[x] Neopolitan

Might as well ride out this stupidity and see where it takes us.

Btw, if this is a chance to recruit Neo, I'm using my omake bonus on it.

=> -1 Fate Point: Redshirt Army
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Can Fate Points be spent to improve the odds of recruiting Neo?
Because it really does seem like the perfect opportunity for it.
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Can Fate Points be spent to improve the odds of recruiting Neo?

you can spend them on the rerolls that would be necessary to get Neo. But, since I am a nice GM and all......

Regardless of what this vote ends up being, the roll for this action was high enough to make it this segment. So you will definitely be meeting someone that may be useful if you try hard enough. As for whether it's Neo or not, I can't say. ;)
you can spend them on the rerolls that would be necessary to get Neo. But, since I am a nice GM and all......

Regardless of what this vote ends up being, the roll for this action was high enough to make it this segment. So you will definitely be meeting someone that may be useful if you try hard enough. As for whether it's Neo or not, I can't say. ;)
Well, thank you kindly for the information. :)
Hope it is Neo.
[X] Neapolitan. Because that's how it's spelled.

Bugs, you're doing Gods work.
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