And this is why you should always keep your wallet somewhere more safe than your side pocket. Better hope you have a good endurance stat!
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[x] Check your pockets, you never can be too careful and she seemed kind of shady.
-[X] if she stole our money chase after her to get it back.
No. of votes: 10
Avalon Du Lac, The LD Man, Bugs, Cjdavis103, Aegir, RandomLurker, NuclearConsensus, Itaywex, TmDagger, De3ta

[X] Check your pockets, you never can be too careful and she seemed kind of shady.
-[X] If she stole our money chase after her to get it back.
-[X] If not finish our ice cream.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Signal your minions to block the doorway.
[x] Request the return of your wallet.
[x] Have your men teach her a lesson afterwards.
[x] Join in when things inevitably start to go badly.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Signal for your men to block the door.
[x] Request for her to give you your wallet back.
[x] If she gives it back, ask if she's interested in some jobs that pay better lien than she would get from just pick pocketing.
No. of votes: 4
Iandude0, veekie, theflyingbiscuit, Zam

[x] Request for her to give you your wallet back.
[x] If she gives it back, ask if she's interested in some jobs that pay better lien than she would get from just pick pocketing.
No. of votes: 1
Week 7: Ice Cream, Pt. 3
Ice Cream, Pt. 3

Roman might not have been a big time criminal yet, but he was no fool. And so almost immediately after Emerald had bumped into him he knew something was up. Sure, it could be just a teen grudge, but common sense had never steered him wrong before.

As she headed for the door, Roman took a moment to pat himself down just in case. It turned out to be a good decision as he found, or rather didn't find, his wallet in his pocket from that quick search. Just as he had thought, score another victory for his instincts

Well, it wasn't hard to figure out what had happened to it, since he had just used it and couldn't have lost it in the time between. His attention shifted back to the green haired girl as he gestured to his men. "Hey, stop her!"

At that point the store burst into activity, Emerald running for the door as she realized that she had been found out. Meanwhile his men moved to stop her, as he joined them in that pursuit. She was not going to get away with this, that was for sure.
15 vs 11, 19, 8. Success!
Fortunately for Roman, there was a table near the door, and he had some men there who were quick on their feet. Still, Emerald managed to dodge two of them, before the third was able to grab her arm. A good thing too, or else she would have been gone and it would have been that much harder to stop her.

"Hey, let me go," she cried, struggling against the grip that held her in place. It was not for lack of effort, but she couldn't shake free. Which was certainly good for him.

The delay allowed the rest of his men to catch up to her, so they could add to the grip that was present already, on her other side this time. There would be no escape for her now, though she lashed out as best she could at them.

Roman advanced forward then, so that he stood in front of Emerald while she glared back at him. "That wasn't very smart," he noted aloud as he began to frisk her for what she had taken from him.

He was quickly able to find and retrieve his wallet from her pocket, and he flipped it open to make sure that not only did he have his wallet back, but he also had all his lien and credit cards as well. Just in case.

That confirmed he slipped it into his pocket before turning to the other matter at hand. "New then, I don't suppose you'd like to tell me why you thought that as a good idea?" Even from his viewpoint it seemed like an incredibly stupid idea.

"None of your business," Emerald retorted, shooting daggers from her eyes at him. Seemed someone was in a bad mood, unsurprisingly.

At that Roman had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. She'd robbed him after all, so it kinda was his business. And he would happily give her a reminder if she had managed to forget that fact already, even with her current situation.

"Well then, I'll write that up for a vote as the hard way then," he noted with an indifferent shrug. He glanced around before gesturing to his men, the group proceeding together towards the back of the store.

"Hey, what are you doing? Let me go!" Emerald continued to fight and struggle, dragging her heel and lurching against firm holds. Though she got lucky once or twice, it was not enough for her to escape. Still, Roman would give her some credit for determination, if not intelligence.

Roman sighed as he swung a metal door open, to allow the rest of his men to head through. "Come on, I'm sure the fine people working here don't want us to get blood all over their store."

It earned a grin by virtue of the fact that it got Emerald to shut up for the moment. He wasn't going to complain about that, especially if it also happened to take the fight out of her. Soon enough they were all in back, out of sight from the street as the door swung shut.

The back room wasn't exactly wide open, with a couple counters to the sides and an island in the middle, some shelves and cabinets, as well as a walk in freezer off to the side. In al of this they managed to find an open spot, with Emerald held in the center of it, and the group who had come back with them around that. Some were by the entrances and exits, and the rest were clustered nearby.

Held against her will and still subdued, Emerald's glare didn't lessen as she cautiously watched Roman, prepared for whatever he had planned. "What are you going to do to me," she asked, hardly a surprise with the situation she was in.

Roman wasn't actually certain at the moment, but he didn't tell her that. Better to keep her off guard and squirming for now. Sure, she was annoying, and she had stolen from him, but there might be some potential here. He just had to decide what to do.

[ ]Try to recruit her
-[ ] How?
[ ] Teach her a lesson
-[ ] Do what?
[ ] Let her go
[ ] Write in
(10 points) Violation of III.6.2 - excessive promotion of violence
[X] Try to recruit her.
-[X] Make it sound like you're doing her a favor. Point out that you could very well have taken everything she had that was of value, instead of just your wallet, and that if she was stupid enough to piss off a freaking gang leader in the first place then it's a wonder she's survived as long as she has in the first place. Frankly, she needs protection. You're offering protection, plus an actual job. What more could she ask for?
--[X] If she still seems hesitant, bring up rape as a possibility.
-[X] You've been in her shoes. It sucks. You could care less about the poor, poor orphans in the streets, but she... well, you can't just ignore somebody who dared to pick your pocket.
[X] Try to recruit her.
-[X] Make it sound like you're doing her a favor. Point out that you could very well have taken everything she had that was of value, instead of just your wallet, and that if she was stupid enough to piss off a freaking gang leader in the first place then it's a wonder she's survived as long as she has in the first place. Frankly, she needs protection. You're offering protection, plus an actual job. What more could she ask for?
-[X] You've been in her shoes. It sucks. You could care less about the poor, poor orphans in the streets, but she... well, you can't just ignore somebody who dared to pick your pocket.
No. Let's not recruit someone this stupid.

