Lex Mechanica

[X] Plan: All Skitarii Party
-[x] Party Name: Warriors of the Machine God
-[x] Party represents: Chaff (Skitarii), martial priests of all stripes (Auxilia Myrmidon, Electro-Priests, etc.), Pro-Democracy everyones
-[x] Coalition: Yes, all democratic parties who are willing to advance and strengthen the military No Coalitions, as the Warriors of the Machine God need to focus all of their attention on preventing any traitors to the democratic will of the Motive Force from succeeding

-[x] 1. Investigate our current forces both ground side and in space to integrate our new archaeotech fighter into our armed forces, focusing especially on a suitable carrier to ensure we can take advantage of their superiority in space.
-[x] 2. Further expand the Skitarii, creating stations where Menials are tested and the greatest of them are allowed the honour of being admitted into the Legions, giving them the chance to further rise in stations to true tech priests should they prove their suitability through service. The selection and augmentation process will include oaths of loyality to the democratic foundation of Sidonia and they will be taught to be proud of being the defender of our great and unique planet.
-[x] 3. Develop the theory of the mechanicus further, integrating the superiority of democratic processes, as they allow for cybernetic(hehe) feedback and avoid the foibles of single human errors.
-[x] 4. Take advantage of the battlefields on the moon to allow our troops to bloody themselves, granting them their first fights in a relatively safe enviroment and train to improve themselves
-[x] 5. Investigate the use of the Dren as War-Servitors or auxiliary forces with the right combination of diplomacy, modification and incentives, hoping to make use of their power as stable psykers who can defend against enemy witches
-[x] Outreach:Stop and arrest any traitor to the Forge World and it's democratic system who would try sabotaging us by giving away our holy secrets.

-[x] Ideology: Representing many of the Skitarii and military minded Tech-Priests, the Warriors of the Machine God desire to strenghten Sidonias Legions and using them to the Forge-Worlds advantage. Many a favour can be gained by deploying these great Legions to our allies in the Imperium and the Warriors are determined to ensure these favours they are fighting for end up benefitting them too. In the pursuit of these goals they are generally uncaring about the philosophical divides of the Selanian parliament, letting themselves get courted by any side to best achieve their goals, with experienced Masters of War calculating the exact gains made by moving on the political stage just like they would when fighting their enemies. They view the Steel Cult as ideologes who care more about their squabbles with the Radicals than truly doing their best to advance the cause of the military. Additionally they are not interested in supplying imperial troops over mechanicus ones - the Skitarii are superior to the Imperial Guard after all. Following increases in tension among the mechanicus and suspicions of actors preparing for civil war or foreign intervention, the Warriors have increasingly turned to see themselves as defenders of Democracy on Sidonia, seeing it as the superior alternative to orthodox despotism and arguing that it is the true governance system of the cult as practiced on ancient mars. This has drawn in an increasing number of patriotic supporters of democracy, which has mingled with the existing base of the military to create a new strain of proud Tech-Republicans, fearsome warriors on the battlefield and fierce defenders of democracy, daring anyone to oppose the rightful institution of Sidonian democracy
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Honestly I am more interested in the solar panels on the fighter than anything else. If we could scale them up then we could start producing some clean energy.

Also vote:

