Life With the Ship Girls, or, How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Polygamy

Detroit's at it again. Meet Wee Vee and Sister Sara with a brief cameo from Kentucky who may or may not appreciate her namesake's bourbon. Also, Trantos and Tenryu meet.

"Did you hear!?" Detroit exclaimed as she burst into New Mexico's room. Honed experience screamed at her, and she obeyed with a tucked roll as a wrench sailed over her.

"Damn it, Detroit; we're in the middle of delicate work!" West Virginia shouted.

"I'm in the middle of delicate work – stop fidgeting," New Mexico said from where she was crouched next to the other battleship with a welder. "And grab that wrench on your way in."

Detroit grabbed the monkey-wrench and tore it free of where it was imbedded in the wall before she skipped into the room and set the wrench down next to New Mexico while staying out of West Virginia's reach as she said, "So what does she have that you're gonna crank with that thing?"

West Virginia began to grow red in the face but was cut off when New Mexico rotated and slotted in her number four turret by the barbette. Detroit's eyes widened at the sight of the triple turret and said, "Wee Vee, have you gained weight?"

West Virginia snorted and said, "Yes, I've gained some weight."

"I doubt most women would qualify a few thousand tonnes as 'some weight,'" New Mexico said while welding a few plates despite West Virginia's shushing.

"First you take those torpedoes below the waterline and now you're gaining weight," Detroit said with a frown. "This is just like Pearl all over again. You're beam'll expand, and you won't be able to fit through the canal again let alone doors."

West Virginia snarled and tried to claw out Detroit's eyes but was firmly held in place by the docking frame attached to her rigging. She redoubled her efforts when Detroit asked, "Hey, can I convince you to name it after me?"

"I believe that you came here with news, and not to speculate whether Wee Vee is pregnant or not," New Mexico said as she finished with the welder and turned off the machine.

"But trying to figure out if Wee Vee has been ruined for marriage is more fun," Detroit whined at New Mexico before she turned back to her victim. "So, did Arizona light your fire this time too-"

There was a snap as New Mexico hit the dock's release and freed West Virginia who grabbed Detroit by the shoulders and hoisted the light cruiser into the air while she tried a last ditch change of topics by asking, "Have you heard what SoDak has done now?"

New Mexico grumbled at South Dakota's name while West Virginia froze as her mind tried to deal with the sudden shift before she said, "She released a video where Enterprise accidentally recreated the battle of Midway."

"Accidentally? I thought she intentionally weaponized those durians," New Mexico said.

"You two have heard of that but not her trip to the comic convention?" Detroit asked.

"It really isn't relevant to my interests," West Virginia said as she looked Detroit over.

"Nor mine," New Mexico said as she tidied up her workspace. "I suppose I might be interested if she incited a mob or something, but I doubt enterprise let her out of her sight long enough for that to happen."

"But, but, comic con! And you're a nerd!" Detroit said as she looked down at New Mexico from where West Virginia held her.

"There are many kinds of nerds, and as you have pointed out, I am not the sort that keeps up with pop culture," New Mexico said.

"What was the point of telling us about comic con?" West Virginia asked.

Detroit sagged in the battleship's grasp before she said, "I thought you two, or at least New Mexico, would be jealous and then we could run off to the con."

"I now have thirty-three percent more main battery firepower than SoDak," West Virginia said as she rolled her eyes before she set Detroit down. "I'm good."

"Why would I be jealous of SoDak and her desire to stay up to date with the world?" New Mexico said with a smile as she began to bend the monkey-wrench she had been putting away and her cheek twitched. "It's not like she's ever tried to reach beyond cutting edge and grasp revolutionary."

"What about ra-" Detroit began before she was cut off.

"Radar was tested and everyone who c\had the room for it got it as soon as they could!" New Mexico said as the wrench groaned under her ministrations. "Washington used it to save her ass from Kirishima!"

"I hear she's looking into hip replacement?" Detroit asked more than said as she began to hide behind West Virginia.

"Geriatric old farts get hip replacements all the goddamn time!" New Mexico shouted as she threw the wrench into the air. "There is nothing revolutionary about them!"