[x] Teach her a lesson.
-[x] Break one of her legs.
--[x] Lock her in the freezer.
Last edited:
[X] Try to recruit her.
-[X] Make it sound like you're doing her a favor. Point out that you could very well have taken everything she had that was of value, instead of just your wallet, and that if she was stupid enough to piss off a freaking gang leader in the first place then it's a wonder she's survived as long as she has in the first place. Frankly, she needs protection. You're offering protection, plus an actual job. What more could she ask for?
-[X] You've been in her shoes. It sucks. You could care less about the poor, poor orphans in the streets, but she... well, you can't just ignore somebody who dared to pick your pocket.
Seriously, Roman is astounded by her stupidity in-character, and she just demonstrated that, outside of pickpocketing, she does not have her skills from the show. Meaning we would have to devote time and resources that could be better spent elsewhere training her if we want her to actually be useful. Or we could employ her as a pickpocket, which would be of minor benefit at best.
[X] "Whatever I want. As for what I want though... well, I haven't quite made up my mind yet, and a professional doesn't rush into these things, so how about this? I'm going to let you help me decide."
-[X] "This is your chance to persuade me not to kick you out into the alley with your arms and legs broken. Do it, and we'll go from there. Fail, and... I'm sure a 'smart' young girl like you can guess the rest."
Seriously, Roman is astounded by her stupidity in-character, and she just demonstrated that, outside of pickpocketing, she does not have her skills from the show. Meaning we would have to devote time and resources that could be better spent elsewhere training her if we want her to actually be useful. Or we could employ her as a pickpocket, which would be of minor benefit at best.

She has the potential though and I would rather not pass up top grade minion materiel . she somehow manage to graduate a combat school and get into a hunter academy meaning she can get there which is more than i can say for our current minion roster
[X] "Whatever I want. As for what I want though... well, I haven't quite made up my mind yet, and a professional doesn't rush into these things, so how about this? I'm going to let you help me decide."
-[X] "This is your chance to persuade me not to kick you out into the alley with your arms and legs broken. Do it, and we'll go from there. Fail, and... I'm sure a 'smart' young girl like you can guess the rest."

Seems like the best option as of now. We can bond over snark later, right now I just think we should instill some respect (because she clearly isn't taking us seriously). But I am also not keen on giving up high grade minion potential. Don't cater to her, but also go for the shiny.
She has the potential though and I would rather not pass up top grade minion materiel . she somehow manage to graduate a combat school and get into a hunter academy meaning she can get there which is more than i can say for our current minion roster
Except she also demonstrated that she's stupid enough to go up to a gang leader and pickpocket him. Imagine if she pulled something like that after she joined our gang. Best case scenario, they kill her and we never find out what happened to her. Worst case scenario, she drags us into a gang war. No, we would be better off picking some guy from our group to be our muscle and training him up. At least they're all smart enough to recognize Emerald's actions as borderline suicidal.
[X] "Whatever I want. As for what I want though... well, I haven't quite made up my mind yet, and a professional doesn't rush into these things, so how about this? I'm going to let you help me decide."
-[X] "This is your chance to persuade me not to kick you out into the alley with your arms and legs broken. Do it, and we'll go from there. Fail, and... I'm sure a 'smart' young girl like you can guess the rest."
[X] "Whatever I want. As for what I want though... well, I haven't quite made up my mind yet, and a professional doesn't rush into these things, so how about this? I'm going to let you help me decide."
-[X] "This is your chance to persuade me not to kick you out into the alley with your arms and legs broken. Do it, and we'll go from there. Fail, and... I'm sure a 'smart' young girl like you can guess the rest."
[X] "Whatever I want. As for what I want though... well, I haven't quite made up my mind yet, and a professional doesn't rush into these things, so how about this? I'm going to let you help me decide."
-[X] "This is your chance to persuade me not to kick you out into the alley with your arms and legs broken. Do it, and we'll go from there. Fail, and... I'm sure a 'smart' young girl like you can guess the rest."
[X] "Whatever I want. As for what I want though... well, I haven't quite made up my mind yet, and a professional doesn't rush into these things, so how about this? I'm going to let you help me decide."
-[X] "This is your chance to persuade me not to kick you out into the alley with your arms and legs broken. Do it, and we'll go from there. Fail, and... I'm sure a 'smart' young girl like you can guess the rest."
Except she also demonstrated that she's stupid enough to go up to a gang leader and pickpocket him. Imagine if she pulled something like that after she joined our gang. Best case scenario, they kill her and we never find out what happened to her. Worst case scenario, she drags us into a gang war. No, we would be better off picking some guy from our group to be our muscle and training him up. At least they're all smart enough to recognize Emerald's actions as borderline suicidal.

Pick a random mook and hope he has the same potential as a named character who caught the attention of Cinder. Yes because that will work:rolleyes:.
I doubt she will try the same thing again.
[X] "Whatever I want. As for what I want though... well, I haven't quite made up my mind yet, and a professional doesn't rush into these things, so how about this? I'm going to let you help me decide."
-[X] "This is your chance to persuade me not to kick you out into the alley with your arms and legs broken. Do it, and we'll go from there. Fail, and... I'm sure a 'smart' young girl like you can guess the rest."