Lex Mechanica

Prospective plan for this turn, thoughts @Chipsy_21 regarding action 2 (Your proposed idea for housing standards)?

[ ]- Digging' a hole!
-[] Party: Adeptus Sustainus
-[] Party represents: Logi, Artisans
-[] Coalition:
--[] Yes: All parties not listed in no
--[] No: Any party increasing importation or reliance on external entities for resources; Any party that *openly* advocates for *freely* sending technology/knowledge originating from the Pandora Device to sovereign organizations beyond the bounds of Sidonia *without* the consent of the ruling legislative coalition.

-[] Ideology: Formed close to a decade and a half ago from a collective of the Logi, the Adeptus Sustainus is focused predominatly on the self-sustainability of the Forgeworld first and foremost. These ideas primarily extend towards reducing imports, and thus, minimizing reliance on the benevolence of outside entities, and the creation of a 'District' system to ensure that elements of the Forgecity itself are self-sufficient (at least, with regards to power supply, nutrition, and housing at the moment). The Adeptus Sustainus does not particularly care who they work with, Xeno or Imperial, Heretic or Zealot- so long as the Forgeworld continues to grow and becomes self-sustaining.

-[] 1: (Geothermal Power Plants) Begin excavation of the land beneath each habblock for the creation of Geothermal Power Plants, harnessing the magma of the planet to make up for the lack of space for proper Plasma Reactors. Ensure that this excavation and the construction of the Geothermal Power Plants is done in such a way that continued expansion/excavation into the subterranean beneath the habblocks is feasible. (For some of the outlying Habblocks, less inhabited or still under construction, attempt to trial using the Lava Worms of Sidonia for the initial excavation-- such Lava Worms are (of course), to be relocated away from the (still in construction) Habblocks before they can reach four years of maturity (although this ceiling can be raised to five years for uninhabited and still in construction Habblocks.
-[] 2: (Habitationi Auctoritate) Institute the creation of the 'Habitationi Auctoritate'-- a meritocratic government department created for the purposes of managing Habblocks, ensuring a constant standard of living for inhabitants of the Habblock-- notably, in that EVERYONE, mutant or xeno, menial or magi, zealot or heretic, has a place to stay-- to be safe from the hardship of life on Sidonia-- to have protection from the elements and the dangers of potential instability in the Forgecity. To ensure this, however, the 'Habitationi Auctoritate' must first define these standards. The 'Habitationi Auctoritate' is designated with ensuring that all Habblocks are structurally secure, that power distribution remains uninterrupted at all times, that proper sanitation facilities are made available, and that all inhabitants of the habblocks have access AT MINIMUM, to the nutrients they need to survive and clean water with which they can quench their thirst (In the case of servitors or those that are augmented, the facilities in which they could be provided maintenance and repair for their mechanical augments), and be 'free' from biological ailments (disease). In order to ensure these standards are met- the 'Habitationi Auctoritate' is granted the authority to implement rationing if need be (to ensure there is enough food), diverting/rationing power from nonessential systems (consumer products), cordoning off sections of the Habblock for routine maintenance, routine maintenanceof the Habblock's facilities, semi-annual examinations of the Habblock to ensure it is up to standards, annual (staggered) medical examinations for the inhabitants of the Habblock, and the authority to condemn a Habblock should it fail to meet these standards-- which would result in a full-indepth examination of the Habblock for issues in addition to reassignment of the personnel within the department managing that Habblock.
-[] 3: (Manufacturing) Begin the creation of a host of new forges dedicated purely for the manufacturing of both Ceramite (to expand the forgecity's Magma sieves) and Saturnite (as a potential alternative for the Forgecity's (present) lack of Adamantium).
-[] 4: (Mining) Following in the footsteps of Magistrix Metallurgicus Luminar 0-XU, begin the creation of additional mobile Habblocks to rove Sidonia's surface for rare metals and mineral deposits, so as to supplement the forgecity's growing need for raw materials-- something somewhat stymied by the current inability to expand the Magma sieves.
-[] 5: (Bomb Shelters) Begin the additional excavation of space beneath the Habblocks for the creation of Bunker Complexes-- moreso, 'Bomb Shelters' in the event that should the Forgecity itself comes under orbital bombardment or Omnissiah forbid-- invasion, the inhabitants of the Forgecity can take shelter from the fighting.

