Life With the Ship Girls, or, How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Polygamy

Blargh, I was content with just watching Greatest Gen while only commenting on SB, but you guys had to create this one to be this side only. I claim Hatsuharu. My top-heavy DD waifu. Mine, I say.

Sidenote: I'm suprised Yuudachi wasn't using the Hatsuharu in the earlier snip, considering her hull was one of the six left over from the Hatsuharu-class after naval planning cut the class short at 6 of 12 proposed and the rest became shiratsuyus. So yes, the first 6 sisters of Shiratsuyu get to call the Hatsuharu class cousins in a literal sense.

EDIT: Game name is the same. clan tag is KANCO.
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If anyone will want to include russian player as stock character i give permission to use my name. (No, there is no eng version of profile)
I played Beta Weekends and was in first CBT wave.
I'm reasonably good at it, i play exclusively battleships, my favorite ships are Fuso, Amagi and Iowa. I hate Izumo with passion (luckily, i got Yamato in CBT before it was introduced) and strongly dislike american BB below North Carolina.
I always thought myself as a DD kind of guy (as my flock of DD's in kanco might confirm).
However playing WoWS has enlighten me to the fact that I do quite good with cruisers. And all through the closed beta, I somehow ended up keeping my Aoba, even when advanced further up.
As such...

My nick in WoWs is the same as here.
A few days after that fateful Skype chat...
(OOC: names have been added to the listings.)
I was pretty much an unofficial member of the Fog clan at this point. Enterprise had decided to introduce me to one of the SEA players, who had recently managed to register for the NA servers. Another Fleet Girl by the name of "BurningTea44". Judging by the username, it was probably Haruna or Hiei. I signed on and divved up. A tier 6 match. Tea, as expected, was driving a Kongo-Class fast battleship.

[14:20] CompassJimbo [VLCTY] (Cleveland): So, "BurningTea44", huh?
[14:20] BurningTea44 [FOG] (Kongo): YES! The enemy stands NO CHANCE against Tea-chan's BURNING LOVE!
[14:21] CompassJimbo [VLCTY] (Cleveland): Did I mention lively people amuse me?
[14:21] Juniorburger [BONGO] (Nicholas): Shit where are all these fog players coming from?
[14:21] Bellhopper (New York):beats me
[14:22] CompassJimbo [VLCTY] (Cleveland): Did I mention I played with Hakuryuu?
[14:22] skylordbunker (Mutsuki): EVERYONE PANIC!!11
[14:23] Hellion04 (Furutaka): calm down she aint on
[14:23] CompassJimbo [VLCTY] (Cleveland): The lack of torpedo puns should be a clue.
[14:23] BurningTea44 [FOG] (Kongo): Haku is a DEVIANT!

It didn't help that she sunk one of your sisters and half of your comrades. God bless the damned steam torpedo.

[14:24] CompassJimbo [VLCTY] (Cleveland): Hold on... enemy in sight...
[14:24] BurningTea44 [FOG] (Kongo): BURNING! LOVE!
BurningTea44 has achieved: Devastating Strike!
[14:24] CompassJimbo [VLCTY] (Cleveland): Goddammit.
[14:24] N00bkillah (Omaha): Report Tea for spam!
[14:25] BurningTea44 [FOG] (Kongo): I'm no SPAMMER!
[14:25] Pwnmaster (Kongo): Tea is capping our base som1 stop him
[14:25] BurningTea44 [FOG] (Kongo): Tea's BURNING LOVE knows no bounds! And I am not a MAN!
[14:26] Rubemasterxxx (Cleveland): What are you then
[14:26] CompassJimbo [VLCTY] (Cleveland): >What are you, then?
[14:27] Rubemasterxxx (Cleveland): shut up grammar Nazi
[14:28] CompassJimbo [VLCTY] (Cleveland): Nice job on the cap, Tea.
[14:28] BurningTea44 [FOG] (Kongo): No problem, dess!

The base was capped, although Kongou took a beating in the meantime, in spite of efforts to draw the enemy's fire. I got a PM from Enterprise a few minutes later, telling me to raise the fast battleship on Skype. She's trying to set us up, isn't she. However, my thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the door and the dogs started barking like mad.

