Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
It's a recurring problem at Square Enix since the turn of the millennium (CC being the proverbial canary in the coal mine as it came out 1999).

Get an extremely ambitious idea -> blow your budget and timeframe iterating on your idea -> throw most of it out and rush a product.

Development hell has left its mark on a lot of SE products. The tale of Final Fantasy Versus XIII/Final Fantasy XV is an actual nightmare.
Late reply I know, but I think this problem goes beyond Square RPGs and covers the Epic Fantasy genre as a whole, which FF and related games largely fall into. Getting longer and more 'epic' till the point where they're no longer sustainable, and with epic fantasy games that also means overly ambitious gameplay on top of that.

Also, huh, only just noticed how relevant your username is here
Also, there's been other odd phrasing in the game and you haven't gone and looked it up (or at least told us about it) so someone had to have tipped you off, right?
People have replied to this pretty comprehensively already but I'm just gonna single out that bit because it's the weirdest bit.

My dude, the fact that I read Edgar's exchange with Relm and instantly had alarm bells ringing and went to other people going 'hey it's not just me, considering Edgar's past characterization that's weird, right', people agreed 'yeah that's pretty sus' and then I went to google and found out his original line was him going 'damn, I probably shouldn't be hitting on that preteen, that's an actual crime' should tell you that this is not, in fact, just a random dialogue line that comes out of nowhere and doesn't fit with his characterization from earlier. Actually, I was bracing for impact the second Edgar and Relm were alone together on the screen, that's why I was joking about 'needing an adult'!

Sometimes Japanese writers think 'what if this character was into children' is the height of hilarity and use it as a comedy beat* and if you've been burned enough you know when the 'joke' is coming. A bunch of updates ago people were assuring me that this gag with the little girl in Castle Figaro wasn't meant to be read the way I read it but, turns out, they were wrong, and the red flags were there the entire time! The original writers thought 'Edgar hits on any women regardless of social position, attractiveness, or age, and we don't mean just the old ones' would be a really funny gag, and the translation team tried to paper over the obvious issues while keeping most of his characterization intact, but unfortunately the vibe the original text was going for still slips through, because that's how it was meant to be written in the first place.

*Not necessarily exclusive to Japanese writers of course, looking at you Emily in Paris, but it manifests in a particular form.

Like, I'm going to let you in on a secret: if you do go looking for the various ways that line has been translated other the years online, you're going to be running into a shocking number of (English-language, to be clear) people from 5, 10 or 13 years ago commenting on the earlier 'see you in 8 years, kid' version of that line and laughing at benighted Western readers and their obsession over age of consent and how the line was better in the original Japanese.

We're doing a Final Fantasy Let's Play and sometimes that means looking at stuff beyond treating the Pixel Remaster as its own sui generis piece of media that has no prior iteration. Sometimes that means talking about how the Flying Fortress is meant to be a space station. And sometimes...

Now hopefully this doesn't become the entire topic of discussion of the thread until I update again (although the alternatives aren't necessarily better for the game, ahem, looking at you Super Saiyan Kefka) and we can move on. Sorry if the thread was mean to your fave, but that's just how it is. Sometimes people get a glimpse from beyond the curtain and it burns them. You can't make that un-happen, and you can't talk them into not feeling the way they feel. It's not going to ruin the game for me and I'll keep playing, but it happened, and now some readers are giving FFVI in general and Edgar in particular the stinkeye for justifiable reasons. It is what it is.
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Honestly I think some of the disconnect comes from those who grew up on the SNES version? Because Woolsey, to his credit, made the scene very not yikes because Edgar doesn't even slightly hit on Relm or have any real untoward thought towards her. The only remnant of the original left is Relm calling him "lover boy" but that is easily read as sass she picked up on from Sabin and Edgar's back-and-forth about the waitress. Otherwise Edgar's pause, moment of thought and dialogue can easily be read as his concern over this young girl joining them and her "losing her chance at being a child" or somesuch especially with the "lighten up" part, though he says it to himself and not her.

