Lex Mechanica

Finally wrote up a plan-- this time focussing on military/defence this time around (with the exception of Action #1 and Outreach because I really want to try and influence the new forgecity before it finishes next turn)

[] Plan: A Sidonian Mobilisation
-[] Party: Adeptus Sustainus
-[] Ideology Alignment: Radical (Logi/Artisans)
-[] Coalition: Radicals, then Revisionists, then Traditionalists (But only if said Traditionalists are democratic leaning / civilian oriented)
-[] Ideology Specifics: Sustainability/Civilian/Industry

-[] 1: [Districts] With the ensuing creation of a new forgecity-- now would be the time to take stock of what we've learned from the creation of this forgecity, and apply those lessons to the next chapter in Sidonian history. While the District System may be currently hindered by the lack of foresight in planning the layout of this city-- we now have the unprecedented opportunity to attempt to steer the construction of the next forgecity towards one more adaptable to our long-term goals for the nascent District System. Convince the Artisans and Logi planning the design and layout of the next forgecity to construct it in such a manner that the forgecity is divided into several 'quarters' of substantial size, with their own independent sets of infrastructure, power grids, (miniature magma sieves), and local facilities (ie Genetoriums, Nutridomes, other public/government buildings you'd find in a city). Of course-- these sets of infrastructure can be entwined in one another, capable of providing support to the other 'quarters'-- but each 'quarter' should be designed such that it has the capability to provide for the needs of whatever inhabitants or industry lie within those 'quarters' independent of one another. This is both to cut down on logistics in keeping regions of the city self-sustainable-- but also provide a safety net should the city come under harm.
-[] 2: [Void Shield] The safety of the forgecity has been placed under threat by rumours of the Green Menace. Instruct the Magi to begin experimenting with collections of harvested Dren Psyker Brains in an attempt to create a powerful enough void shield to protect the city from orbital bombardment in times of war. Due to the nature of the project, however, proper care must be undertaken. The prototype stage and initial experimentation of the project is to be conducted at a newly created Black Site Laboratory at the edge of the Darklands on the Forest Moon, defended by the series of fortifications encircling those vile lands. This is both to allow rapid military response should things go terribly wrong, keep the... potential side effects of the experimentation well away from Sidonia itself, and make it so that logistically, the Dren Psyker Brains do not have far to travel.
-[] 3: [General Mobilisation - Skitarii] With the threat of the Orc Menace looming over Sidonia, the need for the expansion of our professional military is a necessity. Begin recruiting and augmenting Skitarii-hopefuls from the downtrodden and oppressed-- those that have been looked down upon by society, and raise them up. Raise them up, to become the Protectors of Sidonian Ideals. Whether they are factory workers or volunteers, Mutants or Humans, Imperial or Xeno-- offer the hand to lift them up.
-[] 4: [Military Academy] With the threat of the Orc Menace looming over Sidonia, its time we formalise the creation of a Planetary Defence Force dedicated to the protection of Sidonia and its values. In order to do this, however-- we first need proper facilities for the training and drilling of Sidonian Imperial Guard Regiments. With this in mind-- begin the construction of a series of facilities on the Forest Moon near the fortifications around the Darklands dedicated to this purpose. This should both provide support for the Darkland fortifications (and any Black Labs in the area) (while also being protected by the fortifications), while also positioning the Military Academy in a location in which exercises can be easily conducted-- either into the Darklands themselves or the forests nearby.
-[] 5: [Forced Armistice] Contact the Dren Tribes-- as many as possible, and impress upon them in visceral detail, the threat the Orc Menace poses for the Dren-- and then impose upon them the necessity of an Armistice for the war raging upon the Forest Moon in light of the threat the Orcs pose, with the threat of annihilation should that Armistice be broken. Then impose that Armistice forcefully. Any Dren Tribe that violates that Armistice by initiating conflict-- vassalized or not, is to either be Firebombed or subjected to Decimation. There is simply not enough time in the world to deal with the Drens' bickering with the threat looming over Sidonia.
-[] 6: [Starfighters for Dragons] Its high-time Sidonian gets an ecosystem of its own (beyond the Sidonian Lava Worms), and what better way to start than to experiment on the Fauna of another planet? Contact Proline and request a breeding population of their rumoured (giant) flying-reptiles, along with any information or knowledge they have regarding the reptiles themselves or their habitat. (If the reptiles server as a suitable distraction for the Orcs... well, that's an added benefit). In exchange, dispatch several squadrons of newly created TIE/IN starfighters to Proline with the express purpose of serving as Close-Air Support for Proline's Ground Forces against the Orc Menace.
-[] 7: [Surface-to-Orbit Installations] With the threat of the Orc Menace looming-- so to, comes the threat of a planetside invasion. We cannot afford for the Orcs to be able to acquire a foothold on Sidonia-- nor can we afford them the time necessary batter our Forgecity to ruin via orbital bombardment. Begin the creation of a Surface-side battery of Macrocannons-- built into the side of a mountain and defended by Hydra Anti-Air (Sidonian Beholders) (to provide some protection from the Macrocannons themselves being the target of Orbital Bombardment or Airstrikes) to ward off the Orc Menace.
-[] 8: [Saturnite/Ceramite] With the threat of an Orc Invasion looming-- so too is the threat of vast infrastructure damage when the fighting inevitably begins. We can curtail some of this by preemptively creating a line of Manafactoriums dedicated to the production of Ceramite (for Infrastructure) and Saturnite (for the Magma Sieves should they be damaged and the Orcs cut off our supply of Adamantium from the asteroid mining operations).