Her wrench was the wrench that pierced the ceiling and the roof. Kentucky's drunken cursing drifted through the hole in the ceiling as West Virginia said, "Uh, hey, who wants to blow things up at the range?"

Detroit nodded and led the way.


A half hour later, New Mexico had calmed down as she and Detroit watched West Virginia shoot at targets with her main battery. The weapons worked well, but she was still getting used to the new recoil that an additional naval rifle in each turret brought. At one point she overcompensated so much she fell on her face in the water. As it was, only firing the turrets on one side would cause her to rotate in place while a full broadside would push her back.

"I give her another hour before she figures out how to turn on the recoil dampeners and stabilizers," New Mexico said.

"Nah, I figure she'll stubborn her way into figuring out how much each salvo causes her to rotate so she can change direction without her rudder before she starts playing with the stabilizers," Detroit said as she scratched her jaw.

"Eh, either way she's going to beach herself within a half hour if she keeps puttering in the direction she's going," New Mexico said.

"As much as I want to tease her about that, I have other things to do," Detroit said.

"As do I," New Mexico said. "I wish to advance to the next tier in WoWs before the day is over."

"Eh, I like the South Carolina more than the Wyoming, so I'd put it off a bit to squeeze as much enjoyment out of it as possible," Detroit said while she stretched.

"Actually, that is my current battleship in-game," New Mexico said as she turned toward where the rec center was. "I will soon be acquiring the New York."

"What? You've been playing without me?" Detroit said before she latched onto New Mexico. "I am so proud!"

By the time they got to the computers, New Mexico had successfully dislodged the smaller ship girl. She was about to claim one of the computers when she noticed that Saratoga was playing WoWs as well.

"Low tier carrier driving, Sara?" Detroit asked as she craned over Saratoga's shoulder. "I hadn't thought that you were the trolling type."

"Actually, Langley is the only carrier I have unlocked," Sara said without looking away from the screen. "I figure I'll be able to get Bogue in a few hours."

"You should division with us," Detroit said as she smooshed her cheek into Saratoga's. "Wait. Sensually stacked sister? Really?"

"Hey, if you got it, flaunt it," Saratoga said with a smile as she straightened her shoulders and angled her chest at the screen. "And not to brag, but my sister and I are stacked."

"Fat stacks," Detroit said.

"Ah~" Saratoga crooned. "Someone's jealous that even though she's four times as stacked as me, she isn't even close to being as stacked as I am."

"Detroit, are you going to join us online or just enviously seethe on top of Sara?" New Mexico asked from her computer as she turned away from the game client.

Detroit grumbled a bit before she made her way over to an unoccupied computer and logged in.

(04:45) Tantos1_0 (Tenryu) : MM hates me. It's the only answer.
(04:45) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : MM is love, MM is life.
(04:45) SensuallyStackedSister (Langley) : balanced teams killed MM's parents
(04:45) TorepdoTerror (Tenryu) : It's not all bad
(04:45) QueenOfExperiments (Wyoming) : I'm following Spacy

"I guess I am as well," Detroit said as she began pushing buttons on her keyboard.

"You need to stay with Sara," New Mexico said.

"Why?" Detroit asked.

(04:46) ChuckleberryAwesome (Minekaze) : Swiggity swooty, gunna get me some carrier booty
(04:46) DirectToVideo (Aoba) : How can MM have dead parents? I am confused
(04:46) SensuallyStackedSister (Langely) : Oh no! If only there was a cruiser to protect me from the naughty destroyer
(04:46) MotorCityCruiser (Phoenix) : it's a joke
(04:46) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : Stick with me, Trantos, we're going to use the BBs as a shield
(04:46) DirecttoVideo (Aoba) : but it doesn't make sense
(04:46) Trantos1_0 (Tenryu) : is that allowed? I thought we were supposed to screen them
(04:47) DirectToVideo (Aoba) : you shouldn't post things that don't make sense
(04:47) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : when you're the small fry, you use every advantage you can get
(04:47) SensuallystackedSister (Langley) : you might want to stay off the internet then
(04:47) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : as long as you drive off the enemy destroyers, I'll be happy
(04:47) QueenOfExperiments (Wyoming) : same
(04:47) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : I suppose I can do that
(04:48) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : What's it worth to you
(04:48) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : our continued survival and ability to shield you from other enemies
(04:48) Trantos1_0 (Tenryu) : it sounds like a good deal