Plus I think a bit of a cultural divide. As mentioned, people took what the girl in Figaro Castle said as just "ha ha sure kid, I'll humor you" and here with Relm it comes off as more concern for the girl going on a dangerous mission than anything else. And if you're not familiar with certain segments of humor and what @Omicron mentioned about that "comedy beat" you weren't mentally priming yourself for it, either. So there's that.

It looks like the Pixel Remaster translation tried to thread the needle between "avoiding the yikes" and "but faithful to the original" and it comes out as awkward but can be read as fairly innocent. Of course the original context is full-on yikes so once you know that...yeah. I guess in the end it's up to you whether you go with "Original" Edgar or "Somewhat-Less-Creepy" Edgar.


In other news yeah Kefka's sudden power-up is weird especially with how Leo was no-selling him literally seconds before. Either he had some kind of ridiculously specific anti-Esper weapon/power (which obviously does nothing to a non-magical Leo) or he was toying with the General all along. I'm going with the former but either way the game could have developed this turn of events better.
Kefka's sudden power-up is weird especially with how Leo was no-selling him literally seconds before. Either he had some kind of ridiculously specific anti-Esper weapon/power

The power-up is Kefka's laugh. 16-bit midi laugh has such power that cannot be contained and he chose to deploy its fully armed and operational ability at Thamasa.
Leo was "beating" Kefka because he was fighting an illusion the whole time. After all, what could be more hilarious than convincing an idiot goody two-shoes that they're winning right up until you stick in the knife and give it a good ol' twist.
Staff Notice- Rule 3
Sorry if the thread was mean to your fave, but that's just how it is.

Uh, fuck off? Sabin* comes off pretty well in that scene all things considered.

Seriously though Omi, Defend your take all you like but I'm not sure why you're feeling the need to condescend to me (excuse me, 'let me in on secrets') when I brought up the different translations on my own in the same post you quoted. This is really all much more of a thing than it needs to be. I asked 'someone tipped you off, right' as a half joke because I had clearly done that exact thing. I'm more baffled than anything at the people letting this ruin the game for them.

*I'm not sure who I would pick as my actual favorite, honestly. 13-year-old me certainly was way into the awesome hadouken dude, but as lovable as Sabin is, he's pretty straightforward and I can see where people might assume I'd pick Edgar just because I've talked about him more. It's just that there's more there to talk about. Edgar's definitely top half, but just offhand Celes, Terra, and Cyan are higher. It occurs to me now that "mean to my fave" might have meant "Mean to FFVI as a whole" in which case refer above to me being baffled.
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Lots of... interesting stuff this update, but first, let's talk about something good.


Sketch is... mostly bad. There is like three or so places where it really, really shines, allowing you to trivialize the fight, but mostly it's dogshit. Sketch attacks don't do as much damage as you'd expect from enemy performance, and a lot of enemies are immune to their own attacks, making its use problematic.

What makes Relm a decent character, though, is that she has the single highest baseline Magic score in the game. At this point, her Magic may very well be higher than Terra's (or at least Celes'), depending on your level and the use of espers.

She desperately needs esper time to be useful, but once she gets some good offensive spells, she can easily compete or even outshine with Celes (and Terra without Trance) as a caster.

She's harmed by her other stats being pretty meh and a poor selection of equipment, but she's still plenty useful as a pure mage.

It's a shame about Sketch because I really like the idea of paintings coming to life by her hand. Personally, I'd probably just given her Strago's Lores (he can retire due to an injury or whatever), but flavored them as her keeping sketches of monsters she's encountered and summoning them as needed.

Or possibly some other bespoke mechanic that would make Sketch more broadly applicable. There is a lot you can do with art imitating life. Let Relm go full Ib.
Okay, so. Relm has the nickname "Murder Child" because her magic stat is the highest in the game and she can equip most of the good magic enhancing gear. Give her the three -ga spells, Holy, and Flare, and she can roflstomp basically everything in existence. Give her Curaga as well and she can keep the rest of the party alive pretty trivially.

