Lex Mechanica

That was mostly to prevent the Seekers from gaining complete control and shouting down the smaller parties. Preferably I would form a coalition with other biotech factions or hyperspecialists but my issues with the Seekers took precedent and the lack of such parties.

The problem is that ironically with everyone excluding the Seekers there is no alternative for radicals, strenghtening the Seekers significantly.

If everyone stopped exluding them it is likely that their strangehold on the radical caucus would be broken and more potential coalitions would open up. At the moment pretty much every vote except the Seekers and the neutrals is a vote for the strict orthodoxy of the Cops, so there are onlly two big parties
Honestly with how many people are mentioning they only voted seekers due to opposition to the orthodox block

Let's brainstorm a radical party that is not the seekers

First, it can be aimed at demographics outside the seekers focus, maybe with the justification that the support comes from junior members who rose into these posts due to the expanded education access, or existing radicals who see the benefit of increased recruitment, so junior artisans, genetors, and logi as compared to the seekers chaff focus, if I'm remembering that correctly I am on my phone

Second, replacing the controversial mentions of tech heresy with lines focused on developing industrial capacity, with an outreach action focusing on staffing the new and expanded industries with radicals if possible

It's pretty bare bones for a party idea but the next election isn't happening yet so there's time to figure out more details
The problem is that ironically with everyone excluding the Seekers there is no alternative for radicals, strenghtening the Seekers significantly.

If everyone stopped exluding them it is likely that their strangehold on the radical caucus would be broken and more potential coalitions would open up. At the moment pretty much every vote except the Seekers and the neutrals is a vote for the strict orthodoxy of the Cops, so there are onlly two big parties
They could just build a more reasonable radical and get enough votes to be part of a coalition beating Seekers.
No one complained about Illuminated Mechanicus wanting to reform rules or increasing education.
They could just build a more reasonable radical and get enough votes to be part of a coalition beating Seekers.
No one complained about Illuminated Mechanicus wanting to reform rules or increasing education.

The problem is that voting for the Illuminated Mechanicus means effectivly voting for the orthodox cops too, because politics are effectively limited to two parties. This is why as a radical only the seekers are an option - no matter what the policy of seeker excluding radicals are, they will always end up as supporters of the ultraorthodox parties.

what happens if there are two different plans for a party, @Magus Explorator ?
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The problem is that voting for the Illuminated Mechanicus means effectivly voting for the orthodox cops too, because politics are effectively limited to two parties. This is why as a radical only the seekers are an option - no matter what the policy of seeker excluding radicals are, they will always end up as supporters of the ultraorthodox parties.
And what of this prevents people making their own radicals party that is Coalition: Yes with Seekers and anti-seeker radicals?
Assuming that anti-seeker radicals didn't cooperate with the new party, the new party can still coalition with Seekers.

what happens if there are two different plans for a party, @Magus Explorator ?
Explained in first post:
Political parties :
Party votes will be allocated towards the party as a whole, and even the party with the least votes will still receive some representation in the Parliament
( Ie 3 Votes for Plan X for Party 1 and 2 votes for Plan Y for Party 1 will become 5 votes for Party 1 with Plan X)
Party gets the votes from both plans and the agenda from the stronger (more votes) plan.
And what of this prevents people making their own radicals party that is Coalition: Yes with Seekers and anti-seeker radicals?
Assuming that anti-seeker radicals didn't cooperate with the new party, the new party can still coalition with Seekers.

I assume its because one united party is stronger than two divided ones and that strenght is required when your under siege, but tbh i dont know how exactly the radical voters vote.

this proposal wouldnt actually fix anything either, it would just turn the seekers from being one big party of the two party state into a collection of parties acting just like a party in a two party state
I assume its because one united party is stronger than two divided ones and that strenght is required when your under siege, but tbh i dont know how exactly the radical voters vote.
As long as you Seekers + possible coalition partners for Seekers is below the Coalition cap, a part of Seekers splitting off wouldn't weaken the position of the splinter.
this proposal wouldnt actually fix anything either, it would just turn the seekers from being one big party of the two party state into a collection of parties acting just like a party in a two party state
If the new party doesn't have the parts the anti-Seeker block considers toxic that would mean they can coalition with the radicals and neutrals of the anti-Seeker block.
If the new party doesn't have the parts the anti-Seeker block considers toxic that would mean they can coalition with the radicals and neutrals of the anti-Seeker block.

oh, i understood you as suggesting that the new radical party would be excluding all orthodox parties excluding the Seekers.

if seekers supporters could be convinced to betray their coalition a centrist coalition excluding both the seekers and the orthodox could probably work (time for someone to create the SPD? :D)
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oh, i understood you as suggesting that the new radical party would be excluding all orthodox parties excluding the Seekers.

if seekers supporters could be convinced to betray their coalition a centrist coalition excluding both the seekers and the orthodox could probably work (time for someone to create the SPD? :D)

The most likely outcome of that is an irreconciliable 3 way split.

