Life With the Ship Girls, or, How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Polygamy

You know what would be a fun gamemode for this story?

Enduring Warfare. Basically turning World of Warships into an epic Risk-esque MMORPG. This is locked to T6 -> T10 warships.

Basically, a huge 1 000 km by 1 000 km map with fifty players on each side at maximum. There would be capture areas that each team needs to hold in order to advance the score ticker per sector. Meanwhile, every single metre of that huge map can be accessed by players. Flanking attacks en-masse? Valid. Stealthy destroyers flanking and destroying targets, then disappearing into the mists? SammehBee specifically asked for that, and Wargaming delivered. Stretching the BigWorld Engine to the limit, the game also simulates weather effects, like rain, mist, and storms. You also get day and night cycles.

Remember what I said about the Enduring part in Enduring Warfare? There's a global ticker that's reset every six months, and each sector (the 1000 by 1000 map) contributes their share of points to that global ticker. The more 'control' a side has on a sector, the more points are generated from that sector. Once a team achieves victory (over 500 000 points) or has the most by the end of the six months, that team wins, and the top players gets a hefty amount of credits and a small amount of gold.

Now, say that Winter wants to join a sector battle in the North Atlantic. So he queues up with Erika and Yvonne and enters a battle with his division. He can leave at any time with no penalty except for having his ship locked out for about five minutes if he doesn't do any damage or leaves within the first minute of logging into the sector battle.

I'm getting ahead of myself. Anyway, you start at a friendly-controlled port. These ports act as resupply and respawn points, allowing for battleships to restock on their DAMCON consumables, destroyers to get additional smoke charges, and carriers to obtain fresh planes. Cruiser drivers can get new fighter floatplanes from here as well.

Ships are also repaired here, with the amount of time determined by the amount of damage you've taken, as well as how much credits you are willing to pay. Say that Winter took about 50% damage, and pays in credits 50% of the repair costs. So his ship would be repaired, but would be much more quicker than if he had not paid any credits to repair.

You can also dock and logout from here, and continue on the next day. With sector battles often taking multiple days to fully complete, this is a must, else you would be transfered to another sector if you logout and login again without 'saving' at a port. You can also change commanders and equipment at ports as well. You can even respawn here at the home port, but with a hefty penalty.

There are many neutral ports scattered about the map, serving as resupply and rearming points. You cannot respawn here though -- only at the home port.

There are also two types of 'tech' buildings that you can capture. (Maybe more if you could help me out here. :D)

The first is the munitions depot. This reduces the amount of credits you have to pay to resupply your consumables, as well as reducing the amount of credits you have to pay to resupply your munitions and planes. The more munitions depots you capture, the less your team has to pay for rearming their ships.

The second is the steel depots. These buildings reduces the amount of credits you have to pay to repair, as well as speeding up the repair process by a small amount. This building also reduces the amount of credits you have to pay for new Repair Party consumables on battleships and high-tier cruisers.

To control the amount of 'points' created by the sector, you have to capture strategic points. Now, these strategic points are basically bases built on islands. There are three types of bases, each having gradually increasing amount of point production.

The first are small bases. These are the easiest to capture, and have very little in the way of defenses. They also produce the smallest amount of points. There are many of them, however, so you shouldn't just focus on the medium and large bases.

The second are medium bases. Smaller in number compared to the small bases, but producing more points, these medium bases are relatively well-protected, and have small landing fields that allows for AI-controlled pets to harass attackers with dive bombers and torpedo bombers.

The last are huge bases. There are usually only one or two of these massive complexes on a map, but their strategic value is tremendous. Controlling one usually comes with a port, a steel depot, and a munition depot as well. With the largest airfields and massive coastal defense batteries, taking on these bases are a team effort, and one that requires a lot of cooperation (or blind luck) to succeed. Taking one offers a huge advantage for a team though, so these are valuable as diamond.

You also get AI-controlled warships coming out from friendly and opposing home ports. While not really that threatening at a glance, a large number of them can and will overwhelm lone vessels, and those who underestimate their potential.

What this all creates is a battleground that looks like something straight out of Midway or Jutland. Only much much bigger. And chaotic.