Sketch is useless - on top of enemies usually being immune or even absorbing the elements they fight with, it also uses the monster's usually crappy magic stat instead of Relm's godly one - but who cares, Relm's base magic stat is 44. Compare that to the next three highest - Terra at 39, Celes at 36, and Mog at 35 - and you can see she's an absolute beast coming right out of the gate. Slap Zoneseek on her for a few levels and she's even more of a machine that turns enemies into ghosts.

Plus, "sassy ten year old with a gun" is such a fun character to play with.


I kinda just hum loudly and try to forget that scene with Edgar. The rest of his characterization doesn't work if he's actually a sexual predator instead of the world's most incompetent flirt, so while I recognize that the script writer made a decision, as it's a stupid-ass one I'm electing to ignore it.
Anyways, enough about one of the lowest points in the game's story (and Edgar's entire character), let's talk Relm!

Relm is, bar none, probably the worst character in the entire game... if you don't take Magicite into consideration. She's got rods and a unique weapon class in Brushes which aren't particularly useful (basically just rods by a different name with less useful abilities), her armor is mostly crap other than getting one unique type she shares with Strago, and Sketch is, as discussed, a pretty garbage tier ability.

But then, you factor in Magicite, and Relm's one little secret comes to the forefront: She has the highest base magic in the entire game, even more than Terra (which is why I've always said Terra has one of the highest magic stats). Terra might end up higher if you've leveled the party a lot, but even so Relm is a great candidate to slap Zona Seeker on and pump up that magic stat so she's comparable to characters like Terra and Celes in raw magical power.

Doesn't quite bring her up as high in the rankings as those two since they have more options like Trance, Runic, and physical weapon and armor sets to augment their magical skills, but it does take Relm from Probably Dead Last to a fairly useful party member, if you're willing to put in the time.

Haha, yes. Relm's Magic stat. Relm's very high Magic stat. Relm's Magic stat that is the highest in the game. That Magic stat.

Surely no one would have tagged Terra with Magic-boosting espers the moment they got her back and kept her on a drip feed of Magic increases ever since, including swapping out whatever esper she has equipped for Zona Seeker every time she's about to level so that her Magic stat is already several points higher than Relm's at the point where Relm joins the group... That would be overkill... Right?

Though also, I think Kefka's exponential power growth could embody a key theme of FF6: evil prospers when people do nothing to stop it. If we had stopped Kefka in our of our earlier encounters instead of letting him get away, or if Leo had reined Kefka in, Doma wouldn't have been poisoned, and the Espers wouldn't be magicite. And the same can be said for the Empire as a whole. If someone had taken a stand against them early on, when they were still a fledgling empire still trying to find a way to harness the Espers' power, maybe none of this would have happened. But even as the Empire expanded, places like Narshe and Jidoor still tried to be neutral. And when we tried to give the Empire a second chance in the wake of the Espers, we made a fatal mistake.

That could have be interesting, but I think it falls apart because the game doesn't let you stop him. You go to the battle screen with Kefka… what, 3 times? 4? And every time he just cheats and fucks off. It feels like some kind of bizarre accident, like the writers are saying "Oops! No, you can't fight Kefka yet, we still need him, we'll just take him back thanks."

Moreover, there's no sign given that the Empire could have been stopped early on. The strongest powers of the setting - Vector, Figaro, and Doma - are all on different landmasses, and as far as we see the Empire developed their magitek and proceeded to steamroll everyone nearby, becoming a militarized deathball that moved on to forcing a capitulation from Figaro and slamming itself against the walls of Doma.

I think the most important lesson to take from Kefka's antics is something along the lines of 'militarism will always rip the mask off.'

Kefka is one of three great generals of the Empire, the others being Celes and Leo. Celes, the most moral of the three, deserted when she found out that the Empire planned to make a massacre of Doma. Leo stayed in his position and made an attempt to head it off, but was easily manipulated by his staunch loyalty, even at the very end when he snapped and attacked Kefka outright, he's still made to hesitate by the image of the Emperor.