-[] Outreach: (Urban Planning) Reach out to the Artisans, more specifically, the Forgeworld's architects, and attempt to form a committee for the (general) standardization of designs in a (general) blocklike format, such that urban planning can be more easily done by making these elements of the Forgecity modular and more easily scalable as the Forgecity continues to expand.
My ideas or suggestions

TIE fighters lascanon on Lehman Russ tank

TIE fighters lascannon use to improve are las tech to make lasgun patterns that have better range

TIE fighters aspects turned to cybernetics ion engine miniaturized to power cybernetics

Longer range hellgun powered by ion engine
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[X] Plan: Guns and Forges
-[X] Party Name: The Steel Cult
-[X] Party Represents: The Logi, The Artisans, The Chaff
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Holy Machine Faction, Cogs of Justice, Society of the Living Alloy, Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus.
No: Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Construct a great manufactorum complex to kickstart war equipment production, emphasize the defensive capabilities of such buildings. The Orks are close, we must be ready.
-[X] 2: Quickly expand operations to erase the extremely dangerous hostile Dren population. Utilize all assets to end this as soon as possible. Firebombing, gasses, plasma or rad-weapons it does not matter. We need to finish this now, its getting way too dangerous. Deploy everything.
-[X] 3: Construct a heavy vehicles forge, for the production of the standard templates of tanks and chimera variants. It can also produce industrial machines for the transport of raw materials.
-[X] 4: Have trusted Artisans in our weapon design bureau explore better Saturnite use in both armor and ammunition production. Have them also collaborate with the Society of the Living Alloy most capable Genetors to explore the viability of using the newly discovered "Redbark tree sap" as a viable mass produced weapon. This burning wonder weapon would be a godsend against the Dren and Ork menace.
-[X] 5: Construct the first Plasma Reactor of our Forgeworld. We currently lack power to enact great works.
-[X] Outreach: The Steel Cult will begin to construct a mighty underground bunker base/manofactotum/temple among the factories of the industrial sector of our forgeworld to work and pray to the Machine God. A most sacred place.
Voting aint open yet my guy. I appreciate the enthusiasm though.
[X] Plan: Protect Nature
-[X] Party: Society of the Living Alloy
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice, Sect of the holy lightning inspiration, Holy machine faction. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Construct fortifications around the Dark Lands to protect against hostile xenos and a station to send forth armed survey teams.
-[X] 2: Build deep bunkers on both Sidonia and the Forest Moon in case of an invasion along with anti-orbital defense systems.
-[X] 3: Create cloning facilities to produce the biological components for servitors to make up for the growing labor shortage.
-[X] 4: Create a 'Green Rangers' specialist force of Skittarii focusing on forest/jungle warfare using data gained from the campaigns on the forest moon. Said specialist force will also focus on biological augments and chemical/toxin weaponry in order to go long periods without maintenance or repair.
--[X] Take brain scans of veteran Skitarii so their knowledge and experience can be properly passed down to this new unit.
-[X] 5: Expand the gene temple on the Forest Moon with facilities dedicated to more specialized Genetor fields of study. Such as botany, chemystry, genetics, biology, and medicine.
-[X] Outreach: Expand genetic research facilities on the Forest Moon building them underground so as to not interfere with the natural environment.
[X] Plan: Guns and Forges
-[X] Party Name: The Steel Cult
-[X] Party Represents: The Logi, The Artisans, The Chaff
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Holy Machine Faction, Cogs of Justice, Society of the Living Alloy, Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus.
No: Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Construct a great manufactorum complex to kickstart war equipment production, emphasize the defensive capabilities of such buildings. The Orks are close, we must be ready.