Chaos in a can. :)
Winter, I fucking love you.
This is amazing, and we need to do this.
Also, perhaps larger ships can use credits to purchase smaller escort ships? AI controlled ones?
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What this all creates is a battleground that looks like something straight out of Midway or Jutland. Only much much bigger. And chaotic.

Chaos in a can. :)
And then due to Abyssal shenanigans all of us get yanked into it Log Horizon style. As a result this entire group of maniacs bands together in order to defend our various bases (and the populace there which apparently were the Shipgirl's fairies) from the things* out there.
*Ship sized Abyssals basically.

Why do we need to defend them (other then the obvious moral reasons)? Well every one of us got turned into bastard crosses of ship spirits and Mental Models (fortunately we keep our original genders). We can solo-pilot and fight on our ships but damage to it equals damage to our 'avatar'.

We get automatically 'ported back to the nearest base for repairs if sunk but nobody wants to find out what happens if we loose all our bases.

What's weirder is that during the third week in, Kongou (currently 'driving' a Montana) managed to corner CompassJimbo in the captain's room of his Midway body. Funny thing, almost immediately after their 'fairies' grabbed a butt load of resources and credits, commandeered the local ship construction center/dry dock and seem to be making an aviation battleship of all things. Go figure huh?;)
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Winter, I fucking love you.
This is amazing, and we need to do this.
Also, perhaps larger ships can use credits to purchase smaller escort ships? AI controlled ones?

We Navyfield now?



Admiral Alphonse Schmitt's First United Nations FOG Task Force sailed out of the home port, a fleet some sixteen vessels strong. The four human players in a divison -- Alphonse, Yvonne, Erika, and Samantha -- were flanked by twelve AI-controlled vessels, all a mix of different nations. Some of them were American heavy cruisers, others were Japanese destroyers, or German pocket battleships. They sailed in a 'diamond' formation, offering the greatest protection from aircraft, and equal fields of fire. Yvonne was at the centre of the fleet, flanked by four American Baltimore-class heavy cruisers. Alphonse was at the lead with his IJN Ishikari, with two Kagerou-class destroyers flanking him, scanning for enemy battleships to torpedo. Erika took up the rear with her H44-class KM Bismarck, and her two Admiral Hipper-class heavy cruiser escorts were on the outside of the diamond, giving the fleet a good vantage point, and respectable firepower along their flanks. The rest, comprised of a mix of American and Japanese Fletcher and Kagerou-class destroyers, were lead by Samantha in a wolf-pack out hunting for carrier blood.

"Ah, this brings back memories," Yvonne said over Skype. Alphonse watched as the blonde leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, a wistful smile on her face.

"Memories of the war?"

"Of both World War Two and the Abyssal War," the American explained. "Sailing at full speed at thirty two knots, my squadron's guns blazing as we fought for everything we held dear..." She wiped a single tear from her eyes. "We really were the Greatest Generation, the bravest men and women the world had ever seen, fighting for their ideals, their freedoms, their values."

"We fought for everything we stood for. Perhaps for some of us, it was wrong, but the tenacity and the spirit that we had embodied, it was there. It really was," Erika piped in.

Samantha hummed an affirmative. "You wouldn't find courage like that in ample quantities any more. Well, not since we faked our deaths at the end of the Abyssal War."

"Still," the carrier finished, "Humanity's willingness to do anything to prevail? I see it everywhere, every day. You, for example," the carrier said, leaning up in her chair, "come up with the most batshit insane plans to win sectors. And they work. I have no idea how, but you're one hell of a crazy tactician."

"And a great waifu," Erika snickered.

"100% waifu material," Yamato said from somewhere off Yvonne's screen.

The four girls present broke out into laughter, with Alphonse joining in as well.

"Gee, thanks, I guess I can win that popularity contest now."

"You already have," MONO said as she trudged in.

"Wait, what?"

"You were voted #1 Waifu Material by Aoba's poll last month. Congrats~" she said, holding up a magazine.