-[] Outreach: [Districts] With the ensuing creation of a new forgecity-- now would be the time to take stock of what we've learned from the creation of this forgecity, and apply those lessons to the next chapter in Sidonian history. While the District System may be currently hindered by the lack of foresight in planning the layout of this city-- we now have the unprecedented opportunity to attempt to steer the construction of the next forgecity towards one more adaptable to our long-term goals for the nascent District System. Convince the Artisans and Logi planning the design and layout of the next forgecity to construct it in such a manner that the forgecity is divided into several 'quarters' of substantial size, with their own independent sets of infrastructure, power grids, (miniature magma sieves), and local facilities (ie Genetoriums, Nutridomes, other public/government buildings you'd find in a city). Of course-- these sets of infrastructure can be entwined in one another, capable of providing support to the other 'quarters'-- but each 'quarter' should be designed such that it has the capability to provide for the needs of whatever inhabitants or industry lie within those 'quarters' independent of one another. This is both to cut down on logistics in keeping regions of the city self-sustainable-- but also provide a safety net should the city come under harm.

EDIT: Switched out 'Armed Heresy' for 'Military Academy' in Action #4
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4: [Armed Heresy] With the threat of the Orc Menace looming over Sidonia, we don't have time for disputes over Heresy-- over what is right or wrong-- offer blanket pardons to any Heretics that step forwards to share their (practical-- not ideological) knowledge and practices to the Forgeworld, such that Sidonia and its Ideals may be safeguarded. Additionally-- grant would-be 'Heretics' the option of voluntarily joining a Civilian Militia / Reserve forces for the defense of the Forgeworld-- with the incentive of leniency towards any Heresy committed during their service in the Reserves, so long as there is some semblance of supervision (to make sure any experiments performed don't have disastrous effects on the Forgeworld or the forgecity) and it does not negatively effect the Forgeworld or its inhabitants.
This kinda already happened, the seekers instituted a "ryza like" pardon of using prototypes and "questionable technology" if it's used for the defense of the Forgeworld
This kinda already happened, the seekers instituted a "ryza like" pardon of using prototypes and "questionable technology" if it's used for the defense of the Forgeworld

Ahh— I honestly forgot about that. Thanks, I'll edit the action in a bit.

EDIT: (Plan has been edited to take this into account-- 'Armed Heresy' has been switched out for building a Military Academy near the Darklands)
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[]Plan: Come ye ignorant and be enlightened + revised outreach
-[] The Lighthouse of Humanity
--[] Ideology alignment: Radical
-[] Ideology Specifics: The Lighthouse was founded on the idea that we should follow in the footsteps of the Old Federation in the DAoT, not simply peck at the remaining scraps of its corpse. We will look at the designs we have found and attempt to truly understand them, not simply mimic them. We will also endeavor to expand our knowledge as Old Humanity did, with experiments and innovation. We will not simply consign 99% of humanity to the darkness of ignorance and fear but will instead attempt to raise them up with the light and hope of Knowledge. But we understand that the times have changed, and that there are things that lurk in the darkness that will attempt to twist this hope into vile poison and as such will ensure that do not stray from the quest of Understanding.
-[] party represents: Menials, low level Tech Adepts, Geneators, Artisans
-[] coalition: Revisionists, then Radicals, then Traditionalists
-[] 1) Expand our Orbital Construction apparatus to prepare for the inevitable expansion of void based operations.
-[] 2) Expand our Educational apparatus, thus securing more tech acolytes and a more tech literate population.
-[] 3) Expand our Orbital shipyards to allow for the construction of larger ship classes
-[] 4) Expand our Orbital shipyards to allow for the construction of more ships simultaneously
-[] 5) Enlarge our forces of skitarii maniples to secure our security and allow for more effective military distribution.
-[] 6) Begin the construction of more production lines for standard Imperial armaments, but ensure their level of workers safety is adequate
-[] 7) Begin construction of an Orbital Defense Network consisting of Ground-to-Orbit cannons, defense satellites, and a series of stellar forts to act as hardpoints and lynchpins
-[] 8) Conduct an evaluation on the current education apparatus to see if the current teaching methods are effective or see what is causing problems. Afterword's we will go and reorganize the system to be less cumbersome for both the students and teachers as well as more effective.
-[] Outreach- The party will attempt to create a new of armored vehicle chassis that focus on speed & maneuverability. It will be lighter in armor compliment than the average Russ chassis but will have enhanced speed, maneuverability, and a lower (and longer) profile thus hopefully making it harder to hit. The chassis will be named the "Khan".

