Lex Mechanica

Maybe get some scans and blood from the tech marine aspirants? As a long turn study and non invasive attempt to improve baseline humans
Space Marines tend to take offense to people, Tech Priest or otherwise, poking at their genomes. The tithe on gene seed is one thing but actually tampering with things is another. Doubly so since these guys are Blood Angle successors and have a few genetic flaws they would like to keep quiet.
Yeah, it would be a problem against military enemies, but against ramshackle Pirates ? They work rather well.
And they don't need fuel to work, as the solar panels solve that
TIEs do need fuel, just very little(like mass effect weapons need ammo) but the main entrance and exit warp points tend to be near the edge of the systems so less light for solar panels, they probably need to recharge a battery on their host ship
Ok, just updated the coalition for my party, Bearers of the Beacon, to the following: Society of the Living Alloy, Adeptus Sustainus, COSASG, Clockwork Uplink, Illuminated Mechanicus
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Besides that anyone have any good ideas for genetics/biology projects?

I got a few ideas if you wanna hear them:
-Continue experimentation on the Burning Witch Root-- trying to neutralise its regenerative properties once the meat is separated from the Grox for packaging
-(Going with the Phosphex idea) Experiment with the Redbark Tree Sap, see how we can weaponize it with incendiaries
-Dren brains are mentioned to have more uses-- some of those being the creation of 'void shields.' With a large enough array/collection of Dren brains stitched together, perhaps we can make a void shield around the forgecity to protect it from harm
-The Dren are (apparently) unnatural creations of mass biomancy-- its only logical to assume they would have the same 'base' structure. Perhaps their creators left behind an unseen weakness in their genetic code-- something we might be able to take advantage of should we need to fabricate a virus to rid the Dark Lands of the Dren (worse case scenario)-- but first we need to know more about their genetic structure
-The Dren are products of mass biomancy-- what else is unnatural on this planet? Begin cataloguing all flora and fauna on this planet and begin examinations to see if any other species has been irrevocably altered
-Obligatory Lava Worm breeding programs/Try and slow the rate at which Lava Worms grow-- maybe try and see if we can make their growth start to slow the older they get so they don't become unmanageable / make them expel more of the minerals they consume so they don't grow as much
--More Lava Worm research-- see if there's anything that repels them-- certain frequencies, certain minerals, certain smells? Find out what repulses them, such that the most inhabited sections of the forgecity can be warded from them
@LordEdric any chance you will help me establish some Genetor facilities on your astroid bases next turn? After all The Society of the Living Alloy has been friends with your party since the start.
Besides that anyone have any good ideas for genetics/biology projects?
Any chance for you to help me by setting up Dren cloning genetor Black-labs?
Would probably help my plank 1/Outreach option (using hostile/bred Dren psyker to develop psy-out grenade production).
Considering the rumblings in the universe, psyk-out weapons could have a spike of demand soon.
the arch-Arsonist on the run: the vile warboss has called a Waagh for our sector, hopefully, our sector battlefleet will teach that green menace a lesson.

-[X] 1: Set the black-labs to researching making anti-psyker weapons/items from Dren. If they look promising + stable outside Sidonia, reach out to our contacts from last turn for field testing. Ave Omnissiah, the Waagh must and will be defeated!
-[X] 2: Set up Genetor Black-labs for production of psyker Dren for research+production of psyker based products.

-[X] Outreach: Use the Black-labs to research production of psyout grenades from hostile Dren psykers.

Only difference is I don't want to stop growing it as long as we have mined asteroids to us. And empty extra one can be like ablative shields(slap a few engines and guns). Also, government actions will be used to expand the Forge world space docks to build ships for the Mechanus fleet or home world defense fleets.
Leave some for our Black-Labs, ok?
It would be ridiculous to not isolate the Laboratories with hostile psykers and random mined asteroids are perfect. Issues get too big? Welcome to the vacuum of space... and the business end of enough firepower to destroy the asteroid.
Space Marines tend to take offense to people, Tech Priest or otherwise, poking at their genomes. The tithe on gene seed is one thing but actually tampering with things is another. Doubly so since these guys are Blood Angle successors and have a few genetic flaws they would like to keep quiet.
I'm not saying make a space marine, they have too much warp stuff and crazy DAOT stuff for us to even start. I want to compare them to humans and see where we can make minor changes, like humans with more muscle mass or better memory.