"Jamie! You got a package from someone!", my mom yelled up the stairs. And yet I keep telling her to stop calling me that.

"Coming! Hold on!", I yelled back as I closed my laptop and headed downstairs. Mom handed me the package, probably figuring I had ordered something online for my computer. I went back up to my room and grabbed a pocketknife cutting off the tape before realizing that I needed to check who it was from. The name read: "Yvonne Swanson". Oh, Enterprise must have found my address somehow. I took out the bubble wrap and noticed a peaked Admiral's cap, along with a Navy dress uniform and rank insignias, as well as a few random campaign badges (Or whatever they call those colorful things in a military officer's dress uniform). I noticed a note at the bottom and promptly read it. She was setting me up!

Enterprise's note said:
So, James [REDACTED], huh? Remember what I said during that match a while back? About the "I totally know someone who can fix that" thing? Congragulations! You're now an (honorary) Admiral in the United States Navy! Oh, and about your name and address? Resources, remember? Hope you can take good care of Kongou.

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"...Wanna play again?" She asked in that weird half singing, half talking voice. It was like she was doing it on accident or it was just natural....well, it could only be natural, I've never heard her speak in any other tone of voice. I rose up in my seat and stretched my arms up with a yawn before reaching my hand down to my mouse and blindly poking around for my headset with the other. I grabbed them both before changing my audio link to Skype from my mic to my headset and minimizing the Skype screen.

"Sure, I've got nohin' better to do."

About five or six minutes later I had managed to get my shit together and wound up in a match. Tier 10 to be exact....with me being the only tier 10 on our team. Ohh, I could feel the rage in the chat.

(19:32) PeaceandCarrots [IRON] (Nelson): Really? A fucking Carrier is our Tier 10? When they have a fucking Yamato?!
(19:33) WindowOfEternity (Iowa): GG MM.
(19:33) RocketArrowExpress [ANVIL] (Shoukaku): Well, Carriers can be useful. We're probably gonna know where they at before you do.
(19:33) Bigsexy999 [303RD] (Fletcher): We aint gonna be able to do shit bout it tho.
(19:34) TrollstonJr [ANGL] (Baltimore): Fuck this, I'm done.

TrollstonJr has left the match!

(19:35) Darkspire (Izumo):
GG guys. Our team is full of bitches.
(19:36) Presidium (Yamato): Don't worry. I brought lube.
(19:36) Fog_Cruiser_Suzuya [FOG] (Mogami): Your faith in my friend is much appreciated.
(19:36) RandyDandyOh [FLLT] (New Orleans): NP.

"Thanks for trying, but this is the internet. They care not for logic." I said with a chuckle and a grin as I thanked my friend for her attempt at assistance. She spoke back after a few seconds.

"Yeah, I figured that out a while ago. Doesn't hurt to try though?"

"Not at all. Now, shall we show these scrub lords the power of Aviation?"

shall we show these scrub lords the power of Aviation?
Oh dear. How have they not learned that CV's can wreck their day by tier ten?

Anyway, this is between my snip with Kirishima, Tenryuu, and Yuubari but before Kongou gets her own Kongo on her BurningTea44 account. Also after the whole Sudoku thing.

Wherein U.S.S. Detroit forces U.S.S. New Mexico to interact with others and trash talks Kongo.

"How do you even find anything in here?" Detroit asked New Mexico as she picked her way through the battleship's room. "Seriously, this place is a mess and you just leave parts laying around."

"Don't touch those," New Mexico said without looking up from the electrical motor she was working on. "They're experimental HE shells that have a second stage rocket engine that is supposed to ignite after it clears the barrel, GPS and stabilizing fins, and experimental fuses."

"And you've just left them out!?" Detroit screamed as she yanked her hand back as though the shells had bit her.

"I was going to put them in a box," New Mexico said as she attached the motor in an armored barbette on her desk.

"A box? What's a box going to do!?" Detroit said as she crept away from the munitions and made her way to New Mexico.

"It would stop you from poking them," New Mexico said before she pulled out a socket set and began bolting the motor in place. "What are you even here for, Detroit?"

"I'm trying to make you come out and socialize with the rest of us," Detroit said while she waved her hands in the air. "You're either on a mission, eating, sleeping, or experimenting on things! Good god, Queen, don't you do anything else?"

