Except she also demonstrated that she's stupid enough to go up to a gang leader and pickpocket him. Imagine if she pulled something like that after she joined our gang. Best case scenario, they kill her and we never find out what happened to her. Worst case scenario, she drags us into a gang war. No, we would be better off picking some guy from our group to be our muscle and training him up. At least they're all smart enough to recognize Emerald's actions as borderline suicidal.

One should not underestimate the perceived invincibility of youth.
One should not underestimate the perceived invincibility of youth.
That's my issue with her exactly.

Pick a random mook and hope he has the same potential as a named character who caught the attention of Cinder. Yes because that will work:rolleyes:.
I doubt she will try the same thing again.
Her issue is that she thinks she can get away with doing stupid shit. Even if she doesn't try pickpocketing a gang leader again (and I wouldn't put money on that), I have no doubt that she's going to continue to do stupid things until the recklessness has been beaten out of her. And I think it will be easier to find someone who isn't stupid with as much potential as her than it will be to train her not to be a moron.

It's also asset denial. Emerald working for us is an Emerald that isn't working for Cinder. Probably. :p
If you're that worried about her, then kill her. But I suspect that all this will accomplish is causing Cinder to recruit and train someone else instead.
Her issue is that she thinks she can get away with doing stupid shit. Even if she doesn't try pickpocketing a gang leader again (and I wouldn't put money on that), I have no doubt that she's going to continue to do stupid things until the recklessness has been beaten out of her. And I think it will be easier to find someone who isn't stupid with as much potential as her than it will be to train her not to be a moron.

Oh yeah because named characters with high potential just grow on trees for us to pluck off and see if they are worthy to join us and if their not lets toss them to the side because meh recruitible named characters are a dime a dozen( that was sarcastic in case you can't tell) . we can beat the stupit out of her and get her to a valuable degree of skill relatively quickly. Your not going to find a Perfect sub boss just lying around waiting to be picked up ( there are other gangs about that sap them up pretty fast) we have to work for it .
Just as long as I get to cast this vote in the future:

[jk] "Good work today, Emerald. Your training is coming along nicely. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning."
X] "Whatever I want. As for what I want though... well, I haven't quite made up my mind yet, and a professional doesn't rush into these things, so how about this? I'm going to let you help me decide."
-[X] "This is your chance to persuade me not to kick you out into the alley with your arms and legs broken. Do it, and we'll go from there. Fail, and... I'm sure a 'smart' young girl like you can guess the rest."
It's too bad that we've already gone the hard route with her, having dragged her into the back. Now we pretty much have to punish her in some way, just to maintain credibility.

It would have been much easier to do something like drag her down into one of the seats, bring her an ice cream, and then tell her that she would have to work under us now to pay off her debt accrued from the ice cream.
Oh yeah because named characters with high potential just grow on trees for us to pluck off and see if they are worthy to join us and if their not lets toss them to the side because meh recruitible named characters are a dime a dozen( that was sarcastic in case you can't tell) .
Your argument would have more value if every single named character (and several without names) in RWBY couldn't kick ass. Keep the setting in mind.

we can beat the stupit out of her and get her to a valuable degree of skill relatively quickly. Your not going to find a Perfect sub boss just lying around waiting to be picked up ( there are other gangs about that sap them up pretty fast) we have to work for it .
I would find your argument more compelling if it had any substance beyond "she has a name, therefore she's the perfect sub-boss." I don't care what she turned out like in RWBY. Right now she's a two-bit pickpocket with horrible judgement. We can do better. Hell, I'm pretty sure we already have better.
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Warning: nobody expects the SV inquisition!
--[X] If she still seems hesitant, bring up rape as a possibility.

nobody expects the sv inquisition! While the SV staff is fairly lenient about enforcing our rules against violence, "offhandedly suggesting that the main character should rape another person into compliance" is stretching that leniency a bit too far. Since your comment involves both violent and sexual intent towards a minor, I'm giving you a few infraction points for violating rule III.6.2 of the Community Compact. ("....[no] comments that suggest a fictional character should, or deserves to be, the victim of any violent or sexual act.")
Your argument would have more value if every single named character (and several without names) in RWBY couldn't kick ass. Keep the setting in mind.