"... Why does this keep happening to me?"
And then due to Abyssal shenanigans all of us get yanked into it Log Horizon style. As a result this entire group of maniacs bands together in order to defend our various bases (and the populace there which apparently were the Shipgirl's fairies) from the things* out there.
*Ship sized Abyssals basically.

Why do we need to defend them (other then the obvious moral reasons)? Well every one of us got turned into bastard crosses of ship spirits and Mental Models (fortunately we keep our original genders). We can solo-pilot and fight on our ships but damage to it equals damage to our 'avatar'.

We get automatically 'ported back to the nearest base for repairs if sunk but nobody wants to find out what happens if we loose all our bases.
I added some extra material.

What's weirder is that during the third week in, Kongou (currently 'driving' a Montana) managed to corner CompassJimbo in the captain's room of his Midway body. Funny thing, almost immediately after their 'fairies' grabbed a butt load of resources and credits, commandeered the local ship construction center/dry dock and seem to be making an aviation battleship of all things. Go figure huh?;)

I guess Battlestar Kongou is now a reality.

Jimbo, I hope you're proud of us.

Your daughteru is a Russian Kiev-class Aircraft Carrier armed with triple 406 mm turrets housed in two turrets at the front and one at the back, like so.
(I kinda wanna write this. So I will.)
Rear Admiral James Thomas' 12th Emergency Action Fleet sailed forth from their harbor, led by the Implacable-class Armored Fleet Carrier HMS Sanctum. Alongside the mighty Carrier was the Mogami-class Heavy Cruiser IJN Suzuya, it's guns pointed forward toward her bow with her C turret's guns planted firmly to the stern. To her left were five AI controlled Fubuki-class Destroyers and to her rear was a net of three Atlanta-class Cruisers to serve their duty for AA purposes lest the inevitable air strikes overwhelm them once they came. To the rear of the Sanctum were two AI controlled King George V-class Battleships led by a single player controlled Vanguard-class Battleship, the HMS Indomitable, captained by a player under the name of Fog_Battleship_Warspite. To her right were a gaggle of various Destroyers and Cruisers led by a player controlled Renown-class Battlecruiser, the HMS Vindictive. James, also known as Nickel, fiddled with his mic for a moment before speaking.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, the board is hot and our systems are green. Status of battlegroups?" Suzuya was the first to reply.

"Battlegroup Exodus is ready to go~."

"Battlegroup Valor is standing by."

"Battlegroup Eudora is ready to kick some ass!"

Suzuya spoke up in my ear again as I made best speed north, letting some of the Cruisers and Destroyers overtake me to form a defensive net.

"Nickel? Some more carriers are arriving, where should we put them?"

"Have them form up with me. Mass the airpower. Now, let's go see what trouble Winter managed to get himself into.."
So I notice that it is usually Winter vs Nickel with their respective 2iC (waifus). Winter's being.... I forgot and Nickel's being Suzuya.
So I notice that it is usually Winter vs Nickel with their respective 2iC (waifus). Winter's being.... I forgot and Nickel's being Suzuya.
Really? Wow, I actually didn't notice.
I was actually intending to be on his team there in that last one X3
Also, guys, the Arpeggio bit...we need to give that a thread. Like, really, that actually sounds fun to me for some reason.
Like, make it like this one, where anyone can hop in at anytime and up the lol factor.
I think it'd be fun.
It....was over.
Jutland in WoWs had ended.
It came down to just a handful of ships, namely Winterpwner, IcedBismarck and hfdt123 rushing Regent and I at our position. Suzuya fought valiantly to defend both of us, but it was in vain. She was sunk, and all regent and I could do were re-route our planes to counter there assaults. To her credit, my carrier held out surprisingly well, her deck armor holding off the fires and allowing my aircraft to keep fighting. The secondary batteries engaged whatever they could put their sights on. hfdt, only being in a Cleveland, and been sunk by Suzuya, however he managed to take her with him by unloading whatever guns he could into her and then just going full man-mode and ramming her to death. Of course, Suzuya went full lewd mode and I was blushing like mad from her....colorful vocabulary and shouting at her, but she did not seem to care.

Luckily, I remained focused.

In the end, it was Regent and I against Winterpwner and IcedBismarck, and we were doomed to lose there.