"I get people who come in and ask me if I can make things for them," New Mexico said as she looked up at the light cruiser accosting her. "You know, like those quintuple mark forty-eight torpedo mounts you really wanted instead of your triple elevens."

"And I am very grateful that you made them," Detroit said with a slight bow. "They've been a real blessing even if I've only been able to utilize their range and speed without any of the ADCAP perks."

"You have a strange way of showing it with how you keep interrupting me when I'm doing delicate work," New Mexico said.

"I'm trying to express my thanks, but you keep turning my attempts down when I try," Detroit said. "So now, I'm trying to get you to do at least a little socializing with your fellow ship girls. It'll be good for you."

New Mexico leaned back in her chair and said, "So if I had just accepted that car, that would have been the end of it?"

"Yes! But someone doesn't need a car because they can walk or otherwise use public transportation around here," Detroit said as she crossed her arms. "And someone doesn't like my music collection either."

"Just because you got Missouri to sing Tunderstruck while Arizona was asleep does not make it a good song," New Mexico said.

Detroit muttered about how she had plenty of other music before she said, "And you turned down my food."

"That wasn't food, that was fat, sugar, and god only knows what else rolled into a ball with jelly and cream filling," New Mexico said as she rolled her eyes. "You probably could have killed Enterprise with those things."

"Her diet's stupid, and so is her obsessive calorie counting. I'm pretty sure she qualifies for having an eating disorder and the only reason she isn't skin and bones is because she'll eat anything Yamato cooks," Detroit said before she took New Mexico's hands in hers and looked into the battleship's eyes. "Let me be your Yamato and help you overcome your social disorder."

New Mexico blinked twice before she began to laugh. After three minutes, New Mexico wiped the tears from her eyes and said, "There's only one problem with that. I'm not madly in love with you, Detroit."

Detroit blinked a few and furrowed her brow as she frowned slightly and asked, "What?"

"Well, you see, I'm straight," New Mexico said as she patted the light cruiser on the shoulder. "And you lack some necessary equipment I can't just slap on you to strike my fancy even if you do launch torpedoes."

"No, I get that – I'm straight too," Detroit said as she continued to furrow her brow. "But why would you need to be madly in love with me for me to be the Yamato to your issue having Enterprise?"

New Mexico snorted before she said, "What, there's something miss social butterfly doesn't know?"

"I know plenty!" Detroit said. "I know Musashi demanded SoDak to commit Sudoku!"

"You mean seppuku? Sudoku is a math puzzle," New Mexico said.

"I know what I said! She challenged SoDak to track down all fifty and four pieces of the puzzle and then solve it within a time limit or face her in a test of skills," Detroit said.

"Seriously?" New Mexico asked.

"One of the pieces was located in Kongou's tea cupboard," Detroit said with a nod. "The locations of the other pieces were just as perilous."

"Right, so how did this end?" New Mexico asked as she wondered if this was what watching a train wreck was like.

"SoDak gathered all the pieces but failed to complete the puzzle, so before Musashi could challenge her to a test of skills, SoDak declared an impromptu wet t-shirt contest," Detroit said as she crossd her arms over her chest. "And she won."

New Mexico frowned as she said, "How? Musashi has a rack that you could hide someone's head in – Dakota isn't as busty."

"Well, the judges decided that Musuashi was disqualified since she was wearing those chest wrap things instead of a shirt," Detroit said while she fidgeted.

"That still doesn't make sense."

"She won the rematch and then went on to get best out of three if that helps you any."

"The things you learn," New Mexico said. "Now, let's pretend I'll let you drag me out for social activities. What would you have us do?"

"I figured we'd start small and go use the computers in the rec rooms," Detroit said with a shrug.

"I suppose I could look up some things while we're there," New Mexico said as she scratched her chin. "Alright, lead on."

The pair left New Mexico's room, and Detroit waited for her companion to lock the door before the pair made their way to the rec room where they discovered around two dozen ship girls playing games, watching movies, or otherwise just hanging out. New Mexico claimed a computer, and Detroit dropped into the chair next to her. New Mexico read through the computer's desktop icons and clicked on one that looked like an anchor which caused a window to pop up with images of warships.

Detroit said "Oh, that's a fun game. Do you have an account?"

