Legacy of a Hero [RWBY/Fate Stay Night]

Cu is one of the biggest badasses in mythology...the man was only defeated due to magical red tape. Otherwise, he was basically unbeatable.

Looking forward to the ensuing death flash-backs when we finally meet him. Kinda surprised we haven't been more bothered by ongoing exposure to Gae Bolg.
Cu is one of the biggest badasses in mythology...the man was only defeated due to magical red tape. Otherwise, he was basically unbeatable.

Looking forward to the ensuing death flash-backs when we finally meet him. Kinda surprised we haven't been more bothered by ongoing exposure to Gae Bolg.
I am kinda hoping we do become freinds with him. I stand by that if Shirou somehow managed to summon Lancer instead of Saber, they'd actually get along pretty dang well. Might be some snarking between them, but thats about it. Heck, thats what they were like in UBW, just with shirou more cagey due to being, you know, stabbed through the heart.
Cu is one of the biggest badasses in mythology...the man was only defeated due to magical red tape. Otherwise, he was basically unbeatable.

Looking forward to the ensuing death flash-backs when we finally meet him. Kinda surprised we haven't been more bothered by ongoing exposure to Gae Bolg.
I doubt it's the actually Gae Bolg considering that was made from the corpse/bones of a giant sea monster.
I doubt it's the actually Gae Bolg considering that was made from the corpse/bones of a giant sea monster.
Not exactly the same, obviously, but UBW is reading the same name and the ability to strike without fail from this one...and we still haven't reached our full potential with UBW.

Seems likely it's a different manifestation of the same concept. Parallel Gae Bolg.
Not exactly the same, obviously, but UBW is reading the same name and the ability to strike without fail from this one...and we still haven't reached our full potential with UBW.

Seems likely it's a different manifestation of the same concept. Parallel Gae Bolg.
Are we sure it's Gae Bolg's ability and not Super Mom's Semblence that Jaune is picking up?
Are we sure it's Gae Bolg's ability and not Super Mom's Semblence that Jaune is picking up?

This actually raises the question of how Tracing will work for us in Remnant.

Are we only able to copy the speed, and strength of the original wielder like in FSN? Or can we also at max-level tracing imitate a degraded version of the semblance?
Go for the Archer and Lancer buddy cop adventure/movie/life. You know you want to. Give in.

Imagine Archer and Cu Chullain snarking together at people who annoy them.
It gives the full history, including wielders and how they fought with it.
I'm aware. My point is that analyzing the weapon itself is closer to basic structural analysis than acquiring info on the wielder...which I expect makes it easier to get.

That said, you may not be wrong...I'm just inclined to disagree.
I think both ears are completely functional.

Which makes them horrible mutants because how the fuck does that even work biologically, where do the ear canals go.
Well, it's possible that, like real animals, there are muscles around the ears which let them move. However, to have extra ear canals and such, you'd need more space in and around the human skull that just isn't present.

Hah, crazy theory:
Before the Grimm came along and destroyed human civilization, humans had access to genetic/cosmetic engineering tech, and the ancestors of the faunus were people who used it for purely cosmetic purposes. Night vision was an especially popular modification for obvious reasons~
Cu Dog man also unknowingly killed his son.
That's not his fault. All he knew is some young warrior came to challenge him to a duel, they were so evenly matched Cu couldn't win without invoking Gae Bulg's curse, and he didn't find out about said warrior being his son until he'd killed him. You can't blame him for that, though he could be blamed on the rules he left fot his son to follow, which were: "To not answer his name when asked", "To not change course", and "To not back down from a fight". So while he did kill his son it was mostly a tragic accident.

Cu also killed his best friend, but that was because they served different lords at the time, and they couldn't cast their duties aside.
That's not his fault. All he knew is some young warrior came to challenge him to a duel, they were so evenly matched Cu couldn't win without invoking Gae Bulg's curse, and he didn't find out about said warrior being his son until he'd killed him. You can't blame him for that, though he could be blamed on the rules he left fot his son to follow, which were: "To not answer his name when asked", "To not change course", and "To not back down from a fight". So while he did kill his son it was mostly a tragic accident.

Cu also killed his best friend, but that was because they served different lords at the time, and they couldn't cast their duties aside.
Why I said "unknowingly".
I wonder if he'll end up with Diarmuid as a teammate...
Hopefully his E-rank luck didn't follow him if he shows up. Or maybe the universe will want him to suffer and give him his love spot again.

That guy would seduce Mom and Jaune's sisters! He should die just for EXISTING!
It's not his fault. It's the damn cursed spot on his face. All he wants is to loyally serve a Lord to the best of his ability.
Well, unless it's some sort of uncontrollable semblenc, we should have to worry about his curse, and he never wanted to suduce woman so it's not like he's Neptune or something.