I would find your argument more compelling if it had any substance beyond "she has a name, therefore she's the perfect sub-boss." I don't care what she turned out like in RWBY. Right now she's a two-bit pickpocket with horrible judgement. We can do better. Hell, I'm pretty sure we already have better.

and NON of our mooks are named. take that as you will

okay okay this actually kinda funny you think we can get a normal mook though combat school and into a hunter academy? have you ever heard of a diamond in the rough? we can polish her to be useful ( as demonstrated in the show) in a small period of time ( considering the time till cannon she had to have improved quickly we can piggy back on that to get a nice lieutenant) as for us having better please point out the Mook # that you are referring to.
Hell, I'm pretty sure we already have better.

Name one. :p

[X] "That was sloppy... But not bad. You've got the makings of a two bit pickpocket. If you're lucky, you might even be a three bit pick pocket. You can look forward to only starving twice a month... Or... You can come work for me. Turn this little hobby... Into a profession, make some real money."

Honestly, this is exactly the kind of person we've been trying to recruit, and she's fallen into our lap. Sure, she has an attitude problem and isn't the most skilled person in the world. Consider it an investment. What do we lose by at least seeing what we can do with her? You know nothing of her beyond the fact that she got caught by a single mark who happens to be a criminal himself.

Edit: Changed to SHEEP's vote.
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[X] "Whatever I want. As for what I want though... well, I haven't quite made up my mind yet, and a professional doesn't rush into these things, so how about this? I'm going to let you help me decide."
-[X] "This is your chance to persuade me not to kick you out into the alley with your arms and legs broken. Do that, and we'll go from there. "


[X] "That was sloppy... But not bad. You've got the makings of a two bit pickpocket. If you're lucky, you might even be a three bit pick pocket. You can look forward to only starving twice a month... Or... You can come work for me. Turn this little hobby... Into a profession, make some real money."

Made it SLIGHTLY less condescending. We're trying to offer her a job, if we present ourselves like a total psychopath she's likely to maybe take her beating and go, or, alternatively, only work for us out of fear, and then we're not getting a good use out of her. She might bolt the first chance she gets. We don't need to be nice, just not sadistic.

Edit - Also, ETA on based gril?
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[X] "That was sloppy... But not bad. You've got the makings of a two bit pickpocket. If you're lucky, you might even be a three bit pick pocket. You can look forward to only starving twice a month... Or... You can come work for me. Turn this little hobby... Into a profession, make some real money."

Made it SLIGHTLY less condescending. We're trying to offer her a job, if we present ourselves like a total psychopath she's likely to maybe take her beating and go, or, alternatively, only work for us out of fear, and then we're not getting a good use out of her. She might bolt the first chance she gets. We don't need to be nice, just not sadistic.
I like this one, what's everyone else who want to recruit her think?
and NON of our mooks are named. take that as you will

okay okay this actually kinda funny you think we can get a normal mook though combat school and into a hunter academy? have you ever heard of a diamond in the rough? we can polish her to be useful ( as demonstrated in the show) in a small period of time ( considering the time till cannon she had to have improved quickly we can piggy back on that to get a nice lieutenant) as for us having better please point out the Mook # that you are referring to.
All they need to get into the hunter academy is to be the right age and have a modicum of training. We could literally grab some kid off the street and provide the training they need to get in. In fact, that's exactly what you're suggesting we do. The difference is that I'd prefer we grab someone who hasn't demonstrated all the self-preservation instincts of the media portrayal of lemmings. Hell, even now she's not trying to apologize. It's like she wants us to kill her.

As for the better mook, let's go with those guys who beat up a Beowolf. Or those guys that were eating with ice cream with us just now. How about those dudes that have been doing our smuggling runs. All experienced in criminal activities, capable of following orders, and not borderline-suicidal.

Honestly, this is exactly the kind of person we've been trying to recruit, and she's fallen into our lap.
We've been trying to recruit people stupid enough to pickpocket gang leaders after they have been threatened by them, who can't fight their way out of a bunch of nameless mooks, and who aren't fast enough to get away after they've been caught in the act?