(04:48) ChuckeberryAwesome has achieved First Blood
(04:48) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : tempting
(04:48) QueenOfExperiments (Wyoming) : you know you want to wrangle destroyers
(04:49) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : but I wrangle munchkins all day, and Spacy called me an oversized tin can
(04:49) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : I don't recognize your screen name
(04:49) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : I changed it
(04:49) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : after I was made aware my sister's suggestion was a dick joke
(04:49) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : oh yeah, the kindergarten hot babysitter lady born with the eye patch
(04:49) Trantos1_0 (Tenryu) : seriously?
(04:50) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : close enough
(04:50) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : you called my Newest Mexico fat

New Mexico blinked a few times while Detroit burst out laughing and one of the purple haired Nip light cruisers snickered a few rows away at her computer.

(04:50) MotorCityCruiser (Phoenix) : New Mexico isn't fat
(04:50) MotorCityCruiser (Phoenix) : she fits through the Panama Canal
(04:50) SensuallyStackedSister (Langley) : if that's your definition of fat, only Montana and Midway meet the criteria on the American side
(04:51) Trantos1_0 (Tenryu) : don't they share the same hull or something?
(04:51) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : ye
(04:51) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) has achieved Devastating Strike
(04:51) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : yes
(04:51) Trantos1_0 (Tenryu) : so would they be relatives?

(04:51) MotorCityCruiser (Phoenix) : wut
(04:52) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : maybe? possibly cousins?

(04:52) SensuallyStackedSister (Langley) : ah, internet. never stop entertaining me.
(04:52) Trantos1_0 (Tenryu) : uh, does this mean it's a poor idea?

(04:52) SensuallyStackedSister (Langley) : no, it just means I have more ammo to pester a friend with
(04:52) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : you guys are such goofs
(04:53) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : This is no Zaku, girl. No Zaku.
(04:53) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : Neeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrd
(04:53) Trantos1_0 (Tenryu) : should I be concerned about this?

(04:53) QueenOfExperiments (Wyoming) : I doubt it's catching
(04:53) SensuallyStackedSister (Langley) : but if it is, Terror will probably catch it first since her immune system is probably overloaded trying to fight off the things the little kids keep bringing with them
(04:54) MotorCityCruise (Phoenix) : so Trantos needs to save Terror from a bunch of children before she catches Spacy's crazy?
(04:54) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : I do not need saving
(04:54) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) has achieved Devastating Strike
(04:54) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : don't need saving, eh?
(04:54) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : bah, that was just your job

(04:54) SensuallyStackedSister (Langley) : strong independent woman who don't need no man
(04:55) QueenOfExperiments (Wyoming) : just some BBs to save her from other CAs
(04:55) MotorCityCruiser (Phoenix) : and Trantos to save her from the crazy
(04:55) Trantos1_0 (Tenryu) : actually, she's been saving me
(04:55) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : the beauty of the post-modern relationship. Ladies can save princes if they want to
(04:55) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : I will find you all and do horrible things to you
(04:55) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : except Trantos
(04:56) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : I might division with him

(04:56) MotorCitycruiser (Phoenix) : aw, young love
(04:56) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : It is not love!

(04:56) MotorCityCruiser (Phoenix) : There's no reason to be so tsunder about it
(04:56) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : why do I even bother trying to fight the crazy?

(04:57) QueenOfExperiments (Wyoming) : okay, maybe it is catching
(04:57) SensuallyStackedSister (Langley) : quick! you need to get a move on, Trantos!
(04:57) Trantos1_0 (Tenryu) : I don't even know where she lives though
(04:57) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : no problem
(04:58) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : just ride into every daycare/kindergarten class on your trusty steed and declare your intentions to save the hot babysitter type from the kids – you'll eventually get the right one
(04:58) Trantos1_0 (Tenryu) : pretty sure that will get me arrested
(04:58) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : this is why you are the damsel in distress instead of the hero
(04:58) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : or it's why he's not in prison

