Legacy of a Hero [RWBY/Fate Stay Night]

[X] Advanced Combat Club
[X] Marksman Club

  • We can quit Marksman Club once we become a perfect archer; which happens as soon as we've learned how to hold a bow
    • At most, we sacrifice a year to become a perfect archer
  • Advanced Combat Club or Duel Club: Let's go all-in on becoming an epic hero by the time we're twelve or thirteen; the minimum in acceptability should be crushing kids 5 years older than us.
  • Home Economy: I want to raise stewardship, but we can always do that after we pick up a perfect archery trait within a year at most
  • Track & Field: @ryuan, what's the benefit of this vs. the combat clubs? It's hard for me to buy that it would have conditioning/physical training benefits over Advanced Combat or Duel Club.
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[X]Advanced Combat Club

[X]Write-in: Weapon Engineering Club
Might be nice to have some friends and a club room to forge weapons with, rather than just a Hill of Swords. More importantly, we can put Structural Analysis to good use, and this will give us some common ground with Ruby once we reach Beacon.
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You can choose your weapon in the marksman club.

Also, while you can see two clubs, you can only join one. The actual joining part will be later.
Weiss= Rin

Pyrrah= saber?

Table with reasons below:

RWBY FSN Reasons
Winter Schnee Saber / Arturia Pendragon Frosty exteriors, improves the fetish value of UBW Good end
Weiss Schnee Rin Tohsaka Tsundere, Rich
Cinder Fall Sakura Implied Dark Past, Big Bad, attractive Waifu
Yang Xiao Long Luvia Edelfelt BBW (Big, Blonde, & White)
Pyrrha Nikos Achilles
Has the same name Achilles had when he disguised himself as a girl.

That and the shield, invincibility, etc.
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You can choose your weapon in the marksman club.

Also, while you can see two clubs, you can only join one. The actual joining part will be later.

Will we be able to change clubs partway through the year? IE, take archery for one month, and then switch to advanced combat because there's no extra benefit for us?
[X]Advanced Combat Club

[X]Write-in: Weapon Engineering Club
Might be nice to have some friends and a club room to forge weapons with, rather than just a Hill of Swords. More importantly, we can put Structural Analysis to good use, and this will give us some common ground with Ruby once we reach Beacon.

What's the value of extra common ground with Ruby? I'd assume that we're already going to be maxed out because both of us have the Hero complex.
Never hurts...besides, it's always nice to have someone to geek out with.

Fair. I just viewed Ruby as the least of our concerns in terms of how/who to bond with. Blake, Neo, Weiss, & Cinder are bigger issues in my mind.

No, you won't be able to change clubs partway.

Given that we can't project noble phantasms as arrows yet, I would probably hold off on Marksman then.
Table with reasons below:

RWBY FSN Reasons
Winter Schnee Saber / Arturia Pendragon Frosty exteriors, improves the fetish value of UBW Good end
Weiss Schnee Rin Tohsaka Tsundere, Rich
Cinder Fall Sakura Implied Dark Past, Big Bad, attractive Waifu
Yang Xiao Long Luvia Edelfelt BBW (Big, Blonde, & White)
Pyrrha Nikos Achilles
Has the same name Achilles had when he disguised himself as a girl.

That and the shield, invincibility, etc.

I agree with everything but winter and Pyrrha.

Pyrrha seems to fit as a better saber.
Fair. I just viewed Ruby as the least of our concerns in terms of how/who to bond with. Blake, Neo, Weiss, & Cinder are bigger issues in my mind.

Given that we can't project noble phantasms as arrows yet, I would probably hold off on Marksman then.

I know Iandude0 has done a great job characterizeing cinder but honestly our first response to her should be stab in face till she stops moveing then chop off her head just to be sure.

Seriously Evil with a capital E dat booty is off limits people.
I agree with everything but winter and Pyrrha.

Pyrrha seems to fit as a better saber.

My biggest issue with Pyrrha = Saber is that Pyrrha doesn't have the "high queen" exterior that both Winter & Saber have. And it's also fairly easy to hypothesize that given Winter's position in society, she might/does have a lot of the same complexes around repressed emotions that Saber did.

Pyrrha does have similar hangups, but she expresses them in a very different exterior. She projects the image of an "invincible warrior", not a "ruler" in terms of how she relates to people.
Pyrrha = Jeanne? I mean, we can't, so...similar fates? Both honorable? Seems to fit.