Lex Mechanica

Pillager of the Stray Coffin- Cânon
Pillager of the Stray Coffin

Forest Moon Siara, Orbiting Molten Planet Sidonia
Etul System, Triplex Sector, Eastern Fringe

The Magos is carefully removing each and every stone and pebble from the mound. Mechadendrites more suited for cargo hauling that belie the delicate work it has achieved under its owner swiftly but smoothly take each piece of stone and carefully arrange them in small piles. Each carefully catalogued and stored in the magos' memory banks for the future reconstitution to leave it the way it is.

The more specialized mechandrites of the Omnissiah's servants would be the best suited for this work according to orthodoxy but the elemental forces force in the badlands where they frequently operate force an unacceptable maintenance issue trade off. Left unsaid is that the Magos is months behind the list of spare part recipients, too low in rank for prompt service out in the fringes.

Nonetheless the magos has proven in the past that they are capable of delicate work even using the bulky repurposed cargo hauling mechadendrite. Just a few hours ago, they were used to perform a surgical transfer of a heart from an expired menial into another damaged menial with the massive arms accomplishing the stitching with the threads a nano-millimeter apart.

In another world they would claim mastery over their augments by handling eggs from common farm animals.

Magos Ind(ependent)Ana(lyst) from the High-Performance Anomaly Appraiser Clade, 599th of their name or Magos IndAna CID in non-binaric terms when they are forced to exchange information packets using their augmetics that replaced their biological mouth continues on with their work.

Under what they suspect to be a burial ground by the recently discovered Xeno creatures named Drens, they and their entire expedition are excavating the bodies for further study. They themselves are trying to carefully unearth the remains of what they believe to be of the Drens' priest caste that recently displayed some manner of warp mastery.

Their fear of the forge deciding to seek a military solution to the current issue has led them to strike out on their own with their attendants and see what can be learned before a conflict emerges that destroys said opportunities forever.

With a small coterie of servitors serving as a distraction to the local Drens that were found, the expedition swiftly began their excavation once the information from their scouts revealed the site.

Already with the last of the servitors failing their scheduled data upload reports three hours seven minutes and 43 seconds ago, the expedition has begun evacuating the excavation site with the magos among the last still feverishly working.

As their inbuilt sensoria equipment began detecting the pitter patter of these tiny xeno forms nearby, IndAna was just finishing up. Every stone and pebble back to their previous position with the remains carefully cupped between massive mechadendrites to shield it from all dangers.

With a quick burst of binaric cant, they order the remaining holdout excavators to retreat to the shuttles as they make their own retreat. They themselves being the farthest from said shuttles.

Most of the unseen and missed traps and the Drens weaponry bounced harmlessly or only made superficial damage. They had to run fast to avoid a massive rolling stone trap that the expedition missed though.

Exiting the burial site they quickly boarded the nearest shuttle and closed its door as Drens warband began pelting the transports as they lifted off.

As Magos IndAna begins to perform the rite of powering down and shifting to low energy status in the shuttle after the high intensity actions they've been making this afternoon, they were given a rude awakening when they discovered the existence of a slithering reptile that smuggled itself in the shuttle existing next to them.

With a shriek they quickly threw the creature to the nearest menial who happened to be the one they performed on some hours ago. When they were but a senior apprentice, they had already excised the part of their brain matter that could feel fear among other things.

Yet later in their life when they were a magos in their own right, they uncovered ancient codes from the noosphere and other sources that extolled the magi to keep these base reactions. The overcoming of them it said is a trial in itself.

Falling into agreement with this obscure doctrine, they attempted to regain what they excised but after many surgeries only bits and pieces were restored.

One of them was their fear of the slithering reptile, acquired when they were an unaugmented creature barely past being a new-born.​
Warhammer 40K is a grimdark setting.
Before talking about morality and how to apply it (and removing taboos on scientific research), we should first heavily strengthen ourselves. because in our current state we have the same power as an amoeba compared to anyone.

Indeed, instead of wasting our time with ideology driven nonsense we should be strengthening our military by supporting the Warriors of the Machine-God!
No this is just imperial apologia. The imperium has one size fit all answers because it's a fascist cargo cult worshipping a corpse. It has purged the ability to think and adapt from its own systems a long time ago. This is explicitly textual. Even the newer material that tones down the over the top satire and makes imperial protagonists more sympathetic doesn't sugarcoat its dysfunctional nature. There are good individuals stuck in that system, and even small pieces of it that works and keep struggling against the death spiral but the overall machinery is rotten to the core and it's all downhill from there. This is in fact the fundamental concept of 40k.
Lmao unironically something a chaos cultist would say.
Lmao unironically something a chaos cultist would say.

It's straight up the game, dunno what to tell you. Despite all the more sympathetic coverage that came with the Horus Heresy books, that's all before the imperium was broken by the emperor's death. And even then it was already a fascist ego project sabotaging itself by refusing to talk about the hard truths like edgy atheism being provably incorrect. And it got infinitely worse with the man himself stuck on life support. 40k is very much a story of decay and rot and inertia, but that's not inherent to the galaxy, that's just the imperium being stuck on a loop.