-[X] 2: Quickly expand operations to erase the extremely dangerous hostile Dren population. Utilize all assets to end this as soon as possible. Firebombing, gasses, plasma or rad-weapons it does not matter. We need to finish this now, its getting way too dangerous. Deploy everything.
-[X] 3: Construct a heavy vehicles forge, for the production of the standard templates of tanks and chimera variants. It can also produce industrial machines for the transport of raw materials.
-[X] 4: Have trusted Artisans in our weapon design bureau explore better Saturnite use in both armor and ammunition production. Have them also collaborate with the Society of the Living Alloy most capable Genetors to explore the viability of using the newly discovered "Redbark tree sap" as a viable mass produced weapon. This burning wonder weapon would be a godsend against the Dren and Ork menace.
-[X] 5: Construct the first Plasma Reactor of our Forgeworld. We currently lack power to enact great works.
-[X] Outreach: The Steel Cult will begin to construct a mighty underground bunker base/manufactorum/temple among the factories of the industrial sector of our forgeworld to work and pray to the Machine God. A most sacred place.
[X] Plan: Still trying to Expand our Industry
-[X] Party Name: Holy Machine Faction
-[X] Coalition: Name: Glory of the Omnissiah Goals: Build up our Forge world to create wonders
--[X] Invited to Join: Society of the Living Alloy, Cogs of Justice, Steel Cult, Adeptus Sustainus, COSASG
--[X] Not: Seekers of the Omnissiah, excessive xenos tech-only human tech is holy
-[X] 1: Begin construction of the new Holy TIE Fighter, with a few weapons packages for other missions, energy based only(available space issues). Its speed could make it a good scout for the battles on the moon and its size would make fielding hundreds a simple task for any ship with a hanger. We can also test the accuracy of our Fighters on land targets by having them hit enemy Dren forces and towns.
-[X] 2: Begin construction of a new factorium to produce Naquada. The large size of the factory and need for vast quantities of raw material means building it in space where our expanding space mining operations can supply its needs. Once production begins, we can also do testing of the material's uses in space where accidents wont be too damaging to our limited infrastructure.
-[X] 3: Establish a second Forge City on Sidonia. With the new Holy factory and TIE designs and possible dangers nearby, we need more factories and mining to feed them, so a new City would be a good start for it.
-[X] 4: Construct a heavy vehicles forge, for the production of the standard templates of tanks and chimera variants. It can also produce industrial machines for the transport of raw materials. These vehicles can be field tested against the Dren as some of their more powerful Psykers could be good stand ins for the Great Enemy's summoned forces.
-[X] 5: Begin consolidating a series of ledgers to take an accounting of the Forgeworld's production, such that any deficits or drops in production can be preempted before the forge runs into critical shortages of materials. Plus with Naquada needing more materials than normal factorums we will really need to start budgeting.
-[X] Outreach: Praise the Holy Machine as yet another Template has been bestowed upon us. Woe to the Holy Machine Faction as our base is not yet large enough produce this new Sacred mineral, but instead, we will focus on the previous Template. The TIE fighter has many new and novel machines that can be used to upgrade the Faction's space base. For example, the TIE's solar panels are impressive, and some larger ones could provide cheap energy in non combat situations. The longer range Las weapons would make great axillary base weapons as the base has the space for additional cooling systems, fixing the heating issue. Finally, the growing number of emptied asteroids could be used to house squadrons of TIEs. Therefor, we will focus this term's efforts on expanding the defenses of our base over expanding the industry.
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I guess I'll just repost it; Lemme know if any of you all have feedback on the plan