Role: Scout/Force Recon
Crew: 3 (Driver, Commander, Gunner/Mechanic)
Light Armor
Main Turret: Conqueror Cannon + Co-Axil Heavy Stubber
Secondary: Front Hull Mounted Bolter or Multilaser
Special Features:
-Enhanced Sensors
-Enhanced Suspension
-Advanced Engine
-Sloped Armor
Optional Additions
-Smoke Launcher
-Hunter-Killer Missiles
-AMS System
-ERA plating
Role: Main Battle Tank
Crew: 4 (Driver, Commander, Loader/Mechanic, Gunner/Mechanic)
Medium Armor
Main Turret: Battle Cannon or Twin-Linked Las Cannon + Co-Axil Heavy Stubber
Secondary: Front Hull Mounted Bolter or Heavy Flamer
-Advanced Targeting Cogitator
-Enhanced Suspension
-Sloped Armor
Optional Additions
-Smoke Launcher
-Hunter-Killer Missiles
-AMS System
-Dozer Blade
-ERA plating
Role: Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Crew: 3 (Driver, Commander, Gunner/Mechanic)
Medium Armor
Main Turret: Conqueror Cannon or Auto Cannon or Multilaser + Co-Axil Heavy Stubber
Secondary: Front Hull Mounted Bolter or Heavy Flamer
Passengers: 10 Troops
-Enhanced Suspension
-Sloped Armor
-Amphibious Configuration
-ERA plating
Role: Anti-Infantry
Crew: 4 (Driver, Commander, Gunner/Mechanic, Loader)
Medium Armor
Main Turret: Assault Cannon or Multilaser + Co-Axil Heavy Stubber
Secondary: Front Hull Mounted Bolter or Heavy Flamer
-Enhanced Suspension
-Sloped Armor
-Amphibious Configuration
-Advanced Targeting Cogitator
Optional Additions
-Smoke Launcher
-Spot Lights
-ERA plating
Role: Anti-Armor
Crew: 4 (Driver, Commander, Gunner/Mechanic, Loader)
Medium Armor
Main Turret: Heavy or Twin-Linked lascannon or MeltaCannon (or Grav-Cannon if we can ever get that)
Secondary: Front Hull Mounted Bolter
-Enhanced Suspension
-Sloped Armor
-Advanced Targeting Cogitator
Optional Additions
-Smoke Launcher
-Hunter-Killer Missiles
-AMS System
-Dozer Blade
-ERA plating
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[X] Plan: Instruments of Death (part II)

-[X] Party Name: The Steel Cult

-[X] Party Represents: The Logi, The Artisans, The Chaff.

-[X] Ideology Alignment: Revisionists.

-[X] Coalition: Revisionists, Traditionalists.

-[X] Ideology Specifics: Workers, Soldiers, Heavy-Industry, Military-Industry

-[X] 1: We need to keep expanding the size and number of our weapon producing factories. Now we meet our minimum requirements but we still need more to expand our forces. Ramp up the production of heavier weapons such as heavy bolters, autocannons and las cannons. These weapon platforms are both powerful and once deployed usable by even ill-trained conscripts during defensive operations.

-[X] 2: Contact the worlds on the path of the Ork forces and send out basic surplus equipment. In exchange fill up those cargo holds with people to expand our world population. An easy way to get much needed manpower and some good reputation.

-[X] 3: Improve the state of our fortifications across the planet and moon. Focus on ways to integrate our new armored forces with the defences previously erected. A well placed Leman Russ at an intersection can stop a Ork charge dead cold. Likewise a normal plaza can easily become the perfect firing position for a Basilisk battery.

-[X] 4: Start constructing anti-air emplacements around the city. Imposing flak towers must be placed around the most critical locations of the Forgeworld. Expecially the newly built Lance batteries must be well protected from aerial insertion.

-[X] 5: Have trusted Artisans in our weapon design bureau explore better Saturnite use in both armor and ammunition production. Have them also collaborate with the Society of the Living Alloy most capable Genetors to explore the viability of using the newly discovered "Redbark tree sap" as a viable mass produced weapon. This burning wonder weapon would be a godsend against the Dren and Ork menace.

-[X] 6: Issue a call for all able bodied volunteers from non-essential industries to join and expand our armed forces. The most deserving will ascend to the Skitarii legions, everybody else the Adseculari forces instead.

-[X] 7: Expand our tanks and heavy vehicles assembly lines. Our armored forces will form a line of steel so powerful that all our enemies will be crushed beneath its mighty treads.

-[X] 8: Create a heavily protected underground train system that links the most important forges, factories and supply depots. A way to transport huge quantities of materials and equipment directly from one production line to another, or from one front to another.

-[X] Outreach: Organize and train loyal workers to officially form the auxiliary "Steel Cult Labour Divisions" to help in the coming fight. They will be mainly a support force helping with non combat operations such as repairing, firefighting, building and backline logistics. In extreme cases they can still be used as combat troops, but they are more effective in defense operations.
"Enlist in the Labour Divisions today! The Forgeworld needs YOU"
[]Plan: Come ye ignorant and be enlightened
-[] The Lighthouse of Humanity
--[] Ideology alignment: Radical
-[] Ideology Specifics: The Lighthouse was founded on the idea that we should follow in the footsteps of the Old Federation in the DAoT, not simply peck at the remaining scraps of its corpse. We will look at the designs we have found and attempt to truly understand them, not simply mimic them. We will also endeavor to expand our knowledge as Old Humanity did, with experiments and innovation. We will not simply consign 99% of humanity to the darkness of ignorance and fear but will instead attempt to raise them up with the light and hope of Knowledge. But we understand that the times have changed, and that there are things that lurk in the darkness that will attempt to twist this hope into vile poison and as such will ensure that do not stray from the quest of Understanding.
-[] party represents: Menials, low level Tech Adepts, Geneators, Artisans
-[] coalition: Revisionists, then Radicals, then Traditionalists
-[] 1) Expand our Orbital Construction apparatus to prepare for the inevitable expansion of void based operations.
-[] 2) Expand our Educational apparatus, thus securing more tech acolytes and a more tech literate population.
-[] 3) Expand our Orbital shipyards to allow for the construction of larger ship classes
-[] 4) Expand our Orbital shipyards to allow for the construction of more ships simultaneously
-[] 5) Enlarge our forces of skitarii maniples to secure our security and allow for more effective military distribution.
-[] 6) Begin the construction of more production lines for standard Imperial armaments, but ensure their level of workers safety is adequate
-[] 7) Begin construction of an Orbital Defense Network consisting of Ground-to-Orbit cannons, defense satellites, and a series of stellar forts to act as hardpoints and lynchpins
-[] 8) Conduct an evaluation on the current education apparatus to see if the current teaching methods are effective or see what is causing problems. Afterword's we will go and reorganize the system to be less cumbersome for both the students and teachers as well as more effective.
-[] Outreach- The party will attempt to create a new line of MBT's that focus on speed, maneuverability, and accurate long range fire. Where the Leman Russ and its variants excel in Trench- and Urban Warfare, this new beast will be a swift Armor Hunter that will stalk the open plains and the hills and hunt the enemies armored fist.
lighthouse probably will not have enough of a presence to get 2 years in. But can we change expand our educational apparatus to increase coverage? We just had a massive surge in abhuman population. Focusing on how to teach each of them. And let them become productive members of society, capable of more then dumb labor seems important.

