Stiltzkin and Zedruu are going to be BEST FRIENDS.
Let's be fair, that rhino has a real temper on him.never forget Magnus the Red, transhuman demigod turned favored servant of the god of magic, having the same stats as a siege rhino
It deeply amuses me that Omi has the temperament of an arrogant shounen battlemanga villain who smugly protests his boredom with the wretched weaklings that surround him, only to flip his lid and start dropping Frieza Deathballs the second someone actually makes him bleed. Just the sheer "that's it, i'm gettin me mallet" and smashing the clear glass case you'd constructed around Thunderchad Cid with malicious intent.
And there he is. Sir Fratley, the man Freya has been looking for. A dragon knight clad in a golden outfit, wearing a mask of a helm.
You're quite unlucky. IIRC you could dig up 9 chocographs, 6 of which you could reach at that point in the game.It seems like the game just randomizes chocograph finds, so that there is absolutely no guarantee that I will land on the graph for the area I'm currently in.
I don't know if it happens here, but later on picking the wrong choice will lead to a bad result.There are two separate entrances to this room, and I find myself wondering if doing it in the wrong order might not lead to failing to save Kal (and possibly Wei as well). Pretty grim if so.
I was waiting with bated breath for you to get to Kuja, so that I could scream about this horrible, wonderful, slutty little man. The ideal form of the silver-haired JRPG villain. I made some kind of wordless, high-pitched noise when I saw him in the pre-rendered cutscene for the first time. The art style may be less realistic in this game, but the character designs have never been better. There's room for out-there creativity, while still showing a lot of details like did you notice how Kuja has a few straps on his back to hold up his loose skirt, so it can artfully sag to reveal his hips without falling down entirely?And there he is.
The sluttiest villain in Final Fantasy history.
I'm a lesbian, but I won't lie, this man was created to make me question that. He rides a white dragon, c'mon. If it turns out he has daddy issues too, I'll perish.Anyway the important takeaway here is that as a straight man, this has no effect on me. Whatsoever. At all.
Based Steiner, he knows what should be done.Upon realizing that this lazy bum is the reason we had to go through the Ice Cavern and Dali and an airship hijacking because the gates were closed, Steiner hilariously has a dialogue choice that is labeled "Kill!" and "Don't kill". If we select "Kill!" Steiner nearly goes to murder the guy before catching himself and saying he almost lost control of himself.
Eh, little of column A, little of column B? That's my take anyways, the Black Waltzes made it pretty clear they would blow up everyone and anyone in the area to capture Garnet so she probably doesn't want to deal with that... but also she's clearly been having fun being Just Dagger.The reason they tried to keep Garnet's identity a secret before was because Alexandrian agents were actively trying to get her back to Alexandria. Which is… What she's trying to do now. There is no reason for them to maintain secrecy. Their interests align. If anything, saying "hi I'm Princess Garnet and I'm trying to get back to the castle" would get them there faster.
I suppose it could be that Garnet, having seen the Black Waltzes, is worried that publicly announcing herself might result in some psychotic wizard mutant blowing up half the town around her just because, even though she'd be agreeing to go back to Alexandria. But I think the real reason…
Is that Garnet wants to be Dagger. She's gotten a little in love with the romanticism of the road, of her new secret identity, of moving through the world unseen as a Secret Magical Princess.
Zero out of Ten gameStill, there is one unforgivable mistake on this scene's part:
It tells us that Steiner and Dagger got into monster fights off-screen, and they have no XP to show for it. They're still lv 7! How could you!
Freya: "Zidane, as we speak my people are being slaughtered, my entire kingdom, my family, my childhood friends are being mowed down in the streets"So what's next? Well…
II. Vamo'alla Flamenco [Extended, One Hour]
Of course, we immediately turn around and go back all the way through the grotto so that we can play some more Chocobo Hot & Cold. Burmecia will be fine, it's just a short delay.
Wonder how good Magic Hammer is as a player ability in FFIX. From what I remember of previous games, wiping out an enemy's MP pool was a surprisingly viable strat in a lot of cases.As with the grotto before, encounter variety is low. The Magic Vices are a long-term threat; their special ability, Magic Hammer, depletes MP considerably, which threatens my ability to carry out battles and drains my Ether supply. They are otherwise not exceptionally dangerous, though it takes me a while to manage to get one at just the HP level required for Quina to eat it and learn Magic Hammer themself, as their HP is low and it's easy to overshoot it.