[X]- Digging' a hole!
-[X] Party: Adeptus Sustainus
-[X] Party represents: Logi, Artisans
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: Holy Machine Faction, Seekers of the Omnissiah, The Lighthouse of Humanity, Bearers of the Beacon, COSASG
--[X] No: Cogs of Justice (Only this turn— sent Pandora Device knowledge freely to Mars without parliamentary consent)

-[X] Ideology: Formed close to a decade and a half ago from a collective of the Logi, the Adeptus Sustainus is focused predominatly on the self-sustainability of the Forgeworld first and foremost. These ideas primarily extend towards reducing imports, and thus, minimizing reliance on the benevolence of outside entities, and the creation of a 'District' system to ensure that elements of the Forgecity itself are self-sufficient (at least, with regards to power supply, nutrition, and housing at the moment). The Adeptus Sustainus does not particularly care who they work with, Xeno or Imperial, Heretic or Zealot- so long as the Forgeworld continues to grow and becomes self-sustaining.

-[X] 1: (Geothermal Power Plants) Begin excavation of the land beneath each habblock for the creation of Geothermal Power Plants, harnessing the magma of the planet to make up for the lack of space for proper Plasma Reactors. Ensure that this excavation and the construction of the Geothermal Power Plants is done in such a way that continued expansion/excavation into the subterranean beneath the habblocks is feasible. (For some of the outlying Habblocks, less inhabited or still under construction, attempt to trial using the Lava Worms of Sidonia for the initial excavation-- such Lava Worms are (of course), to be relocated away from the (still in construction) Habblocks before they can reach four years of maturity (although this ceiling can be raised to five years for uninhabited and still in construction Habblocks.
-[X] 2: (Sidonia Habitation Authority) Institute the creation of the 'Sidonia Habitation Authority'-- a meritocratic government department created for the purposes of managing Habblocks, ensuring a constant standard of living for inhabitants of the Habblock-- notably, in that EVERYONE, mutant or xeno, menial or magi, zealot or heretic, has a place to stay-- to be safe from the hardship of life on Sidonia-- to have protection from the elements and the dangers of potential instability in the Forgecity. To ensure this, however, the 'Habitation Authority' must first define these standards. The 'Habitation Authority' is designated with ensuring that all Habblocks are structurally secure, that power distribution remains uninterrupted at all times, that proper sanitation facilities are made available, and that all inhabitants of the habblocks have access AT MINIMUM, to the nutrients they need to survive and clean water with which they can quench their thirst (In the case of servitors or those that are augmented, the facilities in which they could be provided maintenance and repair for their mechanical augments), and be 'free' from biological ailments (disease). In order to ensure these standards are met- the 'Habitation Authority' is granted the authority to implement rationing if need be (to ensure there is enough food), diverting/rationing power from nonessential systems (consumer products), cordoning off sections of the Habblock for routine maintenance, routine maintenanceof the Habblock's facilities, semi-annual examinations of the Habblock to ensure it is up to standards, annual (staggered) medical examinations for the inhabitants of the Habblock, and the authority to condemn a Habblock should it fail to meet these standards-- which would result in a full-indepth examination of the Habblock for issues in addition to reassignment of the personnel within the department managing that Habblock.
-[X] 3: (Manufacturing) Begin the creation of a host of new forges dedicated purely for the manufacturing of both Ceramite (to expand the forgecity's Magma sieves) and Saturnite (as a potential alternative for the Forgecity's (present) lack of Adamantium).
-[X] 4: (Mining) Following in the footsteps of Magistrix Metallurgicus Luminar 0-XU, begin the creation of additional mobile Habblocks to rove Sidonia's surface for rare metals and mineral deposits, so as to supplement the forgecity's growing need for raw materials-- something somewhat stymied by the current inability to expand the Magma sieves.
-[X] 5: (Bomb Shelters) Begin the additional excavation of space beneath the Habblocks for the creation of Bunker Complexes-- moreso, 'Bomb Shelters' in the event that should the Forgecity itself comes under orbital bombardment or Omnissiah forbid-- invasion, the inhabitants of the Forgecity can take shelter from the fighting.

-[X] Outreach: (Urban Planning) Reach out to the Artisans, more specifically, the Forgeworld's architects, and attempt to form a committee for the (general) standardization of designs in a (general) blocklike format, such that urban planning can be more easily done by making these elements of the Forgecity modular and more easily scalable as the Forgecity continues to expand.

EDIT: [For action 2, changed the name from 'Habitationi Auctoritate' to Sidonia Habitation Authority']

EDIT 2: [Updated Coalition yes/no, per QM's request that we specify who we wish to coalition with instead of leaving it as any]

EDIT 3: [Last second change for coalition switch between Holy Machine Faction and Clockwork Uplink to prevent conflicts of interest between Seekers and Holy Machine Faction]

EDIT 4: [Reverted Coalition edit, too close to vote conclusion]
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[X] Plan: More Data. Again.
-[X] Party Name: Clockwork Uplink
-[X] Party represents: Logi and Artisans

-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: Seekers of the Omnissiah, The Lighthouse of Humanity, Adeptus Sustainus, Bearers of the Beacon, COSASG
--[X] No: None at the moment.

-[X] 1. To improve the information planners and the voting public have on citizens of the forge, implement a registration that encompasses all voters including baseline humans, augmented humans, abhumans and mutants. Offer material incentives like food and clothing to get the bulk of the population to support the initiative and make it easier to use force on the holdouts. The main objectives are to gather data from overall health to the number and purpose of an individual's augments for the logisticians to take into account and for the voting public to know more about their fellow voters and candidates.

-[X] 2. Begin construction of agridomes on suitable sites outside the forest moon. With the newest information on the nature of the drens, we must prepare for a worst case scenario of abandoning and cordoning the moon.

-[X] 3. Begin negotiations with the nearest hive world to receive more people to rapidly build our population. Implement a suitable indoctrination program to help the new arrivals acclimatize with the sidonian cyber democracy forge ethos such as undergoing the data registration or help in choosing their first augment. Also expand the appropriate domiciles and food sources to accommodate for the new citizens.