Using Omi's assessment of the Empire's obsession with martial strength and power, isn't it interesting that Doma, specifically, was the breaking point? Celes and Leo were seemingly proud to serve the Empire back when they thought they were at the head of a mighty Klingon army that would Most Honorably Meet The Enemy In The Field And Do Glorious Battle. But then one day fellow general Kefka dumps a bunch of chemicals in the river and does a fortnite dance over the corpses of Doma's population and hang on, wait, this isn't cool anymore. Of course, we players know very well that things hadn't been 'cool' for a long time - ever, really. The Empire's expansion was fueled off the back of horrific human and esper experiments taking place right in the capital of Vector. A systematic and methodical series of crimes perpetuated not only under the eye of a complicit Emperor Gestahl, but as we learn in the flashback, was started by him to begin with. Kefka is a big, wooping, clown-faced reminder that fascism (or militarism if you prefer) doesn't stay nice and clean and honorable - it messes with your head right from the beginning, literally so in Kefka's case, and while the Empire at first concealed its crimes in the belly of Vector's great ziggurat, it was inevitable that someone like Kefka would eventually blow the lid off and start doing warcrimes whenever he felt like it.

Aside, it's interesting how the three generals of the Empire vaguely line up with the old Freudian ideas of the Id, Ego, and Superego, and how it shapes their role in the story.

-Celes directly repudiates the plan for Doma and attempts to desert. Her conscience, her morality won't let her be part of such a system anymore. We meet Celes with her having been captured, scheduled for execution - the Empire can't abide a voice of dissent and a traitor to the cause.
-Leo repudiates the plan for Doma as well, but unlike Celes he stays in his position. Practically the definition of the stubborn old warhorse, Leo makes the choice to cling to his identity as a respected warrior and leader of men, stubbornly staying in place and attempting to force the Empire to shape itself around him. He - spectacularly - fails.
-And then there's Kefka, the Always Chaotic Evil chucklefuck running around setting things on fire, gassing cities and notably having the most direct hand in the Empire's secret crimes, having control of Terra and threatening Cid to keep working under penalty of death. Probably very painful death.

Inarguably Kefka is the one closest to the Emperor - nobody's fooled by the pantomime of putting him in jail after Vector gets rocked. Because Kefka is the giggling, cackling id of the Empire, having fun lashing out and inflicting harm wheresoever he chooses.

FF6's aesop with the Empire, I think, is "you can't build a society that worships strength and expect people to be sane about it."

Also, huh, only just noticed how relevant your username is here
Haha, yes. Relm's Magic stat. Relm's very high Magic stat. Relm's Magic stat that is the highest in the game. That Magic stat.

Surely no one would have tagged Terra with Magic-boosting espers the moment they got her back and kept her on a drip feed of Magic increases ever since, including swapping out whatever esper she has equipped for Zona Seeker every time she's about to level so that her Magic stat is already several points higher than Relm's at the point where Relm joins the group... That would be overkill... Right?
It turns out that Terra was a mistranslation too. Clearly, the proper localized name would be Terror :V
Last I'll say on the Edgar thing is that, on one hand I personally prefer to take the English translations and plug my ears and pretend Edgar is at worst a flirt and not Japan going "haha look how funny being attracted to children is" yet again, but also? I totally, 100% get if anyone looks at this line and is shaking their head in disgust and forever has their opinion of Edgar (or even FF6) ruined.

Hell, I've been expecting exactly something like that when this line came around since the very first update of the entire LP, when Edgar was first introduced. This scene is like a guillotine hanging over Edgar's entire character, right from the start, if you're familiar with the game.

Haha, yes. Relm's Magic stat. Relm's very high Magic stat. Relm's Magic stat that is the highest in the game. That Magic stat.

Surely no one would have tagged Terra with Magic-boosting espers the moment they got her back and kept her on a drip feed of Magic increases ever since, including swapping out whatever esper she has equipped for Zona Seeker every time she's about to level so that her Magic stat is already several points higher than Relm's at the point where Relm joins the group... That would be overkill... Right?
Haha, yeaaaah may have had exactly the same issue this playthrough :V

Relm does still clock on at one of the highest magic stats in the game so if properly trained she's decently useful, but in the end Terra totally outclasses her as a whole because Terra is actually just really, really good once she gets going.
It turns out that Terra was a mistranslation too. Clearly, the proper localized name would be Terror :V
The career of Terror Baltimore shall not be denied.
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Oh, and I might as well mention Pokémon, given it now has over 1000 Mons
Very late to the party, but I wouldn't consider Pokemon in the same category. The Mystery Dungeon spin-offs, though, yeah. Especially with how you can randomly recruit enemies in some of them*

*I say some because I've played all of one of the PMD games, years ago.