Probably some one-off boss who you kick the ass of, or at most who runs off going "YOU'LL RUE THE DAY" after you smack them around. Nothing special, I'm sure.Once the black mages have been dispatched, Zorn and Thorn flail angrily.
Zorn: "The general will punish you for this!"
Thorn: "Yes! Very scary, it is, when the general gets mad!"
Hm. Okay, so we have a 'general' to be looking out for, likely the boss at the end of the city. Curious what that'll be about.
It's nice to have a less downer/brooding character after Cloud and Squall, not gonna lie. Both were great characters, don't get me wrong, but Zidane just has so much pep in his step, and it's still held in check with his incredible ability to just shove his entire boot down his own throat and start chewing at times.Once again: Zidane is shockingly capable of the casual kind of conversation and comfort that lightens the stress of a tough situation, and of just being nice to people, compared to our last two protags. This whole beat is honestly a welcome bit of light in what's a pretty oppressive dungeon in which we arrive after the battle and follow the aftermath of a brutal, one-sided massacre.
She picks up the spear, and tests it with a thrust, commenting that it is light and easy to use. And no wonder: it's a mythril spear, which is immediately added to our inventory, where I immediately remember to equip it and do not forget until after the end of this update, that didn't happen.
Yeah, once again as it turns out when all your characters have predefined classes and roles and whatnot, it means you can actually do some pretty cool stuff with them utilizing those roles in the story? One of the many reasons I quite like FFIX, and probably prefer characters with defined classes over free job/materia/etc systems when it comes to purely story beats (gameplay-wise though... I'm a sucker for massive class grinding to create ridiculous OP combos).One thing I am really liking about FF9 is the way it actually portrays the characters using their abilities outside of combat, which shouldn't be such a surprise but really is after VII and VIII. Here, Freya, a dragon knight, easily jumps to the top of the statue in a single leap, because Jump is her class ability. Zidane, who is an agile thief with monkey traits, grumbles and has to actually climb the statue, but still does so with swiftness and agility. Vivi and Quina, however, lack such athleticism, and so they're stuck on the ground having to find the long way round. It's a neat way to show how the various characters' mobility relates to one another.
So yeah, so much for that "Covert Ops" theory seeing as Literally The Queen Herself is here. Granted I forgot Brahne shows up, I could have sworn it was just Beatrix for whatever reason... probably because her first fight is so iconic of an end to Disk 1.
GOLLY GEEGod. Look at him. Listen to him. We won't get a proper look at his outfit until later, but look at that cunty little pose. 'Quite pleasant'? 'Sandy tree house'? 'Marvelous display'? 'I was wondering if'? There's "queer coding" and then there's whatever the fuck this is.
Girl may have just committed genocide, but really what girlboss hasn't done that? We let Beatrix have a little genocide, as a treat.The Burmecian Soldier boldly proclaims his intent. It's hopeless, but perhaps, in his reckless attempt, he might strike down the queen even as he is killed.
It's this obviously suicidal resolve that makes the next moment so striking. Beatrix, her hand on her sword in a posture ready to draw, says:
Beatrix: "You wish to fight me, Beatrix of Alexandria?"
And the moment she says this, all fight goes out of the man. He stammers her name, 'B-Beatrix?' and stands up straight, abandoning his own fighting stance, utterly dumbstruck.
This is a name that makes even the hopes of the hopeless die. He was ready to die, but now he knows he will never even reach Queen Brahne with his dying stroke.
Beatrix: "I commend your courage, but I will show you no mercy."
God, that's it, we're getting the "honorable but merciless master of the sword" archetype, I am always a sucker for those. And she's a woman this time! That's cool!
Yeah, Quina's Trance is distinctly the worst one in the game, both because it's only really useful against random encounters (and still doesn't give you 100% HP Eat or anything, just 50%), and also because it's not that difficult to get enemies down to the 25% threshold with the resources the game gives you.It triggers Quina's first Trance.
Wish that did anything, though.
Quina's Trance is possibly the most useless of all characters so far. Its effects is simple: Normally, Eat only works on enemies below 25%. In Trance, it works on any enemy below 50% HP. Given that Eats instantly takes out any enemy it works on, that could be useful for random encounters… And only that. Bosses can't be Eaten. And as far as I can tell, Quina's Trance does not increase their magic damage or anything.They don't unlock any blue magic. It is effectively worthless in a boss fight.