Or, play around with gene modded plants for food

Or something that can grow on our lava world
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TIEs do need fuel, just very little(like mass effect weapons need ammo) but the main entrance and exit warp points tend to be near the edge of the systems so less light for solar panels, they probably need to recharge a battery on their host ship
I mean still is better for a lot of Worlds, like a world that has a aircraft wing is rare, like almost all of them don't have, like your average agriworld or civilized one, like heck this is our selling point being dirt cheap to buy and even more cheap to upkeep, and like even if they don't have a bomber variant, even a single strafe run of lasgun shots will do wonders for the morale of Imperial trops and will destabilize of any wanabe pirate, because ""oh shit they do have planes"" even if it is shittiers ones, but when you have 1 million of shit planes they do the job ok enought.
Leave some for our Black-Labs, ok?
It would be ridiculous to not isolate the Laboratories with hostile psykers and random mined asteroids are perfect. Issues get too big? Welcome to the vacuum of space... and the business end of enough firepower to destroy the asteroid.
Ok new idea, 1 main base with agri complexes for you guys to grow gene modded plants, and where the docks and storage of spare parts will be. Plus some big lab computers for you to run simulations on(reserve time on it, bribes mean you move ahead of que) Then some moderate sized rail hubs asteroids connected to the main base by lines a kilometer or 2 out. Then small bases will have lines connected to the rail hub. So like star bursts shapes. The small labs will have self destructs and be detachable, and weapons on the rail hubs will be pointed at small labs. The main base will also be able to detach the rail hub as needed. One side will have anything to do with the warp, or Xenos. The other side will be human tech only. Not true black site, but more stuff you don't want to build on a planet. Hopefully small size should make it easier to keep any chaos or crazy Xeno stuff contained.

Next turn my faction will build the main structure, you guys do your own outreach to rent the space from me and move in your own gear for the labs. My faction has gain much space construction experience, but we don't really do much bio tech or gene work outside replacing body parts with machines.
Ok new idea, 1 main base with agri complexes for you guys to grow gene modded plants, and where the docks and storage of spare parts will be. Plus some big lab computers for you to run simulations on(reserve time on it, bribes mean you move ahead of que) Then some moderate sized rail hubs asteroids connected to the main base by lines a kilometer or 2 out. Then small bases will have lines connected to the rail hub. So like star bursts shapes. The small labs will have self destructs and be detachable, and weapons on the rail hubs will be pointed at small labs. The main base will also be able to detach the rail hub as needed. One side will have anything to do with the warp, or Xenos. The other side will be human tech only. Not true black site, but more stuff you don't want to build on a planet. Hopefully small size should make it easier to keep any chaos or crazy Xeno stuff contained.

Next turn my faction will build the main structure, you guys do your own outreach to rent the space from me and move in your own gear for the labs. My faction has gain much space construction experience, but we don't really do much bio tech or gene work outside replacing body parts with machines.
Sounds good.
If you want to have a structure of as many asteroids as possible, that would be a good compromise.
Sounds good.
If you want to have a structure of as many asteroids as possible, that would be a good compromise.
I want to make a network of asteroid bases that will end up looking like a shattered moon that had it's core removed and the shell pieced back together. It will house my personal fleet in a few hundred years and be very hard to destroy and it is in pieces so you would be attacking 1 base after the other. Maybe I should give it warp engines and move it to Cadia and start selling weapons there?
where are the seekers and their usually successful plan? I might actually win this round

also, how much mining and construction on my base is done in the background while my main members are running the government, if I win?
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[X]Plan: This little light of mine

Lord's plan, once again, being basicly exactly what i would otherwise propose. It shouldnt be surpising, but it always is
Honestly life has me a bit burnt out rn, any other seekers interested in making a plan? All I request is that it does have some tech heresy in it
Okay, well, I don't want the Seekers to have to start from scratch, so I'll pull together a plan myself, though I'll probably just nab planks from whatever I like.