[X] Plan: Going Green
-[X] Party: Society of the Living Alloy
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice, Sect of the holy lightning inspiration, Holy machine faction. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Send well armed survey teams into the Dark Lands along with xenobiologists to collect samples and study the mutated creatures within to determine how to best exterminate them.
-[X] 2: Construct facilities to monitor the genetic health of the Forge World's population and ensure the propagation of beneficial traits and the removal negative ones through genetic modification and selective match making.
-[X] 3: Construct a Space Station above the forest moon dedicated to the experimentation of new crop and livestock strains before their introduction into the environment.
-[X] 4: Create a 'Green Rangers' specialist force of Skittarii focusing on forest/jungle warfare using data gained from the campaigns on the forest moon. Said specialist force will also focus on biological augments and chemical/toxin weaponry in order to go long periods without maintenance or repair.
-[X] 5: Expand the gene temple on the Forest Moon with facilities dedicated to more specialized Genetor fields of study. Such as botany, chemystry, genetics, biology, and medicine.
-[X] Outreach: Gather funds and support to establish a 'Green District' within the Forge City a place for Genetors to congregate with other like minded individuals and delve deeper into the mysteries of life.
-[X] Party Name: Cogs of Justice
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: Extreme Radicals and Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Construct logistic space station near asteroid belt
-[X] 2: Build several mining spaceships
-[X] 3: Build several cargo spaceships.
-[X] 4: Construct sensor station around the system.
-[X] 5: Set up production of defense satelites.
-[X] Outreach: Send copy of TIE/LN starfighter blueprint to Mars. In the name of Quest for Knowledge.
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[X] Plan: Going Green
-[X] Party: Society of the Living Alloy
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice, Sect of the holy lightning inspiration, Holy machine faction. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Send well armed survey teams into the Dark Lands along with xenobiologists to collect samples and study the mutated creatures within to determine how to best exterminate them.
-[X] 2: Construct facilities to monitor the genetic health of the Forge World's population and ensure the propagation of beneficial traits and the removal negative ones through genetic modification and selective match making.
-[X] 3: Construct a Space Station above the forest moon dedicated to the experimentation of new crop and livestock strains before their introduction into the environment.
-[X] 4: Create a 'Green Rangers' specialist force of Skittarii focusing on forest/jungle warfare using data gained from the campaigns on the forest moon. Said specialist force will also focus on biological augments and chemical/toxin weaponry in order to go long periods without maintenance or repair.
-[X] 5: Expand the gene temple on the Forest Moon with facilities dedicated to more specialized Genetor fields of study. Such as botany, chemystry, genetics, biology, and medicine.
-[X] Outreach: Gather funds and support to establish a 'Green District' within the Forge City a place for Genetors to congregate with other like minded individuals and delve deeper into the mysteries of life.

Curious how the green rangers will turnout
[X] Plan: Guns and Forges
-[X] Party Name: The Steel Cult
-[X] Party Represents: The Logi, The Artisans, The Chaff
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Holy Machine Faction, Cogs of Justice, Society of the Living Alloy, Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus.
No: Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Construct a great manufactorum complex to kickstart war equipment production, emphasize the defensive capabilities of such buildings.
-[X] 2: Quickly expand operations to erase the extremely dangerous hostile Dren population. Utilize all assets to end this as soon as possible. Firebombing, gasses, plasma or rad-weapons it does not matter.
-[X] 3: Construct a heavy vehicles forge, for the production of the standard templates of tanks and chimera variants. It can also produce industrial machines for the transport of raw materials.
-[X] 4: Have trusted Artisans in our weapon design bureau explore better Saturnite use in both armor and ammunition production. Have them also collaborate with the Society of the Living Alloy most capable Genetors to explore the viability of using the newly discovered "Redbark tree sap" as a viable mass produced weapon.
-[X] 5: Construct the first Plasma Reactor of our Forgeworld.
-[X] Outreach: Send Steel Cult menials and Techpriests with the valhallan bound equipment to supervise its correct use, assist with logistics and verify its quality. After a period of 3 years they will come back, if still alive.
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[X]- Harnessing the Core
-[X] Party: Adeptus Sustainus
-[X] Party represents: Logi, Artisans
-[X] Coalition: Yes to all parties so long as they are not increasing importation or reliance on external entities for resources
-[X] Ideology: Formed close to a decade ago from a collective of the Logi, the Adeptus Sustainus is focused predominatly on the self-sustainability of the Forgeworld first and foremost. These ideas primarily extend towards reducing imports, and thus, reliance on the benevolence of outside entities, and the creation of a 'District' system to ensure that elements of the Forgecity itself are self-sufficient (at least, with regards to power supply, nutrition, and housing at the moment). The Adeptus Sustainus does not particulary care who they work with, Xeno or Imperial, Heretic or Zealot- so long as the Forgeworld continues to grow and becomes self-sustaining.