(04:59) SensuallyStackedSister (Langley) : nah, it's why he isn't the hero
(04:59) MotorCityCruiser (Phoenix) : well, that dd is dead, I think I'll go out and play now
(04:59) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : nope, you get to reset the cap and spot for our cv
(04:59) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : it's the last ship, so I guess it could be important
(05:00) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : point, but I'm not getting over there in any decent amount of time
(05:00) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : so I'm going to sit here and cap
(05:00) TorpedoTerror (Tenryu) : so not only are you fat, but you're also lazy
(05:00) UNSpacy000 (New Mexico) : away with you, you 30 knot destroyer

Detroit killed the last enemy cruiser with a spread of torpedoes that was supposed to make him maneuver and lessen the number of guns he could bring to bear on her, and the match ended.

Saratoga leaned back in her chair and asked, "Ready for the next round?"
And apparently Tenryuu and I are the only individuals with something resembling sanity on the team.
"Well, that happened." I grumbled after me Lois logged out of World of Warships to escape Winter's insane wrath.

"Yeah, I'm just glad we got out there when we did."

"It's getting pretty late, and both us have places to be tomorrow."

"And I need to pack for- hold on Tenryuu's calling me..."

"I'll add her to the call."

A few clicks later, and the gun-ho light cruiser had joined the Skype chat.

"Hey Louisiana, I have a few questions for you."

I cleared my throat.

"Oh, hi Greek."

"Hi, now what did you want to ask Lois?"

"OK, since you and Midway have have the same hull design, doesn't that make you sisters?"

"We're more like cousins Tenryuu." Lois responded.

"Oh. OK, that's all I wanted to know." Tenryuu said as she disconnected from the call.

"I'm going to get packed before I head off to bed I guess."

"Oh! One more thing before you go."

"What's that?"

"Dress warm, its fucking cold here."

"I'll see what I can do."
No you are in for a world of grilling not just from her sister but all her pseudo sisters aka the destroyers not just the Akatsuki sisters all of the destroyers.
An elephant lady like Akatsuki would want to make sure that her big sister Tenryuu got only the best waifu possible - whatever a waifu is.
9 hours later...

I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing, startling me and nearly making me fall out of bed. I recovered my composure and checked who was calling me. It was Lois, not much of a surprise. She was probably getting on her flight now. I pressed the "Accept Call" button.

"FINALY!" She shouted.


"Sorry, I forgot to tell you that my first flight left at two in the morning, I'm getting on my next flight now!"


"Aren't you excited?"

"Yeah, I'm just half asleep and running on adrenaline here."


"My phone startled me..."

"Oh, sorry dear!"

"S'not a problem."

"Oh, I have to go! See you soon, I love you~!"

I was awake now, there was no doubt about that, I ran to my bathroom and started my morning routine.

25 minutes later...

I threw the empty bowl into the sink, grabbed my bag and ran towards the door. I practically jumped through the window of my car before starting up the little blue 2014 Ford Focus. I slammed the gas peddle down and took off towards Indianapolis. God, I hope I don't make her wait. I already felt bad for having made her wait 3 years just to see my face. And she was obviously very excited to move in with me. She probably also wanted to do other things with me, but that was beside the point. Now I had to race an airliner to its destination, and beat it. Story of my life.

6 hours later...

I pulled up in front of the airport's main entrance. I had to have set some sort of record after getting here as fast as I did. I parked and got out, only to have the door nearly smash into my head because of the freezing 30 mile per hour winds. I swore under my breath as I closed the door. Her flight was no doubt delayed. The question was, how long? I went inside to check the arrival times, and yes, her flight was delayed. By 4 hours.

"Fantastic... Well, I'm glad I brought my laptop." I said to myself.

I found a table, sat down, and booted up World of Warships and set a timer on my phone. As soon as I logged in, I got a message from DepthChargeDecoy, aka USS Harder.

[13:05] DepthChargeDecoy [FOG]: I thought you were picking up your girlfriend
[13:05] Greek_Fire [VLCTY]: I am, she's running late.
[13:05] DepthChargeDecoy [FOG]: Oh.
[13:05] DepthChargeDecoy [FOG]: how late?