How could Kefka kill espers casually into magicite?

The breakthrough was in the research facility.

All those espers in *monitored containment tubes* that changed from living beings to magicite.

Kefka wasn't just hanging around in that jail cell the whole time. He was combining a piece of existing tech with the transformation info : Slave Crown + "I can choose to become magicite" knowledge = Slave Cast Command "Become Magicite!"

Boom. No sold esper genocide.
To build on this, with what we learned about the origins of Espers, and how Terra was apparently the only one with a mind control accessory, I can't help but wonder if Espers as a whole have some sort of genetic weakness to mind control magics. So Kefka goes from getting his ass whooped to suddenly winning not because of a power up, but because he's cheesing the system and exploiting a very specific weakness and making the Espers self-convert.
The truth is, there is something that's gonna make Relm a lot better, so don't think it's just her magic stat that makes her good.
Thanks to the magic of Reader Mode I've caught up with the games. I only came in just after FF6 not because I hadn't noticed it, but because I had zero to little experience with the prior games so I passed it up.

I was wrong to do so.

Truth is as @Omicron has got a very excellent narrative style and a way with screenshots that have made going back to the other games feel fresh and new and really showed me what I never knew about them. I'm going to liken him to Linkara's History of Power Rangers (albeit in text vs video form) in giving me a sense of appreciation for games I never played and never thought I would play. There was no way I was embarking on a 140+ page thread though so I'm sure I've missed a lot of great discussions and insights, but at least I know more about early FF's history than I ever did before.

FF1 - Where it all began. Don't know what else to say here, except it is a bit deeper than I had thought before, but I probably wouldn't play it still.
FF2 - This one is interesting. From a bare bones story to a very heavy, dark and tragic one. I think it's probably the darkest FF has gone so far (as we've been in this thread)? I mean, even the ending is rather bittersweet rather than "yay we won and the world is saved" as the protagonists acknowledge how much they've gone through and will never be the same again, questioning if there even is a "normal" they can go back to. And the sheer scale of the destruction and loss...none of which got a reset button pushed! Definitely tempting to play as the story draws me in, but the clunky mechanics might be tough to overcome.
FF3 - A good breather episode. Fun, light-hearted but still with enough drama and stakes to give it some oomph. One where if I had nothing better to do, I might want to give it a whirl.
FF4 - The only other game so far where I have some first-hand experience, but not a whole lot. I think I've gotten up to Tellah's sacrifice or a little beyond? Anyway I do know the overall story thanks to watching HCBailly's (many :V ) LPs of the various versions so not a lot of surprises here. TBH the encounter rate of the SNES version always pissed me off which is why I never got too far; if the PR has toned it down I might go back and do more with it.
FF5 - This is definitely one I'll play one day. The job system looks like a ton of fun and the story and characters are very lively, upbeat and likeable. It seems like the SNES version of FF3: a breather episode with a neat job system and is clearly more refined than its NES counterpart. I think the big difference to sum up the difference between IV and V is the Heroic Old Mentor Sacrifices of Tellah and Galuf. Whereas in IV the sacrifice is one driven of rage and hatred and uncontrollable fury, in V the sacrifice was born of love, a sense of penance and the Power of Friendship. Similar story beats even with their somewhat similar characters (old, wise characters who have a 'weakness' - old age in IV, amnesia in V - only to show off their true power in dying) but the motivations behind the two couldn't be any more different.