I had totally not known this until the thread, but apparently FFIX Aqua Breath is not in fact a water damage decent AoE like it has been in previous games? It's some kind of percentage damage attack like Gravity, with a success rate involving your Level and the target's Level.So, Quina's Trance is useless. Still, they have damaging moves like, hm, Aqua Breath?
Aqua Breath whiffs.
Whoa, hey now Omi, we're only on Game 9 of 16! You never know, there might be someone who can compare. Maybe.And there he is.
The sluttiest villain in Final Fantasy history.
Anyway the important takeaway here is that as a straight man, this has no effect on me. Whatsoever. At all.
I genuinely forgot that Disk 1 ends this early as well! Of course, it's not how long a game is so much as what you do with that time that matters, you could have a two hundred hour grind that bores you to tears, or stick with the so far pretty tight experience we've gotten.So, that was Disc 1.
Wait a minute, that was Disc 1? What?
Let me just check - okay, Disc 1 of FF7 took 23 updates. Now granted that's because of how VII worked; the game was incredibly front-loaded and Disc 3 was pretty much vestigial. But it still took us 12 updates to get to the end of Disc 1 of FF8!
This is Update 8.
The construction is familiar - we have a big dramatic dungeon representing a massive swing in the game's tone (Burmecia is incredibly bleak compared to most of the game up to that point), an overwhelming boss fight against a major antagonist who 'wins' even if we win the mechanical boss fight (Sephiroth flies away after killing Aerith, Ultimedea takes Squall out with her Limit Break, Beatrix wipes the floor with everyone while Kuja is watching), it follows the beats.
But it's so short. And Kuja has just been introduced, we know next to nothing about him, unlike Sephiroth or Edea.
To my surprise, we are still relatively on track with VIII level-wise; we fought Edea at around lv 15, vs lv 13 for this game. Still shorter, but not all that much. But in terms of narrative length this feels wildly shorter. Actually let me quickly check-
Yeah. Disc 1 of FF8 took 16 hours. Disc 1 of FF9 took 11:30. It genuinely is shorter by about a whole third.
Steiner nearly goes to murder the guy before catching himself and saying he almost lost control of himself.
We run into two Garuda birds who spam Stop until half the party is frozen in time and then kill the remainder with an AoE attack that deletes all their HP in one attack, leading to our first game over.
Extremely funny, guys.
I'm honestly surprised that so far the game hasn't really used any of the cultural associations fantasy typically gives to rat people.
it's useful to sometimes pull back from the 1:1 figurative speciesersonality layer. And I think that's something Burmecia has been doing well so far, for, uh, what little we have seen of them.
VI. If I Grit My Teeth And Lie I Can Pretend Sephiroth Was Hotter
Today's scene is an excerpt from the Bard's very own Henry VI Part 1 Specifically Act 1, Scene Two lines 99-104. Zidane is playing Chales VII who was at the time the Dauphin (heir apparent) of France. And Beatrix is playing none other than Joan of f!cking Arc a.k.a. Pucelle (or The Maiden).[Lights on; sounds of rain. The CHORUS is weeping. BEATRIX and ZIDANE face one another.]
I am prepar'd: here is my keen-edg'd sword,
Deck'd with five flower-de-luces on each side;
The which at Touraine, in Saint Katharine's churchyard,
Out of a great deal of old iron I chose forth.
Then come, o' God's name; I fear no woman.
And, while I live, I'll ne'er fly from a man.
[They fight.]
Stay, stay thy hands! thou art an Amazon,
And fightest with the sword of Deborah.
Christ's mother helps me, else I were too weak.
[Lights out; a DRAGON roars.]
Beatrix is Celes.
She's a general of the evil nation, she has a widespread reputation as not just a deadly swordswoman but a ruthless and cold-blooded general, she fights by combining swordplay and magic. In much the same way as Zorn and Thorn are referencing Kefka without being literally just him, Beatrix references Celes, but we're meeting a Celes before her defection, a Celes who is still the terrible sword of her kingdom. And that means, unfortunately for us, that she hasn't been reset to "starting character level" by the needs of the narrative.
But it's so short. And Kuja has just been introduced, we know next to nothing about him, unlike Sephiroth or Edea.