[X] Continuing to Seek improvement
- [X] Party: Seekers of the Omnissiah
- [X] Coalition:
-- [X] Yes: The Lighthouse of Humanity, Clockwork Uplink, Adeptus Sustainus, Society of the Living Alloy, Bearers of the Beacon
-- [X] No: Cogs of Justice
- [X] Planks:
-- [X] 1: Setting up Black Sites. We have been blessed by the Omnissiah that nothing has gone horribly wrong with our study on the Drens and their psyker abilities. With the discovery of more powerful Drens from the Dark Lands, that's no longer a certainty. The project seeks to construct mainly two Black Sites. One on the planet to keep whatever psykers and psy-reactive materials we find on the planet. The second in space as either a asteroid base or space station so that we have an isolated location to properly study them without the risking the rest of the planet to violent psyker phenomenon. If we can also hide them so the Puritan Inquisitors can't find them and harass us about them, all the better.
-- [X] 2: (Sidonia Habitation Authority) Institute the creation of the 'Sidonia Habitation Authority'-- a meritocratic government department created for the purposes of managing Habblocks, ensuring a constant standard of living for inhabitants of the Habblock-- notably, in that EVERYONE, mutant or xeno, menial or magi, zealot or heretic, has a place to stay-- to be safe from the hardship of life on Sidonia-- to have protection from the elements and the dangers of potential instability in the Forgecity. To ensure this, however, the 'Habitation Authority' must first define these standards. The 'Habitation Authority' is designated with ensuring that all Habblocks are structurally secure, that power distribution remains uninterrupted at all times, that proper sanitation facilities are made available, and that all inhabitants of the habblocks have access AT MINIMUM, to the nutrients they need to survive and clean water with which they can quench their thirst (In the case of servitors or those that are augmented, the facilities in which they could be provided maintenance and repair for their mechanical augments), and be 'free' from biological ailments (disease). In order to ensure these standards are met- the 'Habitation Authority' is granted the authority to implement rationing if need be (to ensure there is enough food), diverting/rationing power from nonessential systems (consumer products), cordoning off sections of the Habblock for routine maintenance, routine maintenanceof the Habblock's facilities, semi-annual examinations of the Habblock to ensure it is up to standards, annual (staggered) medical examinations for the inhabitants of the Habblock, and the authority to condemn a Habblock should it fail to meet these standards-- which would result in a full-indepth examination of the Habblock for issues in addition to reassignment of the personnel within the department managing that Habblock.
-- [X] 3: Set up a organization that investigates and looks into any xeno and Chaos threats in the system. Omnibus Videntibus Oculis (OVO), the All-Seeing Eye. While they aren't completely defenseless, they won't be heavily armed in comparison to the Skittari. Instead they will have to call upon and rely on the military for any threats that are larger than what they can handle. Additional checks and balances will be put in place so one organization doesn't have the ability to play judge, jury, and executioner. This should hopefully delay the Collegiate Extremis from sending people over if it looks like we're able to handle security on our own.
-- [X] 4: Create cloning facilities to produce the biological components for servitors to make up for the growing labor shortage.
-- [X] 5: To improve the information planners and the voting public have on citizens of the forge, implement a registration that encompasses all voters including baseline humans, augmented humans, abhumans and mutants. Offer material incentives like food and clothing to get the bulk of the population to support the initiative and make it easier to use force on the holdouts. The main objectives are to gather data from overall health to the number and purpose of an individual's augments for the logisticians to take into account and for the voting public to know more about their fellow voters and candidates.
- [X] Outreach:
--[X] Attempt to raise your standing among Genetors.

So, all of these planks are just taken from other parties and rearranged into what feels like a fitting order to me, mainly because I don't have a ton of time. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to post (especially for outreach, I'd like to word that a bit better).

Additionally, @KingCrimson1081 , is there any particular reason why you're excluding the Seekers? I feel like our planks align a decent amount, and so I've included the Society of the Living Alloy as a potential coalition partner for now.
Eh it's a bit moderate for me (Black sites instead of out in the open, the thingy seeking out chaos and xeno threats) but it'll have to do, next round I should be back on my feet and ready to make a really radical one

[X] Continuing to Seek improvement
Okay, well, I don't want the Seekers to have to start from scratch, so I'll pull together a plan myself, though I'll probably just nab planks from whatever I like.