Even ogryns can learn. And if we can teach them cause and effect. They will make even better bodyguards or labor specialists.

-[] 2) expand the coverage of the educational system, with a focus on ensuring students are taught in ways they understand, rather then simply how the baseline does.

Sure, it means less schools, but a overcrowded school where kids want to learn will top a underpopulation school thats treated as a daycare.
[X] Plan: Instruments of Death (part II)

-[X] Party Name: The Steel Cult

-[X] Party Represents: The Logi, The Artisans, The Chaff.

-[X] Ideology Alignment: Revisionists.

-[X] Coalition: Revisionists, Traditionalists.

-[X] Ideology Specifics: Workers, Soldiers, Heavy-Industry, Military-Industry

-[X] 1: We need to keep expanding the size and number of our weapon producing factories. Now we meet our minimum requirements but we still need more to expand our forces. Ramp up the production of heavier weapons such as heavy bolters, autocannons and las cannons. These weapon platforms are both powerful and once deployed usable by even ill-trained conscripts during defensive operations.

-[X] 2: Contact the worlds on the path of the Ork forces and send out basic surplus equipment. In exchange fill up those cargo holds with people to expand our world population. An easy way to get much needed manpower and some good reputation.

-[X] 3: Improve the state of our fortifications across the planet and moon. Focus on ways to integrate our new armored forces with the defences previously erected. A well placed Leman Russ at an intersection can stop a Ork charge dead cold. Likewise a normal plaza can easily become the perfect firing position for a Basilisk battery.

-[X] 4: Start constructing anti-air emplacements around the city. Imposing flak towers must be placed around the most critical locations of the Forgeworld. Expecially the newly built Lance batteries must be well protected from aerial insertion.

-[X] 5: Have trusted Artisans in our weapon design bureau explore better Saturnite use in both armor and ammunition production. Have them also collaborate with the Society of the Living Alloy most capable Genetors to explore the viability of using the newly discovered "Redbark tree sap" as a viable mass produced weapon. This burning wonder weapon would be a godsend against the Dren and Ork menace.

-[X] 6: Issue a call for all able bodied volunteers from non-essential industries to join and expand our armed forces. The most deserving will ascend to the Skitarii legions, everybody else the Adseculari forces instead.

-[X] 7: Expand our tanks and heavy vehicles assembly lines. Our armored forces will form a line of steel so powerful that all our enemies will be crushed beneath its mighty treads.

-[X] 8: Create a heavily protected underground train system that links the most important forges, factories and supply depots. A way to transport huge quantities of materials and equipment directly from one production line to another, or from one front to another.

-[X] Outreach: Organize and train loyal workers to officially form the auxiliary "Steel Cult Labour Divisions" to help in the coming fight. They will be mainly a support force helping with non combat operations such as repairing, firefighting, building and backline logistics. In extreme cases they can still be used as combat troops, but they are more effective in defense operations.
"Enlist in the Labour Divisions today! The Forgeworld needs YOU"
[X] Plan: The Bloom
-[X] Party: Society of the Living Alloy
-[X] Ideology Alignment: Revisionists
-[X] Coalition: Revisionists, Traditionalists, Radicals (Provided they focus on biological/genetic tech).
-[X] Ideology Specifics: Genetors, Magi, Organicists
-[X] 1: Create a 'Green Rangers' specialist force of Skittarii focusing on forest/jungle warfare using data gained from the campaigns on the forest moon. Said specialist force will also focus on biological augments and chemical/toxin weaponry in order to go long periods without maintenance or repair.
--[X] Take brain scans of veteran Skitarii so their knowledge and experience can be properly passed down to this new unit.
-[X] 2: Create agri-complexs within the bunker complexes on Sidonia, and the forest moon in conjunction with strategic stockpiles of food in case of a siege.
-[X] 3: Develop chemcial industries on Sidonia with a focus on chemical weapon development in the preparation of an ork invasion.
-[X] 4: Create and expand facilities for the breeding and training of magma worms with the intent to produce a strain fit for combat purposes and another for industrial/construction purposes.
-[X] 5: Expand the cloning facilities to fix the issues with servitor production and increase the number of viable servitors.
--[X] Create a special portion of the facility for the testing of new Adam variants before wider production.
-[X] 6: Request a breeding population of Proline flying reptiles to be moved to the forest moon for study and experimentation.
-[X] 7: Create a genetically engineered life form designed to consume toxic waste runoff from factories to ensure such harmful pollutants don't harm the environment around the factories.
-[X] 8: Expand the gene temple on the Forest Moon with facilities dedicated to more specialized Genetor fields of study. Such as botany, chemystry, genetics, biology, medicine, and xenobiology.
-[X] Outreach: Establish a vast genetic research and chemical industry district within the second Forge City and staff it with party members.
--[X] The center of this district will have a vast cogitator array built with organic neural tissue and the brains of volunteer Tech Priests to process the vast amounts of data produced in this district.
Fighting the orks on a imperial guard death world is vastly preferable to fighting them in our industrial forges and sending small volunteer forces is not good enough