I think what I'll try next time is a split of the radicals focused on reviving mechanicus history an hope to temper the seekers by proximity if they can't pick up the lead.
hmmm seeing the results I'll probably join the illuminated mechanicus next turn.

As for why the seekers, they just seem really out of place to me, like if we scale canon mechanicus radicalism from 0 being ultra orthodox and 10 being ultra radical they sit somewhere around 35, like how have these guys survived this long?
turn3- 736M41 Election result : A miracle of the Omnssiah

Once again Elections came for the small forgeworld of Sidonia and for the first time ever a political party managed to win Re-election with the winning coalition winning 56% of the popular vote and in turn, re-electing Magistrix Metallurgicus Luminar 0-XU to the illustrious position of Fabricator general.

From the first to the fifth year of her second term, she decided to focus the resources of the various forges on the admittedly anemic myriad of forces to the forgeworld.

Although because of the small surplus that the forgeworld generates most of these vehicles are handmade by the various magus but some of the more simple parts are being made in the forges, Skorpius duneriders, Archaeopters and Ironstriders are now being seen in the various garrisons of Sidonia.

The forgemistress decided to issue two edicts for the defense of the forgeworld, the first was that If any hostile force attacked the forgeworld the various tech-priest were allowed to use unsanctioned and untested technologies in the defense of their home, mimicking the Venerable forgeworld of Ryza.
The second was to teach the lesser members of the military the basic rites of the machine god and those that show aptitude the ingression into the cult mechanicus proper.
Already hordes of electro-priests, Skitarii sargents, and tech-thralls are learning the basics of theology and how to properly honor the Machine god.

In the sixth year, the Magistrix sent a fact-finding mission against the Drens as currently, we don't know much about them.

Various scouting forces went out into the jungles consisting of Bibliophiliacs, Lexico Arcanus, and Skitarii escorts, their discovery could fill several megabits of information but can be shortened to: the Aliens technological levels are in the stone age, their society is in the Tribal age, with chieftains and shamans controlling the reigns of the tribe, Their species have an incredible psyker potential with as many as 1 in 100 being born with the connection to the warp, their deities don't appear to be chaos however blood sacrifices of defeated enemies are the norm upon conquering an enemy tribe followed.

They appear highly territorial and possess slightly cannibalistic tendencies.

From the expedition, we also managed to find several plants and herbs that might interest the forgeworld:
(Translated into low Gothic from Dren language)
Redbark tree sap: This sap is Highly flammable, rivaling even Phosphex in its burning capability.

Burning witch root: this root possesses highly capable regenerative properties, which once treated can be transferred to the user, however, the root also makes the User supremely sensitive to pain.

Rakazzak legs herb: This herb is named after an apparent extinct race and has the unique ability to overwhelm the flavors of food into a flowery flavor, it has the potential to improve the taste of our ration bars.

The mission also discovered that there are as many as 5 thousand to 10 thousand individual tribes scattered on the moon and that the shamans have access to psy-reactive materials gathered from "The Dark Lands" Further study is needed.

In her eighth, the fabricator general decided to investigate the various sightings in the various magma seas in the world of Sidonia, and what they found was pleasantly surprising.

Apparently, this world is home to several lifeforms made of silica, These lifeforms look like worms the size of a normal person to truly ancient creatures the size of baneblades, these "Lava worms" eat rocks and suck the minerals out of raw lava.

What's fascinating however is that these giants excrete highly condensed balls of minerals that aren't devoured by them and that these "Surfice raw ore patches" are actually the corpses of the creatures after their natural lifecycle, perhaps we can harness these creatures?

On her last day of office, something truly magnificent happened, the Pandora machine started screeching into the Noosphere with a passion, and in minutes a large congregation came to check on the ancient machine, however, they misunderstood what sounded like a malfunctioning was instead a miracle of the machine god himself.

After a whole hour, the machine printer lit up and started printing schematics and chemical structures.

In the end it gave the Congregation something called Saturnite, named after the Gas giant of Holy Terra apparently, the ceramic polymers are dirt cheap to make (compared to things like ceramic or other more advanced metals), and it's lightweight but very tough, resistant to small arms fire and has very high heat retention.

The most spectacular feature however is when it transforms into blades, able to slice carapace armor like air and even give adamantium deep gashes, this material has high potential to be used as blades, industrial equipment, armor piercing ammunition among other uses.