"You need an account to play a game?" New Mexico asked. "What sort of game needs an account?"

"The kind where online servers track your progress and you play with other people," Detroit said. "Come on, it's easy. I'll get you set up."

Detroit led New Mexico through the process, and once they were in the game, Detroit repurchased a St. Louis and upgraded it from stock before she divisioned with New Mexico's Eerie and joined the random battle que. Detroit cursed when they were placed in a tier six game.

(19:44) ExpertNewbie_27 (Fuso) : d'aw look at the cute tier 1 ship
(19:44) GridlockedGrimlock (Furutaka) : fml, we're gimped
(19:44) SwiggitySwooty_98 (Omaha) : MM is love, MM is life
(19:44) SwiggitySwooty_98 (Omaha) : we need to keep it alive
(19:44) SwiggitySwooty_98 (Omaha) : Eerie secret service unite
(19:44) GridlockedGrimlock (Furutaka) : or
(19:44) GridlockedGrimlock (Furutaka) : we could eat it
(19:45) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : I've seen this before
(19:45) QueenOfExperiments (Eerie) : I take it that this could be a problem?
(19:45) GridlockedGrimlock (Furutaka) : yes
(19:45) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : no
(19:45) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : try to keep a ship between you and the enemies, target low health ships, use HE, and keep firing at targets.

New Mexico steered her little cruiser to follow the top tier battleship and cut down on her speed so she would not be in danger of overtaking the massive pool of hitpoints and armor before she got back to the chat.

(19:45) QueenOfExperiments (Eerie) : I'm going to follow you
(19:46) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : not your division mate?

(19:46) QueenOfExperiments (Eerie) : I'm not sure she knows what she's doing

New Mexico ignored Detroit's indignant noise.

(19:46) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : fair. She did get you into this mess
(19:46) MotorCityCruiser (St. Louis) : how is this my fault?
(19:46) SwiggitySwooty_98 (Omaha) : what matches a divisions get into are determined by the highest tier ship in the division.

(19:46) MotorCityCruiser (St. Louis) : oh
(19:46) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : Oh, she says
(19:47) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : I'd appreciate it if you two prioritized shooting at destroyers that we might come across

The destroyers and the faster cruisers had rushed ahead to claim the capture points but came across their opposite numbers on the enemy team. They began whittling down each other's health before the battlewagons on the two opposing teams had gotten into range.

(19:47) QueenOfExperiments (Eerie) : ok
(19:47) MotorCityCruiser (St. Louis) : fine
(19:48) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) has achieved First Blood

Well, before most of the battlewagons had gotten within range.

(19:48) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : Feel the BURNING LOVE
(19:48) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : what are you doing back on your sister's account?
(19:48) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : I'm reminding myself what I'm grinding towards
(19:48) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : it isn't that much of a grind to tier five
(19:48) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : it is when you only play three or four games a day
(19:49) GridlockedGrimlock (Furutaka) : seriously?

New Mexico took aim at a destroyer that Detroit had been working over and sank it with a salvo.

(19:49) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : I have a life, a job, and an addiction to tea that I need to feed
(19:49) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : the first step is admitting you have a problem
(19:49) MotorCityCruiser (St. Louis) : I think she should go see a doctor for her condition
(19:49) SwiggitySwooty_98 (Omaha) : I doubt that tea addiction is something that requires a doctor
(19:50) MotorCityCruiser (St. Louis) : no, it's the burning love thing
(19:50) Kirishima_15 has achieved Arsonist
(19:50) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) :
all love should be BURNING LOVE
(19:50) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : how else would a couple ignite the FLAMES OF PASSION and DESIRE
(19:51) QueenOfExperiments (Eerie) : Oh, here I thought that the burning happened when you spread your love all over someone's superstructure.
(19:51) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : what
(19:51) MotorCityCruiser (St. Louis) : it's usually caused by a VD if it burns like that
(19:51) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : I am going to kill you
(19:52) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : slowly

New Mexico claimed an overeager Japanese cruiser on low health before another one on full health emerged from a destroyer's smokescreen which sent her running for the cover provided by the bulk of her ally's battleship before it ate the cruiser in a single salvo.

