Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
If you are going to do XIV, it should be the last game covered in the thread, after everything else is done. Doesn't matter much if it takes over if nothing's waiting in the wings.

If you aren't going to do it (which is understandable, covering a MMORPG in any kind of comprehensive manner is a major undertaking all on its own), you should replace it with some other spinoff FF title of some relevance, as you did with Tactics. Like Dirge of Cerberus!
I recommend covering XIII-2 and XIII-3 instead, myself.
You know, if you're still on that Matsuno kick, you could always LP Tactics Ogre...It's FF related.
One thing I do like about Ivalice as a setting once you get into the spinoffs - and I'm glad FF14 stole it to varying degrees - is the weird flavor of the nonhuman races.
"We stole pig orcs from Dragon Quest, fight us about it"
It's not stealing if your company also own Dragon Quest :thonk:.

I recommend covering XIII-2 and XIII-3 instead, myself.
I would agree if only some of those PC ports weren't ass. Like XIII-2, on a pure technical basis, is comparable to Dark Souls: Prepare to Die, and fan support is not on that level. Original XIII and XIII-3 are at least playable, but they're not exactly a good experience on PC. It's probably better to go in the weeds of PS3 emulation than playing the PC versions. Or wait for the rumored remaster, by then maybe it could be out.
Or play some other spinoff, like Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin! It has Final Fantasy in the title, it counts!
It's not stealing if your company also own Dragon Quest :thonk:.

I would agree if only some of those PC ports weren't ass. Like XIII-2, on a pure technical basis, is comparable to Dark Souls: Prepare to Die, and fan support is not on that level. Original XIII and XIII-3 are at least playable, but they're not exactly a good experience on PC. It's probably better to go in the weeds of PS3 emulation than playing the PC versions. Or wait for the rumored remaster, by then maybe it could be out.
Or play some other spinoff, like Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin! It has Final Fantasy in the title, it counts!
Strangers of Paradise was "what if we made 8-bit theater canon" and I will forever love it for that
well, i've said i wouldn't do 11 but that i would like to do 14, it's just that this latter bit got everyone to tell me that i'm crazy and this would kill me and also the let's play and i needed to stop having such crazy thoughts
I think I speak for us all in saying that I have no objections to you doing XIV. So long as it's delayed until after you play XV and XVI, and that you take breaks to play XVII, XVIII, and XIX as they come out.

Also, you've infected me; I am semi-seriously considering a Bravely Default Let's Play. Pray that I recover from this bout of madness.
If you are going to do XIV, it should be the last game covered in the thread, after everything else is done. Doesn't matter much if it takes over if nothing's waiting in the wings.

If you aren't going to do it (which is understandable, covering a MMORPG in any kind of comprehensive manner is a major undertaking all on its own), you should replace it with some other spinoff FF title of some relevance, as you did with Tactics. Like Dirge of Cerberus!
Yeah, no. DoC was Square doing a game well outside of its field of expertise, and it shows. Tactics was flawed but fun and engaging. DoC is Vincent on an angsty run with poor plot twists.
This is a war crime.
I agree.
I recommend covering XIII-2 and XIII-3 instead, myself.
I'll be honest, I never cared for the FFXIII trilogy myself, especially not after the poor response to the first one and the whole "It gets better twenty hours in" excuse its fans gave. Motherf*cker, the point of a game is to be fun, especially right off the bat. Even long-running strategy games have something fun during the early game, even if the really good stuff is stacked towards the endgame. And simple games like Minecraft are fun because even though you don't get the legendary enchanted diamond armor until many hours in, the simple fact of building and crafting stuff early on meant it was engaging from start to finish.

If a game is supposed to be busywork and boredom for the first twenty hours, why should I want to play it?!

Granted, in hindsight, this was a rather harsh take on FFXIII, and I'm genuinely curious to see the trilogy in a LP. If Omi chooses to not cover them, I could look elsewhere, but to be honest, I enjoy Omi's analyses and writing and am eager to see what he thinks of the FFXIII trilogy. It was clearly an attempt to make a nice big tentpole entry in the franchise, but a combination of factors led to it being sidelined despite all the money Squeenix poured into it.
I think I speak for us all in saying that I have no objections to you doing XIV. So long as it's delayed until after you play XV and XVI, and that you take breaks to play XVII, XVIII, and XIX as they come out.

