I want to know who on Sonic Team shakes the Magic 8-ball to discover if the game will be good or a hot mess. I just want to have a nice talk.
Meanwhile there comic and writers team seem to have already made their deal, with some otherwordly force to have constant good writers the price of course was Ken Penders.
Yeah this.
Like for me I thought about it in terms of the Avengers versus Power Rangers. Both are hero teams but one is only known as a team-individuals being relegated to their colors, and the latter is more 'a bunch of stars working together.' Developing in mind to the former is the trick.
It's an energy I found interesting in the initial scene of Mysterio being revealed as a villian in Far from Home- the idea that these people were basically background NPCs coming together to transform into the system behind a Superhero.
Alas, anything that thread could have been felt like it got eaten by the man being Mysterio basically having such an ego that he wanted to feed at all costs that the team just…Faded out.
It'd have been interesting if instead of Spidey being clever and foiling the scheme himself if they all quieted rebelled in their own little ways to open weaknesses that wouldn't have existed otherwise…
But the thing is writing that is different from writing the grand singular person stories Superheroes are. And…I suspect there are…Other reasons…But that's a bit too political.
TLDR: we don't get many stories that deal with groups instead of the individuals comprising groups, and that is something that probably reduces the average person's ability to think outside of simple boil it down to one guy being the hero, another being the villian, etc, etc.
Teambooks in comic are oftimes infamously hard to write for to be completely fair.
Makes me remember of someone who pitched an alternate far from home, involving mysterio being a ponzi schemers using augmented reality to sell the image of being a superhero from another dimension to make money(Moonstone would be proud).
Also to compare notes with this lp, to analyze game balance I've been playing tactics on the psx, with a minimal grind policy(i've only done 3 all in relation to poaching stuff), and here are some of my findings circa completing chapter 3, exp and sometimes money is tight(particularly for samurai broken swords and preparing for that eats up a lot of money). Windmill fight was tricky costing me a couple reset before abusing haste to win, forget my level.
Chap 2 execution grounds fight is quite hard but I got lucky so it only took 2-3 tries. I lost to the cardinal once on a first go due to recklessness and ended chap 2 around level 18ish(I forget the exact number), Islud and Wiegraf 2 both cost me reset due to trying to beat up all the other enemies instead of him. The most trouble I had so has been Belias. I ended chapter 3 around level 25 with the rest of my party being under level 20.
First phase is actually quite easy with move+2 and a good healing skill as its easy to abuse Wiegrafs movement to run out of range to the corner heal, and Samurai if you bring enough magic buffing gear will likely two shot, with masamune giving enough healing to push through. Belias though made me rage, until I realized you could bait him into using confusion which actually put you way ahead action economy wise if you haste up, I used a ninja to do that and slow him, once you remove that confusion your probably ahead action economy wise especially with a good slow. The ultima demons are threatening but they tend to clumping up with Belias such that I was able to nuke them in two goes with a Ramuh followed by a Ramza draw out skill. By that point action econ was very much against Belias such that I was able to deftly finish him after silencing him(like omi did) to avoid him pulling a summon out of nowhere. The fight is very much a can you survive Belias initial assault from his high movement and summons and deal with the ultima demons, as those demons are positioned to prevent alpha striking him, once you nuke the demons he's kinda hosed.
Class stuff, I've found, Ramuh in the psx version is a earlygame nuke, that never really gets bad, moogles also decent for grinding jp and tactical flexibility golem is really good though summoner suffer from a really annoying flaw with their lower then average speed making them not great for casting haste which weaken their role compression potential.
Poles are a pretty good weapon as they bypass most defences though the annoying bit with them is buffing their power with magic boosting gear makes your mystics something of a glass canon, still magic units that have good physical options are quite nice.
Holy spear is really good if you can get the poach early chapter 3.
Samurai is a quite flexible class with its access to healing allowing you to modify your team more or have access to additional backup healer, blood sword is a good weapon but not quite as insane as it sounds, nonetheless it does decently well with Hamedo.
Ninja's can literally do near any role you want if you want them to notably for me having a lot of speed allows them to surprisingly be quite good with time magic though throw is only a marginally good skill.
Other finding are that jp is very limited for magic classes, with physical units getting much more and that its very limited earlygame, you end up with more midgame before the higher prices and shorter fights seems to cause a jp drop off of sorts. Samurai is also quite expensive if you don't use jp boost(I was equipping the blood sword on samurai)