If you are going to do XIV, it should be the last game covered in the thread, after everything else is done. Doesn't matter much if it takes over if nothing's waiting in the wings.
If you aren't going to do it (which is understandable, covering a MMORPG in any kind of comprehensive manner is a major undertaking all on its own), you should replace it with some other spinoff FF title of some relevance, as you did with Tactics. Like Dirge of Cerberus!
Yeah, no. DoC was Square doing a game well outside of its field of expertise, and it shows. Tactics was flawed but fun and engaging. DoC is Vincent on an angsty run with poor plot twists.
I agree.
I recommend covering XIII-2 and XIII-3 instead, myself.
I'll be honest, I never cared for the FFXIII trilogy myself, especially not after the poor response to the first one and the whole "It gets better twenty hours in" excuse its fans gave. Motherf*cker, the point of a game is to be fun, especially right off the bat. Even long-running strategy games have something fun during the early game, even if the really good stuff is stacked towards the endgame. And simple games like Minecraft are fun because even though you don't get the legendary enchanted diamond armor until many hours in, the simple fact of building and crafting stuff early on meant it was engaging from start to finish.
If a game is supposed to be busywork and boredom for the first twenty hours, why should I want to play it?!
Granted, in hindsight, this was a rather harsh take on FFXIII, and I'm genuinely curious to see the trilogy in a LP. If Omi chooses to not cover them, I could look elsewhere, but to be honest, I enjoy Omi's analyses and writing and am eager to see what he thinks of the FFXIII trilogy. It was clearly an attempt to make a nice big tentpole entry in the franchise, but a combination of factors led to it being sidelined despite all the money Squeenix poured into it.
I think I speak for us all in saying that I have no objections to you doing XIV. So long as it's delayed until after you play XV and XVI, and that you take breaks to play XVII, XVIII, and XIX as they come out.
Also, you've infected me; I am semi-seriously considering a Bravely Default Let's Play. Pray that I recover from this bout of madness.
I'm on the fence for an FFXIV LP, though coverage of episodic or arc stories would be interesting, especially since they keep being compared to the various other entries in the franchise.
Also, you're braver than I am and I salute you. Go for it!
Hated drawing pants
and feet
Pants... well, who didn't like seeing all that cake?
Feet... I actually had to google his artwork to see if you were right, and while he
does draw feet on occasion, it seems to be a very occasional thing. I can't believe I'm actually saying this but looks like Liefeld has company. (Though Franzette at least knew how to draw anatomy).