Lex Mechanica

The Lighthouse of Humanity attempts to learn things from the Space Marines currently inhabiting their world. The result is somewhat disappointing, however, as there's not much that he knows that your lengthy learning at the feet of the Mechanicus has not taught you.
This is not what I was going for in my plan. I wanted to be the main connection for training the tech marines

[X]Plan: Lighting the Fires of progress
-[X] The Lighthouse of Humanity
-[X] party represents: Menials, low level Tech Adepts, Geneators, Artisans
-[X] coalition: yes: the Seekers of the Omnissiah, Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Glory of the Omnissiah, Adeptus Sustainus No:
-[X] 1) Expand our navel Shipyards in both size & number of slipways
-[X] 2) Expand our Educational apparatus, thus securing more tech acolytes and a more tech literate population
-[X] 3) Expand our solar mining operations by building Refinery stations in the asteroid belt
-[X] 4) Expand our Industrial Capacity by expanding our Forges
-[X] 5) Endeavor to increase the average literacy rate of menials, to allow the readjusting of Magos and tech priests to the presuit of knowledge
-[X] Outreach- The party shall attempt to expand the training courses for menials looking to either become tech initiates or rise to the ranks of Mechanics
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[X] Plan: More Data.
-[X] Party Name: Clockwork Uplink
-[X] Party represents: Logi and Artisans
-[X] Coalition: Yes. They like radical parties more because they're a seeker splinter party.
No. Parties that are orthodox and refuse to coalition with radical parties.
-[X] 1. To improve the information planners and the voting public have on citizens of the forge, implement a registration that encompasses all voters including baseline humans, augmented humans, abhumans and mutants. Offer material incentives like food and clothing to get the bulk of the population to support the initiative and make it easier to use force on the holdouts. The main objectives are to gather data from overall health to the number and purpose of an individual's augments for the logisticians to take into account and for the voting public to know more about their fellow voters and candidates.
-[X] 2. Begin construction of agridomes on suitable sites outside the forest moon. With the newest information on the nature of the drens, we must prepare for a worst case scenario of abandoning and cordoning the moon.
-[X] 3. Begin negotiations with the nearest hive world to receive more people to rapidly build our population. Implement a suitable indoctrination program to help the new arrivals acclimatize with the sidonian cyber democracy forge ethos such as undergoing the data registration or help in choosing their first augment. Also expand the appropriate domiciles and food sources to accommodate for the new citizens.
-[X] 4. Begin domesticating the lava worms. They will allow us to put off building a mining industry for raw materials where they are found and focus on factories that process the raw materials so early in the Sidonian forge's history.
-[X] 5. Build a network of stations that reach the edge of the system to keep watch and better monitor any traffic.
-[X] Outreach: Begin streamlining everyday data around the forgeworld into easier to understand chunks of information for most of the electorate to understand as a public service.
-[X] Ideology: A splinter group from the Seeker's of the Omnissiah that wishes to focus on laying the foundation for a precise and efficient forge that sees to its inhabitants' needs.
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I don't think my coalition is ever going to win again, so I'm building my own Fief within the system, by base will eventually eat worlds to keep growing
You know, I'm a bit curious— what exactly differentiates a radical party and an orthodox party in this?

Orthodox: Deny Coalition with the Seekers
Radical: Allow Coalition with the Seekers

Pretty much

y'all dezron plan only has one voot by the tally? think it will be okay

Outreach actions are done no matter how many votes a party recieves.

Speaking of, I changed the outreach action of the warriors of the Machine-God:
Stop and arrest any traitor to the Forge World and it's democratic system who would try sabotaging us by giving away our holy secrets
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Orthodox: Deny Coalition with the Seekers
Radical: Allow Coalition with the Seekers

Pretty much

Welp, guess I'm a Radical (in a sense) then for simply not caring about the feud the Orthodox has with the Seekers.