-[X] 1: Begin the construction of several deep-bore mines to begin harvesting any rare metals/minerals hidden deep beneath the surface such that reliance on mineral importation can be reduced.
-[X] 2: As a result of the (currently) failed efforts to begin segmenting the Forgeworld into self-sufficient Districts due to a lack of sufficient power for the Genatorium, begin excavating the area beneath each of the Habblocks for the construction of geothermal power plants so as to utilize the world's magma as a source of heating for the creation of steam- and thus, power to supply the Habblocks.
-[X] 3: Reach out to the Artisans-- more specifically, the Forgeworld's architects, and form a committee for the standardization of certain key designs in a block-like format, such that elements of the Forgecity can become modular and production made more easily scalable by the simple addition of a new 'block' of that type to the Forgecity. (Part of the preparation for segementing the Forgecity into Districts)
-[X] 4: Conduct a series of simulated tests with the newly designed TIE/IN starfighter to see how squadrons of the starfighter would compete against a 'standard' Imperial Patrol fleet, along with simulated tests against the ships of the Imperium's varying enemies.
-[X] 5: Reach out to the Geneators and ask that they run another series of experiments on the Burning Witch Root and Grox to see if it is possible to neutralize the regenerative properties of the Burning Witch Root. Both to see if the slabs of Grox Meat can be rendered 'inert' / not regenerative when being packaged for rationing, AND as a preemptive measure in the event that a hostile force weaponizes the Burning Witch Root to bolster their soldiers-- we'll at least have a way of neutralizing it from any captured prisoners.

-[X] Outreach: Reach out to the Artisans, more specifically, the Forgeworld's architects, and attempt to form a committee for the (general) standardization of designs in a (general) blocklike format, such that urban planning can be more easily done by making these elements of the forgecity modular and more easily scalable as the Forgecity continues to expand.

You think Fighters are important for Carriers?

Nah, without good bombers carriers aren't very useful.

What sources, you just took GM words at face value, without checking anything.

Like for example Tie doesn't have it's own life support, which means each pilot needs to wear flight suit with life support system.

Or the fact it only has 2 laser cannons as weapons, Fury atleast can take extra missiles.

Or the fact that it looks from the side literally like shooting target.

Or how handheld blaster can punch through Tie window.