(19:52) UNSpacy000 has achieved Devastating Strike
(19:52) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) :
with your BURNING LOVE?
(19:52) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : it will be painful
(19:52) MotorCityCruiser (Omaha) : I'd say
(19:52) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : it won't be like there's any citadel penetrations with that HE to speed things up
(19:53) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : exactly
(19:53) MotorCityCruiser (St. Louis) : so Kirishima is the type to 'miss' the appropriate target?

New Mexico rolled her eyes and smacked Detroit on her shoulder before she said, "It's getting old, knock it off."

Detroit pouted before she said, "But I could milk this forever."

"Hey, you remember those old commercials about how Chevy puts the D in motor city? I'm sure you could milk that forever as well."

"That was low," Detroit said as she turned back to her screen before she muttered, "And it's put the Motor City in D."

(19:53) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : I hit exactly what I want, when I want
(19:54) GridlockedGrimlock (Furutaka) : I've been watching the Eerie since I died
(19:54) GridlockedGrimlock (Furutaka) : it has 2 kills
(19:54) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : A kongo's shells neither arrive early or late, but precisely when she wants them to where she wants them to?
(19:54) GridlockedGrimlock (Furutaka) : there is no justice in the world
(19:54) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : Exactly
(19:54) swiggitySwooty_98 (Omaha) : it's awesome

An enemy battleship on low health crawled out from behind an island ahead and peppered Detroit's cruiser before their ally reduced it to a hundred twenty seven hitpoints. New Mexico swung her ship around to get as many of the small guns to bear on the target as she could and then sank it with her HE shots before a salvo of the enemy Kongo's landed on the battleship she was escorting.

(19:55) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : FIRE
(19:55) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : Yes, I am on fire
(19:55) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : now I will use my newfound burning passion to penetrate you to your core
(19:55) MotorCityCruiser (St. Louis) : lewd
(19:55) GridlockedGrimlock (Furutaka) : sounds gay
(19:56) QueenOfExperiments (Eerie) : BB-Senpai, slake your lust on me instead
(19:56) Kirishima_15 (Kongo) : uh, I'm interested in someone else
(19:56) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : but CA-chan, you're too loli for me, and team killing is bad
(19:56) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : you should have kept your range if you didn't want to have a heaping dose of AMERICAN FREEDOM

The Kongo had closed to almost point blank range, and New Mexico lost half her health from secondary battery fire before she got back behind her ally and finished off an opportunistic destroyer that Detroit had been trying to keep at bay before their ally had reloaded and fired again.

(19:56) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) has achieved Devastating Strike
(19:57) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) :
all those cit pens
(19:57) SwiggitySwooty_98 (Omaha) : 4 kills. Eerie has killed a third of the enemy team.
(19:57) ExpertNewbie_27 (Fuso) : lol, Eerie OP, plz nerf
(19:57) GridlockedGrimlock (Furutaka) : that's it
(19:57) GridlockedGrimlock (Furutaka) : I am uninstalling this game.

The game flashed over to the victory screen, and as Detroit turned to her companion, she said, "You are such a kill stealer."

"You should have led your targets better," New Mexico said with a shrug.

"Oh, and what about that Arkansas Beta you nibbled the last hit points off of?" Detroit said with a smile.

"It would have taken thirty or seconds for Spacy's guns to reload. I'm sure he was more than happy to let me kill it," New Mexico said with a wave of her hand.

"Oh, senpai~" Detroit crooned as she clasped her hands together over her heart and stared slightly past New Mexico's head with her own head tilted at an angle and her eyelashes fluttering.

New Mexico blushed and shoved Detroit's shoulder as she said, "Quiet, you. It seemed like the right thing to do miss 'go out and be social.' Besides, did you see how well he handled that simulation of my hull?"

"I'm sure he handles all the standard battleships well," Detroit said with a smirk. "And I'm sure there are plenty of other people who handle them better."

New Mexico took a deep breath before she said, "Right, and I have more than enough points to unlock the Chester. Let's get on with this."