5: Give local mechanicus members near total freedom for experiments with enemy Dren and darklands material without restrictions on "innovative" or "potentially heretical" actions. Mantian a supply of both of course

Ooh experimentation and branching into supposed 'heresy'. Sounds interesting— only problem I can really see with this (so long as we keep some of the more questionable experimentation in the darklands on the 'downlow') would be some safety constraints to make sure someones' experiment on a psyker doesn't render part of the moon uninhabitable from lack of supervision when experimenting with forces (currently) beyond our knowledge. (And also making sure said Psykers/mutated Dren are under guard incase they try and break free off course. Information quarantine (for the captured Dren) might also be a good idea— just incase.
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Welp, guess I'm a Radical then for simply not caring about the feud the Orthodox has with the Seekers

Welcome to the centrist boat :S

Though this binary distinction is starting to break up with the Cordon becoming increasingly irrelevant with all the new parties opening up to the seekers.

In the past there were 2 camps and opposing the seekers meant that you were forced to coalition with the ultra orthodox, but now that the landscape is getting more open that will likely change.

And I think the orthodox parties are getting less orthodox too, the cop party is not even doing any cop stuff!
[X] Plan: The Menial Improvement Program v3
-[X] Party Name: Council for systemic and sound governance (COSASG)
-[X] Party Represents: Logi, Chaff
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: anyone that isn't listed under no
--[X] No:
-[X] 1: Institute a new Standard work shift system, four six hour shifts shall be instituted with each preceded and followed by time for shift changes and a short service for the workers, making for a total of seven hours spent at the workplace for six days a week. This will ensure maximum productivity for every workhour, Ave Omnissiah!
-[X] 2: Create a body, invested with the power to determine and prescribe better working safety regulations in order to maintain the health of the Workforce. An Experienced Workforce is a productive Workforce. Ave Omnissiah!
-[X] 3: Institute a system of testing to open up the way into the schools for capable menials and to ease the way from the schools to Tech-Priesthood of the specialization most fitting the pupil.
-[X] 4: Improve and standardize primary education, to ensure everyone a decent grounding and thus a fair chance to join the priesthood.
-[X] 5: prescribe minimal standards in size, quality and services for Housing Units.
-[X] Outreach: Investigate the most pressing concerns regarding the quality of life of the forgeworlds population.

Once more, if you want to truly uplift our people in the long term, vote COSASG!
Orthodox: Deny Coalition with the Seekers
Radical: Allow Coalition with the Seekers

Pretty much
From the first vote there were anti-Seeker radicalis.
Ooh experimentation and branching into supposed 'heresy'. Sounds interesting
Being pro experimentation/Innovation makes you a "radical", unless you are going further into straight heresy.
only problem I can really see with this (so long as we keep some of the more questionable experimentation in the darklands on the 'downlow') would be some safety constraints to make sure someones' experiment on a psyker doesn't render part of the moon uninhabitable from lack of supervision when experimenting with forces (currently) beyond our knowledge. (And also making sure said Psykers/mutated Dren are under guard incase they try and break free off course. Information quarantine (for the captured Dren) might also be a good idea— just incase.
Yeah, the Seekers refusal of safety mechanisms or subtlety is what caused the wave of people excluding them from coalitions.
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From the first vote there were anti-Seeker radicalis

I find it hard to consider a party who plans to govern in coalition with ultra orthodox parties to be truly radical and that binary distinction is how the split has been how the quest operated until the cordon broke.

There was the radical bloc under the seekers and the orthodox bloc and any orthodox bloc government would have needed to include the ultra orthodox for the majority.
I find it hard to consider a party who plans to govern in coalition with ultra orthodox parties to be truly radical and that binary distinction is how the split has been how the quest operated until the cordon broke.

There was the radical bloc under the seekers and the orthodox bloc and any orthodox bloc government would have needed to include the ultra orthodox for the majority.
"Ultraorthodox" that don't mind working with parties that want innovation, opennes in education, and (safely organized) research into psyker?

Doesn't sound very Ultraorthodox.

Edit: Also, can someone help with a little bit with action 2? I can't think of a suitable warhammer name for "Black Sites".
Black-labs as Laboratories nodding to the blackfleet (which collects psykers to be turned into either sanctioned psykers or sacrifices for the emperor)
Or if you'd like some doglatin: Laboratoria Occultis?
There was the radical bloc under the seekers and the orthodox bloc and any orthodox bloc government would have needed to include the ultra orthodox for the majority.
Except there was never an ultra orthodox party, the furthest towards orthodoxy we have are still moderate radicals.

Seriously, stop this radical mcarthy bullshit.
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