That's non magical it is useless for our forging stat, that is the one for the hobby we will never use. What's the DC on the magical one?
[X] Adaptive Loki
-[x] Hold an open challenge to the throne. DC ???
-- [x] Loki (Primary)
The reason for the martial action is to legitimatize Loki in the eyes of Jotunheim. Don't wish for other military actions until I am sure it won't look suspicious by Asgard or Thor.
-[x] Meet with the people of Jotunheim personally. DC 55
- [x] Loki (Tertiary)
-[x] Familiarize yourself with the most respected people in Jotunheim. DC 80
-- [x] Loki (Secondary)
These actions are to find hero units and integrate with the politics of Jotunheim. These guys control factions and can make things hard if they don't agree.
-[x] Build a factory for mass-producing electronics. DC 65 x2
-[x] Make a factory to mass-produce weapons. DC 75 x2
-[x] Have an official Jotunheim Library built. DC 65 x2
These are low risk actions that have low DC since we don't have heroes. It helps us prepare for the future by saving AP on building. The library is to promote learning among Jotunheim and progress.
-[x] See if Laufey had any other children/heirs/family. DC 40 x2
Possible hero recruitment or rival we have to sniff out.
-[x] Bring Jotunheim up to Asgard's understanding of Medicine. DC 85
-- [x] Osmond (Secondary)
-[x] Elevate Jotunheim's sciences to Asgard's levels. DC 85
-- [x] Osmond (Primary)
-[x] Improve Jotunheim's technological level. DC 50 x2
- [x] Osmond (Tertiary)
Trying to catch up in tech to Asgard and spread the notion of technology to begin some pursuits.
-[x] Train:
-- [x] Become the absolute expert in:
--- [x] Biology. DC 150
- [x] With Osmond (Secondary)
-[X] Try to get to know Sif. She is family...sort of. DC 95
We should focus on empowering our specialties and body. The higher the power the more payoff the sacrifice gives. Biology is there for nerve strikes ND to expand to anything we are missing.
-[x] Try to talk with Elym. DC 10
Need more trusable hero units of.learning.
-[x] Recruit talented scientists from elsewhere in the Nine Realms. DC 70
--[x] 6 Assistants
--[x] Vanaheim Branch
--[x] Alfheim Branch
--[x] Midgard Branch
--[x] Nidavellir Branch
--[x] Jotunheim Branch
-[x] Recruit talented scientists from other planets. DC 95
--[x] Nova Corps Branch
--[x] Skullos Branch
--[x] Titan Branch
-[x] Gather information about the specific imports and exports of Jotunheim. DC 20
-[x] Learn Jotunheim's Laws. DC 50
-[x] Learn more about Jotunheim's culture. DC 50
-- [x] With Osmond (Primary)
In both stewardship and intrigue we need to learn about our people.
-[x] Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world!
-- [x] Hábrók
What does Loki buy Torunn for her birthday?
-[x] [Torunn] An upgrade to last year's gifts and age appropriate toys dealing with martial pursuits.
-[] Nothing
What does Loki buy Balder for his birthday?
-[x] [Balder] Ask Amora what Balder would want as a present.
-[] Nothing
@KnowledgeKing is the plan legal and can I get an answer on what excersize does?
Edit: Does anyone have an idea what presents to get the kids.