Standard Tie Fighter.
"You took QM's word at face value" yeah that's how word of QM works
[X] Plan: Covering Bases
-[X] Party Name: Bearers of the Beacon
-[X] Party Represents: The Magi, Chaff
-[X] Ideology: The kinder side of the Mechanicus would call them dreamers. The majority calls them fools. Simpletons that ignore data and numbers for intangible results. They are the ones who see the galaxy around them and ask "Why?". They are the ones who weren't satisfied with the answers that the Mechanicus were giving to mankinds' woes and sorrows.
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes:
---[X] Radical
--[X] No:
---[X] None
-[X] 1: Set up a organization that investigates and looks into any xeno and Chaos threats in the system. Omnibus Videntibus Oculis (OVO), the All-Seeing Eye. While they aren't completely defenseless, they won't be heavily armed in comparison to the Skittari. Instead they will have to call upon and rely on the military for any threats that are larger than what they can handle. Additional checks and balances will be put in place so one organization doesn't have the ability to play judge, jury, and executioner.
-[X] 2: Setting up Black Sites. We have been blessed by the Omnissiah that nothing has gone horribly wrong with our study on the Drens and their psyker abilities. With the discovery of more powerful Drens from the Dark Lands, that's no longer a certainty. The project seeks to construct mainly two Black Sites. One on the planet to keep whatever psykers and psy-reactive materials we find on the planet. The second in space as either a asteroid base or space station so that we have an isolated location to properly study them without the risking the rest of the planet to violent psyker phenomenon. If we can also hide them so the Puritans can't find them and harass us about them, all the better.
-[X] 3: Investigate the Dark Lands. With the combination of more powerful and hostile Drens and the presense of psy-reactive material, this is a probelm we can not leave alone. First question our vassals about the Dark Lands. Figure out its significance to the Drens. Is it sacred land to them and thus, forbidden to outsiders? What about the materials found there? If we think we can launch an expedition without pissing off our vassals, do so. The expedition is to document and record whatever information we can about it. Make sure to bring back any important materials as well. Note that they're not to take and hold any ground there. We don't have enough information about that place yet.
-[X] 4: More production. As things are right now, we're barely covering our meager exports and current needs with the factories we have. If we want to not only expand, but to also properly supply our corner of the Imperium with what it needs, we're going to need more production. Work with the Artisans, the Logi, and the Chaff for this. The Artisans for decorating the manufactorum that properly venerate the Adeptus Mechanicus and Omnissiah. The Logi to so that the production can be as efficient as possible. And finally the Chaff to reel in the more outlandish ideas of the first two. This will be a balacing act and will probably not endure us to the three. Hopefully we can find a compromise that satisfies all three.
-[X] 5: Begin the groundworks for a space industry. Now that we have the space elevator all set up, we can start setting up both constuction of voidcrafts and a mining industry. Focus on the latter first so that we can cut down on having to import extra system rare metals. Try to focus on nodes closest to the planet first instead of the richest. That way we can respond quickly if any hostile forces show up in the system.
-[X] Outreach: Sponsor techpriests that are shunned simply because of their abhuman origins.
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Thought of the Calculus: The forge is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding forge
[X] Plan: Expanding Pandora
-[X] Party Name: Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus
-[X] Represents: Logi, Chaff
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Holy Machine, Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice, Warriors of the Machine God. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Expand forges to supply the nascent starship construction industry.
-[X] 2: Integrate Saturnite industrial tooling.
-[X] 3: Build dedicated Saturnite ammo factories for export purposes.
-[X] 4: Mandate the creation of a forge complex dedicated to the production of the Twin Ion Engine.
-[X] 5: Test stacking of Twin Ion Engines for use on larger vessels.
-[X] Outreach: Research repurposing the Advanced Auspex Unit from the TIE/LN starfighter for use in a ground vehicle.
[X]- Harnessing the Core
-[X] Party: Adeptus Sustainus
-[X] Party represents: Logi, Artisans
-[X] Coalition: Yes to all parties so long as they are not increasing importation or reliance on external entities for resources
-[X] Ideology: Formed close to a decade ago from a collective of the Logi, the Adeptus Sustainus is focused predominatly on the self-sustainability of the Forgeworld first and foremost. These ideas primarily extend towards reducing imports, and thus, reliance on the benevolence of outside entities, and the creation of a 'District' system to ensure that elements of the Forgecity itself are self-sufficient (at least, with regards to power supply, nutrition, and housing at the moment). The Adeptus Sustainus does not particulary care who they work with, Xeno or Imperial, Heretic or Zealot- so long as the Forgeworld continues to grow and becomes self-sustaining.

-[X] 1: Begin the construction of several deep-bore mines to begin harvesting any rare metals/minerals hidden deep beneath the surface such that reliance on mineral importation can be reduced.
-[X] 2: As a result of the (currently) failed efforts to begin segmenting the Forgeworld into self-sufficient Districts due to a lack of sufficient power for the Genatorium, begin excavating the area beneath each of the Habblocks for the construction of geothermal power plants so as to utilize the world's magma as a source of heating for the creation of steam- and thus, power to supply the Habblocks.
-[X] 3: Reach out to the Artisans-- more specifically, the Forgeworld's architects, and form a committee for the standardization of certain key designs in a block-like format, such that elements of the Forgecity can become modular and production made more easily scalable by the simple addition of a new 'block' of that type to the Forgecity. (Part of the preparation for segementing the Forgecity into Districts)
-[X] 4: Conduct a series of simulated tests with the newly designed TIE/IN starfighter to see how squadrons of the starfighter would compete against a 'standard' Imperial Patrol fleet, along with simulated tests against the ships of the Imperium's varying enemies.
-[X] 5: Reach out to the Geneators and ask that they run another series of experiments on the Burning Witch Root and Grox to see if it is possible to neutralize the regenerative properties of the Burning Witch Root. Both to see if the slabs of Grox Meat can be rendered 'inert' / not regenerative when being packaged for rationing, AND as a preemptive measure in the event that a hostile force weaponizes the Burning Witch Root to bolster their soldiers-- we'll at least have a way of neutralizing it from any captured prisoners.