[x] Plan: All Skitarii Party
-[x] Party Name: Warriors of the Machine God

-[X] Ideology Alignment: Radicals
-[X] Ideology Specifics: Extreme support for democracy, support and represent the troops
-[X] Coalition: Radicals, Revisionists, Traditionalists

-[x] 1. Deploy our Skitarii to support the world being attacked by the orcs on their way to our world, working together with other imperial and local troops to damage the enemy forces and delay their advances, equipping then with all advanced equipment including vortex grenades they require
-[X] 2. Offer to give the crippled and wounded of our allies a second chance by giving distinguished veterans who are unable to continue fighting because of failing flesh improved machine replacements. While they do not have the traditional education of the tech-priests, they are still humans who can fight for the Omnissiah and possible show themselves deserving of his light through service.
-[X] 3. Begin dialogue with important local Imperial military commands to ensure we coordinate against any enemy invader and fight together
-[X] 4. Start a great program of drilling our fighting fit population as militia, ensuring any invader will get bogged down even if the militia cannot defeat the, allowing our siktarii to strike where they are strongest and use the mass of the general militia to slow enemies down. Furthermore, this militia will allow us to find talented warriors that may be missed by our usual recruitin methods.
-[x] 5. Investigate the use of the Dren as War-Servitors or auxiliary forces with the right combination of diplomacy, modification and incentives, hoping to make use of their power as stable psykers who can defend against enemy witches.

-[x] Outreach: Send voluntary Skitarii, equipped with all advanced equipment including vortex grenades they require to support to the frontline against the approaching ork threat, strengthening their resistance, making friends with local planets and learning about our future foe

-[x] Ideology: Representing many of the Skitarii and military minded Tech-Priests, the Warriors of the Machine God desire to strenghten Sidonias Legions and using them to the Forge-Worlds advantage. Many a favour can be gained by deploying these great Legions to our allies in the Imperium and the Warriors are determined to ensure these favours they are fighting for end up benefitting them too. In the pursuit of these goals they are generally uncaring about the philosophical divides of the Selanian parliament, letting themselves get courted by any side to best achieve their goals, with experienced Masters of War calculating the exact gains made by moving on the political stage just like they would when fighting their enemies. They view the Steel Cult as ideologes who care more about their squabbles with the Radicals than truly doing their best to advance the cause of the military. Additionally they are not interested in supplying imperial troops over mechanicus ones - the Skitarii are superior to the Imperial Guard after all. Following increases in tension among the mechanicus and suspicions of actors preparing for civil war or foreign intervention, the Warriors have increasingly turned to see themselves as defenders of Democracy on Sidonia, seeing it as the superior alternative to orthodox despotism and arguing that it is the true governance system of the cult as practiced on ancient mars. This has drawn in an increasing number of patriotic supporters of democracy, which has mingled with the existing base of the military to create a new strain of proud Tech-Republicans, fearsome warriors on the battlefield and fierce defenders of democracy, daring anyone to oppose the rightful institution of Sidonian democracy
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[X] Plan: War is always more profitable and better far, far away from Home
-[X] Party Name: Holy Machine Faction
-[X] Ideology Alignment: Revisionists
-[X] Coalition: Revisionists, Traditionalists, Radicals
-[X] 1: Contact our neighbors in path of Waaagh. We now product enough goods to do some trade. With the Waargh coming, these worlds would eve desperate for help, and if we trade fairly or at cost to help them, will do better and remember our aid. Since the first world in the path of the Orks has already received aid from the Warriors faction, they should see how powerful and useful our gear is. This world is the perfect place to send Saturnite blades, TIE fighters, and standard ground vehicles and gear. The Orks have been delayed once, and with a concentrated effort in supplying them, the Orks might be weakened even more. We could ask for unique plants or animals that either have useful parts or interesting abilities for us to study. The most dangerous will be sent to the Holy Machine Faction Black Labs and studied in the isolated labs until it is determined they won't overrun a planets natural ecosystem(like our moon) or will survive on one(like our lava world). Menials would also be an option for trade. We need more population and it gets them out of immediate danger from the Orks. Also, if the world gets overrun, we could try to save some of the surviving forces to make the core of our own army.
-[X] 2: Expand the Shipyards and start building ships. The Lighthouse Faction has created an improved design known as the Broadsword and an upgrade to the shipyard should make it big enough to build a few. We also don't have much time until the Orks arrive so building quality over quantity will be our goal. If we make enough, we can send some to other worlds in the path of the Orks so trade our weapons and offer mercenary services for a small fee. The fees are mostly just so we don't get swarmed with aid requests, the main point is to slow the Orks and test our new ships.
-[X] 3: Create deeper mines and magma sieves. Our space mining has been picking up, but our forge world still needs more raw materials, and producing more right next to the city will save a little cost from transportation.
-[X] 4: Begin series of tests of Naquadah. Initial individual tests have already proven its worth in weapons, from las to plasma to explosives, but due to its current limited quantities, it is difficult to use in something like a las gun. Focus on making missiles and torpedoes stronger, or as a power source.
-[X] 5: Continue to expand our defense networks. Both Forge cities and our newly forming Star port need more protection. Even with the work of the previous administration, we cannot stop. Our enemy is near mindless horde and every gun will be needed to push them back if they arrive at our home.
-[X] 6: Create a PDF force. So far, Skitarii have proven their worth as an elite force, even pushing back the Orks. Unfortunately, the are elite forces that are too valuable to throw away holding the line again a mass of enemy troops. A PDF with Guard level gear(with an upgraded standard, can't make a weapon manufacturing Forge world look bad) would be perfect for holding an Ork horde in place while our Skitarii go in for a decapitation blow. Literally with our Saturnite Blades.
-[X] 7: Begin work on city wide Void Shields. Not just for Orks, city wide defenses are a must for any world with Forge or Hive cities. The new generators have just come online, and should be perfect for power new shields.
-[X] 8: Start research into improving heavy vehicles. We have a factory making standard Imperial Guard tanks like the Russ and Chimera, but we can do better. We will see if our priest know any minor improvements like a better targeting program, or a more efficient get up for the treads. We are a Forge world, our gear needs to be better than what the average Guard unit gets. Standard models can still be exports, but our upgraded ones will either before our Forces or for any Tithe we will send in the future.
-[X] Outreach: The new Star port taking ship in the periphery is the main focus of this term's outreach program. The Holy Machine Faction is worried as the system has few mobile defenses. They will use the current production from their mining and the newly forming spacedock to begin work on the Broadsword ship design.
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[X] Plan: A Sidonian Mobilisation
-[X] Party: Adeptus Sustainus
-[X] Ideology Alignment: Radical (Logi/Artisans)
-[X] Coalition: Radicals, then Revisionists, then Traditionalists (But only if said Traditionalists are democratic leaning / civilian oriented)
-[X] Ideology Specifics: Sustainability/Civilian/Industry