Which brings us to FF6 and the game I have the most experience with, though I have never actually completed it mainly because I get distracted in the end-game and never actually take that final plunge into the Final Dungeon even though there's no reason I shouldn't except I didn't want the game to end. A silly reason but it's what I had as a young'in.
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Which brings us to FF6 and the game I have the most experience with, though I have never actually completed it mainly because I get distracted in the end-game and never actually take that final plunge into the Final Dungeon even though there's no reason I shouldn't except I didn't want the game to end. A silly reason but it's what I had as a young'in.
Eyyyyy, "never actually finished the final dungeon" buddies!

Seriously, I've made it there two or three times, but I always get distracted by endgame shenanigans and never actually set foot in the final dungeon. Hoping to fix that this time around playing alongside Omi.
Stop: SerGregness will be taking a short break from this thread.
sergregness will be taking a short break from this thread.
Uh, fuck off? Sabin* comes off pretty well in that scene all things considered.

Seriously though Omi, Defend your take all you like but I'm not sure why you're feeling the need to condescend to me (excuse me, 'let me in on secrets') when I brought up the different translations on my own in the same post you quoted. This is really all much more of a thing than it needs to be. I asked 'someone tipped you off, right' as a half joke because I had clearly done that exact thing. I'm more baffled than anything at the people letting this ruin the game for them.

*I'm not sure who I would pick as my actual favorite, honestly. 13-year-old me certainly was way into the awesome hadouken dude, but as lovable as Sabin is, he's pretty straightforward and I can see where people might assume I'd pick Edgar just because I've talked about him more. It's just that there's more there to talk about. Edgar's definitely top half, but just offhand Celes, Terra, and Cyan are higher. It occurs to me now that "mean to my fave" might have meant "Mean to FFVI as a whole" in which case refer above to me being baffled.
SerGregness has taken a standard 25 point Infraction for this post and will be temporarily suspended from the thread for 72 hours.

While no one has done so thus far, please do not respond to his last post to further continue the argument.
A few of the earlier FF6 posts (Parts 4-6 I think) have lost all their images, it seems - there's just little broken link symbols where they used to be... :o
Now hopefully this doesn't become the entire topic of discussion of the thread until I update again (although the alternatives aren't necessarily better for the game, ahem, looking at you Super Saiyan Kefka) and we can move on.
You're right, let's talk about...idk General Leo I guess?

Specifically, why does he warrant the whole memorial with a sword in the stone and everything?

Well, Honorable Imperial aside, he did go and pull a Heroic Sacrifice, fighting to save the peace between Espers and Humans as well as (arguably) trying to save Thamasa itself - though Kefka didn't seem to care about harming the town, nobody knew he wouldn't have tried to torch it at the time. Granted it amounted to "too little, too late" in a lot of respects, but the effort was made. Also if you consider that between Celes - who saw him as a former comrade she probably didn't hate - and Terra - who had a brief connection with him being kind to her and all - I guess they would push for a 'proper' memorial/grave for him. And again, he (arguably) fought 'for' the people of Thamasa against Kefka so they might want to honor him as well - plus they don't know his past so all they saw was a Heroic Sacrifice of some Imperial General who was at least trying to make peace and end a destructive and potentially apocalyptic conflict from starting again?

He's also, I'd note, the first Heroic Sacrifice of the game. By this point in FFIV we'd what, lost at least Tellah as well as the Twins (temporarily, at least)? Maybe Edward in his fake-out as well? And while Galuf only died fairly late into FFV I feel like we'd at least lost a couple of the original Dawn Warriors and King Tycoon by now (and a couple Animal Buddies :(), right? So the game making it a bigger deal makes some sense, I suppose. Also maybe the developers putting in more effort as all the other sacrificial corpses we left behind in prior games were literally left behind where they fell, only Galuf (sort of) getting a "monument" at the Guardian Tree which was during the game's epilogue.

Anyway just my rambling thoughts on why Leo "deserves" the whole memorial thing they gave him.
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Okay, it looks like the method I am currently using to host the screenshots that go into these posts is perishable, and the links will stop working after a certain length of time. That means basically all posts after FFVI Part 2 are likely to have their entire screenshot galleries wiped within the coming weeks unless I find some way to fix them ahead of time.

