[x] Shoot her leg.
-[x] Retrieve your wallet.

Not much of a listener, is she. What part of "no one here would say a thing about it" did she not understand?
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[X] Check your pockets, you never can be too careful and she seemed kind of shady.
-[X] If she stole our money chase after her to get it back.
-[X] If not finish our ice cream.
Catching her by foot and tackling her would be more effective. Remember that everybody has aura, so even if we do hit her leg it's not guaranteed to actually prevent her from running.

Also, shooting people in broad daylight is a bad idea.
Oh, right. I forgot guns in RWBY are less effective than throwing rocks IRL.

[x] Signal your minions to block the doorway.
[x] Request the return of your wallet.
[x] Have your men teach her a lesson afterwards.
[x] Join in when things inevitably start to go badly.
Given the invisitext, do we need to waste time checking for our wallet, or could we just go straight after her @Azecreth ?

Also, well, looks like Emerald will be our younger sister figure now.
Given the invisitext, do we need to waste time checking for our wallet, or could we just go straight after her @Azecreth ?

Also, well, looks like Emerald will be our younger sister figure now.
That's just horrible, that you'd laugh at my desire to have Emerald as a little sister!
How could you?

We shall tutor her in the art of snark.
Roman is going to be the best older brother ever.

Also we are still going to grab Neo if we can.
Just one little sister will not be enough for Roman!
That's just horrible, that you'd laugh at my desire to have Emerald as a little sister!
How could you?
Because it's funny?
It doesn't mean that I don't support the idea, though.

Incidentally, I'm also laughing at your desire to not have me laugh at your desire to have Emerald as a little sister!

Roman is going to be the best older brother ever.
I highly doubt that.

Just one little sister will not be enough for Roman!
The way you phrased that...
[x] Check your pockets, you never can be too careful and she seemed kind of shady.
-[X] if she stole our money chase after her to get it back.
If we have Roman chase her, Emerald makes it outside because she is closer to the door. If we have some of Roman's men block her way out, we're more likely to actually get his wallet back.
Eh, was mostly just joking around... jokes might not translate that well over the internet, tho.

It doesn't mean that I don't support the idea, though.
Yes, join me in the work to have Emerald as a little sister figure!

I highly doubt that.
Pfah, it's easy!
All we need to do is make sure to give her hamburgers for dinner and let her stay up as late as she wants!
Really, and people complain about how hard it is to raise kids nowadays, they clearly need some lessons from the paragon of everything known as Roman.

If we have Roman chase her, Emerald makes it outside because she is closer to the door. If we have some of Roman's men block her way out, we're more likely to actually get his wallet back.
So do that, then recruit her?
[x] Check your pockets, you never can be too careful and she seemed kind of shady.
-[X] if she stole our money chase after her to get it back.
Vote changed:

[x] Signal for your men to block the door.
[x] Request for her to give you your wallet back.
[x] If she gives it back, ask if she's interested in some jobs that pay better lien than she would get from just pick pocketing.
Well, I'm personally in the "beat the shit out of her for daring to try to humiliate Roman in front of his gang" camp, but I suppose you could do that instead.
Why the hell would you not want to recruit her.
She's got fantastic skills, the sort of thing we could really benefit from having on our side, and we only met her because we rolled very well.
Why the hell would you not want to recruit her.
She's got fantastic skills, the sort of thing we could really benefit from having on our side, and we only met her because we rolled very well.
Because there's stupid, and then there's future Darwin Award winners. Walking into an ice cream shop blatantly filled with a gang, making a nuisance of oneself, and then pick pocketing the leader of the gang after he basically told you to get lost before he has his men kick the shit out of you falls firmly in the latter category. I'd rather not recruit a subordinate who's likely to instigate a gang war for no reason.
[x] Signal for your men to block the door.
[x] Request for her to give you your wallet back.
[x] If she gives it back, ask if she's interested in some jobs that pay better lien than she would get from just pick pocketing.
[x] Signal for your men to block the door.
[x] Request for her to give you your wallet back.
[x] If she gives it back, ask if she's interested in some jobs that pay better lien than she would get from just pick pocketing.
] Signal for your men to block the door.
[x] Request for her to give you your wallet back.
[x] If she gives it back, ask if she's interested in some jobs that pay better lien than she would get from just pick pocketing.
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[x] Signal for your men to block the door.
[x] Request for her to give you your wallet back.
[x] If she gives it back, ask if she's interested in some jobs that pay better lien than she would get from just pick pocketing.
[x] Signal for your men to block the door.
[x] Request for her to give you your wallet back.
[x] If she gives it back, ask if she's interested in some jobs that pay better lien than she would get from just pick pocketing.