Also, you've infected me; I am semi-seriously considering a Bravely Default Let's Play. Pray that I recover from this bout of madness.
I'm on the fence for an FFXIV LP, though coverage of episodic or arc stories would be interesting, especially since they keep being compared to the various other entries in the franchise.

Also, you're braver than I am and I salute you. Go for it!
Hated drawing pants and feet :V
Pants... well, who didn't like seeing all that cake?

Feet... I actually had to google his artwork to see if you were right, and while he does draw feet on occasion, it seems to be a very occasional thing. I can't believe I'm actually saying this but looks like Liefeld has company. (Though Franzette at least knew how to draw anatomy).
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Oh right! now that FFT is finally finished, I can post the full list of these without worrying about spoilers:


Final Fantasy Tactics party roster quotes

The following are quotes from the playable characters in Final Fantasy Tactics. These quotes (party roster menu quotes) weren't included in the North American PS1 version, but appear in the remake, Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions. By pressing on a selected character's name, they will say...

In particular, while I don't think Omi interacted with getting Bravery low enough/Faith high enough to see the threat/desertion quotes, a lot of those are the closest thing to actual characterization the named characters get once they join your party, so might be worth looking at some of those. I mean seriously, the fact that characters like Cid can go "sorry bro I've seen the light of god" and leave because game mechanics is wild.
I'll second the XIII-2 and XIII-3 recommendation because XIII very much is a trilogy and I think playing only XIII would be a fairly incomplete experience.

Like, from a narrative standpoint I'd argue X-2 is a more skippable game than the XIII sequels (though you should still also play X-2)
I don't think I agree with that? Obviously it is a trilogy, that's true, but I think FF13 works fine standalone.
This is a war crime.
We're not at war.

This is just a regular crime.
Random musings:

FFTA2 Jugglers are the single BEST job for Physical Moogles, they get great ATK, good speed, and sufficient of everything else.

FFTA2 Green Mages take over where Concentration was nerfed, since they made Tranq pretty much do everything FFTA1 Concentration does only as a buff.

For FFIX, I believe the Steam version is similar to the Switch port, which I have been playing (partway through a certain sidequest in the endgame that requires a lot of travelling...). It's also one of the Final Fantasy games since VI where stealing is actually useful since many enemies hold either exclusive or useful equipment (for equips or as Synth fodder), or otherwise have useful consumables (so many enemies have Ethers, Phoenix Downs, and Elixirs in a rare steal slot, and at least one monster has Phoenix Pinions in a steal slot, which is VERY useful). VI stealing could get you the Elemental Swords from some of the Magitek bosses (the Experiments and the Imperial Air Force had some really good steal items for one)

I will say that FFIX was declared by another Lets Player to have very strong Hawaiian cultural energy, and that the spinoff game Crystal Chronicles uses more or less the same art styling as FFIX. Heck, one of the characters in IX looks like they came from Crystal Chronicles.
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Oh right! now that FFT is finally finished, I can post the full list of these without worrying about spoilers:


Final Fantasy Tactics party roster quotes

The following are quotes from the playable characters in Final Fantasy Tactics. These quotes (party roster menu quotes) weren't included in the North American PS1 version, but appear in the remake, Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions. By pressing on a selected character's name, they will say...

In particular, while I don't think Omi interacted with getting Bravery low enough/Faith high enough to see the threat/desertion quotes, a lot of those are the closest thing to actual characterization the named characters get once they join your party, so might be worth looking at some of those. I mean seriously, the fact that characters like Cid can go "sorry bro I've seen the light of god" and leave because game mechanics is wild.
Mathild said:
(She apparently does not yet realize that she is a female.)
Surprise trans egg representation.
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Going back to replacement games for MMO titles, what would be an interestingly bad game? Not something that's simply trash or a cheap cash grab, but bad in ways worth talking about? Mainline games excluded as they'll be covered regardless.
Crystal Chronicles or Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates?

The former is basically heavily steeped in Legend of Mana stylings and shows extremely strong FFIX art stylings, as I've mentioned. It's somewhat designed to be better experienced as a multiplayer game (being a Gamecube title that encourages the use of multiple GBAs plus GBA-Cube Link Cables to give each player a private controller and miniscreen), but perfectly playable as a solo game, although the lore is extremely buried in something like the PSX Mana game's snippets of scenes surrounding each named major character you meet.