To my surprise, we are still relatively on track with VIII level-wise; we fought Edea at around lv 15, vs lv 13 for this game. Still shorter, but not all that much. But in terms of narrative length this feels wildly shorter. Actually let me quickly check-
Yeah. Disc 1 of FF8 took 16 hours. Disc 1 of FF9 took 11:30. It genuinely is shorter by about a whole third.
(And I'm of the opinion that the Japanese developers tend to be horrible about data compression.)
The funny part is that Omi didn't even meet the dragons. The things he encountered were the relatively weaker ones, the other encounter up there is a dragon that normally shows up only near the end of disc 3. The big reason most folks go for the early Coral Ring is to get immunity to said dragons' thundaga to make level grinding on said dragons at least theoretically possible.
The giant flying water serpent sanctifies marriages!?
God that explains why they call him "Master" but this is wild. I guess it does tie into the apparent pantheon of reptilian beings depicted in statues. I wonder how many reptilian small gods Zorn and Thorn turned against Burmecia or killed with their black mages…
If you watch this bit very closely, you'll notice that the "bag of pickles" actually rears up and kicks Steiner in the back of the head as he's about to dismiss Mary's concerns, Dagger evidently having overheard him about to be a dick.Steiner: [Angrily.] "What good is it to bemoan what has already happened?" [He makes himself calm down.] "Wh-What I meant to say was that… Now that we are here, there must be things we can do to help the ones we love."
We run into two Garuda birds who spam Stop until half the party is frozen in time and then kill the remainder with an AoE attack that deletes all their HP in one attack, leading to our first game over.
Extremely funny, guys.
Once again, we are on the other side of a gate beyond which some battle occurred and the place was razed. I think it might be the same one as with the Gate near Alexandria? But I genuinely struggle to make sense of the geography involved here, this is just confusing to me.
Ahahahaha. Yes. And then there's this. The appearance of the infamous white haired bishieAlso, hey @Kuja. Is that your namesake up there?
edit: Ninjaed?
If we look past the bright aesthetics, we're actually looking at a setting that basically just managed to pull together from an apocalyptic event that more or less shut down trade and travel in the past few decades thanks to the development of Mist engines.
Last time, we made it to the end of Gizamaluke's Grotto, but before we could go on, we moved to Steinert and Dagger's wacky adventures at the South Gate to Alexandria, which is where we pick up today.
I. I Have Officially Given Up On Keeping Track Of "Gates"
Upon realizing that this lazy bum is the reason we had to go through the Ice Cavern and Dali and an airship hijacking because the gates were closed, Steiner hilariously has a dialogue choice that is labeled "Kill!" and "Don't kill". If we select "Kill!" Steiner nearly goes to murder the guy before catching himself and saying he almost lost control of himself.
Steiner actually quotes a line from I Want To Be Your Canary to signal that the way is clear.
(we have a dialogue option that seems to imply Steiner might accidentally peep on her by turning around too early? I didn't take it),
Is the part where I must ask why they are doing all of this.
Like… Garnet is, in fact, the Princess of Alexandria, and Steiner is, in fact, a legitimate captain of a knight corps who is escorting her back to the castle.
The reason they tried to keep Garnet's identity a secret before was because Alexandrian agents were actively trying to get her back to Alexandria. Which is… What she's trying to do now. There is no reason for them to maintain secrecy. Their interests align. If anything, saying "hi I'm Princess Garnet and I'm trying to get back to the castle" would get them there faster.
Is that Garnet wants to be Dagger. She's gotten a little in love with the romanticism of the road, of her new secret identity, of moving through the world unseen as a Secret Magical Princess.
II. Vamo'alla Flamenco [Extended, One Hour]
Of course, we immediately turn around and go back all the way through the grotto so that we can play some more Chocobo Hot & Cold. Burmecia will be fine, it's just a short delay.
What? Look, there are more chocographs I haven't uncovered yet! I need to find them! And all it will take me is…
About an hour of fruitless efforts.
Turns out there's more than two Chocographs to be found. But most of them are for areas I can't actually access yet, like this Cold field chocograph, or a chocograph for a location that says it requires me to be able to fly. It seems like the game just randomizes chocograph finds, so that there is absolutely no guarantee that I will land on the graph for the area I'm currently in.
We run into two Garuda birds who spam Stop until half the party is frozen in time and then kill the remainder with an AoE attack that deletes all their HP in one attack, leading to our first game over.
Extremely funny, guys.
Freya: "The smell of fire… and blood! There must have been a huge battle on the other side of that gate…"
[Quina enters.]