-[X] 4. Move on to the next step of lava worm domestication program and research how to harvest the minerals that they make in an efficient manner to so that we might skip the resource and time consuming part of mining our resources.

-[X] 5. Build a network of stations that reach the edge of the system to keep watch and better monitor any traffic.

-[X] Outreach: Begin streamlining everyday data around the forgeworld into easier to understand chunks of information for most of the electorate to understand as a public service.

-[X] Ideology: A splinter group from the Seeker's of the Omnissiah that wishes to focus on laying the foundation for a precise and efficient forge that sees to its inhabitants' needs.

Mostly same as last time but we got the lava worms so I updated the lava worm plan.
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[X]Plan: This little light of mine
-[X] The Lighthouse of Humanity
-[X] party represents: Menials, low level Tech Adepts, Geneators, Artisans
-[X] coalition: yes: the Seekers of the Omnissiah, Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Glory of the Omnissiah, Adeptus Sustainus No:
-[X] 1) Expand our Forge Temple, thus increasing both our industrial capacity but also our area for study.
-[X] 2) Expand our Educational apparatus, thus securing more tech acolytes and a more tech literate population
-[X] 3) Enlarge and improve Orbital Mining and resource refining operations, a steady growth in production factor is necessary both for defense as well as for further improvements to forge, Ave Omnissiah!
-[X] 4) Begin talks with any Imperial Organizations to set up deal for sales of our designs both old and new
-[X] 5) Expand our Agri-production
-[X] Outreach- The party shall attempt to study old Imperial designs, primarily starships, and attempt to streamline their construction by removing dead space and either replacing it with more facilities such as crew quarters, storage holds, and other useful facilities or rearrange the ships inner workings and reduce their size.
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[X] Plan: Culling the Number of Fires
-[X] Party Name: Bearers of the Beacon
-[X] Party Represents: The Magi, Chaff
-[X] Ideology: The kinder side of the Mechanicus would call them dreamers. The majority calls them fools. Simpletons that ignore data and numbers for intangible results. They are the ones who see the galaxy around them and ask "Why?". They are the ones who weren't satisfied with the answers that the Mechanicus were giving to mankinds' woes and sorrows.
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes:
---[X] Society of the Living Alloy, COSASG, Clockwork Uplink, Illuminated Mechanicus, Adeptus Sustainus
--[X] No:
---[X] None
-[X] 1: Set up a organization that investigates and looks into any xeno and Chaos threats in the system. Omnibus Videntibus Oculis (OVO), the All-Seeing Eye. While they aren't completely defenseless, they won't be heavily armed in comparison to the Skittari. Instead they will have to call upon and rely on the military for any threats that are larger than what they can handle. Additional checks and balances will be put in place so one organization doesn't have the ability to play judge, jury, and executioner. This should hopefully delay the Collegiate Extremis from sending people over if it looks like we're able to handle security on our own.
-[X] 2: Setting up Black Sites. We have been blessed by the Omnissiah that nothing has gone horribly wrong with our study on the Drens and their psyker abilities. With the discovery of more powerful Drens from the Dark Lands, that's no longer a certainty. The project seeks to construct mainly two Black Sites. One on the planet to keep whatever psykers and psy-reactive materials we find on the planet. The second in space as either a asteroid base or space station so that we have an isolated location to properly study them without the risking the rest of the planet to violent psyker phenomenon. If we can also hide them so the Puritan Inquisitors can't find them and harass us about them, all the better.
-[X] 3: Help with the Society of the Living Alloy (SLA) with pushing their proposal of expanding the Skittari. Not only will it help with the expedition, but also be useful if any Orks decide to come stomping in.
-[X] 4: All in on the Dark Lands. Despite how dangerous it is right now, delaying is unfortunately not an option. Giving psykers time to enact rituals is how you can get a situation deteriorating from bad to worse. Use verything we have to push in and exterminate the last of the hostile Drens.
-[X] 5: Set up a pilot program to take full advantage of the TIE fighter. With the orks nearby, this is probably one of the quicker ways we have to increase our naval combat capacity. The program will focus on group fighting and tactics due to how many TIE fighters we can manufacture.
-[X] Outreach: Teach the techmarine in training about the political parties of the Forge World and how to interact with them. If they are to continue their partnership with us, it's probably for the best for them to learn how to maneuver around the various movers and shakers of the planet. Try to actually teach them and not just feed them propaganda drivel. Example: A lot of the "Orthodox" were more focused on the recklessness of the Seekers as oppose to nailing down every single deviation from the Lore Mechanicus. The Cogs of Justice setting a very uncomfortable precedent of enacting important deals with outisders without consulting with the majority of the ruling coalition. Etc.

