Okay, putting up the amended vote blocks:

[X] Plan Something Fishy
-[X] First things first, fly up and prepare to evade.
-[X] Ask the Queen of Darkness if she intends to attack us now, and whether it won't be a violation of rules. Can't we all get along?
-[X] If she persists and tries to attack, Rico tries to burn through the chained ceiling, while Eva casts Soothing Moonlight on everything (target-by-level - SO useful) to see if anything happens.
-[X] If nothing useful happens, go to the default response of burning the queen with fire. Reserve the boost for defense just in case. Eva should see about keeping us all healed in the meantime.
-[X] Most importantly: Don't let Queen of Darkness separate you.

[] Plan Just Shoot Her
-[] First things first, fly up and prepare to evade.
-[] Ask the Queen of Darkness if she intends to attack us now, and whether it won't be a violation of rules. Can't we all get along?
-[] If she persists and tries to attack, try to burn down the Queen with maximum power and throw Eva's Scepter at her at the same time.
-[] Prepare to DODGE if it fails.
-[] Most importantly: Don't let Queen of Darkness separate you.
I don't think attacking the ceiling will help any. If talking her down fails (which it likely will), we'll fight.

Three ways we could play this:
She only has 2 APT, and we can dodge or block one if we don't attack her.
Sun is currently more durable than Moon, because of her MM and the Radiance.
So I'd like to play the first turn defensively, let Sun take the offensive position and Moon the defensive one.
If a too strong attack is incoming Sun can dodge, and the other one gets reduced by 50% via Radiance.

Go into offensive with Scorching Sunlight, one of the unknown abilities may screw us over there.
Given the flavor text, I think that likely and don't want to go there.

Attack in melee with both Sun and Moon, this is reliant on a good MM roll from Sun.
...kind of want the twins to melee her a bit. Especially since they auto-synch and deal double damage with synchronized attacks.
...kind of want the twins to melee her a bit. Especially since they auto-synch and deal double damage with synchronized attacks.
have some dice calculations for us attacking in melee:

note: this ignores our existence bonus (because we don't know how it works) and any unknown skills on the enemy side.

I suggest using the summary or roller button to get a feeling for how the melee option might go.
"Weird, this place is supposed to suppress that kind of thing. I guess there are exceptions to that rule. Thanks for telling me, anyway."
I'm guessing that by this point, the Connection is less of an ability and more the conceptual nature of their existence.

That they're closer to "single being with two bodies" than "two beings with a mental connection between them".
have some dice calculations for us attacking in melee:

note: this ignores our existence bonus (because we don't know how it works) and any unknown skills on the enemy side.

I suggest using the summary or roller button to get a feeling for how the melee option might go.
This does not count the possibility of Queen of Darkness having Intercept, very high melee damage, and/or Slayer abilities she can use on us.
I'm guessing that by this point, the Connection is less of an ability and more the conceptual nature of their existence.

That they're closer to "single being with two bodies" than "two beings with a mental connection between them".
there certainly are still differences between the twins (spiders!!), they are likely to lessen with time though.
have some dice calculations for us attacking in melee:

note: this ignores our existence bonus (because we don't know how it works) and any unknown skills on the enemy side.

I suggest using the summary or roller button to get a feeling for how the melee option might go.
Nearly one shots the queen. Of course, that's best case scenario dice wise, but still, even the average gives a two shot.
*sees change in thoughts* ...ok, this is creepy as hell. It was originally yellow text for Rico's input. ...now it's black for whenever Rico tries to bump in..for both of them.
...ok, yeah, no. Their personalities are completely merging. Unless the Rico text isn't supposed to be white.

I don't want Absolute Connection. Could make them invincible, still don't want. We've gone to far down this rabbit hole.
Reminder that the first level of the connection boosted the link. The second level gave them control over it. The third level boosted it.

The fourth level should be to control it. It's more imperative to get it sooner.
Complete Connection
-Anything that one experiences, the other knows about, making them more difficult to surprise. The twins are capable of auto-synchronising attacks against the same target; Total Damage from such synchronisation is doubled
-Capable of pooling ApT for using Skilled, Skillful Dodge or any of their derivatives
Nice. Good for doubling up.
Also the Super Ability is revealed!
Absolute Connection
-Complete Connection
-650 EXP
Replaces Complete Connection and upgrades it

You do not bother her while she eats and join Rico in looking around instead. It smells like your garden, but you can not see or hear any insects. No flies or bees or bumblebees or spiders...

No spiders! Eva, stop!
But spiders are cute...
Nope, they aren't!