[13:05] Greek_Fire [VLCTY]: About 4 hours
[13:05] DepthChargeDecoy [FOG]: Damn.
[13:05] DepthChargeDecoy [FOG]: want to div up then?

[13:05] Greek_Fire [VLCTY]: Eh, why not. No skype tho, I'm in an airport.

Me and Harder proceeded to run numerous matches, winning most of them by carrying the teams. It was after our 11th match when my phone's timer went off. It was then that someone tapped me on the shoulder, prompting me to turn around to face them. And much to my pleasure, and surprise, it was the very person I was waiting on.



She didn't even wait for me to stand up before hugging me, giving me a face-full of her chest. Not that I minded. After a few seconds she realized what she was doing, and let me stand up before hugging me again.

"So, uh, think we should find a more private place before you start making out with me?"

She blushed, hard. 'God, my girlfriend is adorable when she's embarrassed' I thought.

"Y-yeah, but we should go get my luggage first."

"Alright then."

We made our way down to the baggage terminal, and it didn't take long to find Lois' stuff.

"Jesus! How much did you bring?"

"Most of that is my computer and my clothes."

"Still, that's not very much."

"I don't have many outfits, or anything else really."

"Did you bring those warm clothes I told you to bring?"

"I have them on."

I looked her over again. She was wearing a light zip-up sweatshirt, and sweat pants.

"That's not going to help against -20 degree temperatures and 30 mile per hour winds, dear."

"Oh, looks you'll have to help keep me warm~." She said as she waggled her eyebrows.

"Lois, that's lewd."

"I know~" she sing-songed as she grabbed her suit cases and started walking towards the escalator. I shook my head and walked after her.

To be continued!
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Believe it or not, but Indiana can get weather like that. I'VE SEEN IT. It is not fun.
better than in alberta we seriously put no stock in our weather programs because of how frakking fast things change actually feel free to use that gimmick in any of your snippets you go out in Canada for a day or two expecting warm sunny weather and for day one you get rain and hail not an hour after you arrive and your day ends with a random snow storm, believe me it has happened multiple times here
Then there's Texas, where apparently we can get all 4 seasons to show up within a span of 2 weeks.
I groan as I sat down. After the war I had found that being in the Army before it started, survive the island hopping campaign, and fishing a sinking ship girl out of the drink somehow, made events where I had to wear my dress uniform a living hell. Six ribbons on my right sleeve, each representing six months deployment, would generally rise an eyebow or two from those who been in longer than I have and a flood of questions from the new boots, probably should have more but I really don't give a fuck.

That is tame when compare to my ribbon rack. Everyone it seems wanted to know what this ribbon means, or how I got the purple heart, or heaven forbid the shitstorm that happens if someone notice my Medal of Honor* I purposely try to hide behind my collar. Than everyone, from who ever the highest rank fucker is to the lowest private, wants shake my hand, be my friend, wants to know how I got it, blah, blah, blah. More than once I had to choke myself so I wouldn't scream buzz off I was doing what anyone of you would do. Maybe I should do it next time just what would happen.

Grabbing my computer I stared at the icon screen debating on to do before my eye found a old icon sitting forgotten at the bottom of the screen.

World of Warships.

Blinking I thought back to when was the last time I played that game.

After booting it up, updated it, and reading how to play again, I found myself at the dock screen.

"Let see what we have here, Erie, Fletcher, Colorado, Constellation? Ah, its the Lexington class battlecruiser, Iowa, Yamota, Deutschland, and Nelson."

After checking each out I decided on the Constellation. From what the record said that it was my most use ship, and I figure that any muscle memory I had of this game this ship would be the one its wired to.

The first two games where nothing but me getting my sea legs back as it were. The third match is where it got interesting, in the Chinese sense.

(14:04) Fog_Carrier_Hakuryuu (Hakuryu) : Hello there, I don't think I've sunk you yet.
(14:08) Fog_Carrier_Hakuryuu (Hakuryu) : Any you been around since open beta

My reply was caught in in my throat as I heard that voice before I chuck it up as the shitty headset fucking with me. The voice to text with audio optional, had been one update I was glad for since it free up my hands.