The mechanicus isn't immune to this. We worship STCs but the ancient humans we put on pedestals didn't build those by not innovating.

Uhm... What?
Like... What?
Criticism of Imperium automatically equals supporting Chaos?
Where do you get that idea from?

It's basically the imperial stance on the question. :V

I'm tempted to make a new party next round focused on restarting innovation in a way that's more focused on idealized belief about the old mechanicus and DAoT humanity. It'll probably have less friction than the current radicals while still opening up more doors than a conservative approach.
Uhm... What?
Like... What?
Criticism of Imperium automatically equals supporting Chaos?
Where do you get that idea from?
Em yes it basically chaos speech in-lore? Classical rotten carcass + dead corpse is standard combination. And pretty much yes, criticizing too much makes you a traitorous heretic, regardless if that is true or not. And at that point those guys either die, hide or get ensnared by chaos. The classic stuff basically.

I'm tempted to make a new party next round focused on restarting innovation in a way that's more focused on idealized belief about the old mechanicus and DAoT humanity. It'll probably have less friction than the current radicals while still opening up more doors than a conservative approach.
Try it maybe for the next vote? Even if new parties are struggling getting those first 3 votes. It would be interesting and less divisive for sure. Still yes that bit before was 100% chaos talk, just add maybe the Death to the False Emperor and then you really get the classic CSM line.
Em yes it basically chaos speech in-lore? Classical rotten carcass + dead corpse is standard combination. And pretty much yes, criticizing too much makes you a traitorous heretic, regardless if that is true or not. And at that point those guys either die, hide or get ensnared by chaos. The classic stuff basically.

Are you really contesting the core theme of the imperium, that it's on a perpetual downward spiral? Really? Because it's very much textual in the lore and the vast majority of 40k lore is not from the chaos point of view.

The imperium took a blow it never recovered from with the heresy, and it got much worse when the remaining primarchs died or disappeared, then got even worse when the ecclesiarchy went for their little coup. Every time it faces a crisis, something gets broken that it forgot how to repair. In the case of the mechanicus, that's even more literal since it's running a pile of archeotech and obsesses over leftover STCs rather than try to rebuild non rote knowledge.

The emperor is very much a vegetable on life support, you don't need the chaos gods to point out he hasn't been in charge of anything except shining in the warp like a human lighthouse for 10 millenias. The imperium mostly run on inertia and that gets less and less workable every time a piece of the machinery breaks.

It's quite telling that the only way GW found to give it some hope was to give it a final blow then resurrect a primarch to gather the pieces.

As a faction of the AdMech willing to give a second look at pre-imperial practices like internal democracy, I feel like we can't be blind to that trend, otherwise we would never have gone digging for those lost practices. It's up to us to leverage our healthier political system into answers to the inertia and decay.

Try it maybe for the next vote? Even if new parties are struggling getting those first 3 votes. It would be interesting and less divisive for sure. Still yes that bit before was 100% chaos talk, just add maybe the Death to the False Emperor and then you really get the classic CSM line.

I'll consider the new party next vote if anyone else expresses interest.
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I'm tempted to make a new party next round focused on restarting innovation in a way that's more focused on idealized belief about the old mechanicus and DAoT humanity. It'll probably have less friction than the current radicals while still opening up more doors than a conservative approach.
I'll consider the new party next vote if anyone else expresses interest.
New coalition partners!
(As long as that generates new voters/splits from Seeker of Omnissiah and doesn't just further split the subtle "Innovation good!" side)

Em yes it basically chaos speech in-lore? Classical rotten carcass + dead corpse is standard combination. And pretty much yes, criticizing too much makes you a traitorous heretic, regardless if that is true or not. And at that point those guys either die, hide or get ensnared by chaos. The classic stuff basically.
It's basically the imperial stance on the question. :V
Yeah, just got confused a bit on IC/OOC.
Are you really contesting the core theme of the imperium, that it's on a perpetual downward spiral? Really? Because it's very much textual in the lore and the vast majority of 40k lore is not from the chaos point of view.

The imperium took a blow it never recovered from with the heresy, and it got much worse when the remaining primarchs died or disappeared, then got even worse when the ecclesiarchy went for their little coup. Every time it faces a crisis, something gets broken that it forgot how to repair. In the case of the mechanicus, that's even more literal since it's running a pile of archeotech and obsesses over leftover STCs rather than try to rebuild non rote knowledge.

The emperor is very much a vegetable on life support, you don't need the chaos gods to point out he hasn't been in charge of anything except shining in the warp like a human lighthouse for 10 millenias. The imperium mostly run on inertia and that gets less and less workable every time a piece of the machinery breaks.

It's quite telling that the only way GW found to give it some hope was to give it a final blow then resurrect a primarch to gather the pieces.