-[X] Outreach: Reach out to the Artisans, more specifically, the Forgeworld's architects, and attempt to form a committee for the (general) standardization of designs in a (general) blocklike format, such that urban planning can be more easily done by making these elements of the forgecity modular and more easily scalable as the Forgecity continues to expand.
-[X] Outreach: Send copy of TIE/LN starfighter blueprint to Mars.

Are we *certain* we want to do this? If we send the blueprint to Mars, we're no longer the sole provider of the starfighter blueprint. Certainly, this could be good for Humanity as a whole with (hopefully) better starfighters/technology, but this also means we'll be handing potential power off to more established forgeworlds (assuming they acquire the blueprints from Mars) as they could more easily attempt to reverse engineer the starfighter's base components/produce them with their excess of resources/manufacturing-- both of which we presently lack.
If anyone cares, I changed my Outreach action.

Change it into a trade negotiation for an alternative aircraft design then you got my vote. Aircraft design for an aircraft design is probably an acceptable deal in their eyes.

Though I must ask, can one party really do an action on that scale? Seems like something that would at least need the support of the rulling government at that time to do or we could theorically be seen as a rogue element.
Are we *certain* we want to do this?

I'm certain, knowledge should be shared.

Of course we can also become like every other Forge World and hoard our tech like dragon.

Change it into a trade negotiation for an alternative aircraft design then you got my vote. Aircraft design for an aircraft design is probably an acceptable deal in their eyes.

Let's say I can't.

This is more or less a gift to hopefully build positive reputation with Mars.

That I'm planning to use, i future negotiations to get better deal.

What can I say, politics.

Though I must ask, can one party really do an action on that scale?

There is no rule saying that I can't.

Which means that everyone can engage in diplomancy with other powers.
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There is no rule saying that I can't.

Which means that everyone can engage in diplomancy with other powers.

If we are operating under assumptions like that then what stops the rulling coalition from declaring a fringe party a rogue element/ban their organization due to [insert justification]/something else along those lines? There's no direct rule against that course of action either.
[X] Plan: We have sought and we shall find
- [X] Party: Seekers of the Omnissiah
- [X] Coalition: Yes: radicals, people who will stop our classified tech from being sent to mats. No: traditionalists, people trying to send our classified tech to Mars
- [X] 1: Continue the war on the Dren homeworld and investigate the mysterious properties of the strange land and it's species, increase the privileges of the Dren tribes that sided with us willingly
- [X] 2: Begin mass infrastructure works aimed at improving the lives of the masses above all else, including mass rail lines and elevators connecting different sections of the world
- [X] 3: Begin production of amenities for the menials and chaff on a greater scale
- [X] 4: Construct factories for mass production of the TIE and begin it
- [X] 5: Give local mechanicus members near total freedom for experiments with enemy Dren and darklands material without restrictions on "innovative" or "potentially heretical" actions. Mantian a supply of both of course
- [X] Outreach: Attempt to ingratiate our faction with the visiting tech marines, if possible see if they can publicly appear with one of our members or give a positive statement
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I'm certain, knowledge should be shared.

Of course we can also become like every other Forge World and hoard our tech like dragon.

Let's say I can't.

This is more or less a gift to hopefully build positive reputation with Mars.

That I'm planning to use, i future negotiations to get better deal.

What can I say, politics.

There is no rule saying that I can't.

Which means that everyone can engage in diplomancy with other powers.
Are you proposing to hand over state secrets to Mars? An organization that cares not for our world, will use any developments to raise tithes, and may invite greater scrutiny on us? Why?????