What do we lose by at least seeing what we can do with her?
Potentially? Lots. Dumbass just demonstrated a disturbing lack of self-preservation instinct. Say we let her join the gang and she tries to pull that crap on the local police force. Or we're meeting with Link and she decides it would be funny to steal his wallet. Or she decides to aggravate some White Fang members. Emerald seems to think she's invincible already. Do you think giving her the support of a gang is going to make her less reckless?

You know nothing of her beyond the fact that she got caught by a single mark who happens to be a criminal himself.
A mark who flat out told her he was the leader of a gang, that everybody in the immediate vicinity worked for him, and that nobody would help her if she were to befall an unfortunate accident. And she decided to steal his wallet. And you know what? That doesn't particularly make me want to recruit her.

Made it SLIGHTLY less condescending. We're trying to offer her a job, if we present ourselves like a total psychopath she's likely to maybe take her beating and go, or, alternatively, only work for us out of fear, and then we're not getting a good use out of her. She might bolt the first chance she gets. We don't need to be nice, just not sadistic.
Yes, let's pander to the two-bit pickpocket with no brain.
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[X] "Whatever I want. As for what I want though... well, I haven't quite made up my mind yet, and a professional doesn't rush into these things, so how about this? I'm going to let you help me decide."
-[X] "This is your chance to persuade me not to kick you out into the alley with your arms and legs broken. Do that, and we'll go from there. "
[X] "You were stupid... But not bad. You've got the makings of a two bit pickpocket. If you're lucky, you might even be a three bit pick pocket. You can look forward to only starving twice a month... Or... You can come work for me. Turn this little hobby... Into a profession, make some real money."
[X] "That was sloppy... But not bad. You've got the makings of a two bit pickpocket. If you're lucky, you might even be a three bit pick pocket. You can look forward to only starving twice a month... Or... You can come work for me. Turn this little hobby... Into a profession, make some real money."

Much better
All they need to get into the hunter academy is to be the right age and have a modicum of training. We could literally grab some kid off the street and provide the training they need to get in. In fact, that's exactly what you're suggesting we do. The difference is that I'd prefer we grab someone who hasn't demonstrated all the self-preservation instincts of the media portrayal of lemmings. Hell, even now she's not trying to apologize. It's like she wants us to kill her.

As for the better mook, let's go with those guys who beat up a Beowolf. Or those guys that were eating with ice cream with us just now. How about those dudes that have been doing our smuggling runs. All experienced in criminal activities, capable of following orders, and not borderline-suicidal.

We've been trying to recruit people stupid enough to pickpocket gang leaders after they have been threatened by them, who can't fight their way out of a bunch of nameless mooks, and who aren't fast enough to get away after they've been caught in the act?

Potentially? Lots. Dumbass just demonstrated a disturbing lack of self-preservation instinct. Say we let her join the gang and she tries to pull that crap on the local police force. Or we're meeting with Link and she decides it would be funny to steal his wallet. Or she decides to aggravate some White Fang members. Emerald seems to think she's invincible already. Do you think giving her the support of a gang is going to make her less reckless?

A mark who flat out told her he was the leader of a gang, that everybody in the immediate vicinity worked for him, and that nobody would help her if she were to befall an unfortunate accident. And she decided to steal his wallet. And you know what? That doesn't particularly make me want to recruit her.

Yes, let's pander to the two-bit pickpocket with no brain.

Grrr, I can snarl and hate things too, look at me, I'm hyper critical because nobody voted for my thing~ rawr~

But in all fairness, just to play devil's advocate, there's merit in killing her. This is almost too good.

A pickpocket who's capable of finding where we hide our cash on our person, can out run our guys but is magically stopped by somebody gripping her wrist, like some kind of anti - movement shackles?

It could be entirely possible Emerald was already picked up by another gang, who knows about us, and wants us gone. Banking on our industrious nature, she might be expecting us to try and recruit her, and she'll gain our trust like any good con artist would, then flip us when it's most opportune for her side.

