Lex Mechanica

[]Plan: Come ye ignorant and be enlightened
-[] The Lighthouse of Humanity
--[] Ideology alignment: Radical
-[] Ideology Specifics: The Lighthouse was founded on the idea that we should follow in the footsteps of the Old Federation in the DAoT, not simply peck at the remaining scraps of its corpse. We will look at the designs we have found and attempt to truly understand them, not simply mimic them. We will also endeavor to expand our knowledge as Old Humanity did, with experiments and innovation. We will not simply consign 99% of humanity to the darkness of ignorance and fear but will instead attempt to raise them up with the light and hope of Knowledge. But we understand that the times have changed, and that there are things that lurk in the darkness that will attempt to twist this hope into vile poison and as such will ensure that do not stray from the quest of Understanding.
-[] party represents: Menials, low level Tech Adepts, Geneators, Artisans
-[] coalition: Revisionists, then Radicals, then Traditionalists
-[] 1) Expand our Orbital Construction apparatus to prepare for the inevitable expansion of void based operations.
-[] 2) Expand our Educational apparatus, thus securing more tech acolytes and a more tech literate population.
-[] 3) Expand our Orbital shipyards to allow for the construction of larger ship classes
-[] 4) Expand our Orbital shipyards to allow for the construction of more ships simultaneously
-[] 5) Enlarge our forces of skitarii maniples to secure our security and allow for more effective military distribution.
-[] 6) Begin the construction of more production lines for standard Imperial armaments, but ensure their level of workers safety is adequate
-[] 7) Begin construction of an Orbital Defense Network consisting of Ground-to-Orbit cannons, defense satellites, and a series of stellar forts to act as hardpoints and lynchpins
-[] 8) Conduct an evaluation on the current education apparatus to see if the current teaching methods are effective or see what is causing problems. Afterword's we will go and reorganize the system to be less cumbersome for both the students and teachers as well as more effective.
-[] Outreach- The party will attempt to create a new line of MBT's that focus on speed, maneuverability, and accurate long range fire. Where the Leman Russ and its variants excel in Trench- and Urban Warfare, this new beast will be a swift Armor Hunter that will stalk the open plains and the hills and hunt the enemies armored fist.
[] Plan: The Bloom
-[X] Party: Society of the Living Alloy
-[X] Ideology Alignment: Revisionists
-[X] Coalition: Revisionists, Traditionalists, Radicals (Provided they focus on biological/genetic tech).
-[X] Ideology Specifics: Genetors, Magi, Organicists
-[X] 1: Create a 'Green Rangers' specialist force of Skittarii focusing on forest/jungle warfare using data gained from the campaigns on the forest moon. Said specialist force will also focus on biological augments and chemical/toxin weaponry in order to go long periods without maintenance or repair.
--[X] Take brain scans of veteran Skitarii so their knowledge and experience can be properly passed down to this new unit.
-[X] 2: Create agri-complexs within the bunker complexes on Sidonia, and the forest moon in conjunction with strategic stockpiles of food in case of a siege.
-[X] 3: Develop chemcial industries on Sidonia with a focus on chemical weapon development in the preparation of an ork invasion.
-[X] 4: Create and expand facilities for the breeding and training of magma worms with the intent to produce a strain fit for combat purposes and another for industrial/construction purposes.
-[X] 5: Expand the cloning facilities to fix the issues with servitor production and increase the number of viable servitors.
--[X] Create a special portion of the facility for the testing of new Adam variants before wider production.
-[X] 6: Request a breeding population of Proline flying reptiles to be moved to the forest moon for study and experimentation.
-[X] 7: Create a genetically engineered life form designed to consume toxic waste runoff from factories to ensure such harmful pollutants don't harm the environment around the factories.
-[X] 8: Expand the gene temple on the Forest Moon with facilities dedicated to more specialized Genetor fields of study. Such as botany, chemystry, genetics, biology, medicine, and xenobiology.
-[X] Outreach: Establish a vast genetic research and chemical industry district within the second Forge City and staff it with party members.
--[X] The center of this district will have a vast cogitator array built with organic neural tissue and the brains of volunteer Tech Priests to process the vast amounts of data produced in this district.

Would do an Adam experiment for outreach but the second Forge City will be done next turn and I wanna claim a stake in it.
I'm not asking for a sniper, just long range in comparison to other tanks. It will have a longer barrel like modern-day tanks have in comparison to the stubby ones on the Leman Russ.

*points at Leman Russ Vanquisher*

It kinda already exists.

Alternative idea. Design new chassis, that fits your criteria while not being locked into single role.

Also new chassis sells better then just new tank. Points at all Chimera and Russ variants.
It is disappointing to see that Sidonia prefers to let isolated planets die alone and strengthen the orcs in the process instead of truly supporting the fight in the ideal defensive terrain.

Our valiant volunteers have fought to keep back the enemy, but more effort must be spent to prevent them from advancing
Forces of the Forgeworld as turn 10
I know it will be more work for you, but could you set up on Info page with a list of our defensive forces and completed projects? Like how many vessels we have(dont need details just numbers) and I know we have some defense las cannons and TIEs, but a list of what we have might make it easier to plan what else we need to shore up. Or maybe a list of specialties that we havent started trading as we dont have Naquadah or Adam listed as goods anywhere. Plus with that recent turn having an action where the Logi have tallied stuff, it could be an addon

finished projects:
Geothermal Generators
Forest Moon Fort lines
shipyard construction; level 1
Sidonia orbital elevator

Space Forces
5 viper class scout sloops
20 Cobra class destroyers
1 Ramiliez Star fort
Cawl Fleet( 1 Ark mechanicus, 2 Lunar cruisers, 3 Sword class frigates)
Asteroid field HQ
Naquadah forge (not armed but has a lot of explosives thanks to Naquadah)
350 Fighter wings ( 72 fighters per wing, 48 Ties, 12 Starhawks, 12 Fury's)

Ground forces
40 Units of Anti-air beholders (5 beholders per unit)
10 Ground based Lance batteries (4 of then Naquadah enhanced)
10 skitarii legions ( 1440 Infantry units, 96 heavy Cav and 48 armored units (mostly Guard kits)
50 "regiments" of Adseculari's militia in Guard kits
4 Blood Leopards Tech marines
20 Scout marines/tech marine hopefuls
Various sidonian and moon based fortifications
Uncounted numbers of Servitors

Unexploited resources
Redbark tree sap: Highly flammable tree sap
Rakazzak legs Herb: Food taste improver
Naquadah: 20Kg of Highly processed Naquadah (Ultra weapon grade by Stargate standards)
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