(14:10) Firefinder_12 (Constellation) : A war got in the way.
(14:10) Firefinder_12 (Constellation) : kinda of head to play when you are busy retaking islands.**
(14:10) Firefinder_12 (Constellation) : Army before anyone ask
(14:11) Fog_Carrier_Hakuryuu (Hakuryu) : BOO Army suks my torpedoes! GO navy!
(14:12) Firefinder_12 (Constellation) : Point of fact I did try navy first. Gramps was
(14:12) Firefinder_12 (Constellation) : They didn't want me :{

That seem to shut her as I got to playing. A somepoint I ended up on the other side of the map. Then I saw her. A lone Hakuryu launching planes, then I saw and heard the chat box.

(14:28) Fog_Carrier_Hakuryuu (Hakuryu) : Oh Army where are you?

FUCK faster faster, come old girl get in range... THERE!

(14:29) Firefinder_12 (Constellation) : HERE I AM FOGGY!

I snickered as four 16 inch high explosive shells from my ships forward battery landing just ahead of her before four more followed.

My snickering was cut short by the beep beep sound of torpedoes in the water.

"Crap!" I said as I turned into them, being missed by the thinnest of margins.

(14:30) SammehBee [FOG] (Gearing) : HERES SAMMY!
I went to turn my focus on the destroyer before I heard a curse as I sent a ripple fire broadside at her. I risked a glance to Fog before laughing as I watch her take four of SammehBee's torpedoes. At the same time I was told that I have sunk the enemy destroyer to much cursing, so I turn just enough to bring my guns to bear as I finish off FOG. The game ended a few minutes later as a win.

I was surprise when Fog wanted to Skype me said something sounding familiar and wanted to put a name and face to the voice. I agree since she also sounded familiar.
As soon as her face came on the screen I saw red. HOW DARE THEY...

"You have one minute to explain yourself before I call my friend at the CIA to tell him about the bitches who are impersonating world heroes," I said grabbing my phone.

"WAIT! ERIC IT REALLY IS US!" said the imposter who I had to give points to for doing a good with the make up. If I didn't know better it and haven't had met them it might have work.

"Prove it," I said with a finger hovering over the call button. "And I swear to god if you give me some bullshit from Wikipedia..."

"During the goodwill tour after you were awarded your Medal of Honor for saving Musashi you were in a hotel with a few us. And you accidently walked in on Musashi while she was redoing her bindings. I have never seen a human go that red or move that fast before. Well happy?" the very alive Enterprise said.

I blink several times dumbly with my phone forgetten in my hand as she recounted a fact that only three people on the planet should know. And two of which should be dead.

"She shouldn't have left the door open..." I muttered. "AND I am not even going to ask about the whole drying thing."

Enterprise only gave a sad apologetic grin at me. "Sorry about that."

I blink as Enterprise was toss to side the by a solid shove from a tan arm.

"Ok, Enterprise he's up to speed and not that angry at us... Where he go?" Musashi asked as she peered at the screen.
"STILL HERE!" I shouted from doorway, "I was grabbing something to drink," I said as I sat back down putting a bottle of whiskey down in the camera's field of view. "I promise myself on the day of you deaths, I would rise a glass of the good stuff on two different days. The day we met and the day you girls"die"," I shot a glare at the two now sheepish looking ship girls as I pulled the stopper. "Kind of stupid know, eh?"

"Look Eric..."

"DON'T want to hear it. I just want to celebrate the fact that my friends are alive." I said as I took a long swig from bottle nearly missing the small relieve smile that Musashi gave me.

* If we can have people make A.I.s and have high end computers that are borderline supercomputers. I can be that one Army soldier who been since before the war and got the Moh for saving a shipgirl while under fire. And got to know a couple of them.

**Someone had to make sure that the islands are secure after the shipgirls finish turning the land base Abyssal to scrap. Most the time they were not. Good thing modern infantry weapons work just fine on the soldier type Abyssal that were left. If only there wasn't so many of them.
"During the goodwill tour after you were awarded your Medal of Honor for saving Musashi you were in a hotel with a few us. And you accidently walked in on Musashi while she was redoing her bindings. I have never seen a human go that red or move that fast before. Well happy?" the very alive Enterprise said.