-[X] 1: [Districts] With the ensuing creation of a new forgecity-- now would be the time to take stock of what we've learned from the creation of this forgecity, and apply those lessons to the next chapter in Sidonian history. While the District System may be currently hindered by the lack of foresight in planning the layout of this city-- we now have the unprecedented opportunity to attempt to steer the construction of the next forgecity towards one more adaptable to our long-term goals for the nascent District System. Convince the Artisans and Logi planning the design and layout of the next forgecity to construct it in such a manner that the forgecity is divided into several 'quarters' of substantial size, with their own independent sets of infrastructure, power grids, (miniature magma sieves), and local facilities (ie Genetoriums, Nutridomes, other public/government buildings you'd find in a city). Of course-- these sets of infrastructure can be entwined in one another, capable of providing support to the other 'quarters'-- but each 'quarter' should be designed such that it has the capability to provide for the needs of whatever inhabitants or industry lie within those 'quarters' independent of one another. This is both to cut down on logistics in keeping regions of the city self-sustainable-- but also provide a safety net should the city come under harm.
-[X] 2: [Void Shield] The safety of the forgecity has been placed under threat by rumours of the Green Menace. Instruct the Magi to begin experimenting with collections of harvested Dren Psyker Brains in an attempt to create a powerful enough void shield to protect the city from orbital bombardment in times of war. Due to the nature of the project, however, proper care must be undertaken. The prototype stage and initial experimentation of the project is to be conducted at a newly created Black Site Laboratory at the edge of the Darklands on the Forest Moon, defended by the series of fortifications encircling those vile lands. This is both to allow rapid military response should things go terribly wrong, keep the... potential side effects of the experimentation well away from Sidonia itself, and make it so that logistically, the Dren Psyker Brains do not have far to travel.
-[X] 3: [General Mobilisation - Skitarii] With the threat of the Orc Menace looming over Sidonia, the need for the expansion of our professional military is a necessity. Begin recruiting and augmenting Skitarii-hopefuls from the downtrodden and oppressed-- those that have been looked down upon by society, and raise them up. Raise them up, to become the Protectors of Sidonian Ideals. Whether they are factory workers or volunteers, Mutants or Humans, Imperial or Xeno-- offer the hand to lift them up.
-[X] 4: [Military Academy] With the threat of the Orc Menace looming over Sidonia, its time we formalise the creation of a Planetary Defence Force dedicated to the protection of Sidonia and its values. In order to do this, however-- we first need proper facilities for the training and drilling of Sidonian Imperial Guard Regiments. With this in mind-- begin the construction of a series of facilities on the Forest Moon near the fortifications around the Darklands dedicated to this purpose. This should both provide support for the Darkland fortifications (and any Black Labs in the area) (while also being protected by the fortifications), while also positioning the Military Academy in a location in which exercises can be easily conducted-- either into the Darklands themselves or the forests nearby.
-[X] 5: [Forced Armistice] Contact the Dren Tribes-- as many as possible, and impress upon them in visceral detail, the threat the Orc Menace poses for the Dren-- and then impose upon them the necessity of an Armistice for the war raging upon the Forest Moon in light of the threat the Orcs pose, with the threat of annihilation should that Armistice be broken. Then impose that Armistice forcefully. Any Dren Tribe that violates that Armistice by initiating conflict-- vassalized or not, is to either be Firebombed or subjected to Decimation. There is simply not enough time in the world to deal with the Drens' bickering with the threat looming over Sidonia.
-[X] 6: [Starfighters for Dragons] Its high-time Sidonian gets an ecosystem of its own (beyond the Sidonian Lava Worms), and what better way to start than to experiment on the Fauna of another planet? Contact Proline and request a breeding population of their rumoured (giant) flying-reptiles, along with any information or knowledge they have regarding the reptiles themselves or their habitat. (If the reptiles server as a suitable distraction for the Orcs... well, that's an added benefit). In exchange, dispatch several squadrons of newly created TIE/IN starfighters to Proline with the express purpose of serving as Close-Air Support for Proline's Ground Forces against the Orc Menace.
-[X] 7: [Surface-to-Orbit Installations] With the threat of the Orc Menace looming-- so to, comes the threat of a planetside invasion. We cannot afford for the Orcs to be able to acquire a foothold on Sidonia-- nor can we afford them the time necessary batter our Forgecity to ruin via orbital bombardment. Begin the creation of a Surface-side battery of Macrocannons-- built into the side of a mountain and defended by Hydra Anti-Air (Sidonian Beholders) (to provide some protection from the Macrocannons themselves being the target of Orbital Bombardment or Airstrikes) to ward off the Orc Menace.
-[X] 8: [Saturnite/Ceramite] With the threat of an Orc Invasion looming-- so too is the threat of vast infrastructure damage when the fighting inevitably begins. We can curtail some of this by preemptively creating a line of Manafactoriums dedicated to the production of Ceramite (for Infrastructure) and Saturnite (for the Magma Sieves should they be damaged and the Orcs cut off our supply of Adamantium from the asteroid mining operations).