Rico is a spoilsport. You really don't get why she doesn't like spiders.
What if the spider is fluffy?
She brings tokens into order and shuffles a few more times, then sets the cards down before taking a sip from her juice. You do the same and -orange! That's orange juice! Cold and sweet and nice!
Distracting? Not sure why is Rico being reprimanded a bit here.
Health: 2,500
Base Damage: ???
Base Resilience: 200
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Rule | Darkness
Health and Resilience wise she's...okay I guess. Not too hard to take there.
Light Eater
Level 2
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Darkness
Ability: ??? | ???
This sounds like it might have Lightslayer, and both our girls(and everything they do) are light affinity based stuff due to Sun and Moon
Night has Fallen
When the sun leaves you behind and only a pale moon is left to illuminate your path, all is lost. Fear the dark, my friend.
Level 1
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: Darkness
Ability: ???
And this sounds like its something to split up the duo.

Or it could just be flavor text, in which case I think the simplest should be:

[X] Plan Let There Be Light
-[X] Stick close together.
-[X] If she is close, do a combined melee attack to knock her back.
-[X] If there is space, use Scorching Sunlight, then rush her in melee.

No reason to bend our strategy when we're too undeveloped to even have a viable plan B
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Reminder that the first level of the connection boosted the link. The second level gave them control over it. The third level boosted it.
Remember, it was Comtrolled Comnection to Advanced Connection. Advanced Connection boosted the Connection. Just like how Complete Connection just boosted it further. Your thought process must have slightly misremembered that progression.

Although, I do like your plan.

[X] Plan Let There Be Light
-[X] Stick close together.
-[X] If she is close, do a combined melee attack to knock her back.
-[X] If there is space, use Scorching Sunlight, then rush her in melee.
-[X] Try to take her down without killing her
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I get the feeling that attacking here is actually a trap. That this "game" is a Secret Test of Character. I get the feeling that every aspect of this battlefield is a metaphor for something.

If so, keep in mind that the twins expressed frustration earlier that the multiple choice section of the test forbid them from using a write-in response to achieve an Everyone Wins outcome. Now it would be the free response section, so it's their chance to try to take advantage of the change in rules.

Instead of attacking the Queen, perhaps do something like attack the environment? Something like this.

[ ] You don't like this game. Games should be about everyone having fun, not facing situations where every option is bad.
-[ ] Cast Scorching Sunlight at the chained ceiling. Break the chains that restrain your freedom and bring light to this world of darkness.
--[ ] Show your Determination to prove that Love really can conquer hate, prejudice, and fear.

I could be reading too much into this, but this whole update feels like Hand of Fate is testing us with a giant metaphor for the places magical girls stand in the world, to see which of those places we represent at heart.

If so, we need to prove to her that we don't accept any of the pre-existing answers and have the determination to make things better.
It is actually the fact that Two Minds Joined In Harmony explicitely states it can not be interrupted.
Doesn't really change my point. Abilities generally don't get that type of clause without a reason. Everything about the ability seems to be pointing towards them becoming more and more of a single metaphysical entity (but still two distinct physical entities) over time.
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Doesn't really change my point. Abilities generally don't get that type of clause without a reason.
Not commenting on anything else you said about it, but the mechanical reason I put it in is because having the connection severed is something you really do not want. That would basically reduce Eva and Rico to vegetables until it gets active again.

I did not want to give anyone such an easy way to beat the twins.
Naron, I have a question. Do we have to specify about not going for the kill in the plan? Because I see it as too out of character for the twins to fight to kill at this point.
Naron, I have a question. Do we have to specify about not going for the kill in the plan? Because I see it as too out of character for the twins to fight to kill at this point.
The Queen just told them that they do not die even if they are killed in this arena. Obviously, the same goes for their opponent as well.
If you want to take her down without killing her, you have to specify.
The Queen just told them that they do not die even if they are killed in this arena. Obviously, the same goes for their opponent as well.
If you want to take her down without killing her, you have to specify.
Ok. I did so since even with that reassurance the twins probably aren't comfortable with the idea of using lethal force. Especially Rico.
So.......does nobody want to comment on the possibility of this entire game being one giant metaphor? A trick that Hand of Fate is playing on us?
So.......does nobody want to comment on the possibility of this entire game being one giant metaphor? A trick that Hand of Fate is playing on us?
*Shrug* Seemed fairly obvious.

... I just realized how broken Radiance is. It's not "Reduce end damage" it's "Reduce incoming damage."

It applies before literally any other damage reducers and resilience.

I mean, we don't have too much in the way to take advantage of it yet, but...
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*Shrug* Seemed fairly obvious.

... I just realized how broken Radiance is. It's not "Reduce end damage" it's "Reduce incoming damage."

It applies before literally any other damage reducers and resilience.

I mean, we don't have too much in the way to take advantage of it yet, but...
If it is a giant metaphor though, isn't responding to it in a metaphorical way appropriate? That treating the queen as an enemy to defeat is the wrong answer?
If it is a giant metaphor though, isn't responding to it in a metaphorical way appropriate? That treating the queen as an enemy to defeat is the wrong answer?
I can't really care. She just challenged us to a Shadow Game for all intents and purposes and I can't help but fret over what happens when we lose.

As far as I care Fate can go fuck off and the sooner she's gone the better.