[X] Continuing to Seek improvement
- [X] Party: Seekers of the Omnissiah
- [X] Coalition:
-- [X] Yes: The Lighthouse of Humanity, Clockwork Uplink, Adeptus Sustainus, Society of the Living Alloy, Bearers of the Beacon
-- [X] No: Cogs of Justice
- [X] Planks:
-- [X] 1: Setting up Black Sites. We have been blessed by the Omnissiah that nothing has gone horribly wrong with our study on the Drens and their psyker abilities. With the discovery of more powerful Drens from the Dark Lands, that's no longer a certainty. The project seeks to construct mainly two Black Sites. One on the planet to keep whatever psykers and psy-reactive materials we find on the planet. The second in space as either a asteroid base or space station so that we have an isolated location to properly study them without the risking the rest of the planet to violent psyker phenomenon. If we can also hide them so the Puritan Inquisitors can't find them and harass us about them, all the better.
-- [X] 2: (Sidonia Habitation Authority) Institute the creation of the 'Sidonia Habitation Authority'-- a meritocratic government department created for the purposes of managing Habblocks, ensuring a constant standard of living for inhabitants of the Habblock-- notably, in that EVERYONE, mutant or xeno, menial or magi, zealot or heretic, has a place to stay-- to be safe from the hardship of life on Sidonia-- to have protection from the elements and the dangers of potential instability in the Forgecity. To ensure this, however, the 'Habitation Authority' must first define these standards. The 'Habitation Authority' is designated with ensuring that all Habblocks are structurally secure, that power distribution remains uninterrupted at all times, that proper sanitation facilities are made available, and that all inhabitants of the habblocks have access AT MINIMUM, to the nutrients they need to survive and clean water with which they can quench their thirst (In the case of servitors or those that are augmented, the facilities in which they could be provided maintenance and repair for their mechanical augments), and be 'free' from biological ailments (disease). In order to ensure these standards are met- the 'Habitation Authority' is granted the authority to implement rationing if need be (to ensure there is enough food), diverting/rationing power from nonessential systems (consumer products), cordoning off sections of the Habblock for routine maintenance, routine maintenanceof the Habblock's facilities, semi-annual examinations of the Habblock to ensure it is up to standards, annual (staggered) medical examinations for the inhabitants of the Habblock, and the authority to condemn a Habblock should it fail to meet these standards-- which would result in a full-indepth examination of the Habblock for issues in addition to reassignment of the personnel within the department managing that Habblock.
-- [X] 3: Set up a organization that investigates and looks into any xeno and Chaos threats in the system. Omnibus Videntibus Oculis (OVO), the All-Seeing Eye. While they aren't completely defenseless, they won't be heavily armed in comparison to the Skittari. Instead they will have to call upon and rely on the military for any threats that are larger than what they can handle. Additional checks and balances will be put in place so one organization doesn't have the ability to play judge, jury, and executioner. This should hopefully delay the Collegiate Extremis from sending people over if it looks like we're able to handle security on our own.
-- [X] 4: Create cloning facilities to produce the biological components for servitors to make up for the growing labor shortage.
-- [X] 5: To improve the information planners and the voting public have on citizens of the forge, implement a registration that encompasses all voters including baseline humans, augmented humans, abhumans and mutants. Offer material incentives like food and clothing to get the bulk of the population to support the initiative and make it easier to use force on the holdouts. The main objectives are to gather data from overall health to the number and purpose of an individual's augments for the logisticians to take into account and for the voting public to know more about their fellow voters and candidates.
- [X] Outreach:
--[X] Attempt to raise your standing among Genetors.

So, all of these planks are just taken from other parties and rearranged into what feels like a fitting order to me, mainly because I don't have a ton of time. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to post (especially for outreach, I'd like to word that a bit better).

Additionally, @KingCrimson1081 , is there any particular reason why you're excluding the Seekers? I feel like our planks align a decent amount, and so I've included the Society of the Living Alloy as a potential coalition partner for now.
A reasonable Plan by the Seekers!
A miracle of the Omnissiah.
Gonna change my coalition settings to allow Seekers this turn.