While this ends an era for the Magistrix the opposition was fulfilling their own agenda

The Steel Cult's message is heard far and wide in the few manufactoriums of the forgecity, as the reports of the Xenos filters into the populace many are enraged that the military of the mechanicus isn't punishing the devious Xenos for their arrogance.

Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus funds the application of identification Electoos as they do in Holy Terra or Mars, this device once connected to the Noosphere offers allows the various policing faction to the mechanicus to do their job far better.

Society of the Living Alloy began constructing clinics in the forest moon, although their job there is far more grafting cloned flesh in place of damaged flesh rather than any first aid, as the ones that required it are thankfully rare.

The illuminated mechanicus fill the void in our teaching school, from menials to veteran Skitarii, they instill into the virtues of sharing their knowledge with the forgeworld, this has already shown results, although poor quality a student of this program has developed the first Artillery ammo using Saturnite to form a piercing warhead.

The Holy Machine faction has done the forgeworld a great service, compilating all the little tricks and special prayers from all the Forgeworlds that our initial colonization came from, this Libra Colonis is shown to be a great help to our first schools to raise the quality of our homegrown tech-priest.

The Humanist faction built several biodomes imitating the forest of our moon in the forge city itself, this has both raised morale and the Poor air quality circulating our fine city.

The Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration has raised a point in our fine parliament, they wish to form a conclave to establish a system through which laws can be changed and removed only if a majority of the parties agree to do it.
Do the parties of this fine parliament agree?

[ ] Yes (Law-making mini-turn)
[ ] no (leave things as they are)

And so the final year of her mandate ended and the political machines of Sidonia roared in flames

Orbital lift (High): the public really wants access to a fast way to reach orbit, both to explore our solar system and to have an easy way to reach ships in orbit (if a party fulfills this in one of their plans they get a +1 in voting)
A Miracle of the machine god: following the Gift that the Pandora device gave us the population is inflamed in their faith in the Omnissiah

a little small, so sorry about that.
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Turn 3- year 736M41 Stats

Turn 3 Stats and Legislation

Forgeworld of Sidonia
Forge world Title: none
Forgeworld prestige: none

Current Fabricator General: Magistrix Metallurgicus Luminar 0-XU (Magi)
Legislative Coalition: Seekers of the Omnissiah (36.5%) +
Warriors of the Machine God (7.3 %) + Cogs of Justice( 12.19) = 56.99

Party Head of Government: Seekers of the Omnissiah
Mechanicus Parliament proportions:
society of the living alloy:4.8%
Cogs of Justice 12.19%
Holy machine faction: 2.4%
seeker of the omnissiah: 36.5%
Sect of the holy lightning inspiration: 6%
Illuminated mechanicus: 12.9%
Humanists: 4.88%
Luminen of the forsaken Calculus:3%
the Steel cult: 4.8%
Warriors of the Machine god: 7.3%

Food: interstellar imports (medium), corpse starch (very low), in-system food production (medium)
Raw materials: extra system rare metal importation (Medium), Mining(Medium)
Exporting: none

Imperial opinion of the forge: none
Mechanicus opinion of the forge: none

Army type: skitarii legions (no specialized equipment), no special forces
Army quantity: very low
Army quality: low
Navy type: none
Navy Quantity: none
Navy quality: none

Forgeworld stability: Medium
Tech level: low imperium
Manufacturing Factor: 1.5
Special projects: none
Servitors: Servitude Imperpituis
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[X] Yes (Law-making mini-turn)
[X] Plan: Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration
-[X] Party Name: Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration
-[X] Party Represents: Chaff and Logi
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Illuminated Mechanicus, Society of the Living Alloy, Holy Machine Faction, Cogs of Justice, Humanists
-[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Start working on catalogs that will cover basic rituals all should know.
-[X] 2: Build a full Shrine/Research temple for the Holy Pandora machine so we can worship and study this Holy Machine.
-[X] 3: Limit the War effort to the proper regulations of Mechanicus War.
-[X] 4: Form forts around the forest where Drens are to prepare for a purge of the Xenos
-[X] 5: Tall Orbital towers should be built to allow the movement off the Forgeworld to send out holy machines of war.
-[X] Outreach: Start Preparing and Drilling the lower class for the coming war, and the rituals needed for that war.
-[X] Ideology: Humanity has lost much, we must show what they have lost. The connection to the Motive Force must be restored.
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wait, the ruling coalition is seekers + cogs? the most orthodox and the most radical?
[X] Plan: All Skitarii Party
-[X] Party Name: Warriors of the Machine God
-[X] Party represents: Chaff (Skitarii), martial priests of all stripes (Auxilia Myrmidon, Electro-Priests, etc.)
-[X] Coalition: Yes, whatever advances the cause of a strenghtened military and a representation of the interests of the military, No: The Steel Cult