This is extremely bad news and is going to add a significant workload just figuring out a solution and fixing all the already-posted updates to ensure they're preserved, to speak nothing of what to do going forward, so, that fucked up my evening.
Well, leaving the yikes topic aside...

That's not the stance I was expecting out of the Espers when the cast found them, but it's interesting that they're singled out as the younger Espers, and that they lost control in a way very similar to how Terra did; It's also interesting the Espers suffering from being weaponized is basically this cycle that has been making victims of them and causing untold destruction in the world since forever ago, but I think I see what you mean about this being kind of a complicated framing to discuss the implications of.

But the way the Espers are so reluctant and doubtful because of the guilt and fear caused by that event makes me think. As already noted, it's not that the indiscriminate devastation of Vector was right, but it sits awkwardly with how cleanly or apologetically this whole thing treats Leo and the empire, and as a whole the Espers definitely have cause to be resentful and angry... so it could have been neat to see the younger Espers at odds with the older Espers following the attack, and stepping in to try and communicate the intent for peace through that argument and friction.

What follows though, hrm. Okay, I am brought back to the criticism about FFIV that you sorta don't get payoff to trying to stop the crystal rush at any point, and even the proactive plan to pull the rug out from under Golbez doesn't have any narrative reward for the set up. The fact the group left in Vector didn't get to do anything about the Sudden Yet Inevitable Betrayal except opportunely realize something was up soon enough to ineffectively retreat... feels a bit like that?

Really wondering how they're gonna explain this one with Kefka though. That was a brazenly cheap twist for the total reversal of fortune that it was. Did he grab something from the Esper world that can explain this ability, since they established just now that something in it or about it has an effect on Esper powers, so there could be multiple somethings? But I don't think that works in the timeline. Or... it'd be wild, but if Gestahl was fibbing the whole time and planning to betray you, then what are the chances, going from some past suppositions about his change of heart and perspective shift on the Espers, that Cid was in on it?

Cid going full villain scientist and using Kefka as a tool to satisfy his curiosity with the Espers after having a brain expansion with the Magicite reveal back in the facility, and having since developed a way to forcibly turn Espers into Magicite behind the party's back??
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I always just figured that if you drain an Esper of all their magic before they die they're just corpses, whereas if an Esper dies while still relatively healthy they turn into magicite, and an Esper can also choose to turn into magicite whenever they want. The Empire wouldn't have had any reason to experiment along those lines beforehand - it's only when they learn that it's possible that they would be willing to jump directly to murdering their limited resource instead of draining them first.

As for Kefka no-selling the Espers and Leo, it's pretty clear that he was toying with the latter via illusions he's created with the ultimate power he got from eating whatever Espers were left in Vector.


Specifically, I think the order of events went roughly like this:

1) Kefka is Gestahl's chief enforcer and needs to have the power to match his position, so he's juiced up in the event that made him go mad.
2) He's basically unstoppable on a personal level until the heroes defeat him at Narshe.
3) Gestahl authorizes juicing him up more after the defeat; we see part of this when he's manhandling Ifrit and Shiva in the Magitek Factory.
4) During the escape, the Empire learns about magicite and they experiment to create it; whether that's as simple as executing a specimen or as complicated as slapping a Slave Crown on them first, they find out how to do it and then feed Kefka the magic rocks.
5) Kefka, who by now is the magical equivalent of a roided up supersoldier, goes ham on Thamasa.
Okay, it looks like the method I am currently using to host the screenshots that go into these posts is perishable, and the links will stop working after a certain length of time. That means basically all posts after FFVI Part 2 are likely to have their entire screenshot galleries wiped within the coming weeks unless I find some way to fix them ahead of time.

This is extremely bad news and is going to add a significant workload just figuring out a solution and fixing all the already-posted updates to ensure they're preserved, to speak nothing of what to do going forward, so, that fucked up my evening.

If it's not too much trouble, could you elaborate on that method, so we know not to use it ourselves? I've also been looking for a good way to host images on forums that's not perishable, and right now I'm using ImgBB while waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop and make me look for yet another image host. (Nothing specific about ImgBB, but just a vague dread that it won't last.)