Life With the Ship Girls, or, How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Polygamy

Winter is essentially a techpriest, and Nickel is a gnome whose talent is talking to machines.
Very funny.
Regardless, I will be writing another snippet about my adventures with my friends in the 12th Emergency Action Fleet including Suzuya and some of the other girls in the land of Kanmusu.
Expect about ten? Twenty minutes?
Very funny.
Regardless, I will be writing another snippet about my adventures with my friends in the 12th Emergency Action Fleet including Suzuya and some of the other girls in the land of Kanmusu.
Expect about ten? Twenty minutes?

You mean the 2nd battle of Jutland?
Very funny.

It's actually a technical term in the Strike Witches Quest universe to describe males who have the same sparkly bullshit magic that the witches have, sans-animal ears and tails. No, you're not a dorf, but you have arcane magiks coursing through your veins.
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It's actually a technical term in the Strike Witches Quest to describe males who have the same sparkly bullshit magic that the witches have, sans-animal ears and tails. No, you're not a dorf, but you have arcane magiks coursing through your veins.
Still laughing about it, nonetheless.
Jutland Pt.2 coming soon!
I stared at the screen in contemplation of my next move. Our defensive line wasn't going to be moving fast enough, and some of them were damaged anyway. I'm not even going to get into the fact that 99% of the enemy were in the same clan and had a fucking Yamato following them up. My best advantage was my torpedo bracketing technique, the very same one I had used to best Haku a few days ago, and the fact that I had basically built it to kill Battleships, large Cruisers, and Carriers of all sorts. Anything slow would meet a swift death at my hands if I set them up just right, and that Yamato was my prime target. If I killed it...maybe...just maybe Suzuya and the rest would stand a chance.

Regent...that poor bastard probably had no clue of what was happening right now, and apparently neither did the player 'Stahor'. Those poor fucks were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Trantos probably had a semblance of awareness against this threat, he'd dealt with bullshit on this level before, just not against these players. Though, that may just be his downfall. hfdt? I had no idea. He seemed like a player of decent skill, but he was in the same boat (heh) as Trantos in this one. Not to mention my Divebombers had pinged him once or twice, leaving him with a good solid pound of flesh missing. Winterpwner? That guy was a fucking reaper, he coordinated well with the one named IcedBismarck, but I had him in terms of air supreriority. The other girls?...damn, I didn't know. They probably could take me out with some solid effort, but HMS Sanctum was a force to be reckoned with. Her recent upgrades made her a fierce contender against any foe, capable of out matching even the mightiest of opponents in the proper hands.

Not to mention all of my planes had recently finished their re-arms and re-fuels. She also had secondary batteries that, if used correctly, could take on a Destroyer and win. Given, I'd rather not test that theory, but it was good to know it was at least possible. I inhaled deeply and exhaled, calming myself down to a level were I could properly make good tactical decisions.

"Any ideas?" Suzuya piped up from the Skype line. I nodded to myself...yeah, I did.

"I'm gonna kill the Yamato. I need you, Pearl, Warspite, kaazmiz, and Drizzle to join the flanking force."

"Excuse me, did you just say ''I'm gonna kill the Yamato"? The big scary Japanese super dreadnought with eight-teen inch guns and an armor belt comparable to my entire class combined?"


"That's my Nickel. I'll see if I can convince them to do it. Good luck."

"I'm gonna need it. To you as well."

HMS Sanctum suddenly made a hard starboard turn, moving toward the island chains near our teams original flag position. At best speed and full health, she could make 34.7 knots, a three knot improvement over her original propulsion system. The bombers and Vampires left the deck as Sanctum escaped the soon to be killbox.

[19:43] Nickel [12TH] (Implacable): Hey, Regent, you paying attention?
[19:43] TwistedRegent (Midway): Yeah, wassup?
[19:43] Nickel [12TH] (Implacable): Follow me out, I've got a plan.
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Regent...that poor bastard probably had no clue of what was happening right now, and apparently neither did the player 'Stahor'. Those poor fucks were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Trantos probably had a semblance of awareness against this threat, he'd dealt with bullshit on this level before, just not against these players. Though, that may just be his downfall. hfdt? I had no idea. He seemed like a player of decent skill, but he was in the same boat (heh) as Trantos in this one. Not to mention my Divebombers had pinged him once or twice, leaving him with a good solid pound of flesh missing. Winterpwner? That guy was a fucking reaper, he coordinated well with the one named IcedBismarck, but I had him in terms of air supreriority. The other girls?...damn, I didn't know. They probably could take me out with some solid effort, but HMS Sanctum was a force to be reckoned with. Her recent upgrades made her a fierce contender against any foe, capable of out matching even the mightiest of opponents in the proper hands.

Im confused.
Winter has an effective AA rating of (with upgrades) 72 with his Senjo. He also has air support from Hakuryuu and Zuihou, who are both pushing along the rear of the green blob of death that Admiral Winter has created. Bismarck's right beside him, and Yamato is giving intense burning love to the opposing team from her position near Hakuryuu. SammehBee is off doing her best Taffy-3 re-enactment, and the rest has split off into another division headed to flank the main force.
This battle looks epic. I'd have another snippet, but writers' block hit me.
This battle looks epic. I'd have another snippet, but writers' block hit me.
To sum it up: My team holds air superiority, but Winter has us in surface combat. However, We do have a flanking force moving to jump their main bulk with heavy air cover, and I'm gunning for Yamato.
Also, some fun facts about my ship that I just figured out:
It's flight deck is actually armored.
And it has 16 4.5in guns with a range of 18,950 meters each.
To sum it up: My team holds air superiority, but Winter has us in surface combat. However, We do have a flanking force moving to jump their main bulk with heavy air cover, and I'm gunning for Yamato.
Also, some fun facts about my ship that I just figured out:
It's flight deck is actually armored.
And it has 16 4.5in guns with a range of 18,950 meters each.

