Legacy of a Hero [RWBY/Fate Stay Night]

Did he actually banged Scathach? It must be his greatest accomplishment in the myth then.
This was the guy who was so sexy that in his teens the entire country was concerned for the chasity of their young maidens.

Though he could be stopped in his battle rage by the sight of exposed boobs too...

That guy would seduce Mom and Jaune's sisters! He should die just for EXISTING!
They tried that in his legend.
Then again we are also dealing with Emiya Shirou, Eroge Protagonist. He does have his own swag to deal with it.
Then again we are also dealing with Emiya Shirou, Eroge Protagonist. He does have his own swag to deal with it.

That helps with seducing targets unknowingly (If we have a high jump bar, at least) but does nothing to defend targets from being seduced.
The Love Spot, in Fate, is just that mole, right?

All we have to do is give him a nice, manly-looking scar to replace it...although, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he keeps it covered (if he's even here). The repercussions of accidentally seducing the wives and girlfriends of a whole swath of the populace, just by going for a walk, makes it rather a necessity.
Then again we are also dealing with Emiya Shirou, Eroge Protagonist. He does have his own swag to deal with it.
Well, there's also Issei, Rider, Taiga, Ilya and Rin...he does have swag, but he's usually the submissive party.
That helps with seducing targets unknowingly (If we have a high jump bar, at least) but does nothing to defend targets from being seduced.
Or being seduced along with the target. See Fate route and UBW route. Or maybe that's just the Tohsaka swag.
Shirou: High attack, no defense.
If Rin is going to reincarnate as anyone, it would be Weiss... *thinks* IDEA! Taiga, complete with Torashinai, as a Huntsman school instructor! (Or at least an expy of her).

As for Shirou... I think his charm comes from him simply wanting to help people... that, and cooking.
Weiss-Rin would be amazing. It's like Rin, but with enough money to fund her work.

...now I'm picturing Weiss building a Workshop in the dorm room.
Joining A Club, Part 1
At the start of the year the many children in your village give a demonstration of their talents for the new kids to join a club. Granted there is only two classes worth of new blood, but they take this opportunity to show off as a small festival.

There are several clubs, some with large number of member while others with small numbers.

First there is the physical clubs, with sports like track and field, gymnastics, football, basket ball, and more combat focused classes like duel and marksman clubs. For the few that already have their aura awakened they also have their advanced combat club.

Next there are the cultural clubs, like literature clubs, newspaper club, arts and crafts clubs, home economy and many other clubs.

Bianca, Violet, Olivia and Indigo are o the Advanced Combat Club, while Sapphire and Emeralda are on the Duel and Marksman club respectively, while Azure is in the gymnastic club. All of them perform really well in their respective clubs, with Bianca even being the Vice Captain of the Advanced Combat Club.

Now, what kind of clubs do you want to see?

Choose Two
[ ]Advanced Combat Club
[ ]Duel Club
[ ]Marksman Club
[ ]Track and Field
[ ]Home Economy
[ ]Write In (Be reasonable)
[X] Advanced Combat Club
[X] Marksman Club

We have our Aura awakened so we qualify for the former, and given the skills of our past life it'd be a crime to not join the marksman club.
[X]Marksman Club
We need to be able to shoot swords, Just to see the WTF on everyone's face.
[X]Home Economy
Stewardship needs to be boosted.