-[X] 1. Expand the Skitarii, creating stations where Menials are tested and the greatest of them are allowed the honour of being admitted into the Legions, giving them the chance to further rise in stations to true tech priests should they prove their suitability through service.
-[X] 2. Develop the military application of Saturnite, creating improvements to the blades and armours of our Skitarii with them
-[X] 3. Investigate the use of Burning witch root in our forces. With the capacity to feel pain removed it will simply improve the flesh
-[X] 4. Create a shipyard to build and supply a fleet to defend our world and provide naval strength when fighting away from home
-[X] 5. Expand our Merchant Marine, serving both as a good way to provide orbital lift and as basis for the logistical requirement of expeditionary forces

-[X] Outreach: Create systems to integrate the newly christened Tech Priests of War into our political organisations, ensuring they are quickly able to earn political protection and serve as new blood in our Cadres

-[X] Ideology: Representing many of the Skitarii and military minded Tech-Priests, the Warriors of the Machine God desire to strenghten Sidonias Legions and using them to the Forge-Worlds advantage. Many a favour can be gained by deploying these great Legions to our allies in the Imperium and the Warriors are determined to ensure these favours they are fighting for end up benefitting them too. In the pursuit of these goals they are generally uncaring about the philosophical divides of the Selanian parliament, letting themselves get courted by any side to best achieve their goals, with experienced Masters of War calculating the exact gains made by moving on the political stage just like they would when fighting their enemies. They view the Steel Cult as ideologes who care more about their squabbles with the Radicals than truly doing their best to advance the cause of the military. Additionally they are not interested in supplying imperial troops over mechanicus ones - the Skitarii are superior to the Imperial Guard after all

[X] No (Law-making mini-turn)
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[X] Plan: Going Up
-[X] Party Name: Holy Machine Faction
-[X] Coalition: Name: Glory of the Omnissiah Goals: Build up our Forge world to create wonders
--[X] Invited to Join:Illuminated Mechanicus, Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy, Cogs of Justice
--[X] Not: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Order work on an upgrade to magma sieves, if we can dig deeper, hopefully we can start extracting more rare minerals and reducing imports.
-[X] 2: Expand agri-complexes on the moon. With the Xenos pushed back, it is time we expanded our food production so as to remove corpse starch entirely and save the bodies for servitors.
-[X] 3: Begin construction of a new factorum to create this new material given to us by the Pandora Machine. We can use it to make close combat weapons for the Skitarii, void ship parts, and as structural material for an orbital lift.
-[X] 4: Build a full Shrine/Research temple for the Holy Pandora machine so we can worship and study this Holy Machine. With a new Holy Knowledge given to us, we much thank the mouth piece of the Omnissiah properly..
-[X] 5: Use the new cheaper better ceramic material to build an orbital elevator. With this new material, construction should be even cheaper and fast than before.
-[X] Outreach: While our factions numbers have gone down, the holy work continues to be done and the base level off all tech priests has improved. Even greater news, the Holy Pandora Machine has graced us with a new knowledge and a new direction. This wonderful material is perfect for pushing our industry into space. Therefore, the faction will focus its resources and skills to apply the new material into void ships designs and the orbital elevator. For example, ramming prows will have sharped Saturnite so they can cut through ships rather than just smash them. Also, as a kind of ablative armor as it handles heat so well, it could be an extra layer of armor to absorb laser and plasma hits. Finally any space stations like fortresses and ship yards will be able to deal with solar radiation better(heat and energy from stars are crazy when you don't have an atmosphere to help)
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Thought of the Calculus: It is through the Motive Force of action that knowledge is transmuted into understanding.
[X] no (leave things as they are)
[X] Plan: Meditative Groundwork i10
-[X] Party Name: Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus
-[X] Represents: Logi, Chaff
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Holy Machine, Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice, Warriors of the Machine God. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Construct a suitable temple-vault for the Pandora device.
-[X] 2: Lay the foundations for an increase in orbital lift with the construction of a transit station to handle cargo flow to and from orbit.
-[X] 3: Commence construction of an orbital elevator.
-[X] 4: Mandate the creation of a forge complex dedicated to the production of Electrostatic Gauntlets.
-[X] 5: Construct a fortress-monastery upon the forest moon to house an order of warrior-monks so that they may test themselves within the forest.
-[X] Outreach: Form the Viridian Order as a group of warrior-monks who fight unarmed and unarmoured, except for any implants they may possess.
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