-[X] Outreach: [Districts] With the ensuing creation of a new forgecity-- now would be the time to take stock of what we've learned from the creation of this forgecity, and apply those lessons to the next chapter in Sidonian history. While the District System may be currently hindered by the lack of foresight in planning the layout of this city-- we now have the unprecedented opportunity to attempt to steer the construction of the next forgecity towards one more adaptable to our long-term goals for the nascent District System. Convince the Artisans and Logi planning the design and layout of the next forgecity to construct it in such a manner that the forgecity is divided into several 'quarters' of substantial size, with their own independent sets of infrastructure, power grids, (miniature magma sieves), and local facilities (ie Genetoriums, Nutridomes, other public/government buildings you'd find in a city). Of course-- these sets of infrastructure can be entwined in one another, capable of providing support to the other 'quarters'-- but each 'quarter' should be designed such that it has the capability to provide for the needs of whatever inhabitants or industry lie within those 'quarters' independent of one another. This is both to cut down on logistics in keeping regions of the city self-sustainable-- but also provide a safety net should the city come under harm.
[X] Plan: Increase Dren production
-[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
-[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
-[X] Ideology Alignment: Radicals.
-[X] Coalition: Radicals, Revisionists, Traditionalists.
-[X] Ideology Specifics: Innovation, well running Forgeworld, abhor recklessness
-[X] 1: Upgrade the Dren breeding programs to indoctrinate bred Dren from birth till death into serving the Omnissiah and fulfilling their role (like "making Warp vortexes when the Omnissiah/his followers demand it"), measure effect that has on the products made from them.
-[X] 2: Perfect the surgery to retrieve the brainparts used for Vortex grenades.
-[X] 3: Research using Witchroot to regrow what is harvested. Quality test the results to know how often it can be done effectively.
-[X] 4: Institute a system of testing to open up the way into the schools for capable menials and to ease the way from the schools to Tech-Priesthood of the specialization most fitting the pupil.
-[X] 5: Set up facilities that turn psykically inert Dren from capture/breeding into Servitors.
-[X] Outreach: Upgrade the Dren breeding programs to indoctrinate bred Dren from birth till death into serving the Omnissiah and fulfilling their role (like "making Warp vortexes when the Omnissiah/his follower demands it"), measure effect that has on the products made from them.
[X] Plan: an invasion and an opportunity
- [X] Party: Seekers of the a Omnissiah
- [X] Coalition: Radicals and the most radical revisionists
- [X] 1: The Orc threat is growing ever greater and must not be allowed to damage the delicate ecosystem of the Dren planet. Mobilize our fleet assets and TIE fighters to prevent the Orcs from entering at any cost
- [X] 2: All must be prepared for the coming battle, therefor Skittari production will be vastly increased and given new experimental weaponry (deployed under the supervision of those that understand the new tech). Adam shall be provided for battlefield use
- [X] 3: The crisis requires production targets of ever larger numbers, and thus we cannot afford to ban segments of the population from productivity. Mutants, previously excluded from the abhuman equality laws, will be brought into them
- [X] 4: The danger of the Orcs cannot be overstated. Therefor to maintain safety of the system a state of emergency will be declared, under which all but the most immediately essential rules against tech heresy (namely those around messing with Orc spores on planet) will be temporarily suspended until the legislature declares the crisis over
- [X] 5: In case these preparations are not enough to defeat the immense threat reaching towards us begin to immediately construct new and improved industry using the newest and best methods, bring in the creators of these methods (who are now out in the open due to the state of emergency) to guide the construction
- [X] 6: In similar fashion to the new defensive industry construct defensive fortifications
- [X] 7: Cawl is here, we may as well utilize him as best we can. See if we can convince him to aid in the project if possible
- [X] 8: Begin a preliminary investigation into the possibility of creating an isolated laboratory either floating in space or on an uninhabited atmosphereless to investigate Orc technology and biology
- [X] Outreach: Do anything in our power to get Cawl to speak positively of us on his visit, aid him in whatever he needs, his endorsement would be powerful
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[X] Plan: an invasion and an opportunity
- [X] Party: Seekers of the a Omnissiah
- [X] Coalition: Radicals and the most radical revisionists
- [X] 1: The danger of the Orcs cannot be overstated. Therefor to maintain safety of the system a state of emergency will be declared, under which all but the most immediately essential rules against tech heresy (namely those around messing with Orc spores on planet) will be temporarily suspended until the legislature declares the crisis over
- [X] 2: The Orc threat is growing ever greater and must not be allowed to damage the delicate ecosystem of the Dren planet. Mobilize our fleet assets and TIE fighters to prevent the Orcs from entering at any cost
- [X] 3: All must be prepared for the coming battle, therefor Skittari production will be vastly increased and given new experimental weaponry (deployed under the supervision of those that understand the new tech). Adam shall be provided for battlefield use
- [X] 4: The crisis requires production targets of ever larger numbers, and thus we cannot afford to ban segments of the population from productivity. Mutants, previously excluded from the abhuman equality laws, will be brought into them
- [X] 5: In case these preparations are not enough to defeat the immense threat reaching towards us begin to immediately construct new and improved industry using the newest and best methods, bring in the creators of these methods (who are now out in the open due to the state of emergency) to guide the construction
- [X] 6: In similar fashion to the new defensive industry construct defensive fortifications
- [X] 7: Cawl is here, we may as well utilize him as best we can. See if we can convince him to aid in the project if possible
- [X] 8: Begin a preliminary investigation into the possibility of creating an isolated laboratory either floating in space or on an uninhabited atmosphereless to investigate Orc technology and biology
- [X] Outreach: Do anything in our power to get Cawl to speak positively of us on his visit, aid him in whatever he needs, his endorsement would be powerful
I honestly think that 1 should be moved below 4. It's a good opportunity, but also I'd rather put our focus on maximizing our normal production since this is such a dire threat.
[X] Plan: Emergency Military Build Up Protocol. Ver 3.0
-[X] Party: Clockwork Uplink
-[X] Ideology Alignment: Radicals
-[X] Coalition: Radicals then Revisionists then Traditionalists

