Lex Mechanica

Well controlling or destroying the food supply would also have a noticiable affect on the civil war.
Generally 'He who controls the food supply' becomes a target for 'He who controls the guns'. They then show up with their superior numbers and superior weapons to take the food as needed. Sitting on the agri domes isnt a winning proposition, you have no guns with which to fend off an incursion, and you have no factories with which to resupply what weapons and munitions you *do* have.
Generally 'He who controls the food supply' becomes a target for 'He who controls the guns'. They then show up with their superior numbers and superior weapons to take the food as needed. Sitting on the agri domes isnt a winning proposition, you have no guns with which to fend off an incursion, and you have no factories with which to resupply what weapons and munitions you *do* have.
I am setting up my own Skittarii forces this turn with my outreach so that is a start and industry on the forest moon will follow.
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I am setting up my own Skittarii forces this turn with my outreach so that is a start and infustry on the forest moon will follow.
Except the vast majority of the forge industry will be on Sidonia because that is where all the resources are. That is also where most of the people will be. We already have mines and materials and such on the lava moon, while your Skitarii forces would be a speed bump they are probably never going to be greater than what exists on Sidonia. We are a forgeworld, not an agriworld, the focus is always going to be on our manufacturing capability. He who controls the manufacturies and the industry will win any civil war given sufficient time. After all, whats preventing Sidonia from abandoning defending the agri domes you hold, and just setting up new ones and then bombarding your existing ones from orbit?

Your Skittarii?

This is not a winning play for you. Also, as another player pointed out to me, canonically, the AdMech would be fine starving the menials while we leverage our superior military to take back the agridomes by force.
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Fair, but i think it should be with the 5s, not the 3s.
Also, in this specific case the split was invited.
That's fair in terms of line-up position, it's just an artifact of me going down the vote count and has been rectified. As for inviting different options, good on you guys but it always has the possibility of becoming more... Heated
You forget that in a hypothetical civil war my group will have allies that will most likely support us, and since we aren't radicals the Mechanicus or Imperium when they arrive will reinforce us. So we won't exactly be going alone in this. Besides the Skittarii is just step one of my maater plan.
Your hoping and praying that the Imperium will ride to your salvation? They are more likely to tell you to shut the fuck up and figure it out yourself and to get back to them when you have something of value to offer them.

This is a bad plan. This is a bad, poorly thought out plan. This is a plan that has been tried before, in real life, and it has never worked out for the people who have attempted it. The Imperium as a whole doesnt care about radical forge worlds. If they did, there would be no radical forge worlds in existence, and there are. So it stands to reason that the 'Imperium' or more accurately, the local forces, give less of a shit then you think they do.

Like getting any kind of forces onto the agrimoon just means that you can push around menials on the agrimoon and possibly agitate the local xenos. It wont actually allow you to stand up to Sidonia.
Your hoping and praying that the Imperium will ride to your salvation? They are more likely to tell you to shut the fuck up and figure it out yourself and to get back to them when you have something of value to offer them.
As you said the other day Forge Worlds are important so I doubt the Imperium would want to lose the output of one so yes they would be interested in a civil war on one.
Like getting any kind of forces onto the agrimoon just means that you can push around menials on the agrimoon and possibly agitate the local xenos. It wont actually allow you to stand up to Sidonia.
Who said anything about that? I just want my own forces so I can defend the strategic resources on the moon in case of xenos raids and other incidents.
Also, as another player pointed out to me, canonically, the AdMech would be fine starving the menials while we leverage our superior military to take back the agridomes by force.
The seekers seem far to humanitarian for that so forgive me for doubting that you would employ that strategy.
As you said the other day Forge Worlds are important so I doubt the Imperium would want to lose the output of one so yes they would be interested in a civil war on one.

Who said anything about that? I just want my own forces so I can defend the strategic resources on the moon in case of xenos raids and other incidents.

The seekers seem far to humanitarian for that so forgive me for doubting that you would employ that strategy.
Sure, but your assuming they would take your side in a conflict. They would likely take the side of whoever held the forge world because that is what the Imperium actually cares about. Whats the point of securing the farms on a forge world when the thing you are expecting to get out of it are guns and tanks?

Your right, the Seekers would just stop supplying the existing agridomes with spare parts and would just build new ones. We built the ones your looking to secure, so we can probably build new ones if we have to. We are also getting food imports, so we can just increase the food imports to cover the shortfall while we deal with the rebels who have occupied the existing agridomes.

