Life With the Ship Girls, or, How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Polygamy

"Gun up. Targeting the lead Baltimore-class cruiser!"

Erika nodded, switching over to her secondaries. "Roger that, giving you some covering fire!"

"Got a firing solution on them. Firing three salvos, Armour Piercing!"

The Charlottetown's twelve 152 mm High-Velocity 6"/47 Mk. 16 Dual-Purpose guns cracked thrice, sending three volleys of ship-shredding armour piercing shells straight at the unfortunate Baltimore-class's citadel, blowing it straight up into the sky.

"Good effect on target," I report, arming my Defensive Fire ability as a squadron of planes begin to fly in from over the horizon. "Switching target, New Orleans-class cruiser. Twelve clicks out, firing for effect."

"Copy! That's another battleship down for the count!" Erika shouted as she sent an Iowa descending towards the deep.

"Good show."

"Thanks," she said, beaming at me. "Switching target now, battlecruiser... Admiral-class."

I pause and look over to her computer. "Got a target lock?" I ask, though I was more concerned about her.

"Yeah," Erika said, nodding. A few seconds later the ship had split in two, the explosion echoing through the icy sea.

And with that, the territory was safe in our hands again.

Erika just stared at the dying fireball disappearing into the sky.

"She's... not dead again, right Al?"

Her voice was so fragile. "No, she's not," I gently say. "She's not." I get up from my seat, and I pulled her into a comforting hug. "You didn't kill her. You didn't kill Hood."

"Y-Yeah..." she wiped a tear from her eye. "Gosh, sometimes I really do get worked up for nothing, don't I?" she said weakly.

"Nah, it's not nothing, hun." I started to pet her on her head, and she snuggled closer to my chest. "It's just proof that you can feel, and that is the most important thing to me." I smooth her unruly golden locks of hair, and I plant a small kiss on her forehead.

"Mhnnn," she agreed. "And I'm definitely feeling something down there, Al."

Oh. Drat. She noticed. "I-ah-well--"

Erika just giggled. "Let's take care of that, hm?" she asked coyly. "I think I need to teach a certain Admiral about where his mind goes..."

"I-It's not my fault! I just-- I just have a healthy adult sex drive!"

"No you don't!" She shot back, though she was laughing before she could finish her sentence. "Come on," she said, pulling me up to my feet. "Let's go have some fun."

I wasn't sure if I should be happy or terrified.

Let's settle for a happy mix of both.

"Mhnnn," she agreed. "And I'm definitely feeling something down there, Al."
She has the rumblies in her tummy, and she will now force Al to cook for her.

Oh man, I want Hood to come over for a visit to make sure Al is treating her friend well. When she notices Erika playing WoWs, she theatrically 'dies' complete with over the top sound effects, hammy acting, and falling behind the couch after she sees Erika sink an Admiral class battlecruiser in game. Erika, of course, panics and runs over to Hood who just points at her, says 'your face!' and starts laughing. Unfortunately, Erika is ratehr put out with this and decides to unleash a devastating tickle attack upon Hood. Soon after this when they are sufficiently sweaty, flush, out of breathe, and with their hair disheveled, Al walks in. while Erika sputters about how this isn't what it looks like, Hood introduces herself and declares it is exactly what it looks like and begins the tickle battle anew. Somehow, Al gets dragged into the tickle battle as well.
Did Hood Die in the backstory of the Clusterfuck? I haven't actually got around to reading it.

I think I had Erika talking about how Hood forced her to watch Doctor Who and read Hitchiker's Guide in a game.

How does one go about doing that? Or should I track it down in the FAQs?
(color=transparent)Text(/color). Use brackets, obviously. Oh, and Hood be deader than a doornail (at least in Biggest Clusterfuck and GG). She and Bismarck got bounced by Abyssal subs while on patrol. Hood took the torpedo and succumbed to her wounds.
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Gonna do a rewrite, going along the story line of Biggest Clusterfuck.
My character has no backstory, unless I write a normal life for him XD.
Did Hood Die in the backstory of the Clusterfuck? I haven't actually got around to reading it.

I think I had Erika talking about how Hood forced her to watch Doctor Who and read Hitchiker's Guide in a game.

Could have been her talking about her memories before the war happened. I mean, they were really close before Hood did a Madoka and died for our sins died for her waifu.

They were actually in a romantic relationship, which got axed hard when Hood died.

Broke her for months. It really was after the war when she began to come out of her shell again. When Erika met Alphonse during the creation of the Report, she really was icy towards him. Al even called her the 'Ice Queen'. He does still use that nickname, albeit affectionately than literally.

After Hood's death, Erika's character can be seen as a parallel to Tabitha "Icelady" Kazanski from Strikers '89. And after Alphonse becomes friends with her, she becomes post-Tanana Ice. And then she becomes really lewd. Because foxgirls are lewd, and Bisko is a foxgirl. c:

It also helps that I'm a total Ice and Sliderfag. And Ice really is the cutest when Frank breaks the Ice.
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Kongou (Non-Clusterfuck) is basically a hyperactive ball of joy and ham. Lewdness is... moderate, but more covert. She isn't openly fond of lewds (like what's on Alphonse's hard drive), but she has been known to read doujins of herself every now and then. Regardless, she also isn't fond of coffee, either. But if she drinks the stuff, she gets more hyperactive, and can level a small town with her bare hands before her caffeine rush dies down.