Quina: "Something smell bad. I get bad feeling!" [Quinna approaches the flower patch.] "Flower smell good! You smell flower!" [They start smelling the flowers.]
Freya: "...Quina does whatever s/he feels like doing. I must learn from his ways."
Zidane: "I don't think it's intentional, Freya."
[Freya turns around, kneeling.]
Freya: "No, if I had done as I pleased, I would've been…"
Quina: "Zidane, this flower taste good!"
Zidane: "See what I mean?"
Honestly it's cute that Freya looks at Quina and sees someone whose carefree attitude and pursuit of their own desire is genuinely to be respected and even emulated, I wasn't expecting that.
Zidane: "So… This is Freya's home…"
Freya: "It's been five years… I've been away for so long. Not a night went by when I didn't dream about home. I can't believe I'm here…"
Freya: "I am no longer the selfish child I was five years ago." [She rises.] "The time has come to serve my kingdom as a Burmecian dragon knight once again!"
Zidane: "I'll do what I can to help!"
Quina: "I help, too!"
Vivi: "Me, too!"
The Black Mages are still not much more of a threat than they were last time. Of note is that with the Ice Staff stolen from Gizzamaluke, Vivi is now able to cast Blizzara, which is a massive escalation in power - our boy has gone from "falling dramatically behind the physical attackers" to "deal around 1000 damage per spell." Yeesh.
We deliver a letter to the local moogle (it informs us that Stiltzkin travels with a map of the entire world and rare items, so we definitely want to catch up with him eventually), and he thanks us by giving us a Kupo Nut, then another letter to carry.
Freya: "I knew she was behind all this."
Zidane: "What do you mean, you knew?"
Freya: "I decided to return to Burmecia because I heard rumors that Brahne had set her sights on our kingdom."
Zidane: "Then that girl standing next to her must be Beatrix, Alexandria's general."
Freya: "That's Beatrix? The cold-blooded knight who knows no mercy. Beatrix…"
Suddenly, a new character enters.
A foolhardy Burmecian soldier, looking to throw his life away in a desperate attempt against Queen Brahne's life. But Beatrix interposes herself before the queen can come to harm, and Zidane and Freya, realizing the soldier is about to be killed, jumped down to help him.
It's a terrible, terrible idea.
So let's pull out that pin from earlier.
Beatrix is Celes.
Freya is next with a Lancer that hits for 275 damage, which is decent, except-
Beatrix retaliates with Shock, a sharp blow and a wave of light dealing nearly as much damage as Freya's max HP. Given that she went in injured, she instantly goes down. Fuck.
The massacre of Burmecia is of such relentless brutality that I don't think it would be excessive to call it a genocide.
The fight was genuinely a struggle because Beatrix's blitz moves kept taking out my characters and I kept wasting turns raising them until we hit the timer on her enrage and she said "I'm bored now" and mowed down everyone in a single strike.
What happens if we don't do that?
We walk into the fight with full HP and MP, Freya uses her new Mythril Spear's ability, Reis's Wind (Final Fantasy Tactics reference?) to cast Regen on everyone, Quina casts Mighty Guard granting everyone Protect and Shield, at which point Beatrix's attacks are completely unable to take out my characters; she breaks her sword on Vivi, triggering Trance, and he dualcasts Blizzara, and Beatrix eats 4000+ damage in two turns. She barely has time to throw two attacks that don't do shit before she goes "FUCK YOU" and pulls out Stock Break, forcing a loss.
She picks up the spear, and tests it with a thrust, commenting that it is light and easy to use. And no wonder: it's a mythril spear, which is immediately added to our inventory, where I immediately remember to equip it and do not forget until after the end of this update, that didn't happen.
UNDEFEATED Foot-in-Mouth Style Master. No one does it like Zidane.
Stock Break is definitely some kind of Limit Break. Beatrix shouts "You're no match for me!" and then hits the party with a sword wave that hits everyone and brings Zidane and Freya (my only two surviving characters) down to 1 HP.
This causes Zidane to enter Trance, which, as it turns out, will not matter.
The battle ends.![]()
I'm fairly certain that it's pure coincidence that the damage from Beatrix's "total HP-1 damage" finishing move brought Zidane into Trance, but in a way it's almost perfect; she unveils her super move, wipes the floor with the party, Zidane goes into his super mode… And it's still not enough, he still can barely keep standing at all.