Like I said. This plan is ill conceived.
Sure, but your assuming they would take your side in a conflict. They would likely take the side of whoever held the forge world because that is what the Imperium actually cares about.
I don't think they will take the side that is integrating xenos, and really it depends on who calls them first.
We built the ones your looking to secure, so we can probably build new ones if we have to.
Those were actually built during the reign of the Humanist party not the seekers so that is false. And besides it isn't like other Tech Priests can't do maintenance or that the agri-domes will immediately fail. This is the Imperium/Mechanicus if there is one thing they do well it is build things to last.
We are also getting food imports, so we can just increase the food imports to cover the shortfall while we deal with the rebels who have occupied the existing agridomes.
You seem to be understating how difficult bringing in supplies is during a civil war with one half of the planet against the other half.
1: Construct an orbital life, taking special care to make sure the workers on the project are treated well and survive

guys, I just realized the Seekers are making life in space. are they building an AI or going to move their Servitor lines to orbit?
You seem to be understating how difficult bringing in supplies is during a civil war with one half of the planet against the other half.
Depending on how the neutrals fall (try to stay out of it? Side with the bigger side? Side with the closer ideology wise) it would probably be more like 1/3 vs the other 2/3.

guys, I just realized the Seekers are making life in space. are they building an AI or going to move their Servitor lines to orbit?
They are gonna have an orgy on a space ship, I think.
1: Construct an orbital life, taking special care to make sure the workers on the project are treated well and survive

guys, I just realized the Seekers are making life in space. are they building an AI or going to move their Servitor lines to orbit?
Orbital habitats or factories are possible, but that doesn't seem heretical enough for them. /jk
I don't think they will take the side that is integrating xenos, and really it depends on who calls them first.

Those were actually built during the reign of the Humanist party not the seekers so that is false. And besides it isn't like other Tech Priests can't do maintenance or that the agri-domes will immediately fail. This is the Imperium/Mechanicus if there is one thing they do well it is build things to last.

You seem to be understating how difficult bringing in supplies is during a civil war with one half of the planet against the other half.
I dont think it does, I dont think the Orthodox side of the colony are the first people who had the bright idea to call the inquisition, or the local governors, and try to talk them into playing Kingmaker.

My point is that the agridomes came out of our forge world, which means that new ones can come out of that same forge world if necessary. Whoever controls the forges controls the colony. So, again, controling the agridomes seems silly.

Not if the saboteurs are conveniently confining themselves onto one planet.
Discussing this theoretical of a civil war is really not useful, noone is going to convince the other to stop or that they are wrong.

Depending on how the neutrals fall (try to stay out of it? Side with the bigger side? Side with the closer ideology wise) it would probably be more like 1/3 vs the other 2/3.

The Warriors of the Machine-God will side with the democratic side of course, as we were charged by the Venerable Magus Explorator Dei Etul Theta
I dont think it does, I dont think the Orthodox side of the colony are the first people who had the bright idea to call the inquisition, or the local governors, and try to talk them into playing Kingmaker.

My point is that the agridomes came out of our forge world, which means that new ones can come out of that same forge world if necessary. Whoever controls the forges controls the colony. So, again, controling the agridomes seems silly.

Not if the saboteurs are conveniently confining themselves onto one planet.
If they were alone: Sure.
But in the case y'all start a civil war it wouldn't just be the ones bunkering on the agridome moon. Whole cordon sanitaire would be against you.
Just one part of the battle.
If they were alone: Sure.
But in the case y'all start a civil war it wouldn't just be the ones bunkering on the agridome moon. Whole cordon sanitaire would be against you.
Just one part of the battle.

The instigator of the civil war was always assumed to be the orthodox factions here?
Look, honestly, any civil war would end pretty fast because the seekers will unleash some chaos swarm by studying something that mind wracked some random priest and they get eaten first while we deal with the mess
Look, honestly, any civil war would end pretty fast because the seekers will unleash some chaos swarm by studying something that mind wracked some random priest and they get eaten first while we deal with the mess
Ah yeah, good old reminder to the fact that the anti-seeker grouping exists because of quotes like this from Seekers founder:
Chaos corruption is not a real problem, it simply isn't, and if a demon wants to give me inspiration I say let it, I have no issue.
From what I'm seeing, Society of living metal, lighthouse of humanity, and holy machine faction should be able to form a colaltion to beat out seekers together.
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