's choice of topic. Magical girl shenanigans, enemy perspectives, national events, the slow decline into madness, where Magical Girls get their power from... it's all fair game.

Double updates are $40 a month, combined from any commissions and direct contributions made. If we get to that point, votes will normally be called Mondays and Thursdays, with updates on Tuesdays and Fridays.

If by some miracle I'm pulling in $80 a month, I'll start an archive thread and compile back updates into a PDF with notes and anotations, which will be for sale for about $5 per unit.

Everything after that is gravy.

EDIT: I now have a Ko-Fi. The base price of $3 will be accounted of in any costs of commission, or you can pay the full ammount through them. Either way, I hope this helps.
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[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead
Physical Binder to hold the Metaphysical Binder then, just holds the important stuff in place until it sets?

More like until the wand is exposed to a transformative environment. Flour is the Neutral Good of ingredients: doesn't fight with other reagents, stands up for its friends, plays well with others, and sits in the back when it's time for speaches because it sucks at those.
[X] Take in Homer (Male, magical talents strong but unknown, blind)
[X] Calypso (18 Witchy Stuff)
[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

So, coming in late, all I wanted to say has already been said by one or another, so just putting in my votes. I can't let Homer get away, too good an upgrade, but I don't want to leave the newbie on the streets when she invariably looses her mind... Also, if she can once a day do a really good attack, even without wands, isn't it like mistletoe has a naturally recharging daily bomb for damage?
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)

[X] Take in Mistletoe (Female, magical girl with no equipment, experience, or training, but full of hope and power)

[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

We take Mistletoe because she's more likely to get pasted without help. Homer, while under a more active death watch, has at least some power of his own. At the same time, we take Trompdoy's mundane cash and work on our building's life support area, so the next time we can just say 'take them both'.
[X] Trompdoy (20 Mundane)

[X] Take in Mistletoe (Female, magical girl with no equipment, experience, or training, but full of hope and power)

[X] No, you want to work on your building instead

We take Mistletoe because she's more likely to get pasted without help. Homer, while under a more active death watch, has at least some power of his own. At the same time, we take Trompdoy's mundane cash and work on our building's life support area, so the next time we can just say 'take them both'.
Pretty sure if we don't take Homer he gets put on a train and we don't see him again, while Mistletoe explicitly can last a week or two without likelihood of dying.