"Of course," Detroit said with a smile.
Now, All we need to do to complete this is Furutaka's reaction to the simulation of her in the game STOCK. Oh the horror XD. (This is coming from a guy who grinded the Furutaka and currently has the Aoba.)
Out of curiosity, how does World of Warships handle people who get disconnected mid-match because the game crashed on them? Does it let you reconnect and keep playing if your ship is still alive, can you reconnect in an observer-only mode, or are you locked out of the match until it ends? Do you get XP/etc. for what you achieve before being disconnected, or does the 'disco' negate any earnings?
Constant crashes are the biggest problem I have with my online gaming experiences (Jagged Alliance Online and MechWarrior Online, both of which are far above what my laptop can run for any length of time; based on the listed specs, installing WoWs would simply Bay-splode my motherboard), and I was considering writing a snippet or so from that perspective. Perhaps even getting semi-adopted by Tenryū for sticking with the game even when grossly outmatched.
Out of curiosity, how does World of Warships handle people who get disconnected mid-match because the game crashed on them? Does it let you reconnect and keep playing if your ship is still alive, can you reconnect in an observer-only mode, or are you locked out of the match until it ends? Do you get XP/etc. for what you achieve before being disconnected, or does the 'disco' negate any earnings?
Constant crashes are the biggest problem I have with my online gaming experiences (Jagged Alliance Online and MechWarrior Online, both of which are far above what my laptop can run for any length of time; based on the listed specs, installing WoWs would simply Bay-splode my motherboard), and I was considering writing a snippet or so from that perspective. Perhaps even getting semi-adopted by Tenryū for sticking with the game even when grossly outmatched.
afaik, WoT reconnects you to your current match if you were disconn/crashed suddenly.
i dunno if it is also implemented to WoWs.
*Shrugs* Idunno. I've yet to experience a crash, and my computer's crappy as hell. (Hence why, IIRC, I got a gaming laptop)
I know that sometimes people get DCed and their ships continue to swim and shoot. But it appears as though they are controlled by an AI from Co-op.
Have not witnessed anyone returning and the ship acting normal again.
Out of curiosity, how does World of Warships handle people who get disconnected mid-match because the game crashed on them? Does it let you reconnect and keep playing if your ship is still alive, can you reconnect in an observer-only mode, or are you locked out of the match until it ends? Do you get XP/etc. for what you achieve before being disconnected, or does the 'disco' negate any earnings?
Constant crashes are the biggest problem I have with my online gaming experiences (Jagged Alliance Online and MechWarrior Online, both of which are far above what my laptop can run for any length of time; based on the listed specs, installing WoWs would simply Bay-splode my motherboard), and I was considering writing a snippet or so from that perspective. Perhaps even getting semi-adopted by Tenryū for sticking with the game even when grossly outmatched.
If you reconnect and your ship is still afloat, you can continue to play. If you reconnect and you've been sunk (at least that's what I assume happened), you get sent back to the port screen as if you'd left the match early. I've had both happen to me before. You do get XP and credits for the match, if you've managed to earn any.
On a related note, is it worth it to try and get into World of Warships at the moment?

From my understanding at the moment in the open beta, you can't get new harbor slots and are stuck with 2-3 spaces for ships.
On a related note, is it worth it to try and get into World of Warships at the moment?

From my understanding at the moment in the open beta, you can't get new harbor slots and are stuck with 2-3 spaces for ships.
Actually, you get six total, and can buy more, but that requires gold, and you gotta pay for that. Two are already occupied by the Hashidate and Erie gunboats. WoWS is still fun regardless, and is worth your time (including the three or four hours to download the damn thing).
Actually, you get six total, and can buy more, but that requires gold, and you gotta pay for that. Two are already occupied by the Hashidate and Erie gunboats. WoWS is still fun regardless, and is worth your time (including the three or four hours to download the damn thing).
Any reason to hold on to lower tier ships when you have higher equivalents other than nostalgia then?
It's easier to grind free XP if you know you can make people roll over and die with the lower tier. in WoWS, free XP isn't just "use gold and convert ship's XP". You can get a small steady trickle from just doing well.
Any reason to hold on to lower tier ships when you have higher equivalents other than nostalgia then?
If you aren't willing to spend any real money on anything, no, so Nostalgia becomes the big thing.

Though I have heard a number of players say that they use the Cleveland tier 6 American cruiser to grind for credits. It's a high enough tier to be dragged into much higher games where you can potshot top tier ships with HE and it has a solid AA defense to eat planes for credits.

It's a fun game, and I'd really like to play it more. Confound life and needing to do things like eat and sleep.