As a faction of the AdMech willing to give a second look at pre-imperial practices like internal democracy, I feel like we can't be blind to that trend, otherwise we would never have gone digging for those lost practices. It's up to us to leverage our healthier political system into answers to the inertia and decay.
You are reading too much in what I wrote. I just said that what you said would unironically be said by a chaos cultist in a book or something. Classic rotten carcass + dead corpse and that you only miss the False Emperor bit to get the classic 100% CSM line
You are reading too much in what I wrote. I just said that what you said would unironically be said by a chaos cultist in a book or something. Classic rotten carcass + dead corpse and that you only miss the False Emperor bit to get the classic 100% CSM line

Well, there's a reason there are so many rebellions against the Imperium and it's not because chaos is magic that automatically turns people onto heretics
Well, there's a reason there are so many rebellions against the Imperium and it's not because chaos is magic that automatically turns people onto heretics
True while chaos lead rebellions do happen (and yes chaos corruption does work kind of like evil magic that turns people into heretics), often they seem to be caused by some Governor or other leader who gets greedy and decides to split away to get more power. Then they either get killed by Imperials, get killed by xenos or turn to chaos by corruption and sometimes by desperation when fighting one of the previous two. Tyrannids and Tau infiltrations also exist, but I'm not sure in how often they happen compared to the other more mainstream kind of rebellions.
True while chaos lead rebellions do happen (and yes chaos corruption does work kind of like evil magic that turns people into heretics), often they seem to be caused by some Governor or other leader who gets greedy and decides to split away to get more power. Then they either get killed by Imperials, get killed by xenos or turn to chaos by corruption and sometimes by desperation when fighting one of the previous two. Tyrannids and Tau infiltrations also exist, but I'm not sure in how often they happen compared to the other more mainstream kind of rebellions.

Not really, the vast majority of rebellions happen because the Imperium is the cruellest regime imaginable and abuses its own population into rebellion, no traitorous leader requires
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Not really, the vast majority of rebellions happen because the Imperium is the cruellest regime imaginable and abuses its own population into rebellion, no traitorous leader requires
Eh no thats clearly false, while some of them happen because of that for sure most dont. Take a look at the Lexicanum list of anti-imperial rebellions.
Eh no thats clearly false, while some of them happen because of that for sure most dont. Take a look at the Lexicanum list of anti-imperial rebellions.

Most of the rebellions caused by tyranny are going to be small and short lived enough they don't make any list except the "silent casualty of imperial enforcement" one. Meanwhile, chaos rebellions are going to be disproportionately represented in lists of rebellions with narrative impact because they have literal supernatural backing.
Unfortunately the Imperium is a necessary evil which is brought up multiple times in lore and out of universe. Even Eldrad admitted that the Imperium is the greatest bulwark against the various threats in the galaxy. Besides even if we do manage to declare independence what happens then? A single independent world cannot survive on its own in 40k and the only examples are worlds forgotten about until something finds them. What is gonna stop Imperial and Mechanicus reprisal? Or things like the Orks, the Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Chaos, or worse things in the Ghoul Stars?
Most of the rebellions caused by tyranny are going to be small and short lived enough they don't make any list except the "silent casualty of imperial enforcement" one. Meanwhile, chaos rebellions are going to be disproportionately represented in lists of rebellions with narrative impact because they have literal supernatural backing.
That is actually one of the biggest reasons why most rebellions are Chaos related since a simple peasants revolt can't hope to fight the Imperium they become desperate for any help which is when Chaos makes its play if they weren't there from the start.
Unfortunately the Imperium is a necessary evil which is brought up multiple times in lore and out of universe. Even Eldrad admitted that the Imperium is the greatest bulwark against the various threats in the galaxy. Besides even if we do manage to declare independence what happens then? A single independent world cannot survive on its own in 40k and the only examples are worlds forgotten about until something finds them. What is gonna stop Imperial and Mechanicus reprisal? Or things like the Orks, the Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Chaos, or worse things in the Ghoul Stars?

Most imperial worlds are functionally semi independent anyway considering how spotty warp travel and communication is. The imperium straight up isn't cohesive enough for it to notice most of the time. Or save us if we get hit directly by one of the main threats. At best they'll come to clean up long after we're dead and stop it from snowballing into a sector wide threat.

The imperium is the main source of misery feeding chaos in the warp and chaos recruits in real space so it causes just as many problems as it solves on its best day. It's also keeping all of humanity's potential on a leash by forbidding all innovation or more efficient organizing of resources.

When the imperium breaks and primarchs get resurrected to comes in and pick up a few pieces in a corner, the galaxy looks more hopeful long term, not less, even if the immediate consequences are quite destructive.

That is actually one of the biggest reasons why most rebellions are Chaos related since a simple peasants revolt can't hope to fight the Imperium they become desperate for any help which is when Chaos makes its play if they weren't there from the start.

That's definitely a problem for the average imperial protestor yes. You're stuck between the imperium leaving zero room for change and chaos being the only faction offering you backing with no questions asked.
who is advocating for declaring independence from the Imperium in the first place? Theres pretty much nothing they can really do against us, we are a Forge World out in the boonies, noone really has de factor authority over us
The imperium is the main source of misery feeding chaos in the warp and chaos recruits in real space so it causes just as many problems as it solves on its best day. It's also keeping all of humanity's potential on a leash by forbidding all innovation or more efficient organizing of resources.
Yes, it's part of the charm of the setting.