The Sanctum's secondary batteries fired as fast as they possibly could and my planes peppered them with bombs and gunfire, but it wasn't enough. IcedBismarck finished Regent, and I gunned everything for Winterpwner. My planes got lucky eventually, and landed four torps across his port side, but it wasn't enough. The armor on his ship held out and he was left on fire, flooding, and with 564 HP. So nearly dead....

But his guns were more powerful than what the Sanctum's armor could take.

I went down, but for hate's sake, I spat my last shot at him; squad of divebombers coming in to strike him down....

Only for the match to end at the very last moment.

I sighed, though I wasn't too mad about it, it was a well fought game. I had claimed the lives of many ships, including their Yamato. To be honest, I have no idea what happened to Trantos and their other ships, as I wasn't paying attention to the team list, but I had assumed that whatever was left of our flanking force met them head on and gunned away at them, eventually wiping eachother out in the fray.

We had lost in the end.

Suzuya spoke up from my Skype line.


"Was epic." I finished her sentence for her.
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It....was over.
Jutland in WoWs had ended.
It came down to just a handful of ships, namely Winterpwner, IcedBismarck and hfdt123 rushing Regent and I at our position. Suzuya fought valiantly to defend both of us, but it was in vain. She was sunk, and all regent and I could do were re-route our planes to counter there assaults. To her credit, my carrier held out surprisingly well, her deck armor holding off the fires and allowing my aircraft to keep fighting. The secondary batteries engaged whatever they could put their sights on. hfdt, only being in a Cleveland, and been sunk by Suzuya, however he managed to take her with him by unloading whatever guns he could into her and then just going full man-mode and ramming her to death. Of course, Suzuya went full lewd mode and I was blushing like mad from her....colorful vocabulary and shouting at her, but she did not seem to care.

Luckily, I remained focused.

In the end, it was Regent and I against Winterpwner and IcedBismarck, and we were doomed to lose there.

The Sanctum's secondary batteries fired as fast as they possibly could and my planes peppered them with bombs and gunfire, but it wasn't enough. IcedBismarck finished Regent, and I gunned everything for Winterpwner. My planes got lucky eventually, and landed four torps across his port side, but it wasn't enough. The armor on his ship held out and he was left on fire, flooding, and with 564 HP. So nearly dead....

But his guns were more powerful than what the Sanctum's armor could take.

I went down, but for hate's sake, I spat my last shot at him; squad of divebombers coming in to strike him down....

Only for the match to end at the very last moment.

I sighed, though I wasn't too mad about it, it was a well fought game. I had claimed the lives of many ships, including their Yamato. To be honest, I have no idea what happened to Trantos and their other ships, as I wasn't paying attention to the team list, but I had assumed that whatever was left of our flanking force met them head on and gunned away at them, eventually wiping eachother out in the fray.

We had lost in the end.

Suzuya spoke up from my Skype line.


"Was epic." I finished her sentence for her.

That.... was something I would definitely do. Glorious Kamikaze.
"In the modern world,"

"Modern world," Yvonne echoed,

"Great leaders resolve their conflicts,"

"... conflicts..." Erika chimed in,

"With words," I finished.

"Words like--"


"--ENGAGE!" I screamed, firing my twelve 203 mm cannons at the lead battleship, lighting the Vanguard-class Battleship on fire. My secondaries opened up as I closed the distance between us, their barrels glowing red-hot as they plunged shot after shot into the hull and deck of the British battleship. I pulled a hard turn to starboard, exposing my two quadruple torpedo launchers to the warship.

I align my torpedoes with the battleship, waiting until my guns reload before firing my final AP salvo at the warship's hull. I roll high, managing to citadel that warship twice for twelve thousand hitpoints, leaving her on dangerously low hitpoints.

"Fish In the water!" Erika announced as I launched my spread of torpedoes at the warship, turning around before the lumbering giant managed to pivot her guns towards Ishikari. "Good spread!" Yvonne said, before dropping a bunch of torpedoes straight at an enemy carrier, blowing it to sky high as the torpedoes slammed into the paper-thin waterline of the Taihou-class aircraft carrier.