Edit: Chaged a Coalition from Sustainus to Seekers.
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[x] Plan: Boring stuff
-[X] Party Name: Cogs of Justice
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: Extreme Radicals and Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Improve roads connecting various Mechanicus facilities.
-[X] 2: Increase recruitment of Skitarii.
-[X] 3: Build several Hab-Blocks.
-[X] 4: Construct sensor station around the system.
-[X] 5: Build canned goods, to build up long-term stockpile of food.
-[X] Outreach: Create organization with the power to determine and prescribe better working safety regulations without compromising production in order to prevent injury to the Workforce.
[X] Plan: Psyker products for defense
-[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
-[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: Seekers of the Omnissiah, Society of the Living Alloy, Clockwork Uplink, Adeptus Sustainus, Cogs of Justice
--[X] No:
-[X] 1: Set the black-labs to researching making anti-psyker weapons/items from Dren. If they look promising + stable outside Sidonia, reach out to our contacts from last turn for field testing. Ave Omnissiah, the Waagh must and will be defeated!
-[X] 2: Set up Genetor Black-labs for production of psyker Dren for research+production of psyker based products.
-[X] 3: Set up facilities that turn psykically inert Dren from capture/breeding into Servitors.
-[X] 4: Institute a system of testing to open up the way into the schools for capable menials and to ease the way from the schools to Tech-Priesthood of the specialization most fitting the pupil.
-[X] Outreach: Use the Black-labs to research production of psyout grenades from hostile Dren psykers.

You can do a lot, think of it more of a "world building" action that occasionally will send you +x votes to add to the total and cool new things for the forge ( ie the space marines thanks to the education outreaches)
Btw, are the space marines a permanent thing with yearly/whatever batches, or a one off thing?
And for worldbuilding, does the curriculum of future batches stay adjusted to include Sidonian peculiarities?
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[X] Plan: The combi plan
-[X] Party Name: Council for systemic and sound governance (COSASG)
-[X] Party Represents: Logi, Chaff
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: anyone that isn't listed under no
--[X] No:
-[X] 1: Enlarge and improve Orbital Mining and resource refining operations, a steady growth in production factor is necessary both for defense as well as for further improvements to forge, Ave Omnissiah!
-[X] 2: Create a body, invested with the power to determine and prescribe better working safety regulations in order to maintain the health of the Workforce. An Experienced Workforce is a productive Workforce. Ave Omnissiah!
-[X] 3: Institute a system of testing to open up the way into the schools for capable menials and to ease the way from the schools to Tech-Priesthood of the specialization most fitting the pupil.
-[X] 4: Improve and standardize primary education, to ensure everyone a decent grounding and thus a fair chance to join the priesthood.
-[X] 5: prescribe minimal standards in size, quality and services for Housing Units and create a governmental body to enforce these (the Sidonia Habitation Authority, or SHA).
-[X] Outreach: Investigate the most pressing concerns regarding the quality of life of the forgeworlds population.

@EclipsedStar this ok for you? Yours is fine, tho if its alright id prefer a Name like "Sidonia Habitation Authority".
@Dezron id prefer a plank, but its not like im against orbital infrastructure.
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[X] Plan: Still trying to Expand our Industry

Finally exploiting the TIE fighters technology and doing the imperium tradition of sticking a new cannon on a Leman Russ
Thought of the Calculus: Reduce the load by accepting a standard and then seek to raise it.
[X] Plan: Grounded Warfare
-[X] Party Name: Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus
-[X] Represents: Logi, Chaff
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Holy Machine, Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice, Warriors of the Machine God, The Steel Cult. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Integrate Saturnite industrial tooling into existing factories.
-[X] 2: Build dedicated Saturnite ammo factories for export purposes.
-[X] 3: Construct a heavy vehicles forge, for the production of the standard templates of tanks and chimera variants. It can also produce industrial machines for the transport of raw materials.
-[X] 4: Mandate the creation of a forge complex dedicated to the production of the Twin Ion Engine.
-[X] 5: Test stacking of Twin Ion Engines for use on larger vessels.
-[X] Outreach: Develop a lascannon armed Hydra variant - designation Beholder - that uses the adapted TIE Auspex in a primarily anti-air role.
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