If you have an armored box carrier be careful or you will end up farting yourself to death after an unfortunate torpedo attack like Taihou.
To sum it up: My team holds air superiority, but Winter has us in surface combat. However, We do have a flanking force moving to jump their main bulk with heavy air cover, and I'm gunning for Yamato.
Also, some fun facts about my ship that I just figured out:
It's flight deck is actually armored.
And it has 16 4.5in guns with a range of 18,950 meters each.

And now they've been nerfed to 4.5 km. :3

Wargaming logic. :c

My secondaries would have a range of 14 km and would fire REALLY fast, like, 12 r/m fast, with DEADLY ACCURACY. But wargaming logic. :c
Also, anyone heard of the H.1000 hoax?
How much you wanna bet that WG will slap it in at tier ten for the ruskys?
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You know what would be a fun gamemode for this story?

Enduring Warfare. Basically turning World of Warships into an epic Risk-esque MMORPG. This is locked to T6 -> T10 warships.

Basically, a huge 1 000 km by 1 000 km map with fifty players on each side at maximum. There would be capture areas that each team needs to hold in order to advance the score ticker per sector. Meanwhile, every single metre of that huge map can be accessed by players. Flanking attacks en-masse? Valid. Stealthy destroyers flanking and destroying targets, then disappearing into the mists? SammehBee specifically asked for that, and Wargaming delivered. Stretching the BigWorld Engine to the limit, the game also simulates weather effects, like rain, mist, and storms. You also get day and night cycles.

Remember what I said about the Enduring part in Enduring Warfare? There's a global ticker that's reset every six months, and each sector (the 1000 by 1000 map) contributes their share of points to that global ticker. The more 'control' a side has on a sector, the more points are generated from that sector. Once a team achieves victory (over 500 000 points) or has the most by the end of the six months, that team wins, and the top players gets a hefty amount of credits and a small amount of gold.

Now, say that Winter wants to join a sector battle in the North Atlantic. So he queues up with Erika and Yvonne and enters a battle with his division. He can leave at any time with no penalty except for having his ship locked out for about five minutes if he doesn't do any damage or leaves within the first minute of logging into the sector battle.

I'm getting ahead of myself. Anyway, you start at a friendly-controlled port. These ports act as resupply and respawn points, allowing for battleships to restock on their DAMCON consumables, destroyers to get additional smoke charges, and carriers to obtain fresh planes. Cruiser drivers can get new fighter floatplanes from here as well.

Ships are also repaired here, with the amount of time determined by the amount of damage you've taken, as well as how much credits you are willing to pay. Say that Winter took about 50% damage, and pays in credits 50% of the repair costs. So his ship would be repaired, but would be much more quicker than if he had not paid any credits to repair.

You can also dock and logout from here, and continue on the next day. With sector battles often taking multiple days to fully complete, this is a must, else you would be transfered to another sector if you logout and login again without 'saving' at a port. You can also change commanders and equipment at ports as well. You can even respawn here at the home port, but with a hefty penalty.

There are many neutral ports scattered about the map, serving as resupply and rearming points. You cannot respawn here though -- only at the home port.

There are also two types of 'tech' buildings that you can capture. (Maybe more if you could help me out here. :D)

The first is the munitions depot. This reduces the amount of credits you have to pay to resupply your consumables, as well as reducing the amount of credits you have to pay to resupply your munitions and planes. The more munitions depots you capture, the less your team has to pay for rearming their ships.

The second is the steel depots. These buildings reduces the amount of credits you have to pay to repair, as well as speeding up the repair process by a small amount. This building also reduces the amount of credits you have to pay for new Repair Party consumables on battleships and high-tier cruisers.

To control the amount of 'points' created by the sector, you have to capture strategic points. Now, these strategic points are basically bases built on islands. There are three types of bases, each having gradually increasing amount of point production.

The first are small bases. These are the easiest to capture, and have very little in the way of defenses. They also produce the smallest amount of points. There are many of them, however, so you shouldn't just focus on the medium and large bases.

The second are medium bases. Smaller in number compared to the small bases, but producing more points, these medium bases are relatively well-protected, and have small landing fields that allows for AI-controlled pets to harass attackers with dive bombers and torpedo bombers.

The last are huge bases. There are usually only one or two of these massive complexes on a map, but their strategic value is tremendous. Controlling one usually comes with a port, a steel depot, and a munition depot as well. With the largest airfields and massive coastal defense batteries, taking on these bases are a team effort, and one that requires a lot of cooperation (or blind luck) to succeed. Taking one offers a huge advantage for a team though, so these are valuable as diamond.

You also get AI-controlled warships coming out from friendly and opposing home ports. While not really that threatening at a glance, a large number of them can and will overwhelm lone vessels, and those who underestimate their potential.

What this all creates is a battleground that looks like something straight out of Midway or Jutland. Only much much bigger. And chaotic.

Chaos in a can. :)