"Alright, we're moving up to the next island. Samantha, you got anything?"
"Taffy-3 is currently engaging hostile elements... about twenty-six kilometres away from your current position! Currently combat effective, but I would like some reinforcements!"

"Got it Sammy!" I turn to Yvonne, who nods, a grim look on her face. "Launching bombers now," she said, sending off a Sunday Punch to the opposing fleet.

"Erika, with me. We're going."

"Roger that, Admiral!"

And then we were off, smokestacks bleeding smoke into the air, our warships pushed to the very limits as we headed off to blunt Fog_Battleship_Warspite's advance into our territory.
"In the modern world,"

"Modern world," Yvonne echoed,

"Great leaders resolve their conflicts,"

"... conflicts..." Erika chimed in,

"With words," I finished.

"Words like--"


"--ENGAGE!" I screamed, firing my twelve 203 mm cannons at the lead battleship, lighting the Vanguard-class Battleship on fire. My secondaries opened up as I closed the distance between us, their barrels glowing red-hot as they plunged shot after shot into the hull and deck of the British battleship. I pulled a hard turn to starboard, exposing my two quadruple torpedo launchers to the warship.

I align my torpedoes with the battleship, waiting until my guns reload before firing my final AP salvo at the warship's hull. I roll high, managing to citadel that warship twice for twelve thousand hitpoints, leaving her on dangerously low hitpoints.

"Fish In the water!" Erika announced as I launched my spread of torpedoes at the warship, turning around before the lumbering giant managed to pivot her guns towards Ishikari. "Good spread!" Yvonne said, before dropping a bunch of torpedoes straight at an enemy carrier, blowing it to sky high as the torpedoes slammed into the paper-thin waterline of the Taihou-class aircraft carrier.

"Alright, we're moving up to the next island. Samantha, you got anything?"
"Taffy-3 is currently engaging hostile elements... about twenty-six kilometres away from your current position! Currently combat effective, but I would like some reinforcements!"

"Got it Sammy!" I turn to Yvonne, who nods, a grim look on her face. "Launching bombers now," she said, sending off a Sunday Punch to the opposing fleet.

"Erika, with me. We're going."

"Roger that, Admiral!"

And then we were off, smokestacks bleeding smoke into the air, our warships pushed to the very limits as we headed off to blunt Fog_Battleship_Warspite's advance into our territory.
I watched as Winter and Bismark's fleets sailed off towards the enemy. Little did they know that me and Lois had managed to sneak around them with our two fleets Fletcher and Gearing of class destroyers. We had to time this perfectly, or everything would go wrong, and we would lose our advance on this sector.

"Time to show them what we can do!"

"Commence Operation: MJOLNIR!"

Then this started playing.

Then all 10 Gearing class destroyers launched their torpedoes at the the enemy fleets.
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"Battlegroup Exodus is engaging the enemy! Range is....26 kilometers! These bastards sure are stubborn....any word on back up?"
"Battlegroup Valor reporting! We've broken the enemy's first line and are pushing in!"
"Battlegroup Eudora here! We've obliterated their forces to the west and are making a rush inward!"

I grinned widely as I listened to the combat reports, pulling up a map that allowed me to watch my allies' movements. Suzuya's force, exodus, had run smack-bang into a battlegroup of Destroyers and were in a trading match that they were slowly winning. Due to their forces being mostly Destroyers, Suzuya's guns backed by her own escorts were cracking their defensive line. Her Atlanta-class Escort Cruisers were picking apart aircraft left and right as they steamed forward into the sector, ripping into ship after ship.

Warspite's forces had collapsed the first line of defense and were making gains inward, only to run headlong into the enemy teams leaders. Her Battleship's guns opened up along with her KGV escorts and Cruiser complement, returning fire at the hostile warships before them and sinking shots into the lead ship with deadly accuracy. I set my air force's approach vector for the enemy Battleship accompanying the Battlecruiser, intending to halt whatever support fire it was getting from it's comrade. I was still a fair distance from the main fight, so I wasn't at too much risk, but I could see the shells being fired from where my Carrier sat.