-[X] Ideology Specifics: A splinter group from the Seeker's of the Omnissiah that wishes to focus on laying the foundation for a precise and efficient forge that sees to its inhabitants' needs. The party draws its support from a belief in radical technocratism from all corners of society but its main supporters are logi and artisans.

Internally, they wish for a well ordered forge society that reflects the radical egalitarian Sidonian Democracy being practiced.

Externally, they have ambitions Sidonia of becoming the sector's premier manufacturer.

Consequently, they wish to build or rebuild the old mars early in the mechanicus' history that they see as the golden age and their model for the present and future.

-[X] 1. Temporarily take over the individual forge complexes of all magi and other admech forges to boost production as part of our war preparation and set a precedent for future emergencies. Begin producing as much war related material as possible for the duration of the emergency under a unified plan. From menial rations to artillery to anti-orbital weapons to the Pandora blueprints as appropriate.

-[X] 2. Reinforce the imperial guard death world with as much men and material that we can spare. Begin observing the space hulk and formulate plans to destroy it.

-[X] 3. Begin fortifying the planet, the forest moon and the system in general as appropriate. Prioritize the planet. Further fortify the positions around the dark lands to also consider ork attacks from the outside. Build station outposts that can warn and monitor the ork invasion. Demolish and rebuild entire districts to better prepare for the invasion if it is deemed necessary.

-[X] 4. Construct bunkers and shelters that where the non-combat population will take shelter in when the fighting reaches their region. Begin indoctrinating and give material incentives to the estimated non-combatants of the forge to either volunteer into the skitarii or to enroll into other roles such as military logistics or the district self defense unit.

-[X] 5. Make a deal with the Valhallans to provide their ork specialist regiments for the duration of the invasion in return for future arms shipments.

-[X] 6. Determine somehow if the dark lands are somehow drawing in the ork splinter fleet and stop it if it is. Begin using our available psyker assets, assemble an expedition to capture alive a Dren leader in the dark lands for interrogation, consult imperial psykers in neighboring systems or other allies for signs and portents that point to the dark lands acting as a beacon.

-[X] 7. Build more military production factories.

-[X] 8. Put more effort into harnessing the lava worms for defense purposes.

-[X] Outreach: Begin streamlining everyday data around the forgeworld into easier to understand chunks of information for most of the electorate to understand as a public service. With the goal almost in reach prepare to disseminate it to the those who would benefit from it the most by launching an awareness campaign to the chaff class and other lower classes like mutants and building the necessary social network among them to quickly disseminate and maintain the results.

Looked over the old plan and by and large most of it was still applicable.