But I think that's as much as a stretch to make as saying she'd be completely useless. At worst she gets into trouble and we leave her ass high and dry. Honestly, there's no real loss here, nothing we couldn't recoup.

Unless of course she is the master con artist I've described, and we're falling for her act. If that's the case, then well jeez fellas... I think she earned that victory, cuz either she was that good or we were that dumb.

My vote remains unchanged, just offering an argument for Mr. Sour sprout over here.
Grrr, I can snarl and hate things too, look at me, I'm hyper critical because nobody voted for my thing~ rawr~

But in all fairness, just to play devil's advocate, there's merit in killing her. This is almost too good.

A pickpocket who's capable of finding where we hide our cash on our person, can out run our guys but is magically stopped by somebody gripping her wrist, like some kind of anti - movement shackles?

It could be entirely possible Emerald was already picked up by another gang, who knows about us, and wants us gone. Banking on our industrious nature, she might be expecting us to try and recruit her, and she'll gain our trust like any good con artist would, then flip us when it's most opportune for her side.

But I think that's as much as a stretch to make as saying she'd be completely useless. At worst she gets into trouble and we leave her ass high and dry. Honestly, there's no real loss here, nothing we couldn't recoup.

Unless of course she is the master con artist I've described, and we're falling for her act. If that's the case, then well jeez fellas... I think she earned that victory, cuz either she was that good or we were that dumb.

My vote remains unchanged, just offering an argument for Mr. Sour sprout over here.
Actually, I'm pretty sure she's not in another gang. Or at least isn't actively trying to con her way into being a double agent. She's shown herself far too stupid and incompetent for a reasonable person to want to recruit, and has made no effort to get us to recruit her now that our attention is on her.

If she were an unnamed pickpocket whose description did not match one of the characters in RWBY, we would not even be having this argument.
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[X] "That was sloppy... But not bad. You've got the makings of a two bit pickpocket. If you're lucky, you might even be a three bit pick pocket. You can look forward to only starving twice a month... Or... You can come work for me. Turn this little hobby... Into a profession, make some real money."

If she were an unnamed pickpocket whose description did not match one of the characters in RWBY, we would not even be having this argument.

I believe she actually introduced herself as Emerald in the second part.

Edit: Here it is:

"So what's your name kid," he asked as he finished his cursory look.

She seemed reluctantly, or annoyed, but eventually she gave him an answer as well. "Emerald. Emerald Sustrai. Who're you?"

Edit 2: Derp, misread your post, sorry.
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I believe she actually introduced herself as Emerald in the second part.
I know she introduced herself as Emerald. It's why everyone is trying to recruit her. What I am saying is that if she hadn't introduced herself, then nobody would be trying to get her to join us. Nobody is interested in her for any reason other than the merits of her canon counterpart.
[X] "That was sloppy... But not bad. You've got the makings of a two bit pickpocket. If you're lucky, you might even be a three bit pick pocket. You can look forward to only starving twice a month... Or... You can come work for me. Turn this little hobby... Into a profession, make some real money
Grrr, I can snarl and hate things too, look at me, I'm hyper critical because nobody voted for my thing~ rawr~
So kawaii!!!

[X]Try to recruit her
-[X] Explain to her what you would normally do to people who would try to steal from you.
-[X] But luckily for her, you hate seeing wasted talent more than you hate seeing people trying to steal from you.
-[X] So instead of making an example of her, you are willing to recruit her (how generous of you). That way she can pay you back for trying to steal from you, and in the end it will be much more beneficial for her to work with an organization than to act on her own.
[X]Try to recruit her
-[X] Explain to her what you would normally do to people who would try to steal from you.
-[X] But luckily for her, you hate seeing wasted talent more than you hate seeing people trying to steal from you.
-[X] So instead of making an example of her, you are willing to recruit her (how generous of you). That way she can pay you back for trying to steal from you, and in the end it will be much more beneficial for her to work with an organization than to act on her own.
--[X] And of course if she screws up or proves herself less than, how shall we say, loyal, well... We'll just have to let the results serve as a warning to anyone else in the future.

I feel we should at least try to be threatening, at least a little.